The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1962 Li Xiaogang Arrives!

Chapter 1962 Li Xiaogang Arrives!
Panting heavily, Qingsong rushed in, and as soon as he saw the black-robed venerable, he shouted hoarsely: "Hei-pao, if you dare to hurt even a single hair of Zhu'er, I will try to blow myself up and kill you!" Hehe Why should you be so nervous when you are just a dead person? "That's not a dead person, that's my beloved wife, I won't allow you to insult her!" Qingsong's heart was filled with anger at this time, like a mad lion.

The black-robed venerable sneered, curled his lips and said: "Qingsong, you should thank me. Your wife has now become a stumbling block on your path to enlightenment. I will destroy her, and you can devote yourself to the Tao and never There will be distracting thoughts! Besides, your wife has been dead for hundreds of years, and she should have been buried in the ground long ago, that is her destination! The black-robed venerable slowly stretched his hand towards Pearl Son.

"Stop! Stop it!" Qingsong yelled several times, and rushed towards the black-robed venerable crazily.

"Hey hey one" the black-robed venerable laughed evilly a few times, raised a palm, and erected an invisible barrier between himself and the green pine.

Qingsong tried his best to break through this barrier, but his cultivation was far from that of the black-robed venerable. Even though he tried his best, he was still unable to break through the invisible barrier.

Qingsong was anxious and angry, and tears burst out of her eyes involuntarily.

"Please, please, don't hurt Zhu'er, she will be resurrected soon, you can't destroy her!" Qingsong fell to the ground weakly, pleading to the black-robed venerable with tears.

"You are really in a daze. How can a person who has been dead for hundreds of years be resurrected? It seems that I must completely destroy your wife's body and save you from your karma!" Five streaks of black air shot out from the inside, like five streaks of black lightning, shooting towards Zhu'er's body.Seeing this, Qingsong felt his eyes go dark, and almost fainted on the spot.Helpless, tears full of pain, like broken beads, gushed out of his eyes, and the painful roar from his mouth made those who heard it cry.

Seeing that Zhu'er's body was about to be destroyed in the hands of the black-robed venerable, a sudden change occurred, and a purple thunderbolt shot towards him suddenly, only a crisp crackling sound came, and the invisible force arranged by the black-robed venerable earlier The barrier immediately shattered like glass.The purple thunderbolt drove straight in, shooting towards the hand of the black-robed venerable like a laser.

The huge coercion and suffocating energy brought by the purple thunderbolt made the face of the black-robed venerable suddenly change. There was no doubt that this purple thunderbolt could destroy his hand like tearing a piece of paper. , the black-robed venerable exclaimed, hurriedly retreated a few steps away, raised his head and looked around vigilantly.

Qingsong didn't care too much, seeing an opportunity, she quickly flew over, threw herself next to the body of her beloved wife, and protected her.

"Who is it!?" The black-robed venerable knew that the purple thunderbolt just now was extremely powerful, and it was absolutely impossible for Qingsong to do it. He was cautiously on guard while looking around vigilantly.

"Who are you?" As soon as the black-robed venerable roared, Li Xiaogang's clear and disdainful voice rang out, and at the same time, Li Xiaogang's figure slowly appeared from the air.

"Xiao Gang!" Seeing that it was Li Xiaogang who arrived, Qingsong was overjoyed and shouted excitedly.

Li Xiaogang nodded at Qingsong and smiled, and said: "Brother Qingsong, long time no see, your cultivation has improved a lot!" Li Xiaogang looked Qingsong up and down, and found that Qingsong had entered the final stage of distraction, and said with a surprised smile.

Qingsong shook her head, smiled wryly, her hanging heart finally fell to the ground.With Li Xiaogang around, he no longer has to be afraid of the black-robed venerable.

While Li Xiaogang was talking with Qingsong, the eyes of the black-robed venerable swept Li Xiaogang several times.He wanted to see clearly the depth of Li Xiaogang, but was shocked to find that Li Xiaogang was like a dense fog, and he couldn't see through it at all.

This made the black-robed venerable feel astonished. He couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying existence as Li Xiaogang in the world.But if Li Xiaogang came from the fairy world, the black-robed venerable didn't show even the slightest bit of fairy spirit in Li Xiaogang.Of course, with the imagination of the black-robed venerable, it is absolutely impossible to imagine that the level of Li Xiaogang's existence has already surpassed the strongest existence in the fairy world.

Although the black-robed venerable also realized that Li Xiaogang was not an easy character to deal with, but he maintained his own identity, and the arrogance on his face never diminished in the slightest.

And his arrogance fell into Li Xiaogang's eyes, which made Li Xiaogang feel uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it.Seeing the eyes of the black-robed venerable gliding back and forth on his body, Li Xiaogang's face turned cold, and he asked Qingsong: "Brother Qingsong, where did this ghost-like thing come from? You still want to hurt your sister-in-law’s body, so you shouldn’t be your friend, right? Thinking that the black-robed venerable is going to destroy Zhu’er’s body, Qingsong’s heart is full of incomparable anger towards him, her face is hard and her voice is low Angrily said: "I can't afford a friend like him!Hearing Qingsong's words, a sneer appeared on Li Xiaogang's face, and he calmly said, "Since you are not friends with Brother Qingsong, then everything will be easy!" Kid, who are you? "The black-robed venerable has not yet realized the realization of death, looked at Li Xiaogang and asked coldly with disdain.

"Bold!" Li Xiaogang roared suddenly, and the black-robed venerable's heart froze immediately, and he couldn't help but retreated a few steps, with a look of shock and nervousness.

"Hahaha!" The heart of the black-robed venerable hadn't settled down yet, Li Xiaogang let out another burst of wild laughter, pointing at the black-robed venerable, and said contemptuously: "Look at you, you little coward, you are the one in the fairy world!" Are all the people here as useless as you? Hahaha!"

"Are you kidding me!?" The black-robed venerable was furious, burning with murderous aura.

"Yeah? How did you see it? It seems that you are not only timid, but you are also not big-brained. You are really a stupid fairy!" Li Xiaogang said with a sneer.

Seeing that the black-robed venerable is a majestic celestial being, but Li Xiaogang teased him like this, Qingsong was very puzzled.

"Wait, how do you know that I am from the fairy world?" Seeing Li Xiaogang revealing his own origin, the heart of the black-robed venerable trembled. The cultivation base can be seen clearly.But the black-robed venerable is unwilling to believe it, because this undoubtedly shows that his cultivation is not only inferior to others, but also far from others.This made the black-robed venerable, who naturally maintained a sense of superiority over all living beings in the world, somewhat unacceptable.

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "Is it strange? I can see through your internal organs at a glance! In front of me, you are no different from naked!" I don't believe it! "The black-robed venerable roared angrily.

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said pitifully: "It is the greatest tragedy for a person like you that you will never be able to see clearly who you are facing!" Nonsense! "The black-robed venerable was enraged, roared wildly, and suddenly waved his five fingers. Five black auras rushed towards Li Xiaogang with a strong aura, as if they were about to split the space.

Li Xiaogang snorted softly, swiped his right hand, the purple light flashed frequently, and the five black auras, before approaching Li Xiaogang's body, were scattered by Li Xiaogang's purple light and disappeared invisible.

"Impossible!" Feeling his own strength, he was easily defeated by Li Xiaogang like a cloud of smoke. The black-robed venerable couldn't believe his eyes, and roared with incomparable astonishment.

"Hei Pao, a mountain is higher than a mountain! You are definitely not Xiao Gang's opponent, you should go quickly!" Qing Song looked at the black robe Venerable who was on the verge of collapse, and shook his head helplessly.

"You're talking nonsense! I don't believe I'm no match for a mortal!" The black-robed venerable trembled, and a sharp howl suddenly came out of his mouth. Afterwards, countless fist-sized bodies wrapped in black air The gears were released from the cuffs of the black-robed venerable, and with a scalp-numbing whistling sound, they rolled around the black-robed venerable's body up and down, left and right.

Li Xiaogang's brows frowned suddenly, purple light flashed in his eyes, and through the lingering black air, he could clearly see the appearance of those gears.Those teeth that shone with a sharp cold light were like daggers. There was no doubt that these sharp teeth could split a person's body apart just by breathing.The blood that radiates from that gear is completely conceivable, this gear is definitely used to drinking human blood.

Originally, Li Xiaogang didn't pay attention to the black-robed venerable, nor did he think about killing him, but seeing these gears, Li Xiaogang changed his mind, and the murderous aura that had been suppressed for a long time was released at once, letting the light that filled the surroundings, Obviously dimmed by three points.

"I'm going to use my magic weapon to cut you into pieces! Anyone who dares to offend my Futu Sect will die!" The black-robed venerable went mad, and with a roar, three gears wrapped in black air , under the command of the black-robed venerable mind, he attacked Li Xiaogang's throat, chest, and genitals.

Li Xiaogang's eyebrows were the same, he flicked his fingers repeatedly, and two purple lights flew out, one up and one down, hitting the two gears attacking Li Xiaogang's throat and genitals respectively, only to hear two muffled bang bangs, the two A piece of gear, immediately turned into debris under Li Xiaogang's purple light.The remaining third gear was not affected, the gaze was still on Li Xiaogang's chest, and the speed increased by another three points.

The third gear was approaching, Li Xiaogang neither emitted purple light nor did he intend to dodge.Just as Venerable Heipao and Qingsong were speculating about Li Xiaogang's intentions, Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes and slowly stretched out his hand.

"What!?" The black-robed venerable and Qingsong exclaimed almost at the same time.Unexpectedly, Li Xiaogang planned to pick up the third gear with his hands.

"It's too arrogant!" Seeing this, the black-robed venerable was furious, and passed his hands over his chest again and again. Suddenly, the sound made by the third gear cutting through the air became sharper by three points, and the whining sound, not only It makes one's scalp numb, and it's even more deafening, as if the sky has been split.At the same time, the black air lingering on the third gear also exploded, like a dark cloud, pressing heavily on Qingsong's heart, making Qingsong's breathing stagnant.

(End of this chapter)

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