The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1950 Chaos in the Immortal World!

Chapter 1950 Chaos in the Immortal World!

In Xiao Yi's incomparable horror, Li Xiaogang finally discovered the facts that could confirm his conjecture.A large number of fairy stones descended from the fairy world to the mortal world, and were obtained by practitioners in the human world.Today's cultivators on the earth, with the help of these fairy stones, grow up at an astonishingly fast speed.Quite a few have already broken through ahead of time, and like Xiao Yi, they are facing ascension.

Even a fool can think that these fairy stones that fell from the sky must be deliberately thrown down by the people of the fairy world for the practitioners to use.These cultivators who have just ascended are just the new force that all factions in the fairy world urgently need.

Seeing the ascension of the practitioners one by one with great excitement, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness for them.With their cultivation base, they can only be used as cannon fodder after ascending to the Immortal Realm. Maybe it won't be long before their physical bodies are shattered and their primordial spirits are gone.

From this point of view, the dispute between the gods and the immortal world has already spread to the human world, which made Li Xiaogang feel angry in his heart.

This human world is his territory, Li Xiaogang!Ever since he got the inheritance of Nuwa's divine power, Li Xiaogang swore to heaven to protect it!This world, Paul!people in this world.As for the God Realm, because of Nuwa's relationship, Li Xiaogang can't completely ignore it, but for the Immortal Realm, Li Xiaogang doesn't have any responsibility. Whether the Immortal Realm is destroyed or not has nothing to do with him.In order to protect themselves, the people in the fairy world actually overthrew the abacus on the heads of the human world. This is what makes Li Xiaogang most angry.

They shamelessly took advantage of the cultivator's longing for the Tao, lured them to the fairy world, and used them as cannon fodder. Although there was helplessness in the fairy world, Li Xiaogang still couldn't forgive them.

Of course, there is also the mysterious force that is causing chaos in the fairy world, and in Li Xiaogang's view, it also has an inescapable responsibility.It was their behavior that indirectly led to the formation of this situation.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's extremely cold face, Xiao Yi shuddered involuntarily, opened his mouth a few times, but couldn't speak cowardly.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said to him: "Xiao Yi, I am the son-in-law of the Immortal Clan, and I can be regarded as half of the Immortal Clan. You are the ancestor of the Immortal Clan, so I can't ignore you. You are right , now that you have ascended to the fairy world, it is no different from courting death! If I were you, I would stay in the human world, and let the people in the fairy world fight as they like! Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Xiao Yi couldn't help but He let out a wry smile, and said: "Of course you can do this, Daxian, since you have nothing to worry about in the fairy world.But I can't!In the fairy world, there are still my master, my senior brother, and my lover!You told me not to care about their life or death, not to fight side by side with them, I can't do it!Li Xiaogang can also see now that Xiao Yi is actually a man of love and righteousness, so he is not surprised to hear him say that.So I stopped trying to persuade you, and said: "I want to persuade you because of the relationship between Shuang'er and Uncle. If you insist on going back to the fairy world, I will not stop you, but I hope that you will stay in the fairy world. Be careful! Xiao Yi nodded, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Thank you Daxian!But Daxian, with such a high level of cultivation, even in the fairy world, I believe you are invincible!Why can't you enter the fairy world and help the fairy world to put down this disaster?That would be an immeasurable merit!Li Xiaogang sneered, and said slowly: "At first, I didn't have a good impression of the fairy world, but I didn't have any bad feelings. For your sake, maybe I will really help the fairy world! But, what the fairy world is doing now Why, it made me very disappointed. I didn't take action to deal with them. It was their good fortune. It was a dream to want us to help them! Xiao Yi was stunned by Li Xiaogang's words, and he asked in a nasty way: "Daxian, don't you?" Know what people in the fairy world have done that are unacceptable to you, so that you are so angry?Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and shouted: "In order to supplement their own strength and fight against those mysterious forces, the Immortal Realm will not hesitate to drag the cultivators from the Human Realm to the Immortal Realm and serve as cannon fodder for them. Don't you think this is hateful? Xiao Yi shook his head bitterly, and murmured: "This is really a helpless move."

"Don't use helplessness as an excuse to fool people! This is a manifestation of selfishness by people in the fairy world! When the fairy world was safe and sound, they used the excuse of going through the catastrophe to prevent cultivators from entering the fairy world. The cultivators who worked so hard were wiped out, and their millennium skills were lost! Now that the fairyland is in trouble, they need someone to help them, so they come up with unique tricks, crazily win over the cultivators, and help them ascend to the fairyland as soon as possible. This is not selfish, but also What is it? My human world has always been under my protection, and I am responsible for everyone in the human world, and those cultivators are no exception! You return to the fairy world this time, and when you see those so-called immortals, replace me Tell them that from now on, they are not allowed to think of cultivators in the human world! If anyone dares to use the cultivators in the human world as cannon fodder, I will destroy them first! Li Xiaogang's words are extremely sharp. Xiao Yi's scalp was numb, and he said with a bitter expression: "Mystery, don't forget, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold!After that mysterious force has ruled the fairy world, there is no guarantee that they will not invade the human world...

Before Xiao Yi could finish speaking, Li Xiaogang waved his hand abruptly, interrupted him, and shouted in a deep voice: "You can rest assured about this! I am here in the human world. As long as those people dare to come, I will have a way to make them come or go." Back! After hearing Li Xiaogang's ruthless words, Xiao Yi fell silent. After a long while, he sighed and said, "Great Immortal, I will bring your words to all sects and factions in the fairy world. It's just that I speak lightly, Whether Chanxi will listen to my advice is hard to say.

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "I understand this! You just need to help me bring the words to me. Whether they listen or not is their business and has nothing to do with you!" Xiao Yi sighed and said: "Okay, I Just leave, Xiaoxian bid farewell! "After that, he turned his head to look at Song Yuanshan and said, "Yuanshan, I have two panacea here, which can make you old couple live another hundred years.From now on, I will leave it to you to banished the immortal clan! "Speaking, Xiao Yi took out two medicine-smelling panacea from his bosom, and handed them to Song Yuanshan.

Song Yuanshan didn't dare to answer and looked at Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said, "Uncle, this is Xiao Yi's kindness, so you can just accept it!" Song Yuanshan just nodded, took the elixir respectfully, carefully hid it in his arms, and said Xiao Yi said thank you several times.

Under the gaze of the three of them, a milky white light covered Xiao Yi's whole body. In the light, Xiao Yi slowly disappeared before the eyes of the three of them, and went to the fairyland.

"Xiao Gang, since the fairyland is so dangerous, why don't you help the ancestors?" Song Yuanshan seemed a little dissatisfied with Li Xiaogang's rejection of Xiao Yi just now, and asked complainingly at this moment.

Li Xiaogang didn't explain, just smiled and said: "Uncle, I have my own considerations, so don't ask me any more!" Song Yuanshan sighed softly, looked at the sky, and murmured to himself: "I hope that my grandfather is in the fairy world, Don't run into any danger!Li Xiaogang pretended he didn't hear it, smiled, put his arms around Song Shuang's waist, and said, "Shuang'er, it's getting late, let's go back and rest! Don't delay tomorrow's ancestor worship ceremony! Hehe!"

Early the next morning, the village of the Immortal Clan became lively.Song Shuang was dressed in a dozen or so women's costumes, with a gorgeous face, just like a bride who was about to get married, her beauty made people tremble.

Although they knew that Li Xiaogang had already made arrangements for everything, Song Yuanshan and his wife still had their hearts in their throats, especially Song's mother, who shed tears while combing Song Shuang's hair, as if she was really saying goodbye to Song Shuang.

Although Song Shuang kept persuading Mother Song, it had little effect, and fortunately, the saliva was no longer wasted.

The women of the Immortal Clan were busy with living, cooking, and packing up tributes for worshiping their ancestors, while the men of the Immortal Clan, led by Song Yuantong, built altars.

Song Yuantong's eyes were red and red, and it looked like he hadn't slept well. Needless to say, he was disturbed by his wife's illness.But when he thought that the hatred that had been suppressed in his heart for ten years would be repaid immediately, Song Yuantong regained his energy, and his clear voice could be heard everywhere.

When everything was ready to stop, it was already sunset time, and the time for the ancestor worship ceremony to start was coming soon.The young men and women of the clan danced around the raging spring fire, and the elders of the clan, led by Song Yuanshan, burned incense and bathed, and recited sacrificial rites...

Such a grand ceremony should have been full of joy, but at this time, the exiled immortal clan was immersed in a kind of inexplicable grief and sadness.The air was extremely stuffy, as if it had stopped flowing, making one's chest suffocated and oppressed.

"Xiao Gang, Shuang'er is really going to be fine." Even though Li Xiaogang had arranged everything carefully, Song Yuanshan still couldn't be completely relieved. After a while, he asked Li Xiaogang the same thing three times.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "Uncle, just rest assured, since I guarantee that Shuang'er will be fine, she will be fine!
Song Yuanshan nodded heavily, and accompanied by several clan elders, he slowly walked up to the altar, lit high incense, arranged the three sacrifices, and faced countless pairs of banished people under the altar. The eyes of the immortals shouted loudly, "The ancestor worship ceremony, start!
Accompanied by Song Yuanshan's words, the calm and dignified ceremony and music sounded, and the boys and girls continued to dance to worship the ancestors, while the rest of the tribe faced the altar and knelt down.

Song Shuang, who was dressed in full makeup, walked into people's sight dignifiedly and generously, accompanied by more than a dozen boys and girls.Unlike the girls who were chosen as sacrifices in the past, the expression on Song Shuang's face was not despair or fear, but a smile.A bright smile like a summer flower.

This smile was supposed to bring joy to people, but in the eyes of everyone in the Banished Immortal Clan, it caused pain in their chests, and many of them couldn't help but shed tears.

At this moment, even Song Yuantong couldn't help causing ripples in his heart after seeing Song Shuang's smile, and lowered his head involuntarily, not daring to look at Song Shuang's face again.Even though he was trying his best to suppress the emotions in his heart, the guilt was still flaring up in his heart like crazy weeds.

(End of this chapter)

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