The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1939 Arriving in the hometown!

Chapter 1939 Return to hometown! (Secondary [-])

"Silly girl, I told you that I can't blame you for that incident, it's fate!" Uncle Song shook his head helplessly.

"No matter what, I've decided! Husband, are you willing to accompany me to face them?" Song Shuang turned to look at Li Xiaogang, and said very seriously.

Li Xiaogang let out a loud laugh, and said: "Then there is no need to ask? Although my Shuang'er is a weak woman, but she is so capable, I am proud of you before it's too late! Go, I will definitely go with you! "

Seeing the encouragement in Li Xiaogang's eyes, Song Shuang smiled happily. "Song Sanshu, let's go, let's go back to the clan!"

Third Uncle Song couldn't help but frown, and said again and again: "You young people really don't know the importance."

"Let's go third uncle, I miss my parents so much, I can't wait to see them next second!" Song Shuang walked up, hugged Song Sanshu's arm, and said with a smile while pulling him forward .

Uncle Song had no other choice, he sighed, and said with a smile: "Okay! If your parents know that you not only survived but also came back, they really don't know how happy they will be! Hehe!"

"By the way, third uncle, how are my parents doing?" Song asked as he walked.

Uncle Song San paused and said, "Your father is fine. There is nothing serious about his health. It's just your mother."

"What's wrong with my mother?" Song Shuang asked with a trembling voice, her heart tightened.

Uncle Song said with a sad face: "Since you disappeared, your mother cried during the day and at night. After a few days, her eyes lost her sight."

"What!? Third Uncle, you mean, my mother cried blindly because of me?" Song Shuang was shocked, tears rolled in her eyes and asked.

Uncle Song nodded silently, his face full of sympathy.

"How could this happen? My mother can't see her at all? How could this happen?" The sudden blow made Song's hands and feet right, and tears wet her cheeks in the blink of an eye.

"Shuang'er, don't cry, it's been so many years, your mother has long been used to it, and life is very good now." When Uncle Song saw him, he was busy trying to comfort Song Shuang.

"I'm blind, how can I live a good life? Uncle Song, don't lie to me again." Song Shuang couldn't help sobbing.

"I didn't lie to you! Your mother is really nice"

"Honey, I don't want to go back to the clan." Song Shuang suddenly stopped.

"Why? Don't you want to see the mother you miss day and night?" Li Xiaogang asked in surprise.

"I thought about it, but I can't. It's been ten years, and my mother may have gotten used to a life where I can't see things, but if I appear, my mother will definitely be eager to take a look at me, to see what I look like now, But she can't see it anymore, tell me, how sad should she be? My mother has already lost her eyes from crying because of me, I can't let her shed another tear for me, I can't!" Song Bibian said while crying.

Hearing Song Shuang's words, Li Xiaogang shook his head, held Song Shuang's cheek gently with both hands, and said with a smile: "You are such a silly girl! Do you think that a mother sees her child with her eyes? ? Wrong, it’s the heart! Even if your mother’s eyes can’t see you, her heart can see you. Don’t forget, you are the meat of her body!”

Li Xiaogang's words were earnest, and Song Shuang gently pushed away the dark clouds covering her heart, and finally made her heart bright again. "What you said is true, aren't you lying to me?" Song Shuang held Li Xiaogang's hand tightly and asked repeatedly.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said: "Of course it's true, when did I lie to you? Well, stop thinking about it, go back and see your parents, I think they will be very happy!
Song Shuang hurriedly nodded heavily, wiped away her tears, and couldn't help speeding up the pace.

"Chase! Don't let them run away!" The three of them hadn't gone far when they heard a roar coming from the forest not far from them.

The faces of the three showed doubts at the same time, and at this moment, a clearer exclamation came over, "Mei'er, you run away first, leave me alone!"

"Brother Bing, if you want to run away, run away together, if you want to die together, I will not leave you alone!" Then, another anxious woman's voice rang out.

"It's Mei'er!" Hearing the voice, Uncle Song was shocked, his expression changed, and he ran after the voice.Li Xiaogang also hurriedly protected Song Shuang, and then followed.

In the depths of the jungle, a man and a woman supported each other and fled with all their might, followed by dozens of burly men wielding sticks and chasing after them.Cursing, shouting and begging were constantly heard in the jungle.

A man and a woman fled to the front. Needless to say, the woman is Song Sanshu's only daughter Song Mei, and the man is Song Bing, a young man from the Immortal Clan.

Song Bing and Song Mei have had a good relationship since childhood, and when they grow up, Song Bing is even more determined not to marry Song Mei, and Song Mei is also a laughing stock!These two people should have established a family amidst the blessings of their clansmen, and have lived a happy life of men farming and women weaving ever since.However, all of this will be destroyed by the upcoming sacrificial ceremony of the Immortal Clan.

When Song Mei drew the lottery, Song Bing had already made up his mind that even if he died, he would rescue Song Mei from the tiger's mouth.That's how the scene happened now.

"Brother A Bing, I can't run anymore, just run by yourself and leave me alone!" Song Mei tripped over a vine and said to Song Bing in pain.

Song Bing pulled her up from the ground vigorously, and said anxiously: "Have you forgotten our previous vows? Even if we can't be together in life, we will be together in death!
"Brother A Bing!" Song Mei burst into tears, she threw herself into Song Bing's arms, and burst into tears.

"See where you are going to escape!" Afterwards, dozens of strong men from the Immortal Clan, led by a burly middle-aged man with a cold expression, rushed up quickly and surrounded the two of them. .

Seeing this, Song Bing pulled out the hatchet from his back fiercely, and was ready to fight desperately with everyone.

"Uncle Tong, please, let us go!" Song Bing held the hatchet vigorously, and shouted to Song Yuantong pleadingly. "A Bing, I watched you grow up, just like my son! As long as you hand over Mei'er, I will help you avoid punishment!" Song Yuantong said in a calm voice.

"But if I hand over Mei'er, she will die! I can't just watch Mei'er die, I love her, I can't do it!
"Bold! Mei'er is about to be offered as a sacrifice to our great ancestor. What right do you have to say love to her? I persuade you with good words for the sake of your parents! If you persist in your obsession, Don't blame our subordinates for being merciless!" Song Yuantong shouted angrily, and interrupted Song Bing's words with dignity.

"Brother A Bing, I am already very grateful that you can do this to me! This is what I deserve, and I can't hurt you anymore! You listen to Uncle Tong and don't be too strong. Find a better woman in the future and forget about me Let's go!" Song Mei's voice was like a cuckoo crying blood, even Song Yuantong couldn't help but feel darkened by it.

"Mei'er, don't blame Uncle, and Uncle doesn't want to do this either! You sacrificed your life for the safety of our clansmen, and generations of clansmen will remember you in their hearts! Also, your parents, all of us I will take care of you, and I will never let them suffer any grievances!" Song Yuantong sighed softly, and said softly to Song Mei.

Song Mei nodded at him, turned her head and stared deeply at Song Bing, and was about to turn around and walk to Song Yuantong's side when Song Bing suddenly grabbed her.He tore off a piece of cloth from his waist, tightly wrapped his wrist and the machete, and said in a firm voice: "Mei'er, I won't let you die like this. They want to kill you." If you take it away, you have to pass me first!" After speaking, he raised his arm steadily like a mountain, and pointed the knife point at Song Yuantong.He paused and said: "Today, I must take Mei'er away, if anyone dares to stop me, I will kill him without mercy!

But seeing Song Bing's eyes filled with red and cold murderous intent, Song Yuantong's heart trembled several times.

"Song Bing, I've talked to you all the time, are you determined to be obsessed with your obsession?" Song Yuantong's expression also turned cold.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to touch Mei'er, kill me first!" Song Bing swung his hatchet and shouted angrily.

Song Yuantong obviously lost his patience, and shouted with a cold face: "Song Bing, I give you face again and again, but you keep refusing to accept my love! Well, since you are looking for death yourself, I will not stop you! You are still in a daze What are you doing, take him down for me! Be careful, don't hurt Mei'er!

Dozens of big men behind him responded at the same time, and rushed towards Song Bing like tigers and wolves.Song Bing was also brave. He practiced dancing with a hatchet like a horse. Dozens of big men couldn't get close to him.

"Mei'er, leave me alone, go!" Song Bing yelled at Song Mei while resisting the attack.

Song Mei is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Seeing that Song Bing risked his life for herself, how could she escape alone?Although Song Bing's voice was almost hoarse when he roared, Song Mei just didn't move, she clenched her teeth and stood behind Song Bing without moving her feet.

"What a pair of young children who value love and righteousness!" Li Xiaogang, who saw all this from a distance, couldn't help nodding his head in praise. "A Bing can sacrifice his life for Mei'er, my father is far behind him!" Song Sanshu felt even more emotional in his heart, with a look of shame on his face, he accelerated his pace and ran towards this side.

Although Song Bing's hatchet dance is urgent and dense, it consumes energy and is destined to not last long.After a while, Song Bing's sword slowed down.

Song Yuantong, who was watching all this closely, groaned angrily, and suddenly stretched out the wooden stick in his hand, just hitting Song Bing's blade.The powerful rebounding force immediately slammed Song Bing's saber out of his hands and flew far away. ~ Before Song Bing could react, several sticks around him fell on his back, arms, and legs almost at the same time, knocking him to the ground immediately.Ruyu's stick did not stop, and was about to fall immediately. Song Mei screamed regardless of life and death, and suddenly threw herself on Song Bing's body, blocking Song Bing with her body.

(End of this chapter)

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