The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1933 The Immortal Race!

Chapter 1933 The Immortal Race!
"Hmph! You can still laugh because you don't care about us!" Song Shuang said with a displeased expression.

"By the way, Shuang'er, Gao Yuanyuan, Ling'er, I know Rong'er's parents, why do you never seem to mention your parents to me?" Li Xiaogang suddenly asked Song Shuang curiously.

"I, my parents are very ordinary, what is there to mention?" Song Shuang's complexion suddenly changed, and a deep sadness clearly flowed from the depths of his eyes, which made Li Xiaogang's heart ache.

"Normal? No way? Shuang'er, you have known me for so long, you should know that no one can deceive me unless I want to! You must have something hidden and you don't want to tell me about it, right?" Li Xiaogang's eyes were as bright as electricity, as if he could see through Song Shuang's heart, which made Song Shuang's heart tremble.

"Honey, you know that I don't want to bring it up, so please don't ask me any more, okay?" Song Shuang's eyes suddenly filled with tears, which made Li Xiaogang realize that the matter is not simple!
Li Xiaogang's expression became serious, and he turned Song Shuang's body around, facing himself, and said slowly: "Shuang'er, if it was someone else, I would never force him to say that. But you are different, You are not someone else, you are my beloved woman. As a man, it is the most basic responsibility not to make the woman he loves sad. But obviously, the matter of your parents made you sad, so I must not stand by and let You are sad alone! I must help you solve this matter, I must make you never feel sad again, this is my responsibility, so, you must tell your parents everything!"

Song Shuang looked at Li Xiaogang with a serious face, tears rolled down like broken beads.She has endured all this for too long, and she really wants to find someone to share it with.Now, after hearing Li Xiaogang's serious but touching words, Song Shuang finally couldn't bear it, threw herself into Li Xiaogang's arms with a whimper, and burst into tears.

Li Xiaogang patted Song Shuang's back lightly, making her cry bitterly and completely release the emotions that had been pent up in her heart for a long time.On the one hand, I feel guilty in my heart.It turned out that there was such a sad thing hidden in Song Shuang's heart. He, a man who kept saying he loved others, didn't realize it at all.If I hadn't asked by accident today, I don't know how long Song Shuang will continue to bear this secret and be sad.

After a long time, Song Shuang's mood gradually stabilized.Wiping away tears, she leaned into Li Xiaogang's arms and began to slowly talk about her life experience.

Hearing this, Li Xiao just discovered that Song Shuang's life experience is not simple.

Song Shuang was not of the Han nationality, but came from a very rare ethnic minority. According to Song Shuang, this ethnic group was called "the clan of exiled immortals".But Li Xiaogang can be sure that among the 56 ethnic groups in China, there is absolutely no ethnic minority called "The Immortal Clan".

When Li Xiaogang asked, Song Shuang also confirmed that their ethnicity did not belong to any of the 56 officially announced ethnic minorities.Moreover, this Immortal Clan has a lot of background. Legend has it that their ancestors were originally gods in the sky, but they were relegated to the human world because they violated the rules of heaven. ', the Immortals live in an extremely remote mountain, self-contained, self-sufficient, and rarely communicate with the outside world.

Among the 55 ethnic minorities, there are no such isolated ethnic groups as the Immortal Clan, which is not surprising, but later, Li Xiaogang discovered that this Clan of Immortals is not an ordinary evil family.

"What did you say? The Banished Immortal Clan will kill a beautiful woman in the clan every ten years, and use her blood to pour the holy objects of your Banished Immortal Clan?" Hearing Song Shuang's narration, Li Xiaogang was suddenly startled. With a cry, he asked.

Song Shuang said with a face full of sadness and helplessness: "Yes! Legend has it that the sacred object was left by our immortal ancestor who was demoted to the mortal world. Only the beautiful young girl is used every ten years. Our ancestors will have a chance to rejoin the rank of immortals once poured with blood. Otherwise, everyone in our exiled immortal clan will bear the most terrible curse in this world and suffer the disaster of extinction!" Is there such a thing?Shuang'er, you are also a highly educated person, don't you believe this?Li Xiaogang asked Song Shuang a little dumbfounded.

Song Shuang said: "I have received higher education, and I also believe in science! But in this world, there are really many things that cannot be explained by science. Take you for example, you are a monster that cannot be explained by science, aren't you? Is it?" Song Shuang's words made Li Xiaogang speechless.Yes, why can gods like him exist, but immortals can't?Song Shuang went on to say: "Besides, I can't help but believe this legend! I remember when I was five years old, once it was the festival day, the patriarch was negligent for a while, forgot to prepare the sacrifice, and failed to worship the sacred object on time. God, a disaster happened. The livestock of the whole family died overnight, and strange bloody handprints were printed on the gates of every house. No matter how hard they wiped it off, everyone was terrified. I hurriedly selected a beautiful woman from the clan, and used her blood to sacrifice the sacred object, and then the next day, the bloody palm prints printed on the gates of every house disappeared automatically.

Li Xiaogang frowned when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "How do I hear this, how do I feel, it seems that someone is playing tricks!" Song Shuang said bitterly: "Even if there is such a person, then the power of this person, It must also be powerful and terrifying. "

Li Xiaogang nodded, and asked: "What does that sacred object in your clan look like? Have you ever seen it?" Song Shuang nodded and said, "Of course I have!It's just that the sacred object always emits a purple light, and the purple light covers it, making it difficult to see its shape clearly.

"Will there be a purple light?" Li Xiaogang's heart skipped a beat, and he muttered to himself, "Could it be a fragment of the primordial spirit?" "Husband, what did you say?" "Song Shuang didn't hear clearly, and opened his mouth to ask.

Li Xiaogang shook his head quickly and said: "No, I didn't say anything. Shuang'er, besides the purple light, does this sacred object have any other characteristics?" It will only be taken out on the Internet, so I have only seen it twice.Li Xiaogang nodded, and asked again: "Then why did you leave alone and come to this great city?"

Song Shuang smiled wryly, and said, "I said that I only saw the holy object twice, one time when I was five years old, and the other time when I was 15 years old. The first time I saw the holy object , I'm just a little girl who doesn't know anything, but for the second time, my identity is a sacrificial offering!" As he said, a thick layer of fear suddenly shrouded Song Shuang's brows, obviously recalling what happened at that time.

Li Xiaogang was shocked even more, never dreaming that Song Shuang had such a terrible past.

I only heard Song Shuang's voice echoing in the room lightly, "I still remember that when I was tied to the altar, there was a sacred object of the family in front of me, and there was a sharp knife. The knife kept flickering The penetrating cold light made my eyes hurt. I was afraid, I cried, I shouted, I struggled, I don’t want to die like this—” Song Shuangyue said the more frightened she was, her body nestled in Li Xiaogang’s arms, non-stop Trembling, Li Xiaogang hastily stretched out his arms and hugged her tighter.

When Song Shuang's mood stabilized a bit, he went on to narrate: "Just when I thought I was going to die, the earth shook suddenly, but it turned out to be an earthquake. The earthquake was so fierce that the people thought it was the ancestors I was furious and fled around in fear. At this moment, the altar collapsed and the rope that bound me was loose. I don’t know where I got the strength at that time. I stood up and used With all my strength, I ran out of the mountain. I ran and ran, not daring to stop for a moment, until I was so tired that I lost consciousness and passed out. When I opened my eyes again, standing in front of me was Fang Wei, our original chief, was a good man. Seeing that I was lonely, he brought me to the city, let me go to school, and allowed me to enter the police academy. This is how I am now.

Song Shuang finished telling her story in one breath, Li Xiaogang was dumbfounded, and murmured: "Shuang'er, you are really lucky. At the last moment, even God will help you!" Song Shuang nodded, Said faintly: "So, from that moment on, I learned to face the people and things around me with a grateful heart. Now, I am even more grateful to the sky, not only gave me another chance to live, but also let me meet you.

Li Xiaogang gently stroked Song Shuang's silky beauty, and said with a smile: "I used to never believe in God, but now, because he saved your life, I believe in him! Hehe! one"

Song Shuang laughed a few times, and said: "All this has been buried in my heart, and I'm so stupid that I don't intend to tell anyone about it, but now, you have dug it out.

"Shuang'er, haven't you been back for so many years?" Li Xiaogang asked.

Song Shuang shook his head, and said with a helpless expression: "How dare I go back after such a thing happened? What if I am tied to the altar again, will there be another earthquake?"

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and shouted: "Even if that old ancestor of yours is really a deity who was demoted to the mortal world, he would never want to touch a single hair of your hair! Song Shuang was full of excitement, and said to Li Xiaogang with a smile : "I know you are amazing, okay?But having said that, I escaped desperately back then, and I didn't know if my parents would be implicated by me.If the tribe makes things difficult for them because of me, wouldn't it be unfilial for me as a daughter? "

Li Xiaogang's complexion was serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't mention your parents anymore! Where in the world are there such cruel parents as them! To watch his daughter being sacrificed with blood for some sacred object? Song Shuang shook his head and said: "You are not from the Immortal Clan, so you can't understand the thoughts of our clan.Although my parents are reluctant to bear me, they have to do it.Why, women from other families can be sacrificed, but women from the patriarch's family cannot be sacrificed? "What? Your father is still the patriarch of the Banished Immortal Clan?" Li Xiaogang asked in surprise.

Song Shuang nodded and said, "At least he was the patriarch of the Immortal Clan before I escaped."

(End of this chapter)

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