The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1972 Take Mikiko away

Chapter 1972 Take Mikiko away

The memory erased by Xuanyuan Dan is similar to the memory of forgetting the previous life after drinking Mengpo soup after death.Only with an extremely strong obsession can Xuanyuan Dan still remember the other party after his memory is erased.The powerful obsession in Mikiko's body at this time is undoubtedly love.

Recalling before, Chang Xuefei, Hu Rong, etc. had told him more than once about Mikiko's love for him.He just laughed it off every time, and never took it to heart.He never thought that Mikiko's love for him could transcend the boundary between life and death.What a great love this is, but it has been let down by Li Xiaogang's indifference.This made Li Xiaogang involuntarily feel an incomparable guilt towards Mikiko.

If it wasn't for Chang Xuefei and Hu Rong who strongly demanded to save Mikiko, he would probably have forgotten about Mikiko by now.This made Li Xiaogang suddenly feel that he is not a thing.He kept saying that he had love in his chest, but cruelly failed such a true love.

Remembering Li Xiaogang's name, Mikiko looked very happy.Looking at Li Xiaogang's innocence and brilliance giggling non-stop, Li Xiaogang's heart couldn't help trembling.

Seeing that Mikiko's eyes were always on Li Xiaogang and refused to leave, Yukio Yamamoto understood something in his heart.Turning to look at Li Xiaogang, he asked, "Mr. Li, is it possible for Mikiko to recover her memory?" Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "It is possible!" "

"That's good! Please take Mikiko away!" Yukio Yamamoto seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly said to Li Xiaogang with a serious face, shaking his voice.

"What did you say?" Li Xiaogang was a little surprised, and looked at Yukio Yamamoto in surprise.

Yukio Yamamoto looked at Mikiko with deep reluctance, and said quietly: "After Mikiko was resurrected, she completely forgot my father, but remembered your name. This is probably The revelation from heaven to me. Only when Mikiko is by your side can it be possible to recover my memory."

"That's not necessarily true."

Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Yamamoto Yukio firmly interrupted Li Xiaogang's words, saying: "I have done too many things to sorry Mikiko before, I can't continue to be selfish. Please send Mikiko Take it away, take good care of her, and let her get better soon!"

"But Mikiko is your only daughter! I can also see that she is your favorite relative in this life, why are you willing to give her to me? What Li Xiaogang said immediately made Yukio Yamamoto shed tears. Mumbling Said: "Where in the world are there parents who are willing to let their children leave themselves?But since I did this for the good of Mikiko, no matter how heartbroken I am, I can only do this.Mr. Li, please, please agree to my request! "Speaking, Yukio Yamamoto bowed deeply towards Li Xiaogang. That slightly trembling figure made Li Xiaogang's heart feel heavy.

Li Xiaogang sighed softly, and asked Mikiko softly, "Would you like to come with me?"

Without even thinking about it, Mei Jizi nodded at Li Xiaogang, and said softly: "I am willing!" After speaking, there was a smile of joy from the heart on her face.

Li Xiaogang decided to take up this responsibility and could no longer let Mikiko down.So he nodded and said to Yukio Yamamoto: "I will bring Mikiko back to Huaxia. After her memory is fully restored, I will let her come back to see you. Besides, if you miss your daughter, you can also You can come to Huaxia, we welcome you!"

Yukio Yamamoto nodded gratefully, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Then, Mikiko will be counting on you!"

"Mr. Li, Mikiko has been resurrected, but my son is still..." Yutian Sano said to Li Xiaogang anxiously.

Li Xiaogang waved his hand, interrupted him, and said to Yukio Yamamoto, "Take care of Mikiko for a while, and take her away when I come back!" Yukio Yamamoto also wanted to take another look at Mikiko, Hastily nodded.

When Li Xiaogang was resurrected from the sky to the south, although Li Xiaogang didn't put so much effort into it, the whole process was relatively smooth.Like Mikiko, she lost all her memories after being revived from Tianshangnan.But his eyes were much purer, not as fierce and cold as before he died.Li Xiaogang hopes in his heart that he can be a good person again from now on.If not, then Li Xiaogang has to go to the island country again to kill him.

For Li Xiaogang, although it is not a trouble, but wasting a Xuanyuan Dan is what makes Li Xiaogang feel distressed the most.Whether Youtian Shangnan's memory can be restored, and how to restore it, these are not Li Xiaogang's concerns.Seeing Youtian Shangnan opened his eyes, Li Xiaogang left Youtian's house without stopping for a moment.As for how to take care of Youtian Shangnan, let Yutian Sano worry about it.

After leaving Yutian's house, Li Xiaogang returned directly to Yukio Yamamoto's house. Since he promised to take Mikiko away, he must keep his promise...

In Huaxia, Du, a press conference of the highest standard is being held.It seems to faintly feel that something big will happen in this mysterious land in the east, and the eyes of all the people in the world are gathered here.

At this press conference, the leader and the general were present at the same time, and state officials such as Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong, dignitaries, almost all gathered together.It seemed that the ruling power of the entire country gathered at the press conference at this moment.It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the highest-standard press conference since the founding of China.

This press conference is not only of the highest standard, but also of the largest scale.

Not only did almost all domestic media have received invitation letters, but mainstream media from various countries in the world also sent a huge group of reporters to participate.It is no exaggeration to say that the world's top reporters and the best news media have all gathered here.At the press conference site, all kinds of "long guns and short guns" were densely packed and filled the entire venue. Just looking at it made people feel panicked.

At the press conference site, there was a lot of voices and excitement.Outside the press conference, there was also extreme unrest.Crowds of people sat in front of TVs, radios, computers, and other media that could convey the content of the press conference, waiting anxiously for the leader to announce the biggest news of this century!

What is the specific news, people do not know.But it is precisely because they are not clear that people show such great enthusiasm for this press conference.

Many people still remember that at a certain moment not long ago, the leader suddenly announced to the outside world that he would reveal a major news related to the future of all mankind at this press conference.Immediately afterwards, countless invitation letters aimed at journalists and media from all walks of life flew to every corner of the world like snowflakes in an extremely high-profile manner.It was as if there was an invisible big hand that completely disrupted the originally peaceful world all at once.

The mysterious ancient oriental country has never been so ostentatious before. What does this somewhat abnormal behavior represent?From that moment on, billions of brains, smart and not, important and unimportant, all over the world have been thinking about this question.Probably for the first time in the history of mankind, all the wisdom of all people has been concentrated on this matter.

Countless guesses come one after another, the more guesses, the more mysterious, and the more guesses, the stronger people's interest.The curiosity hidden deep in people's hearts has been completely aroused, and even the leaders of those countries can't sit still.Looking forward to this moment.

Now the time to reveal the answer to this mystery has finally arrived. Reporters from all walks of life have already taken their positions. Come out, take your place.

After the Prime Minister, Lin Chaoran, and Cao Qingdong were seated, the leader arrived slowly.In the thunderous applause, stand on the podium with the majestic national emblem.

The leader looked around for a week, and the chaotic scene immediately fell into a deathly silence.No matter whether it was at the press conference or the people beside the TV, they all held their breath at this moment, quietly waiting for the leader to disturb the people who could not sleep well for a few days, and it was related to the news about the future of mankind on the whole earth. , announced to the public.However, the leader was not in a hurry to speak. Instead, with the help of his assistants, he released a set of well-produced and clearly shot pictures on the spot under the eyes of everyone.

The background of the picture is the vast universe, endless and twinkling stars.Just when people were puzzled, the picture slowly turned, and suddenly, an extremely huge and magnificent warship jumped into people's sight.The shape of this battleship is very visually stunning. Against the backdrop of the shining stars, it is noble, steady, and reflects the cold light of metal from time to time. It moves steadily in the vast universe.It was Shen Qihong and the others who had already assembled, the first interstellar warship of mankind-Genesis!
At the press conference, there were exclamations and admiration one after another. Such a picture has completely surpassed all the scenes in any sci-fi film that people have seen before.

This is not to say that the shooting skills of the leaders are so high, but because the scenes in science fiction films are all fake and artificially produced, but the pictures shown here are real. of.Truth is of course more shocking than falsehood.

Country y, Prime Minister's Office.

According to Charles, he was leading a group of his staff, anxiously waiting for the release of that important news.Seeing such a scene at this time, he frowned and asked, "What the hell is the leader of China doing? Gathering the eyes of the whole world, is it just to enjoy a well-made sci-fi movie? Isn't that the case?" Wasting our time?"

"Mr. Xiang, you... you said that the leader of China is only playing... a sci-fi movie?" an aide asked Charlesson solemnly.

Charleson spread his hands, "Isn't it? With the current level of technology on the earth, who can open such a genuine star warship cruising in space?"

(End of this chapter)

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