The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1955 Must Migrate

Chapter 1955 Must Migrate
Uncle Song smiled wryly, and said: "I'm not in a hurry, but I can't help this daughter who is extroverted, she's being urged to and fro every day, which makes me upset, so why not marry her off as soon as possible, just to keep her clean!"

"So, our Mei'er already has a sweetheart, right?" Song Yuanshan turned to look at Song Mei with a smile. Song Mei was ashamed and hid behind Uncle Song with a flushed face.

"You girl, I didn't see you shy when you were pestering me at home, but now I'm going to match you, but you know how shy you are?" Song Sanshu yelled at Song Mei with a smile.

"Mei'er, if you want me to match you, then at least you have to tell me first, which young man do you like? Otherwise, Uncle Song, I'll make a mess of the mandarin ducks. At that time, you didn't marry the person you love, so why don't you secretly scold me for the rest of your life? This is still a trivial matter, if it delays your life's major events, then the gain outweighs the gain.

"Dad, stop teasing Mei'er! Mei'er's sweetheart even gave up her life for her. Do you still have to ask who it is?" Song Shuang couldn't help but said when she saw Song Mei's overwhelmed expression .

"Ah! I remembered, it's Song Bing, right? Oh! Song Bing is such a good guy, not to mention handsome, but also very courageous, emphasizing love and righteousness! I just want him to risk his life to save his life. Mei'er, it's not difficult to see. If Mei'er can marry him, she will really fall into the nest of happiness.

"That's right! I can tell that Song Bing is indeed a good kid. Patriarch, may I trouble you to make peace for us?" Uncle Song said to Song Yuanshan with a smile.

Song Yuanshan frowned, looking a bit embarrassed.Said faintly: "This was a great thing in the first place. In the past, I was sure I would have gone there, but now..."

"What's the matter now?" Uncle Song and Song Mei froze at the same time.

Just as Song Yuanshan was about to open his mouth to tell the reason, there was a sudden noise outside. Everyone saw that it was Song Bing and his father.As soon as the father and son walked in, seeing Song Mei and his daughter were there, they couldn't help being stunned.

Song Yuanshan couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay! It really echoes the old saying, it's not a family, he doesn't enter the family! Hahaha!"

It was a coincidence that Song Bing and his son talked about their intentions in the future. The purpose of the father and son's visit is to find Song Yuanshan to be their matchmaker, and the person is Song Mei.

This is a good time, the two families hit it off right away, and Song Yuanshan agreed between the two parties. The two parents discussed the details of marriage and other aspects on the spot, but Song Yuanshan was thrown aside.Seeing that the two parties became more and more happy as they chatted, the sadness on Song Yuanshan's face became more and more serious.

At the end, Song Yuanshan couldn't bear it anymore, and he opened his mouth and said quietly, "Sir, you and Song Bing's father are cousins, right?"

Uncle Song San didn't understand the meaning of Song Yuanshan's words, and happily patted his thigh and said, "Yes, now we are even more intimate! Hahaha!"

Song Bing's father also laughed along with him, obviously agreeing with Uncle Song's words.

Song Yuanshan put a straight face on his face and said, "Kiss is more intimate? Have you ever thought that if Mei'er and Song Bing get married, there is a high chance that their offspring will be deformed?"

"Ah? This one..." At this time, Song Yuanshan's words undoubtedly poured cold water on the two of them.Song Sanshu asked nah-na: "Will you?"

Song Yuanshan frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Why not? Do you think there are still few deformed children in our village? Which one of them is not caused by the marriage of close relatives? We have always thought about what kind of kissing and kissing , I don’t know what kind of disaster this has brought to our Immortal Clan! In my opinion, if this continues, it may not be long before our Immortal Clan will no longer be able to give birth to a healthy baby!
"But there are also many close relatives who get married, and the children born are all healthy, without any problems, just like ordinary people?" Song Sanshu frowned.

"Yes! Indeed! But who would dare to take this risk easily?" Song Yuanshan asked in a deep voice.

Uncle Song San and Song Bing's father looked at each other, fell silent, and turned to Song Mei and Song Bing.

The two thought that their marriage was a matter of course, but unexpectedly, it turned into the current result, and they were a little flustered for a while.Song Mei said in a crying voice: "Even if we don't have children in the future, we will be together!
"Yes! We don't need to have children!" Song Bing also said loudly.

Song Yuanshan smiled wryly for a spring and said: "You young people, when you do things, you always don't consider the consequences! It's easy to say that you don't want children! But if you don't have children, what will you do when you get old? Even if you don't care about yourself, then You also have to think about our Immortal Clan? If everyone is like you, choosing not to have children in order to be able to stay together forever, how can our Immortal Clan continue to survive?"

Although what Song Yuanshan said was right, for two people who were already in love and couldn't extricate themselves, no matter how reasonable it was, as long as it was to separate the two, it would become unreasonable.Song Mei didn't even want to think about Song Yuanshan's words, she shook her head like a rattle and said, "Patriarch, please, please don't separate me and Song Bing, don't!

"Yes! No one can break us up, no one!" Song Bing also hugged Song Mei, and shouted at everyone with a determined expression.

Song Yuanshan sighed helplessly.As the saying goes, tear down a temple, but don't tear down a marriage!It's not so easy to beat mandarin ducks.

Song Yuanshan frowned, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the matter of the migration of the whole clan can no longer be delayed! Shuang'er, please help me to inform you that Uncle Yuantong and several elders in the clan are here to gather immediately , Just say, I have something important to discuss with them!
Song Mei nodded, turned and walked out.

Uncle Song looked at Song Yuanshan in puzzlement, and asked in a murmur, "Patriarch, you said the whole clan moved?"

Song Yuanshan nodded heavily and said: "That's right! We, the Banished Immortal Clan, have been isolated from the world for generations, like a pool of stagnant water, which will dry up sooner or later! In the past, we had to guard here Our ancestors can't go anywhere, but now, our ancestors have returned to the fairyland, and we can leave without any worries!
"Leave? Patriarch, we have lived here for thousands of years. This is everyone's homeland. Today, you let us abandon our family and business and leave our homeland. Isn't this too cruel?" Uncle Song said somewhat unacceptably .

"I also know that it is difficult for everyone to leave their homeland, but I really don't want this place to become the grave of our exiles! Don't you see the crisis our people are facing? There are more and more deformed children. Lifespan is getting shorter and shorter - this is God's warning to us, we really have reached the time to leave.

"Will the people of the Yike clan agree?" Uncle Song couldn't refute Song Yuanshan's words.

Song Yuanshan shook his head, "I have no idea! However, it's best if the clansmen agree. If they don't agree, we have to convince them to agree! In short, the migration of the Immortal Clan is imminent, and we must not delay it any longer!
When Song Yuanshan told Song Yuantong and several elders in the clan about the relocation of the Immortal Clan.Their expressions were almost the same as Uncle Song's and Song Bing's father, they were shocked, unbelievable, and even unacceptable.

"Yuan Shan, what do you think? You actually want to throw all the remains of our ancestors here alone. This is the greatest unfilial piety!" Song Yuantong said to Song Yuanshan sadly.

"Yuantong! What is filial piety to our ancestors? I think it's not that we spend our lives here with our ancestors, but that we, the descendants, should live well, live wonderfully, and live our ancestors' lives. To continue with the legacy and make them proud of us, is this the filial piety to our ancestors? Isolation from the world is an extremely wrong way to survive. If we continue, it will only make our clansmen completely annihilated! As a member of the Immortal Clan Patriarch, if all this really happened, then all of you and I are sinners of the Immortal Clan! Even if we go underground, we will have no face to meet our ancestors!
After Song Yuanshan's words fell to the ground, no one spoke for a long time. It can be seen that what Song Yuanshan said has already touched the hearts of everyone present.

"Is there really no other way?" Song Yuantong asked blankly.He turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, with a pleading face, hoping that Li Xiaogang could lend a helping hand to them again.

However, Li Xiaogang shook his head and said seriously: "I agree with the patriarch's method! Now, there is no better way! Outside the mountains, everything must follow the laws of science, and survival is no exception! To isolate yourself from the world is to go against science and dig your own grave!
Now Li Xiaogang's prestige seems to be greater than that of Song Yuanshan. Song Yuanshan and the several elders looked at each other. Although they seemed a little helpless, they had accepted the suggestion of relocation to a certain extent.

"Then where do we move? What can our clansmen do to make a living outside? These are all problems, and we can't take them into consideration!" Song Yuantong sighed softly and opened his mouth.Song Yuantong cast his eyes on Song Shuang, Song Shuang nodded, and said: "Li Xiaogang and I are in the outside world, and we still have some abilities! I will find a way to open up a separate living area for our clansmen, so that even if our clansmen arrive In the outside world, they will not be separated. As for making a living, there are actually many means! I can provide skills training for everyone, so that everyone can find a good job to support their families!
Li Xiaogang said: "Although the Banished Immortal Clan is independent of the outside world and does not connect with the outside world, the Banished Immortal Clan is also a part of our Chinese nation. I believe that the government will never ignore your situation. In short, please rest assured. Walking out of here, everyone will only live a better life!
(End of this chapter)

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