The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1971 Unbelievable love!

Chapter 1971 Unbelievable love!
Yukio Yamamoto couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "This guy is the same as me now. We can be regarded as having the same disease. You let him in, and I will see him here.

"Here?" The old butler glanced at Mikiko's body and frowned.

Yukio Yamamoto nodded heavily, and said, "It's right here! From now on, I will never leave Mikiko again.

The old butler sighed softly, turned around and walked out, and after a while, he led Yutian Sano in.

Seeing Yutian Sano now, you can understand why Yukio Yamamoto said that he and Yutian Sano are people who share the same disease.In the same few months, Yutian Sano looked even more haggard and older than Yukio Yamamoto.It is said that the hearts of parents in the world are pitiful, and they are sincere and do not deceive others.

Turning his head and glanced at Yutian Sano, Yukio Yamamoto didn't show much anger, chuckled, and asked: "I heard that you have sold all the assets of FT Group to Long Hao Group. You are really courageous. You are relaxed now, which is really gratifying.

Yutian Sano's eyes turned around Mikiko's body a few times, and sighed, "Aren't you the same? The power of the prime minister, if you say let it go, let it go."

Yukio Yamamoto murmured: "It's me who caused Mikiko to become what she is today. If I had known that today would happen, I wouldn't have run for office at all. Now I understand that everything It's all empty, only family love is the most real and most worthy of our grasp."

Yutian Sano pulled a chair and sat down, "Your thoughts are the same as mine. Without Shangnan, what's the use of FT? No, I don't want anything, I just hope now Let my son come back to life as soon as possible."

"Hehe, if the two of you have such an awareness, it seems that all this has not been in vain!" Li Xiaogang's figure slowly emerged from the air, and he said to the two with a smile.

As soon as they saw Li Xiaogang, a look of surprise and disbelief appeared on the faces of the two of them at the same time.The two thought they were dreaming at first, and rubbed their eyes vigorously.When they found that Li Xiaogang was still standing there, they were convinced that this was not a dream, and they jumped up from the chairs together, almost rolling and crawling to Li Xiaogang.

Of these two people, one is the head of state and the other is the head of a multinational consortium.How majestic it was before.Now that he has been reduced to such a field, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions in his heart.Straight sigh the magic of fate, uncertain.

"Mr. Li, you are finally back!" Yukio Yamamoto looked at Li Xiaogang, his hands were tightly crossed together, his face was eager and full of tension.

The same goes for Yuten Sano.Several times I opened my mouth to ask Li Xiaogang if he got the Xuanyuan Pill, which can revive You Tianshangnan.But a few times when the words came to my lips, I stopped because I was afraid of being disappointed.

If you don't tell them the truth, I'm afraid that these two people will die because of excessive tension, Li Xiaogang didn't need them to ask, just nodded and said: "I have found the elixir, which can save their lives.

As soon as Li Xiaogang's words came out, Yukio Yamamoto and Yuten Sano let out a long sigh of relief at the same time, and they sat down on the ground in unison in an extremely relaxed mood.

"My daughter is saved, my daughter is saved! Hahaha!" Yukio Yamamoto recited a few words as if reciting scriptures, and then laughed out of control, a line of muddy tears flowed down the corner of his eyes, It slid down the cheek.

Yutian Sano even howled and burst into tears, venting his emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for several months.

At this moment, even crying with joy is not enough to describe the emotions of the two of them.

Li Xiaogang took out Xuanyuan Pill and fed it to Mei Jizi himself.Because Meijizi is not Zhu'er, she has never practiced, and her physique is far less powerful than Zhu'er's.He was afraid that the powerful medicinal power of Xuanyuan Pill would directly destroy Mei Jizi's body.So Li Xiaogang has been guarding and guiding from the beginning to the end.He also didn't dare to release the medicinal power of Xuanyuan Pill too quickly, so the whole process was much slower and more difficult than when Zhu'er was resurrected.

It took a full two hours for Mikiko to respond.The originally pale complexion gradually showed a ruddy blood color, no different from that of ordinary people.

These two hours seemed to Yukio Yamamoto to be longer than most of his life.Sweat kept streaming down his forehead, and his body was trembling non-stop.No one wants to experience that kind of tension again.

When he saw the blood on Mikiko's face, Yukio Yamamoto was even more nervous and covered his mouth tightly with his hands, for fear that he would not be able to control himself and make any slight noise that would disturb Li Xiaogang. Destroy Mikiko's resurrection.

Yutian Sano also did not blink, concentrating his mind to a high degree.If Xuanyuan Pill can't exert the expected effect on Mei Jizi's body, then his son will never be resurrected successfully.

Under the extremely tense gaze of the two of them, a slight gurgle suddenly came out of Mikiko's mouth.To the ears of Yukio Yamamoto and Yuten Sano, this mile-hoo was even more beautiful than the sound of Tian Lai.

"Daughter [-]" Yukio Yamamoto couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help calling out softly.

Mikiko seemed to have heard Yukio Yamamoto's call, her eyes trembled a few times, and she slowly opened them.

Anger finally gathered in Mikiko's eyes again.

After a few more minutes, the medicinal power of Xuanyuan Pill was exerted further, and Mikiko finally sat up slowly.With a face full of confusion, he turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, Yamamoto Yukio and Yuten Sano.

"Who are you?" Mikiko spoke the first words after her resurrection.

"My baby girl, it's me, it's dad!" Yukio Yamamoto threw himself in front of Mikiko, and said loudly to her with tears streaming down his face.

"You are my father?" Mikiko, like Zhu'er, temporarily lost all her memory, looking at Yukio Yamamoto with strange eyes and a little bit of fear.

Li Xiaogang had told them long ago that Mikiko would lose all her memory after her resurrection, and Yukio Yamamoto was already mentally prepared for this.Although a little heartache, but not in a hurry.With a pair of eyes, all the focus is on Mikiko.It's like looking at a lost and found treasure, and I can't bear to leave for a moment.

Seeing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help sighing, human beings are like this.Only when something is about to be lost, will you feel its preciousness and know how to cherish it.Because of this, the lost and recovered will make people more excited and eager.

"I don't remember, I don't remember anything! How could this be? Who am I and where did I come from? Mikiko's mind went blank and she couldn't remember anything. Even a cultivator like Pearl couldn't remember this feeling." Some couldn't bear it, let alone Mikiko.

Seeing Mikiko's face full of pain, Yukio Yamamoto was anxious and in pain, looked at Li Xiaogang full of pleading and asked: "Mr. Li, is there anything you can do to help Mikiko? Li Xiaogang shook Shaking his head "No way!If Mikiko wants to get rid of this pain, she must work hard to recall everything she has forgotten.This will be a painful and long process, and you must be fully prepared.

"Who are you? Why do I feel like I know you?" At this moment, Mikiko cast her eyes on Li Xiaogang, her eyes full of doubts.

Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned, recalling that when Zhu'er came back to life, he didn't remember anything, but he only kept a trace of familiarity with Qingsong.This is because Zhu'er and Qingsong have been in love for hundreds of years, and the affection between them has been subtle and has penetrated into their bones and souls. That's why Zhu'er can retain her love for Qingsong when she loses all her memories. That one is familiar.

But why does Mikiko feel this way about herself?Could it be that Mikiko's love for him has reached the level of Zhuer's love for Qingsong?Li Xiaogang couldn't believe it.He and Mikiko have only met a few times, and he has never even given Mikiko a good face.Why can Mikiko still love him so deeply?Li Xiaogang wants to deny it, and let Mikiko remember that it is not love, but in the end he finds that there is no other explanation for everything except love.

"Mikiko, do you remember Mr. Li?" Mikiko's performance also surprised Yukio Yamamoto, and asked hurriedly.

"Li Yi Li Yi" Mikiko's crescent eyebrows were tightly clustered, pain began to surge on her pretty face, she was obviously trying to find Li Xiaogang's figure from her blank mind.

The more Mikiko thought about it, the more painful it became. Beads of sweat began to condense on her forehead, and her face, which had just recovered its color, began to turn pale again.Yukio Yamamoto was worried, and was about to stop Mikiko from continuing to remember, but at this moment, "Li Xiaogang! Yes, your name is Li Xiaogang!" Mikiko called out Li Xiaogang's name loudly, her face full of Inexplicable excitement and excitement. "Am I right? Are you called Li Xiaogang? Mikiko's performance stunned Li Xiaogang again. Yukio Yamamoto thought that Mikiko had remembered everything, and he was so happy that he shed tears. Holding Mikiko's arm, he kept saying: "Mikiko, do you still remember me, do you remember my name?The result disappointed Yukio Yamamoto, Mikiko looked him up and down, and finally shook his head blankly.

"How could this be? Could it be that Mikiko can only remember you, Mr. Li?" Yukio Yamamoto looked up at Li Xiaogang full of astonishment and confusion.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, it seemed that it was indeed what Yukio Yamamoto said.Mikiko, who has just been resurrected, only remembers her own name.Li Xiaogang could no longer deny that Mikiko's love for him had reached an unbelievable level that he couldn't bear.

(End of this chapter)

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