The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1942 1 life for 1 life

Chapter 1942

Song Yuanshan turned around, and sure enough, Song Yuantong and dozens of people were glaring at him angrily, as if he wanted to swallow Song Yuanshan in one gulp.

When Song Shuang escaped by chance, Song Yuantong's only daughter was sacrificed to his ancestors. Song Yuanshan has always felt guilty towards Song Yuantong in his heart.In the past ten years, Song Yuantong has often opposed him, but Song Yuanshan endured it because of this guilt.Seeing the murderous look on Song Yuantong's face at this time, he chuckled lightly and said, "Yuantong, come to my house for a drink at night, you should come early so that Shuang'er can toast you a few glasses!

"Song Yuanshan, don't do this with me! Don't rely on your outsider son-in-law to support you, so you feel how great you are!" Song Yuantong shook his hand and shouted angrily.

Song Yuanshan gave Li Xiaogang a puzzled look, and his voice sank, "I, Song Yuanshan, am the majestic patriarch of the Banished Immortal Clan. Do I need others to support me? This gentleman, although he is my daughter's boyfriend, is also my daughter's boyfriend." Song Yuanshan's future son-in-law, but he has nothing to do with what happened ten years ago, or your daughter's death, so you don't want to trouble him!" "Song Yuantong couldn't help coughing, seeing Li Xiaogang's might, Where would he dare to make trouble for Li Xiaogang? If Li Xiaogang didn't make trouble for him, he would be thankful.

Turning his head and pointing at Li Xiaogang, Song Yuan shouted together: "Song Yuanshan, since even you say that he is just an outsider, then does he have no right to interfere in the matter of our banishing immortal clan? Song Yuanshan now only hopes to get Li Xiaogang out of this matter, To prevent him from getting involved, he nodded and replied without thinking: "Of course!
"Okay! If that's the case, then tell your future son-in-law to stay where it's cool. Next, I'm going to talk about the internal affairs of the family. He's an outsider, so it seems inconvenient to be present?" "Presumptuous!" "As soon as Song Yuantong's words fell to the ground, Li Xiaogang's expression suddenly changed, he opened his mouth to let out a roar, and glared at Song Yuantong with a frosty face.

Li Xiaogang's eyes were extremely sharp, as if he could penetrate Song Yuantong's soul, Song Yuantong instinctively felt a surge of fear, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

Knowing Song Yuantong for so long, this is the first time that Song Yuanshan can't help being surprised when he sees him showing such fear to a person, he looked Li Xiaogang up and down, and thought to himself: "It seems that my son-in-law is really not simple!

"Song Yuantong, do you think I won't interfere in this matter if you say that? Song Shuang is my wife, how can I see her being bullied?" Li Xiaogang said coldly.

Song Yuantong didn't dare to stand up to Li Xiaogang, turned his head and said to Song Yuanshan: "Song Yuanshan, your future son-in-law is very powerful, I don't dare to make irresponsible remarks to him, now it's up to you, the future father-in-law. If you are still my exile Patriarch of the clan, if you still have even a little bit of justice in your heart, speak up now!
Song Yuanshan frowned, looked at Li Xiaogang, and said in a low voice: "Young man, Song Yuantong is here for me, you don't need to wade into this muddy water, just watch from the side, don't interfere.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked: "What if he wants to harm Shuang'er?" Song Yuanshan's body shook, and he said word by word: "Shuang'er is my precious daughter. She has been away from home for ten years and she can come back. It's a gift from heaven to Song Yuanshan, I will never let anyone hurt Shuang'er again, anyone! "Song Yuanshan's voice was loud and solemn, on the surface it was meant for Li Xiaogang, but in fact it was aimed at Song Yuantong.

Song Yuantong snorted and turned his head aside.

Li Xiaogang looked back at Song Shuang, who nodded vigorously at him.

"Okay! I'll just watch!" Li Xiaogang shook his head and took a few steps back.

Song Yuanshan nodded, and said to Song Yuantong: "Song Yuantong, it stands to reason that my Song Yuanshan family has indeed done something wrong to your family, especially your daughter. Every time I think about it, I feel very guilty! But after all, things have happened. Now, no matter how angry you are, it is impossible to turn back time! Now that Shuang'er is back, I am willing to share this daughter with you equally. From now on, we will be a family and share a family relationship. How about it? "Don't dream!Do you think this can make up for the damage I have suffered? "Then what exactly do you want?" Song Yuanshan asked angrily. "It's very simple! My daughter died for Song Shuang, and I want Song Shuang to pay for her life!" Song Yuantong paused and shouted angrily.

"It's impossible! As I said just now, I will never let anyone hurt my daughter again!
Song Yuanshan didn't even think about it, carrying Thunder Fury, he vetoed Song Yuantong's words on the spot.

"Everyone, you have seen it! Only the life of Song Yuanshan's daughter is precious, and the lives of our daughters are as cheap as this grass! How unfair this is!" Song Yuantong howled loudly , that sad and indignant expression was quite exaggerated, causing a lot of discussion among the clansmen present.

Seeing this, Li Xiaogang's expression became a little colder.

"Song Yuanshan, thanks to the fact that you are still the patriarch of our Immortal Clan, you still think that you are just and strict. Why did you reveal your true colors when things were spread on your own head? A villain like you, a hypocrite, what qualifications do you have to be the leader?" The patriarch of our Immortal Clan?" Seeing that his words had the desired effect, Song Yuantong hurriedly attacked Song Yuanshan in front of all the clansmen of the Immortal Clan.All he wanted was to bring down Song Yuanshan's prestige.

"Father!" Song Shuang looked at Song Yuanshan nervously.

Song Yuanshan waved his hand lightly at her, and said, "Shuang'er, don't worry, I said I won't let you get hurt, I will do what I say!
"No, Dad, I'm afraid that your prestige will be ruined because of me, and my crime will be serious!" Song Shuang said, shaking his head.

Song Yuanshan chuckled a few times, and said, "Don't worry, your father is not that fragile!" After speaking, he shouted at Song Yuantong: "Song Yuantong, I told you that I, Song Yuanshan, owe you, but for so many years, I have repeatedly treated you. Your tolerance is enough, right? If you are aggressive again, don't blame me for being rude!
"Ha! Song Yuanshan, what do you want? Get me out of the Immortal Clan!" Song Yuantong sneered and roared with disdain.

"You think I dare not!?" Song Yuanshan showed the majesty of the patriarch, and the chaotic discussions around him suddenly weakened. Even Song Yuantong's expression was shocked, and his brows were wrinkled into iron bumps.

"Song Yuanshan, it seems that you have made it clear that you want to use your patriarch's power to bully me? I, Song Yuantong, are not easy to mess with! If you don't give me an explanation today, I will fight you!" Song Yuantong clenched his hands The iron shovel inside, as if he wanted to fight Song Yuanshan desperately.

Seeing that the swords between Song Yuanshan and Song Yuantong were on the verge of a conflict, Song Shuang hurried out and looked at Song Yuantong and said, "Uncle, you and my father were good brothers, but the troubles that have happened today are all because of me." Well, tell me, what do you want me to do before you give up? "Shuang'er, what are you talking about?It's none of your business here, step back quickly! "Song Yuanshan shouted anxiously to Song Shuang when he heard it.

"Dad! The matter started because of me, and it should end with me! Just leave it alone and let me deal with it!" Song Shuang said firmly.

"Okay! Song Shuang, although you are a girl, I, Song Yuantong, admire you for having such a mind! However, I cannot give my daughter an explanation. If you are really brave enough to take on this responsibility, then Die for me!" Song Yuantong said loudly.

"Song Yuantong! You one" Song Yuanshan was furious when he heard this, and opened his mouth to shout.

"Dad! Stop talking, let me handle this matter myself!" Song Shuang yelled after Jiaojiao, and stopped Song Yuanshan who was on the verge of rage.

Song Shuang chuckled, looked at Song Yuantong, and said quietly: "Uncle, a life for a life is indeed fair! I promise you!

"Shuang'er!" As soon as Song Shuang's words came out, Song Yuanshan and his wife exclaimed at the same time, even Li Xiaogang frowned and his heart moved a few times.

Song Yuantong could hardly believe his ears, looked at Song Shuang in surprise, and asked blankly: You... you really want to die?Song Shuang chuckled a few times, and said with a clear expression: "If my death can dissolve your hatred that has been burning for ten years, and can comfort your daughter's spirit in heaven, I am willing!
Song Yuantong's expression was obviously shaken a lot.After a long silence, Song Yuantong narrowed his eyes and shouted in a deep voice: "Okay! As long as you are willing to die, the hatred between me and your family will be wiped out from now on!

"Shuang'er, don't mess around! We don't need to be afraid of him!" Song Yuanshan said anxiously to Song Shuang full of nervousness.

Song Shuang shook his head slowly, and said to Song Yuantong: "Uncle Song, I should have died on the altar ten years ago, but God allowed me to live ten years longer. I am already very satisfied. However, If I can do one good thing before I die, I will die happier and have no regrets!
"What do you mean?" Song Yuantong frowned and asked.

Song Shuang turned his head to look at Song Mei, smiled slightly, and said, "Tomorrow is the day of the ancestor worship ceremony of our Immortal Clan. Song Mei will be like me ten years ago. She will go up to the altar and sacrifice her ancestors with blood. Watering the holy stone, but I really can't bear to see her parting with her beloved and turning into a pair of fateful couples. So, I want to replace Song Mei, and use my blood to worship the ancestors tomorrow!

"Sister Shuang'er, is this okay?" Song Mei waved her hands quickly when she heard that Song Shuang was going to die in her place.

Third Uncle Song couldn't help tears welling up in his eyes, and said in a painful voice: "Shuang'er, Third Uncle appreciates your kindness. But this love is too great, your Third Uncle and I have nine lives and nine lives and I still don't know it!

"Uncle Song, Mei'er, let me do some good deeds before I die!" Song Shuangman said to the two of them sincerely.

Song Sanshu and Song Mei's minds were shaken at the same time, and they couldn't speak anymore, only tears rolled down.

"Uncle Song, do you agree? I escaped from the altar ten years ago. Ten years later, I should die on the altar. This can be regarded as an explanation from the ancestors of our immortal clan!" Song Shuang looked at Song Yuanshan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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