The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1973 Press Conference

Chapter 1973 Press Conference

The level of science and technology of country y is also at the top level in the world, not inferior to that of country M. Therefore, Charlesson's words made it impossible for all the staff to refute.At least in country y, with the current technological information, it is definitely not enough to support the development of such a giant warship cruising in space.

"But Mr. Xiang, have you forgotten? Not long ago, the asteroid that almost destroyed the earth was the Chinese people, who blasted it into pieces with a terrifying weapon and saved the world! This kind of weapon that can blast asteroids into pieces in one shot is something that our country dare not even think about. Although it is a bit cruel, we all have to admit that China's technological level has far surpassed ours. In our country It seems that things that are considered unbelievable may not be the same in the eyes of Chinese people."

The aide's words silenced Charleson.After a long time, he looked at the staff and murmured, "According to all of you, is this interstellar warship real?"

All the staff members looked at each other, but no one said anything.But in the silence, they had already given their answers to Charleson.

Charlesson couldn't help but took a long breath, and said in a loud voice, "Huaxia people, are they really so scary?"

Just when Charlesson and his staff were surprised, the scene suddenly changed, and countless dark holes suddenly opened on the hull of the interstellar battleship.In the blink of an eye, before people could react, a group of Yanhuang fighters like bees suddenly shot out of these holes in dense groups, arranged in various battle formations, and surrounded the Genesis. , flying back and forth.Just like a large group of bees, complimenting the queen bee.

"Could this be... a space fighter that only exists in science fiction?" Charlesson put his hands on the table, stood up abruptly, and stared at the TV screen, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"What a flying speed!" one of the staff members exclaimed, which made Charlson realize that the speed of these space fighters launched from the starships is really astonishing.Just by visual inspection, Charles can conclude that any aircraft on the earth today cannot be compared with it.If people are rabbits, they are at best tortoises.

"If our fighter planes were to face us, what are the chances of winning?" Charles asked with his mouth open.

Several staff members looked at each other and didn't speak, but the slightly embarrassed and stiff expressions were enough to explain the problem.

Charlson shook his head bitterly, and murmured: "With such a powerful fighter, if you look around the world, where is there any opponent?"

"Look, there's something else coming out of the battleship!" A staff member exclaimed, drawing Charlesson's attention to the TV screen again.

I saw densely packed, a group of things shining with silver light, instantly filling the upper peak of the screen.

"It's a robot, it's really a robot!" Charlesson took a few breaths, his eyes widened, and the eyeballs were about to pop out.

At the same time, there were bursts of exclamations that could not be subdued for a long time in the entire press conference.The previous Yanhuang fighter planes were already amazing enough, but the giant combat robot that appeared on the stage now is even more shocking.

How powerful are these robots?How strong is the fighting power?Charlesson's mind was full of such questions.Fearing that no one could answer him, the scene shown on the TV screen changed again.

The Yanhuang fighter planes that flew out first gathered on one side, and the combat robots that came out later gathered on the other side. The two sides confronted each other, like two armies confronting each other, which made Charlesson's eyes light up immediately.At this time, all the staff members also held their breath, looking forward to the scene that they longed for in their hearts, and it will be staged quickly.

"This is an exercise! An exercise with the background of outer space!" Charles shouted excitedly, because he saw that both the Yanhuang fighter plane and the battle robot had already entered the fighting state.

All the staff members were obviously aware of this, and all of them opened their eyes wide, not daring to blink, for fear that if they blinked, they would miss the wonderful shot.

The Yanhuang Fighter was dispatched first. Although the screen was muted, everyone seemed to have heard the huge roar of the Yanhuang Wars flyby.In front of the TV, gasps and exclamations were heard at the press conference.

Unmoving like a mountain, moving like a sky fire.The Yanhuang Fighter's attack perfectly explained this point.In the blink of an eye, a team of Yanhuang fighters pierced into the battle robots like a sharp knife, trying to split the battle robot camp apart abruptly.

Yanhuang Fighter's plan was good, but the battle robot didn't let them succeed.At the same time as the Yanhuang Fighter was approaching, the combat robots immediately dispersed, and the combat robots with a flying speed no less than that of the Yanhuang Fighter flew over at an astonishingly fast speed.And it's also very flexible. Red laser lines shoot out continuously from the cannon barrels on both sides of the robot's arm, rendering lightning-like rays of light in the silent space.

The battle broke out, and the two sides refused to give an inch.The battle robot is flexible and changeable, and the two-handed laser cannon can hit wherever it points.The Yanhuang fighter plane reacts quickly, is well-organized, and cooperates with each other. The weapon system it carries all over its body is powerful at the same time, regardless of whether it is up, down, left, or right, east, west, north, or west, it is within its attack range.The orange laser lines and red missiles are like blooming fireworks, colorful and invincible.

A Yanhuang fighter jet slashed towards it and quickly locked on to a battle robot. Within one-tenth of a second, several laser beams swished towards that battle robot, and everyone's hearts immediately jumped. Then I mentioned my throat...

With so many applications, it is of course impossible to get approval at once.In order to be the first to board the Genesis, various countries have even launched open and secret contests and competitions.And in order to please China, countries spare no effort...

Just as the Yanhuang Fighter was still determined and wanted to continue the pursuit, two more Yanhuang Fighters jumped out from the side, and in a blink of an eye, the previous Yanhuang Fighter formed a battle formation, and the battlefield situation changed again.

"That's because you don't understand the Chinese people! The Chinese people have always advocated peace, and even the national defense policy is based on self-defense." Before Charles could speak, another staff member interjected.

After about 10 minutes, there were gradually bursts of discussions from the leader's audience.Afterwards, the discussion became louder and louder, and finally, the entire press conference site fell into a noisy and chaotic discussion.

In the whole exercise, there were so many wonderful and breathless scenes like this.Just watching everyone sweat profusely is more enjoyable than watching a fierce battle movie.

"What are you all waiting for?" In the prime minister's office, Charleson jumped up excitedly, Lian Sheng shouted: "Hurry up! Submit the application to Huaxia immediately, and I will board the Genesis for a visit in person. In addition, the The most authoritative scientists in our country, as well as all the admirals of land, sea and air, are all assembled to accompany me on board the ship! We must not miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

When the leader, Lin Chaoran and others found out about this situation, they were also very shocked.Although they had expected that the situation would be very enthusiastic, they still did not expect that the people from all over the world would be so active.

"Everyone! In order to show the determination of our Chinese people, and to let the earth's aerospace technology break out of the earth as soon as possible, I have decided that the Genesis interstellar warship independently built by us in China will welcome people from any country in the world from now on. Yuan, scientists, board the ship for a visit. We even want to recruit excellent fighters from the army of any country in the world, board this interstellar warship, fight in space with it, and defend the earth!

The staff member was scolded severely by Charlesson, and he didn't dare to speak any more, and fell silent.

Seeing that the battle robot was about to be destroyed by the laser line, a sudden change occurred at this moment.Strange streaks of purple light burst out from the combat robot's body, and the purple light entangled left and right. In the blink of an eye, it formed a purple 'big cocoon', wrapping the combat robot in it.

Lin Chaoran, Cao Qingdong and others who were sitting on the leader's platform had long expected such a situation.Not to mention these reporters, even they couldn't help themselves when they saw this scene for the first time.Now watching it for the second time, I am still full of excitement, the blood in my whole body seems to be ignited, boiling endlessly.

At this critical juncture, Yanhuang Wars finally revealed its incomparably powerful combat performance. Under the amazing flying speed, the Yanhuang fighter made a series of unimaginable dodge movements.Sudden stops, rolls, handstands, and other thrilling actions one after another, like flowing water, are slowly displayed in front of thousands of people.Missiles and laser cannons shot out from the combat robot in a steady stream, but under the staggering evasion of the Yanhuang fighter, none of them were able to hit them.

Fortunately, from today onwards, super farmers will resume the speed of updating twice a day, and strive to reach the end with stable updates.Draw a successful conclusion for the top farmers, so that everyone can be satisfied.

What Charleson said was right, from the moment the leader's voice fell to the ground, the whole world was boiling.The heads of state of almost all countries have made the same reaction as Charlesson.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and the Yanhuang Fighter, which missed a hit, changed from a hunter to a prey in an instant.The battle robot showed no mercy at all, the two laser cannons tied to its arms fired at the same time, interweaving into a gorgeous firepower net, covering the Yanhuang fighter.People who were worried about the battle robot a few seconds ago, now they are sweating coldly because of the Yanhuang fighter.

However, before his words fell to the ground, what the Huaxia leader said next made him feel ashamed and blushed.

(End of this chapter)

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