The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1961 The Evil Black Robe

Chapter 1961 The Evil Black Robe

Qingsong never expected that the black-robed venerable would be such a rascal, and he said coldly, "I've said it before, I don't want to go to heaven!" Bold! "The black-robed venerable roared, and the world trembled.

Sensing the strong hostility from the black-robed venerable, Xiaoyun and Xiaofei immediately became alert, and stood on both sides of Qingsong's body, ready to fight side by side with him.

Accompanied by the angry roar of the black-robed venerable, came a terrifying coercion all over the sky.Although Qingsong is in the late stage of distraction, compared with the celestial strength of Venerable Black Robe, it is really far behind!The coercion of the black-robed venerable was invisible, like a mountain was pressed on Qingsong's shoulders, making it difficult for Qingsong to bear.

Seeing the hard work of the master, the psychic Xiao Fei and Xiao Yun didn't need to be greeted by the green pine. The chest and throat were bitten.

"Hmph! Two ignorant bastards!" The black-robed lord shook his body, and an invisible wall of energy immediately spread in front of him.Just hearing two muffled bangs, Xiao Yun and Xiao Fei were bounced back heavily as if they had hit the glass.The tiger in the cloud was in pain, and kept moaning in a low voice.

"Don't hurt them!" Seeing that Xiaoyun and Xiaofei were injured, Qingsong was furious, and he couldn't care less about the identity of the black-robed venerable. He rushed towards the black-robed venerable.

"You dare to show off your skills in front of my black-robed venerable, you can't do what you can!" The black-robed venerable narrowed his eyes, and two black lightning shot out from his eyes, and with a bang, Qingsong's true strength was scattered, Not waiting for Qingsong to regain his composure, he waved his right palm, and an invisible force struck Qingsong with lightning strikes.Poor Qingsong had no way to defend himself, his body trembled a few times like an electric shock, and then he was blown away.

The black-robed venerable sneered ferociously, looked at the green pine, and said in a gloomy voice: "You little cultivator, you really don't know how to live or die! Don't even look at it, how capable you are, how dare you I declare war.

Qingsong clutched his painful chest, stood up tremblingly, stared at the black-robed venerable, and said coldly: "Although I am not your opponent, I am not someone who can be bullied! The black-robed The Venerable snorted coldly, and said: "If you don't want to be bullied, you must have considerable strength!In my eyes, you are like an ant, as long as I want, I can crush you to death at any time!You listen to me well, I will be your welcoming messenger and introduce you to join our Futu Gate, that is your good fortune!If you continue to be so ignorant of good and evil, I will simply destroy you and make you never live!Qingsong coughed a few times, spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and said fearlessly: "You bully others like this, you don't look like a true immortal at all, I think you Futumen are probably not good people! I still don't want to enter the fairy world, even if I have the ability to enter the fairy world, I will definitely not join your nonsense Futu sect!" The more Qingsong spoke, the more excited and annoyed she became, and her words became more intense.

Hearing this, the black-robed venerable showed anger on his face, streaks of black aura kept coming out from his palms, his figure became more and more ruthless, and a murderous look arose spontaneously, "I think you are toasting and don't want to eat!" Fine wine! Qingsong let out a cold snort, and was ready to fight to the death. Although she knew that she was no match for the black-robed venerable, Qingsong had already made up her mind that she would not be separated from Zhu'er even if she was desperate to die. What's more, Li Xiaogang has already promised him that he will bring back the formula of Xuanyuan Pill in time, Zhu'er still has the hope of being reborn.

Seeing that Qingsong was determined to die, the expression of the black-robed venerable changed.He could indeed kill Qingsong in the late stage of distraction without any effort, but this was not the purpose of the black-robed venerable.His real purpose is to attract Qingsong to join the Futu Sect, and provide new forces for their expedition in the fairy world.

The Futu Sect was originally only a second-rate sect in the fairy world, and their sect master, the Futu Saint Immortal, could barely be regarded as a first-rate master in the fairy world, far worse than the top-level powerhouses.However, for some reason, the cultivation base of the Futu Saint Immortal has skyrocketed recently, and with the addition of several mysterious experts, the strength of the Futu Sect can be said to have reached the sky in one step. Together with several other sects, a vast battle has been opened in the fairy world. Predatory battle.

Although with the help of the mysterious strongman, the other sects in the Immortal Realm are not vegetarian after all, united together, they insisted on resisting the overwhelming attack of the Futu Sect, and the two sides entered a stalemate.With the continuation of the state of anxiety, the consumption of both sides is getting bigger and bigger day by day. Up to now, Futumen has no choice but to turn its attention to the lower realm, hoping to select enough strong practitioners from the lower realm to enter the fairy world to supplement them loss.

Qingsong was being watched by the Futu Gate early in the morning, and then the black-robed venerable was sent to pick him up.When those ordinary cultivators heard that they could enter the fairy world, most of them would be dizzy with joy, crying and shouting to join the Buddha Sect.Venerable Heipao originally thought that Qingsong would do the same, but now he found that he was overly optimistic about things.

Seeing that Qingsong resisted to death, the black-robed venerable frowned, smiled slightly, took care, changed his cold and arrogant face into a harmless smile, and said to Qingsong: "Boy, you won't Joining us at Futumen is for your wife, right? Qingsong didn't know what the black-robed venerable was thinking at this time, and nodded warily, "That's right!The black-robed venerable chuckled, and asked again: "How did your wife die, and how long has she been dead?" "My wife died to save me. It has been hundreds of years now. What do you want to do?" "Qingsong asked in a deep voice, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

The black-robed venerable smiled and said: "I can't tell, you are still an infatuated, and you have guarded your wife's body. After hundreds of years, it is not easy! Hehe, do you want to let your wife live?" Come here? The words of the black-robed venerable made Qingsong’s heart skip a beat, she looked at the black-robed venerable in amazement, and asked, "You—you can bring that my wife back to life?The black-robed venerable nodded with a smile, and said: "Although I don't have this magic power, our sect master, Saint Immortal Futu, must have it! As long as you agree to join the Futu sect, the sect master will definitely find a way to resurrect your wife, so that You are reunited.

"You—you didn't lie to me?" Qingsong suddenly became excited.

The black-robed venerable chuckled, and said, "Of course not! I, the black-robed venerable, have not told a single lie for thousands of years.

"Okay! I promise you, as long as you save your wife, I will immediately go to heaven and join the Futu Sect!" Qingsong said impatiently.

"Hahaha, good! Then I will do magic exercises now, first help you break through the bottleneck in the final stage of distraction, and then attract the catastrophe, and help you cross the catastrophe and become a fairy!" Seeing that Qingsong agreed, the face of the black-robed venerable There was a smug smile.He thought to himself, as long as he coaxed Qingsong into heaven, he might not be willing to join the Futu Sect.

Just as Qingsong was about to nod his head in agreement, there was a sudden movement in his heart.Thinking of it, even Li Xiaogang, a cultivator with supernatural powers, couldn't bring his wife back to life. How could an immortal be capable of such a thing?A cultivator like Li Xiaogang, facing the black-robed venerable, is just like the black-robed venerable facing himself, killing him is effortless.No matter how powerful Futu Sect Master Futu Shengxian is, can he compare with Li Xiaogang?Qingsong drew a big question mark in his heart.Looking at the black-robed venerable again with suspicion, Qingsong immediately discovered the cunning and complacency hidden deep in the black-robed venerable's eyes, his heart sank, and he cursed himself for being stupid for being fooled by the black-robed venerable.

Qingsong frowned, and asked the black-robed venerable: "After I pass through the catastrophe, can I take my wife into the fairy world?" The black-robed venerable shook his head without thinking, and said, "How can that be possible?" ?Your wife is a dead person, and a dead person cannot break through the barrier between the immortal and mortal realms.

"Then you mean to let my wife stay here by herself?" What's wrong?When you arrive at the Immortal Realm and find out about the sect master, the sect master will naturally come down to earth in person to resurrect your wife! "Sect Master Wan Sheng Supreme, will you come to the mortal world with dignity for me, a little cultivator, to save my wife?" Of course!The sect master has always been kind-hearted, and he takes the most care of us disciples!He will definitely save your wife, you don't have to be suspicious! "The black-robed venerable said in a deep voice.

The more frankly the black-robed venerable spoke, the more Qingsong felt something was wrong.Immediately shook his head and said: "I would like to invite you, my lord, to go back to heaven and invite the sect master. As long as the sect master saves my wife, I will immediately go to heaven with you, and from then on, I will serve in front of the sect master!" Seeing Qingsong being so stubborn, the black-robed venerable could only vomit blood in anger. His face turned cold, and he shouted in a deep voice: "If you really want to save your wife, stop talking nonsense and follow me to heaven immediately!"Seeing that the black-robed Venerable began to show his ferocity again, Qingsong was even more sure of his guess, and said with a sneer: "Until my wife is not resurrected, please forgive me for not agreeing to the Venerable!" I've been talking about it for a long time!My patience has reached its limit, you'd better follow me to heaven immediately, otherwise, I will completely smash your wife's body, so that you won't even be able to think about it in the future! "How dare you!" Hearing the words of the black-robed venerable, Qingsong roared anxiously and angrily.

"Hahaha, what can my venerable black robe dare not do? I will destroy your wife's body!" After a wild laugh, the venerable black robe swayed like a ghost in a cloud of black air. After wrapping it up, it went straight to the cave where Qingsong practiced.

When Qingsong saw it, the soul of the dead was terrified, and chased after him desperately, "Stop!" Hahahaha!" The cultivation of the black-robed venerable is far superior to Qingsong, even if Qingsong exerted all his strength, he still chased after him. Instead of going up to the black-robed venerable, he fell farther and farther away from the black-robed venerable.

Seeing that the black-robed venerable blinked a few times before disappearing into the cave, Qingsong's anxious eyes almost popped out.

In the room where Qingsong put his wife's body, the black-robed venerable stood beside Zhu'er's body with an evil smile on his face, waiting for Qingsong.

(End of this chapter)

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