The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1951 The Truth Revealed!

Chapter 1951 The Truth Revealed!

Song Yuantong is not a bad person, his heart is not hard.However, the death of his daughter was like a fishbone stuck in his throat, and if the fishbone didn't fall down or be picked out, he wouldn't have peace for a day.However, Song Yuantong originally thought that as long as Song Shuang died, his heart would be at peace, but at this moment he suddenly realized that his thinking was too naive. He looked at Song Shuang without blinking, with pure appreciation in his eyes.Song Shuang at this moment is too beautiful to behold!Every frown, smile, and every move has a heart-pounding beauty.What national beauty and heavenly fragrance, what sinking fish and wild goose, these words turned into floating clouds in front of Song Shuang.

What appeared with Song Shuang was a sacred object preserved by the Immortal Clan from generation to generation.He was held in both hands by a respected old man in the clan, and walked up to the altar step by step carefully.On the upper peak of the altar, on an altar, there is a gold plate, which is prepared for the holy stone.

The holy stone was in place, and Song Shuang also stood on the high altar.

Ten years later, Song Shuang stood here again, but he had two feelings in his heart.Ten years ago, it was hopeless, bitingly cold.Now, what Song Shuang felt was happiness.Just because there is one more person in the audience.This person can shield her from the wind and rain, this person holds her in his heart, and is smiling at her at this moment.

All this should have been wonderful, but was broken by something that should not have appeared.It was a sonorous, sharp machete that could blow hair short.

When this flickering scimitar appeared in Zhongren's line of sight, the world seemed to be silent all of a sudden.

The wind stopped, the clouds stopped, time and space stopped, only people's hearts were still beating, and they were beating faster and faster.

For dozens of generations, this scimitar has taken the lives of countless beautiful girls. In the eyes of the Immortals, it has almost become a symbol of the devil!
Facing this scimitar, Song Shuang's heart was also stirred up.Ten years ago, she had truly felt the coldness and ferocity of this knife, and ten years later, she faced it again.

Seeing fear flickering in Song Shuang's eyes, Song Yuanshan quickly comforted him softly: "Shuang'er, don't be afraid, Xiaogang will definitely save you!
Song Shuang looked up at Li Xiaogang in the crowd, and saw Li Xiaogang nodded slightly at her.For a moment, the anger cast by the knife in her heart dissipated without a trace in the blink of an eye.Song Shuangchong smiled at Song Yuanshan, indicating that he was fine.

The hour has come.An elder from the Banished Immortal Clan lifted up the sharp scimitar and came to hold it in front of Song Shuang.With guilt on his face, he said: "Girl, I will be there soon, you won't feel pain!

Song Shuang smiled and said, "Come on!
The elder nodded, and there was a flash of approval in his eyes, "It's the first time I've seen a girl as brave as you in all these years, and our whole clan will be proud of you!" After the elder said these words After saying that, he raised his scimitar high, and many clansmen hurriedly closed their eyes, not daring to watch this cruel scene.

Song Yuantong's heart couldn't help but also tugged. In a daze, the girl standing on the ring seemed to be no longer Song Shuang, but his only daughter.Song Yuantong stood up suddenly as if he had been electrocuted, and shouted "No!"

This loud shout shocked all the clansmen, and the scimitar in the elder's hand couldn't help but pause.Everyone turned their heads to look at Song Yuantong in astonishment.Only then did Song Yuantong wake up. Under the gaze of everyone, he didn't know what to say for a while, and looked at Song Shuang with eyes full of guilt.

Song Shuang seemed to understand the meaning in Song Yuantong's eyes, and nodded slightly at him, not only did he not have the slightest resentment on his face, but his smile became brighter and more comfortable.This made Song Yuantong feel even more uncomfortable, and he just wished he could slap himself hard.

If you miss this little episode, the ancestor worship ceremony will continue.The elder sighed, and the scimitar in his hand was about to fall, when suddenly there was a loud cracking sound, under the clear sky, a thunderbolt came from the depths of the nine heavens, and under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, it accurately struck the scimitar. On the blade of the machete.In the blink of an eye, the blade of the scimitar turned into countless fragments, and under the sunlight, it fluttered and fell to the ground like snowflakes.

This sudden and inconceivable scene shocked the hearts of all the members of the Immortal Clan, all of them froze on the spot as if someone had tapped their acupoints, unable to move.

Slowly, discussions began to spread among the crowd.The thunderbolt under the clear sky was already unbelievable, but this thunderbolt smashed the scimitar impartially, which made everyone feel inexplicable awe.

"It's the ancestors who are furious! It's the ancestors who are furious!" The elder holding the knife was stunned for a while, his face was suddenly filled with fear, and he knelt down on the ground with a Putong sound, clasped his hands on his chest, and faced him reverently and fearfully. God prayed.

The elder's actions immediately won the approval of the clansmen of the Immortal Clan. Immediately, the whole world was full of prayers and pleadings for the ancestors to appease their anger.

Song Yuanshan involuntarily turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang in the crowd, and saw Li Xiaogang was standing there winking at him, his heart moved immediately, and he shouted loudly, "Clan people, it is our ancestors who told us to stop the cruel sacrifices." This is the warning our ancestors gave us. If we kill our own girls again, our ancestors will be even more furious!

What Song Yuanshan said not only reasonably explained the reason for the thunderbolt from the blue sky, but also immediately won the approval of the clansmen.The once-in-ten-year ancestor worship ceremony has long been a pain in the hearts of the exiled immortals, but because it is the ancestor's rules, they dare not say anything. When they heard that their ancestors forbid them to continue such inhuman sacrifices, the exiled immortals All of them breathed a sigh of relief, and praised their ancestors loudly.

Seeing that the time had come, Li Xiaogang rushed up to the altar quickly, stood beside Song Shuang, and shouted at the members of the Banished Immortal clan: "Everyone, in fact, your ancestors never asked you to use the lives of young girls in the clan to kill you!" Sacrifice him! Think about it, how could your ancestors let you do such a cruel thing? Now, it is time to really reveal that the culprit responsible for the disasters of the Immortal Clan is not yours. Ancestors, but the evil spirits hidden in this holy stone!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang waved his hand, and a purple light covered the holy stone, and at the same time he roared, "You haven't shown yourself yet!?"

Accompanied by Li Xiaogang's roar of thunder, a stream of black smoke floated out from the holy stone, revealing a weak and frightened kid.

This somewhat strange scene caused the people of the Immortal clan to be in chaos, and shouts of fear resounded everywhere.

Li Xiaogang hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, don't be afraid! This evil spirit has been subdued by our spells, and he can no longer harm everyone!

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, and since the kid on the altar came out, he was indeed very honest. Under Li Xiaogang's coercion, he didn't dare to move. The panicked crowd gradually calmed down.

"Yuanshan, what's going on?" Song Yuantong couldn't help asking Song Yuanshan in astonishment.

In the past ten years, Song Yuantong has always regarded Song Yuanshan as his sworn enemy, and he never greets each other on weekdays, let alone calling him so affectionately.After Song Yuanshan heard this, his heart was shaken, he nodded to Song Yuantong, and said: "Everyone, don't worry, this is a conspiracy that has been shrouded in the heads of our Immortal Clan for dozens of generations, and you will understand everything after a while!

Li Xiaogang stared at the little ghost in a blink of an eye, and shouted in a deep voice: "Why don't you give an explanation to the clansmen of the Banished Immortal Clan for the good things you have done all these years?"

The little ghost didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly told the people of the Banished Immortal Clan all the evils he had done over the years.After the little ghost finished speaking, the entire Immortal Clan fell into dead silence.

Although the ancestor worship ceremony of the Banished Immortal Clan was somewhat cruel, when the clansmen thought of it, it was a sacrifice made for the ancestors who gave their lives, and they recognized it in their hearts.For those girls who were unfortunately selected, although they felt guilty in their hearts, the clansmen generally treated their families well so that their consciences would not be too much condemned.But now, everything has changed.The sacrifices they made were not for their ancestors, but were used by a shameless evil spirit. Such a strong gap naturally made it difficult for the clansmen to accept!
Especially the family members of the girls who died at the ancestor worship ceremony were filled with righteous indignation.After a brief silence, people's anger erupted like a volcano.Roaring, shouting and cursing, one after another, trying to break through the sky!
"Bastard! I'll kill you!" Among them, Song Yuantong was the most serious. Thinking of his daughter's tragic death, Song Yuantong couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, like a mad lion, waving a pole and rushed to the ring.

The clansmen moved accordingly, and the crowd rushed towards the little devil like a torrent.

Facing the anger of the crowd, although the little ghost was not afraid of their harm, he couldn't help feeling a burst of fear in his heart, and his body trembled incessantly.

Li Xiaogang glanced at him, sneered, and said, "Have you seen how scary people are now?"

The little ghost nodded in haste, and begged in a trembling voice: "God, help, God, help!
Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and set up an invisible air wall in front of him, separating Song Yuantong and the angry villagers.Song Yuantong exerted all his breastfeeding strength, but he couldn't break through the invisible wall of energy set up by Li Xiaogang, and rushed in front of the little ghost, his anxious eyes almost popped out as soon as he relieved the hatred in his heart.

"Boy, why do you want to stop me?" Song Yuantong failed to pass several times, turned his head and glared at Li Xiaogang fiercely and asked.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "He is just an evil spirit, not a real entity, you can't hurt him!

"I don't believe it!" Song Yuantong shouted with wide eyes.

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and opened the invisible air wall a little, allowing Song Yuan to pass through.When he got close to the little ghost, Song Yuantong immediately swung the pole and slammed it down on the little ghost's head.However, Song Yuantong only felt that his pole was smashed into the air, passed through the little ghost's body, and hit the ground with a snap without any resistance.Because Song Yuantong used too much force, the pole was folded in two sections, and the strong rebounding force shattered Song Yuantong's tiger's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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