The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1952 Destroy the evil spirits!

Chapter 1952 Destroy the evil spirits!

"This one..." Now Song Yuantong believed it, his eyes were wide open, and his face was full of surprise.

While Song Yuantong's actions startled the little ghost, he also felt relieved. He secretly despised himself for a while, knowing that these ordinary people would have no way to hurt him, why should he worry about it?Thinking of this, the little ghost involuntarily showed a somewhat smug smile on his face.

Seeing the little ghost's smile, Li Xiaogang frowned immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and shot at the little ghost like a sharp sword, the little ghost trembled a few times in fright, annoyed that he deserved to die, Carried away in front of Li Xiaogang, isn't he tired of living?

"How could this be, how could this be!?" Song Yuantong couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that he failed to deal even the slightest blow to the little ghost.At the same time, a huge sense of loss, grief and indignation surged into his heart incomparably swiftly.With a Putong sound, he knelt down on the ground, opened his hands and raised them to the sky, and let out a hysterical roar.

"Daughter! It's useless to be a dad. Dad can't avenge you! Dad is sorry for you!" Song Yuantong's cry of grief and indignation resounded throughout the world, making those who saw it sad and those who heard it cry.

Li Xiaogang couldn't bear it, and persuaded Song Yuantong: "Even if you beat him to death, your daughter won't come back to life. What's the point of that?"

Song Yuantong said with tears streaming down his face: "I know, but if I can't avenge this hatred, how can I be worthy of my daughter Qu Jiuquan? As a father, am I still a person? Sir, I know you are very capable , One punch can hit a giant tree hugged by two people, it is extremely brave! And I see that this evil spirit is also very afraid of you, so you must have a way to kill him, right?"

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said: "I can indeed kill him!" Then, sir, please do me a favor and kill him for me, so that this evil spirit will never be reborn!As long as you promise me, I, Song Yuantong, will never frown even if I do my best for you! "Song Yuantong knelt down in front of Li Xiaogang with a plop, and said to Li Xiaogang with tears in an almost pleading tone.

"Uncle Tong, what are you doing, get up!" Seeing Song Shuang, he hurried over and tried to help Song Yuantong up.However, Song Yuantong was determined, no matter how hard she tried, Song Yuantong knelt on the ground and remained motionless.

Seeing this, Li Xiaogang said faintly: "Actually, to kill this evil spirit, or even plan that he will never live, to me, it's just a matter of waving my hands."

Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Song Yuantong immediately asked loudly: "So, you agreed?"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang seemed to be a little moved, the little ghost was confused, and hurriedly begged Li Xiaogang: "Great God, you promised me that as long as I tell the truth about the matter in front of the Banished Immortals, you will forgive me." I have one life!" Huh? "As soon as the little devil's words came out, Song Yuantong's eyes widened immediately, he looked at Li Xiaogang in disbelief, and said tremblingly: "You—how did you make a deal with this evil spirit?How can you promise not to kill him? "

"Hey, old guy! Even though your daughter died because of me, you can only blame me for being so stupid that you even believed my words."

"I'll fight with you!" Seeing that little devil was so rascal, Song Yuantong's lungs almost exploded, without saying a word, he bumped headfirst towards the little devil.However, the little ghost is not a real body, but just a cloud of yin energy. Song Yuantong slammed into the little ghost's body and slammed into the altar.

"Uncle Tong!" Song Shuangkuang was taken aback, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab Song Yuantong, but Song Yuantong used too much force, Song Shuangfei failed to grab him, but was brought by Song Yuantong and bumped into the altar table.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and hastily released a burst of Nüwa's divine power to immobilize the two, which prevented them from being injured.

"Since you want to protect this evil spirit, why do you want to save me? Let me hit my head to death, give me a good time! Song Yuantong cried loudly in pain.

Song Shuang saw that Song Yuantong was looking for death and life, and had no intention of continuing to live, so he became anxious, and yelled at Li Xiaogang coquettishly: "You have to say something!" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said to Song Yuan, "Uncle, your boss wants Listening to this little devil's nonsense, I never promised that I would let him live!As soon as Li Xiaogang's words came out of his mouth, Song Yuantong's expression immediately cheered up, while the little ghost's expression became extremely frightened.Full of fear, he said to Li Xiaogang: "Master, you may not believe what you said!" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said, "You bastard!Think back to yourself, when did I promise to let you live? "

"Then why did I tell the truth to the Immortal Clan people?" The little ghost was stunned for a moment, his face turned blue and red, and he was extremely ugly.

"You have done so many evil things and killed so many girls from the Immortal Clan, shouldn't you give an explanation to the people of the Immortal Clan? Do you think you told the truth for me? Huh! That is to reduce your My own sins, in order not to let myself fall into the dark abyss! You killed so many people and made such a big crime, if I let you continue to live, wouldn't it be justified by heaven?"

"Are you kidding me?" The little ghost was furious, yelling at Li Xiaogang with a vicious look on his face.

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said coldly: "So what?"

"I'll fight with you!" Seeing that there was no life left, the little ghost trembled in rage, and a thick black mist, like an ink dragon, rolled towards Li Xiaogang with astonishing momentum.

"You dare to show your power in front of me with such a small skill, you are looking for death!" Li Xiaogang shouted suddenly, and thousands of purple lights full of sacred aura burst out from his body. In the blink of an eye, the black mist like black dragon was wiped away. net.At the same time, a ray of purple light was like a whip, and with a sound of grin, it ruthlessly whipped the little devil's body.

How could that little ghost withstand such a heavy blow from Li Xiaogang, he spewed out a mouthful of black blood, and slowly shrank to the ground.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him!" Song Yuantong cheered up, waved his fists full of encouragement and roared repeatedly.

Those tribesmen who were harmed by the little ghost responded one after another. For a while, the entire ancestor worship ceremony of the Immortal Clan resounded like slogans.

Seeing everyone clamoring to kill him, the little ghost was startled and angry, gritted his teeth and bounced up from the ground, waving his hands like lightning, waves of black aura swept over him like a storm. Hovering around, lingering. "You damn python ants, before I die, I will use you as a backing!" "You want to die!" Li Xiaogang yelled angrily, like the thunder of the nine heavens, the little ghost trembled wildly. He couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Xiaogang, only to see Li Xiaogang's face was gloomy and murderous. If he said he was not afraid, that would be a lie. But that little ghost knew better in his heart that in Li Xiaogang's hands today, he was doomed. In this case, no matter how afraid he was, he had to fight! So he ignored Li Xiaogang's roar at all, pointed his toes, and Shaped like a piece of black feather, it hovered and flew into the air, and its hands danced like crazy. The black air lingering around him became more and more violent, and it actually formed a black cloud, covering all the sunlight. It was as if it was dark all of a sudden.

Accompanied by the publicity of the black aura, a cold feeling of deep fear spread among the exiled immortals.The Immortals are just a group of ordinary people, they have never seen such a scene before.Seeing the dark clouds covering the top, it seemed like the end of the world, everyone was stunned and even held their breath.

Li Xiaogang was also slightly surprised to see that this little devil had created such a big scene.

It seems that for more than a thousand years, the little ghost has used the abundant pure yin power in the blood of the girl to cultivate, and his skill is really not ordinary.

"You evil spirit, what do you want to do?" Li Xiaogang asked with a cold face.

"It's you who don't keep promises, so don't blame me for being too vicious! If I must die, then I will let the whole clan of the Banished Immortal Clan be buried with me!" the little ghost roared wildly.

"Do you think I will stand by and let you succeed?" Li Xiaogang asked coldly.

"I know, with your cultivation base, I can practice for thousands of years, but I can't do anything to you. But it doesn't matter, I don't kill you, I only kill these exiled immortals! Don't try to stop me, I will die desperately. The price is that the power has been increased by more than ten times. The power of this blow, even the masters of the celestial beings in the fairy world can't take it! Although your cultivation base is high, I believe you can't match the celestial beings, so I advise you to run for your life quickly Hahaha!" The little devil obviously entered the final madness, and laughed wantonly looking at Li Xiaogang.

"You evil spirit, you are dying, and you still refuse to repent! You really deserve death! You say that my cultivation level is not as good as that of a fairy, and you are really blind!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang's figure floated up, straight It pierced straight through the black cloud cast by the little ghost, and was wrapped in a mass of purple light, standing upright in the sky like a purple sun.

A sacred and solemn aura spread from Li Xiaogang's body, covering the sky and the ground, and the purple light was like mercury pouring down on the ground, scattered in patches.Under this purple light, the black cloud released by the little ghost, like snow under the scorching sun, or silk in a fire, dissipated at an astonishing speed, and in a blink of an eye, a large piece was missing.

"How is this possible?!" The little devil was completely shocked by what happened in front of him, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation that didn't sound like a human voice.Not daring to delay for a moment, he spat out a mouthful of black blood, and with the last of his energy, pushed the thick black cloud out.

"Give it to me!" At the same time, Li Xiaogang burst into a roar, his body swayed, and the purple brilliance flourished, forming a pocket-shaped purple mask in the air, and the thick black cloud , as if being pulled by an inexplicable attraction, they scrambled towards the purple light bag.Like a mad dragon absorbing water, everything was included in it in a blink of an eye.The sky and the earth were brightened, and people saw the clear sky and the warm sunshine again.

(End of this chapter)

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