The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1956 Hunting!

Chapter 1956 Hunting!

Song Yuanshan smiled, looked at the elders and said, "Do you have any comments?"

Song Yuantong shook his head, let out a long breath, and said, "Since Shuang'er and Mr. Li have considered us so thoughtfully, I don't have any problems! I am willing to move out of the mountains and integrate into the outside world!
Seeing Song Yuantong nodded, several elders also agreed.

"That's good! Let's split up and mobilize the clan members. Let's act as soon as possible to prepare for the migration of the whole clan!" Song Yuanshan stood up and said with an excited expression.

Song Yuantong and several elders were not mother-in-laws, so they split up and went to act on their own.However, Uncle Song San's father and daughter and Song Bing's father and son stayed.

All four of them had sad faces, especially Song Mei and Song Bing, with sad faces and tears streaming down their faces.Song Yuanshan knew what they were up to, but he couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds, so he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Uncle Song was silent for a while, and then said quietly: "Patriarch, can't we be more flexible in this matter? It's not easy for the two children to get along to this day. It would be too cruel to insist on breaking them apart.

"Yeah, is there no other way?" Song Bing's father also asked nana.

"Sister Shuang'er, help us, don't let us separate, please!" Song Mei couldn't help sobbing, she fell into Song Shuang's arms, hugged her waist, and cried with her head buried.

Song Shuang was originally a soft-hearted person, but when he saw Song Mei like this, he lost his mind and hugged Song Shuang's shoulders that kept loosening and sobbing, not knowing what to do.Turning around, I saw Li Xiaogang looking at them with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, he patted Song Mei's shoulder and said with a giggle, "Silly girl, what problem can you solve just by crying?"

Song Mei raised her head when she heard that, looked at Song Shuang with tears in her eyes, and murmured hopefully, "Sister Shuang'er, do you have a way to help us?"

Song Shuangjiao laughed a few times and said, "I can't help it, but someone has it!
Hearing Song Shuang's words, Li Xiaogang's heart exploded, and he stood up quickly and walked out of the house.But before he could go out, Song Shuang stopped him, looked at Li Xiaogang, smiled like a little fox, and said quietly, "Honey, you are in such a hurry, where are you going?"

Li Xiaogang let out a sigh, and hurriedly said: "It's nothing, I'll go and make it easier, hehe..."

"Can you bear it for a while?" Song Shuang's smile became a little 'evil', and Li Xiaogang's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said with a dry smile: "If you say yes, then you can!

Ha ha……

Song Shuang glared at him with satisfaction, and said to Song Mei with a charming smile, "Silly girl, the people who can help you are far away in the sky, and right in front of you, what are you waiting for?"

Song Mei came to her senses all of a sudden, and her eager eyes immediately covered Li Xiaogang's body, which made Li Xiaogang smile wryly in his heart, "Trouble is coming again!

Song Shuanggang was going to beg Li Xiaogang, but someone was faster than her. She saw a figure jumping in front of Li Xiaogang, it was Song Bing!

"Brother Li Xiaogang, please, help us find a way, don't let us separate! Please!" Song Bing was so impatient that he was on the verge of tears.

Li Xiaogang frowned, smiled wryly, and said, "Look at this, reproduction is a natural law. Since it is a natural law, it is fixed and cannot be changed by manpower, so one"

"But you are not a human being, you are Shenna! On the altar yesterday, I saw you flying high in the air, emitting purple radiance from your body, subduing and destroying the evil spirit. Moreover, I also heard it personally You said, you are the patron saint of this world. Since you are a god, you can naturally do things that humans cannot do!" Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Song Bing couldn't wait to say it repeatedly.

Song Shuang gave Song Bing a thumbs up with a smile, and said with a coquettish smile, "A Bing, you are really smart! Giggle!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled bitterly, touched his nose, and said quietly: "It seems that I was driven out of the market, so I have to help if I don't want to help?"

"Xiao Gang, Song Bing and Song Mei are childhood sweethearts. They have been very affectionate since they were young. Everyone in our clan is very optimistic about them! I hope they will be able to marry each other! Since you can help them, then Help! Accomplishing this beautiful thing is also for yourself, right?" Song Yuanshan also said aside.

"Honey! Everyone has said that now, don't you really have the heart to watch this young couple separate from each other?" Song Shuang looked at Li Xiaogang and asked with a smile.

Li Xiaogang raised his brows, and said in a vibrating voice: "Alright then! Since you are doing good for yourself, then there is nothing else to say. You two come here!
Li Xiaogang waved to Song Mei and Song Bing, and they walked in front of him together.Li Xiaogang stretched out two thumbs and pressed them respectively on the seals of the two.

Under the amazed gaze of the crowd, two purple rays of light shot out from Li Xiaogang's thumbs respectively and submerged into their bodies at the same time.Song Mei and Song Bing's bodies trembled a few times as if they were getting an electric shock, and then they closed their eyes gently, their faces showing a kind of inner, slowly comfortable and comfortable feeling.

The purple light followed their foreheads, went down, passed through their necks, spread to their arms, legs, and to every corner of their bodies.Just when everyone was amazed, Li Xiaogang shouted "Okay!" Afterwards, Song Mei and Song Bing opened their eyes at the same time.

A burst of purple light shot out from the eyes of the two at the same time, and they looked at Li Xiaogang.

"Can we be together?" Song Bing only felt that his body was lighter than before and his spirit was more refreshed than before, but there seemed to be no other abnormalities, so he couldn't help asking a little nervously.

Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said: "I have optimized your genes for you. After the two of you combine, the baby born will not only have no deformities, but will also be extraordinarily smarter than other children." , you can rest assured to be together! Hehe!"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Song Shuang and Song Bing immediately beamed with joy, and Uncle Song and Song Bing's father couldn't help clapping their hands to celebrate!He thanked Li Xiaogang again and again.

Song Shuang couldn't help but walked over, gave Li Xiaogang a blank look, and said in a low voice: "You can do things you can do by raising your hand, but you have to put on an embarrassing look, and you have to beg you before you are willing to do it. It's too much!

Li Xiaogang grabbed her small waist, pulled her into his arms vigorously, and said: "What do you mean you can do it by raising your hand? Do you know that in order to help the two of them optimize their genes , but it took me a lot of energy.

Song Shuang touched Li Xiaogang's face with a smile, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I know you have worked hard, I will make up for you tonight, okay?"

Seeing the ambiguous smile on Song Shuang's face, Li Xiaogang's heart couldn't help shaking, he couldn't help but smash the sun into pieces with one palm, so that night will come soon!
Song Yuanshan was busy persuading the clansmen to accept the decision to relocate, but Li Xiaogang and Song Shuang had nothing to do for the time being.So, accompanied by Song Mei and Song Bing, they wandered around the village of the Immortal Clan.

During this walk, Li Xiaogang discovered that there are indeed quite a few deformed children in the Banished Immortal Clan!Among them, children with cerebral palsy are mostly children with congenital infertility. This is obviously a situation that only occurs when close relatives marry.

The people of the Immortal Clan have lived a self-sufficient life for generations, and life is actually very bitter.Once there is a disaster year, the livelihood of the whole family will be a problem.This makes labor more important in this village.However, these families who gave birth to deformed children not only failed to obtain labor force supplements from childbirth, but even occupied the original labor force in order to take care of these deformed children, making their lives more difficult.

However, it is those deformed children who are more painful. Once they arrive in this world, they have to bear hardships that ordinary people in this world cannot bear.Looking at their innocent eyes, there was already hidden pain, Li Xiaogang couldn't bear it in his heart.

Song Shuang did not expect that the beautiful hometown she had longed for would become what it is today, and the joyful mood of the two of them was immediately destroyed to the fullest.

Song Shuang took over a child with cerebral palsy who was less than two years old from a tribal woman who described a dry manuscript, and her heart felt heavy like lead.

Li Xiaogang sighed lightly, hugged Song Shuang's shoulders, and murmured, "We came back a little late."

As soon as Li Xiaogang said this, Song Shuang's tears rolled down like a flood that broke a bank, remorse and accusations flooded her heart together.

"Sister Shuang, don't do this, it's not your fault!" Song Mei hurriedly comforted Song Shuang.

Song Shuang shook his head, and murmured with tears: "But our clansman is suffering too much! They shouldn't suffer such a tragic fate, they are innocent ones"

Li Xiaogang thought for a while, then turned to Song Bing and asked, "Song Bing, when you fought against dozens of strong men in order to save Song Mei, I saw that your skills are very good. Do you know how to hunt?"

"Hunting?" Song Bing looked up at Li Xiaogang full of doubts and asked, "Yes!hunt! "Li Xiaogang said in a vibrating voice with his eyes shining.

Song Bing nodded, and said: "Hunting is something that every man in our Immortal Clan must know, and of course I will!

Song Mei said proudly: "Song Bing is the bravest young man of our Immortal Clan, every time he comes back from hunting, he kills the most prey!

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Really? Then I have to see it, Shuang'er, let's go together!"
Song Shuang shook his head, and said sadly: "You guys go, I—I'm not in the mood—"

"It's because you're in a bad mood that's why we're going hunting. Let's have fun! In the outside world, there are no such primeval forests with such rich prey." Li Xiaogang said.

"Honey, I really don't want to go, so don't force me anymore." Song Shuang shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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