The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1943 It's up to you!

Chapter 1943 It's up to you!

Song Yuanshan frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Women used to sacrifice ancestors must be unmarried girls, but now you..."

"You don't have to worry about that. Although Li Xiaogang and I are boyfriend and girlfriend, we are not married yet, so we are not violating the rules of our ancestors!" Song Shuang shook his head and said.

"Although you're not married, how do we know if you're a virgin? If you're not a deity who undoubtedly blasphemed our ancestors, it will bring great disaster to our Banished Immortal Clan!" Song Yuan said.

"Whether I am a virgin or not, you can test it!" Song Shuang said while turning to look at Li Xiaogang and winking at him.

Although Li Xiaogang still couldn't figure out Song Shuang's intentions, Li Xiaogang nodded when he saw Song Shuang's eyes.

"Shuang'er, don't mess around! Since a major earthquake let you escape from the altar ten years ago, it means that this is the meaning of your ancestors. You don't need to pay attention to Song Yuantong, let alone be afraid of him!" Song Yuanshan's voice Said to Song Shuang hurriedly.

"Dad! You trust me!" Song Shuang didn't explain too much, but just took a fixed look at Song Yuanshan and said.

As if afraid that Song Shuang would be changed by what Song Yuanshan said, Song Yuantong hastily ordered a few women in the clan and shouted: "Okay! You women go to test together to see if she is still a virgin!
Seeing Song Shuang walked into a room surrounded by several women, Li Xiaogang's thoughts moved, and his spiritual consciousness immediately followed him like a shadow.Song Shuang had given herself to Li Xiaogang a long time ago, how could she be a virgin, Song Shuang's wink just now was just to ask Li Xiaogang to help her pass this level.

Li Xiaogang made a move, trying to fool a few village women, it was too easy.A few strands of spiritual consciousness invaded their minds, and they all had to obediently listen to Li Xiaogang's wishes.

After a while, Song Shuang walked out behind several village women with a smile on his face.

Song Yuantong hurriedly asked the village women: "Did you find out? Is she a virgin?" Yes!yes!Absolute virginity! "Several village women scrambled to answer.

Song Yuanshan didn't expect that the relationship between Song Shuang and Li Xiaogang seemed so close, but Song Shuang still kept his virginity, and felt that Li Xiaogang was an honest and honest boy, so he couldn't help but look at Li Xiaogang a few more times.Li Xiaogang looked a little embarrassed these few times, thinking of Meng Lang when he was with Song Shuang, he couldn't help but blush.

"Uncle Song, now that I've been proved to be a virgin, can you agree to what I just said?" Song Shuang asked Song Yuantong with a relaxed expression.

Song Yuantong frowned, pondered for a moment, and said: "Okay! If you do this, then you have indeed saved Song Mei's life, which is considered a merit! I will fulfill you!

"Then it's settled! You let them release Song Mei immediately, and don't harass her anymore!" Song Shuang pointed to the big men who surrounded Song Mei, and shouted.

Song Yuantong waved his hands and shouted: "Let people go!
Seeing that Song Mei was fine, Song Shuang smiled and nodded at her.

"Sister Sister!" Seeing that Song Shuang was willing to sacrifice herself to save herself, Song Mei was extremely moved, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

Song Shuang smiled and said to her: "In the future, don't forget to take good care of Uncle Three. Also, Ah Bing risked his life to save you, so it shows that he loves you very much! A woman can marry for her own sake. A man who can give up his life is the happiest thing in the world, so don't let him down.

With tears in her eyes, Song Mei nodded heavily.

"Come here, take her away!" Song Yuan pointed at Song Shuang and shouted loudly.Several of Song Yuantong's confidantes rushed towards Song Shuang immediately.

"Stop! My daughter, who dares to be violent!?" Seeing this, Song Yuanshan immediately yelled angrily, and stopped those people.

After all, Song Yuanshan was the patriarch of the Banished Immortal Clan, with great prestige, several big men froze in response.Song Yuanshan glared at Song Yuantong first, and then said anxiously to Song Shuang: "My precious daughter, are you really going to do this? You will die!
Song Shuang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine!

"Song Yuanshan, your daughter voluntarily replaced Song Mei, firstly, to repay my daughter's life, secondly, to accumulate some evil virtue, this is a great thing that kills two birds with one stone, you really shouldn't stop that!" shouted.

"Fart your mother!" Song Yuanshan couldn't take it anymore, and opened his mouth to curse at Song Yuantong.

For decades, Song Yuanshan had never scolded anyone like this, Song Yuantong couldn't help being stunned for a moment.Just for a moment, Song Yuantong came to his senses, his face darkened, and he said quietly: "Song Yuanshan, your daughter brought it up by herself, I didn't force her! Don't take it out on me if you are angry!
"Song Yuantong, you are an out-and-out bastard! You forgot, when Shuang'er was less than ten years old, once you were ill, and Shuang'er ran all over the barren mountains and wild ridges alone, picking flowers for you. The herbal medicine came, and she was scratched by thorns in more than a dozen places, and she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night in pain! How could you bear to force her to death?" Song Yuanshan roared angrily.

Song Yuanshan's roar made Song Yuantong feel a little uncomfortable, and lowered his head unconsciously.

"Dad, don't mention the past again! I also think that Uncle Song's daughter should be explained. Don't stop me." Song Shuangman said to Song Yuanshan pleadingly.

Song Yuanshan let out a long sigh, shook his head full of bitterness and said: "Shuang'er, if I knew it now, you shouldn't have come back at all!

Song's mother couldn't help wiping away her tears.

"Okay! Since you've made up your mind, then Dad won't stop you!" Song Yuanshan gritted his teeth and turned his head to look at the campus passage: "Tonight, our family of three will have a good reunion, and no one is allowed to disturb us!

"Then Song Shuang doesn't know how to marry her"

Before Song Yuantong finished speaking, Song Yuanshan interrupted him with a roar of a tiger, and shouted in a deep voice: "I, Song Yuanshan, guarantee with my personality that you will definitely see Shuang'er at the ceremony tomorrow! If you don't, I will replace you." Shuang Er dies!
Song Yuantong opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when suddenly a call full of urgency rang out, "Uncle Tong is in trouble! Sister-in-law is in trouble, please go back and have a look!

"What!?" When Song Yuan heard the same thing, he immediately became fascinated and ignored Song Shuang, so he turned around and ran back home.

Song Shuangman asked Song Yuanshan in amazement: "Dad, is my aunt sick?" Song Yuanshan nodded and said, "It's been like this ten years ago, groggy, and I don't know what's wrong with it!"All the doctors in the family have treated her, but they just haven't recovered.Why!Mostly because of my daughter.

"Dad, I want to see my aunt." Song Shuang murmured.

Song Yuanshan gave a wry smile, and said, "I can understand your feelings, but do you think that Song Yuantong will let you in? I'm afraid he'll blow you out before you can get in. Why do you have to accept that share?" Angry? Besides, you still worry about yourself. I don’t know what you think, but you ask for death on your own initiative. Aren’t you deliberately hurting me and your mother?
Song Shuang giggled a few times and said, "Dad, don't worry! I won't die!
"Oh? So you have a solution?" Song Yuantong asked Song Shuang in amazement.Li Xiaogang couldn't help but said curiously: "Tell me what you think, I haven't figured out what you mean until now!
Song Shuangchong and Li Xiaogang said with a coquettish smile: "I didn't think about anything, I just thought, you must have a way to save me and keep me from dying, right?" "Ah? "Li Xiaogang never dreamed that this was Song Shuang's so-called method, he couldn't help shaking his head, and let out a wry smile.

Song Shuang stared at him with wide eyes and said, "Husband, my wealth and life are all in your hands now, if you can't think of a way, I will die tomorrow!
"No, twins and you together"

Li Xiaogang still wanted to complain to Song Shuang, but he didn't know that Song Shuang didn't give him a chance at all. He smiled and took his parents' hands and said, "Mom and Dad, let's go home! It's been ten years, and I have saved There are so many things to tell you!
Song Yuanshan looked back at Li Xiaogang who was frowning, smiled, and said, "Let's go, let's go home!

Li Xiaogang shook his head helplessly, and then followed.

After returning to the home where she had been away for ten years, Song Shuang discovered that everything that belonged to her had been well preserved by Song Yuanshan and his wife.Especially her room, which looks exactly the same as it did ten years ago, is spotless and obviously cleaned every day.

Standing in this clean room, Song Shuang felt as if she had returned to ten years ago. The fond memories of her childhood were like a torrent, constantly washing her heart.

Seeing that Song Shuang was immersed in memories, Li Xiaogang did not disturb her, and while talking with Song Yuanshan and his wife, he quietly checked their physical condition with his spiritual sense.Now that Song Yuanshan and his wife are a little weak, but there is no serious problem, they are relieved.

In the evening, Song Shuang and Song's mother cooked a large table of sumptuous dishes. Song Yuanshan also specially took out the fine wine he had collected for many years to drink with Li Xiaogang.

Song Shuang was at the side, and excitedly took out the gifts she specially prepared for Song Yuanshan's parents, as well as the stationery and books specially prepared for the children of the Banished Immortal Clan, as well as some commonly used medicines. land.

Song Yuanshan was full of surprise and asked Song Shuang: "When you came back, I didn't see how many things you were carrying with you. Where did these come from? These things were placed in Li Xiaogang's Nuwa god ring before. Song Yuanshan Naturally, he wouldn't see it. Song Shuang giggled and said, "That's Dad, you didn't see it!Take a look, do you like these things? "Song Yuanshan didn't pay much attention to the gift Song Shuang gave him. He just praised it and put it aside, but he became very interested in the stationery and books given to the children. Looking through it After a while, he praised again and again: "Good!really good!With these things, don't our children be happy to death? "Dad! These are used by the children outside the mountain. I think the children of our Banished Immortal Clan can also use them, so I brought some. Since you are satisfied, that's good!" Song Shuang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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