The strongest peasant city

C1938 Arriving at hometown!

Chapter 1938 Return to hometown! (first two)

"You are one" Uncle Song had obviously cried before, his eyes were red and swollen, and he looked Song Shuang up and down carefully several times, probably because he cried for too long and affected his vision, so he couldn't really see Song Shuang's appearance clearly, so Never recognized her.

Song Shuang hurriedly said: "Uncle Song, I am Shuang'er, have you forgotten? I am Song Zhenshan's daughter!
"You—you are really Shuang'er? But how is this possible? Didn't you die in the earthquake ten years ago?" Song Sanshu saw Song Shuang's face after Song Shuang's reminder. He saw some familiar shadows, but soon, he asked again with a puzzled expression.

Song Shuang hurriedly explained: "Uncle Song, I escaped from the big earthquake and didn't die! Look, I'm not doing well now, I'm back again!"

After hearing this, Uncle Song nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes! Your girl is really lucky, but it's a pity that your sister Mei'er is not as lucky as you." As he said, Uncle Song's face was once again covered with tears. A deep sadness enveloped.

Song Shuang hurriedly supported his arm, and asked anxiously, "Uncle Song, what's wrong with Sister Mei'er?"

Song Sanshu shook his head bitterly and said: "Tomorrow is the ten-year sacrificial ceremony of our Immortal Clan, and this time the sacrifice is one." Before he could finish speaking, tears welled up in Song Sanshu's eyes.

Song Shuang's heart skipped a beat, and he asked anxiously, "Shouldn't the sacrifice this time be Sister Mei'er?"

As soon as Song Shuang's voice fell, Uncle Song couldn't help but burst into tears. His crying was so miserable that it broke his heart.

"What should I do with this? Sister Mei'er is so cute, how can she be used as a sacrifice?" Song Shuang was confused when she heard this, and wiped away tears with Uncle Song.

When Li Xiaogang saw it, he hurriedly said: "Shuang'er, don't cry! With me here, I will never let the tragedy happen again!"

Li Xiaogang's voice entered Song Shuang's ears, like an invisible but infinitely gentle hand, soothing Song Shuang's flustered heart.

Song Shuang stopped crying, held Uncle Song's hand and said, "Uncle Song, don't be sad anymore, Sister Mei'er will be fine, I promise you!" "Promise?" Uncle Song looked at Song Shuang with tears in his eyes, Doubt was written all over his face.

Song Shuang broke into a smile, nodded heavily, and said, "Yes, I promise!"

"Good boy, don't lie to me again. Mei'er became the sacrifice of the ancestors in this ceremony. It was drawn by lottery and cannot be changed. What can you do? Maybe there will be another earthquake , let Meier escape from death like you?" Uncle Song shook his graying head and murmured in disbelief.

"This old man, as long as it can save your daughter's life, it is not impossible to say that it is an earthquake, even if the sky collapses!" Li Xiaogang looked at Uncle Song solemnly and solemnly, and said in a vibrating voice.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's extraordinary momentum and astonishing demeanor, Uncle Song looked at Song Shuang in surprise, and asked, "Shuang'er, this young man is one?"

Song Shuang leaned into Li Xiaogang's arms with a happy face, and said to Uncle Song with a smile: "He is my boyfriend."

Uncle Song said oh, and looked at Li Xiaogang more seriously, and then sincerely praised Song Shuang: "Shuang, you really have vision! This young man is not an ordinary person at first glance!"

Song Shuangjiao said with a smile: "Third uncle, you must not praise him, otherwise, he should be proud! Giggle!"

Seeing Song Shuangxiao was so unhappy, Uncle Song wanted to laugh too, but when he thought of Song Mei's situation at this time, he couldn't laugh no matter how much he wanted to, so a heavy sigh came out of his throat involuntarily.Hearing this sigh, Song Shuang also put away her smile, and said seriously, "Uncle Song, is it because of Mei'er that you are here to commit suicide?"

Uncle Song shook his head and sighed bitterly: "If it wasn't for her, why would I commit suicide? Meier has been regarded as a treasure by me and her mother since she was a child, and she has finally grown up to this day, but she will be sent to the altar alive, isn't it? What is my life? I have no way to die instead of Meier, but if Meier can't survive, then what's the point of my life?"

Song Shuangqing straightened her crescent eyebrows, and said slowly: "Third Uncle, I have also been sent to the altar as a sacrifice, so I can best understand Mei'er's mood at this time. She is afraid, she is desperate, she At this time, what I want most is the person I love the most, who can bravely show up to save her. As for you, third uncle, you are Meier's closest person, but now you have decided to abandon her. You Do you think that once you die, you can show your love for Meier? Wrong! You can only show that as a father, you are cruel and incompetent, and as a man, you are cowardly , unqualified. Don’t forget, if a man can’t even take care of his own family, can he be considered a qualified man?”

Uncle Song shook his head vigorously, and said with a sad face: "Shuang'er, the third uncle understands what you said! But what can the third uncle do? This is a rule passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors. Everyone has been doing this for thousands of years, so I can't go against the rules set by my ancestors, right?"

"Not all the rules set by the ancestors are correct! Old things must be broken as soon as they should be broken! Such cruel acts of sacrifice of living people have long been tolerated by this civilized world! Uncle, if you have With this determination, we are willing to work with you to break this stereotype and save your daughter!" Li Xiaogang said with a vibrating voice.

"Can we do it?" Song Sanshu's eyes were full of hesitation and apprehension.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "There are only unexpected things in the world, and there is nothing impossible! It depends on how much you love your daughter, and whether you can make up your mind!"

"I can, I can make up my mind!" Song Sanshu suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly.

"That's good! You come back to the clan with us, and we'll save Mei'er together!" Song Shuang said excitedly.

After Song Shuang's earnest words and Li Xiaogang's advice, Song Sanshu finally regained his spirits, threw the hanging rope on the ground, stomped a few times, and led Li Xiaogang and Song Shuang towards the settlement of the Banished Immortal Clan .

But not halfway through the walk, Uncle Song suddenly stopped again. Song Shuang thought he was about to change his mind, and felt nervous for a while. "What's wrong, third uncle?"

"Shuang'er, I suddenly remembered, you can't go back!" Uncle Song's words made Song Shuang stunned.

"Why?" Song Shuang asked in surprise.

Uncle Song frowned and said: "Back then, a big earthquake destroyed our memorial service and made you disappear forever. In order not to offend our ancestors, we had no choice but to choose another girl, who was Song Yuantong's daughter. Song Yuantong has been He thinks that his daughter died because of you, so he has always had a grudge against your family. In the past ten years, he has made trouble for your father. I don’t think it’s easy to dispel his hatred for your family. If you go back like this and Song Yuantong finds out, he can easily let you go? Maybe it will cause a big conflict."

Hearing Uncle Song's words, Song Shuang felt sad and didn't know what to say.

Song Yuantong's daughter, Song Shuang is very familiar with her, and she is the same age. The two study together in the private school in the clan, go to the mountains together to pick wild flowers, and discuss things with the boys who bully girls in the village. They are very close, not sisters are better than relatives sisters.When Song Shuang left the Banished Immortal Clan and lived in the metropolis, he still thought of this sister from time to time.However, she never thought that this sister who was close to her would die in her place.

Song Shuang can understand Song Yuantong's anger very well, because his anger is not unreasonable.If Song Shuang hadn't left, his daughter, Shi Qing, would not have died. Maybe she was alive like Song Shuang now, and she might even have married and raised children, established her own family, and lived a happy life.

However, everything that was originally beautiful came to an abrupt end because of her. If anyone stood in Song Yuantong's position, he would feel hatred in his heart.Seeing Song Shuang was very sad, with tears in her eyes, Li Xiaogang hugged her distressedly, and comforted her in a low voice: "Shuang'er, it's not your fault. If you want to blame, you can only blame your ancestor. Why do you have to set such cruel rules!"

"But third uncle is right, she did die for me. If I hadn't run away, she wouldn't have died, I-" Song Shuang burst into tears fell down.

Uncle Song San said: "Shuang'er, you don't have to blame yourself like this. This is a personal fate, and we can't decide it."

"Fate? If there is a destiny, then it would be too unfair to her!" Song Shuang cried.

"Hey! We are just playthings played by fate. Many times, we can't help ourselves! If I could make my own decisions, then I would choose not to be born in the Immortal Clan, and my daughter would not have to suffer from such a situation. Suffering." Song Sanshu shook his head and murmured.

"Shuang'er, if it's inconvenient for you, then you'd better not join the clan. Ask Uncle Song to send a message to your parents, and find a place to meet outside the clan, that's the same! Avoid that Song Yuantong, there will be no trouble!" Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

"That's right! This is a way. Otherwise, you can just wait here. I'll quietly call your parents over and let them meet you!" Uncle Song agreed.

Song Shuang wiped the tears off his face, shook his head, and said firmly, "No! I want to go back! Not only do I want to go back, but I also want to personally apologize to Uncle Song Yuantong!"

"Ah? Shuang'er, don't be stupid! You should know who Song Yuantong is. He is just a donkey. Even your father can't subdue him, let alone you? If you really fall into his hands He can really kill you!" Uncle Song shouted in surprise after hearing Song Shuang's words.

Song Shuang shook his head and said, "If he must kill me, then I can't help it. Who made me, Song Shuang, owe them a life?"

(End of this chapter)

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