The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1974 Joining the Fleet

Chapter 1974 Joining the Fleet

"Everyone! With the advancement of science and technology and the development of human beings, it is obvious that the small earth will inevitably be unable to meet our needs due to limited resources. In order for human beings to continue and develop in the long run, we have already Focusing on the vast universe above our heads, our human aerospace industry has also risen and developed. But I have to say that although the aerospace industry is constantly developing, the speed is very slow. If we continue like this, Maybe before we get out of the earth, our earth will have been exhausted, and we humans will be trapped on the earth. I believe that not only the people of our country do not want to see such things happen, but the people of your country ,also the same……"

No one spoke in the room, everyone just looked at each other with bitter smiles on their faces.The exercise didn't last long, but it fully demonstrated the power of the Genesis starship, the elite battle robots and Yanhuang fighters, and it was amazing.

The leader is a gifted speaker. His impassioned voice and powerful body language formed a strong appeal, and bursts of applause erupted at the press conference.

"Your Excellency, I don't think the words of the leader of Huaxia are credible! If Huaxia really has such a terrifying military power, wouldn't the whole earth have fallen into the hands of the Chinese people long ago?" An aide looked excited Said.

In the office of the Prime Minister of Country Y, Charlesson couldn't help gasping, and turned to look at his staff, and asked, "Have you all heard what the Chinese leader said just now? That star warship, those Battle robots and fighter planes are real. How do you feel in your heart?"

"I thought my eloquence was good, but I didn't expect the leader of Huaxia's eloquence to be better than mine!" Charles said with a wry smile, shaking his head.

Seeing Charleson's excited appearance, he seemed to be going crazy, and kept shouting, making all the staff present in a daze.

"Everyone, what we have seen, is it... true or false? Is it a display of the Chinese people's true military strength, or their propaganda and advocacy? Who can give me an answer?" Charles looked at himself The staff members asked with a very heavy expression.

After the exercise was over for a long time, Charles and his staff were still immersed in the huge shock in their hearts and could not calm down.

The leader stood tall behind the podium and was not in a hurry to speak.He understood very well that the shock in these people's hearts could not be receded in a short while.

Charlson shook his head feebly, and turned his gaze back to the live news conference on the TV screen.

For a long time, there was no sign that the deafening discussion had subsided. The leader couldn't bear it any longer, and pointed to the military attache in charge of security at the scene. A large group of armed police rushed in immediately, suppressing the noisy discussion. down.

Charlesson was dizzy from their quarrels, but he couldn't find any constructive suggestions from their quarrels and debates. He was both irritable and disappointed at the same time.

"What's the use of good eloquence? Just talk empty words, big words. Why abandon the door, open your mind, and communicate with each other. If the Chinese people are really sincere, they should disclose their interstellar battleship technology to us!" A y The country's hawk faction staff curled their lips and sneered coldly with a look of disdain.

The scene of the press conference was unusually quiet. The leader cleared his throat. Just as he was about to start his speech, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the reporters under the podium raising their hands, like a forest of hands. The leader looked dizzy.

After the leader's words fell to the ground, not only the press conference fell into a deathly silence, but even the people in front of the TV were stunned and couldn't believe their ears.

At this time, on the TV screen, the leader of Huaxia leaned towards the microphone again.Charleson hastily and severely stopped the meaningless quarrels among his staff, and refocused his attention on the press conference.

"What exactly is he trying to say?" one of Charlesson's staff said impatiently.

Just when people were unaware of the situation, the big purple cocoon burst open suddenly, and the battle robot, like a wild beast escaped from distress, rushed out suddenly, and rushed towards the Yanhuang fighter plane fiercely at an extremely fast speed.

"Your Excellency, could this be a trap by the Huaxia people? We must be very careful!" said the former hawk faction staff member, frowning.

This embarrassed countless Chinese reporters.Although they are hosts, they don't know any more information about Genesis than these foreign reporters.In the face of foreign reporters, inquiries in different languages ​​made their heads explode.

At the press conference, there was a dead silence.No one spoke. Apparently, like Charleson, they were still recalling the shocking images of the space exercise in their minds.

"Shut up, Gesun! Don't judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart here, I have had enough! This is not a conspiracy, this is Huaxia showing the world their charm as a big country! Trust other countries The head of state has already acted, and we must not lag behind!" Charlesson said loudly.

Today's international situation is very complex and tense.Regional conflicts and local wars happen from time to time.All countries are trying their best to hide their strength and create pressure on the enemy.However, Huaxia did the opposite, not only exposing the powerful interstellar warships, but even willing to share them with all countries in the world for free.What a broad mind this is, how can it not be surprising?With so many people asking questions at the same time, unless the leader is not human, he can't finish answering.After waving his hand, the leader didn't ask any reporter to ask, but said slowly into the microphone: "My friends, you don't need to ask questions, I know what you want to ask. I can answer you now, just now Everything that appears in the video is real, and definitely not a computer-generated, deceiving thing."

Charleson turned his head and glared at him fiercely, and shouted: "Shut up! Everything the leader of Huaxia said today may be related to the future of our Y country!"

The leader confessed to everyone with a very affirmative tone.

With these two aides setting the tone, the aides quickly divided into two teams, and the prime minister's office was immediately covered by noisy arguments.

The leader's voice continued to resound in the office, "But why do we human beings all over the world invest so much energy in the aerospace industry, but can't get the rapid development of the aerospace industry? The reason is that our countries cherish their own , lacking a spirit of sharing, unwilling to share the achievements we have made with other countries. We are independent, do not know how to communicate with each other, and cannot perfectly combine the wisdom of all human beings. If all countries in the world, especially It is those countries with advanced technology that can abandon their opinions, open their minds, and come up with their own advanced experience. Everyone learns and communicates with each other. I firmly believe that our aerospace technology will achieve leapfrog development in a short time!"

The ongoing press conference in Huaxia has not yet ended, and the applications for boarding visits from the headquarters of various countries have already flown to Huaxia like snowflakes.At the same time, one after another, huge tour groups are being quickly formed in various countries around the world.Among them are the top scientists, the top generals, and the highest-ranking members of more than 200 countries in the world.Such a grand occasion cannot be compared with any other world summit meeting.

Countless foreign reporters who were invited to the scene turned their attention to the Huaxia reporters beside them.Regardless of whether the Huaxia reporter next to them could understand their language or not, they asked in a murmur, with eager eyes, as if if the Huaxia reporter did not give them a satisfactory answer, they would not be able to survive. .

At this moment, the laser beams released by the Yanhuang fighter jets hit the big purple cocoon without even falling.The scene of the battle robot exploding in the air like fireworks did not appear, but the laser beam disappeared strangely, as if it had been swallowed by a large purple cocoon, without leaving any traces.

"Ah!!" A five-star general sitting next to Charlesson suddenly let out an exclamation, and stood up abruptly, his face full of horror.

The three Yanhuang fighters are like three ferocious birds, formed into a shape of a zigzag, turning their heads towards the battle robot and launching a three-dimensional attack.The cooperation of the Yanhuang fighter planes was exquisite and ingenious, and immediately suppressed the arrogance of the battle robot.

At this critical juncture, the Yanhuang Fighter finally revealed its incomparably powerful combat performance. Under the astonishing flying speed, the Yanhuang Fighter made a series of unimaginable dodge movements.Sudden stops, rolls, handstands, and other thrilling actions one after another, like flowing water, are slowly displayed in front of thousands of people.The missiles and laser cannons fired from the battle robots kept coming, but none of them could hit any of them under the staggering evasion of the Yanhuang fighter.

Just as the Yanhuang Fighter was still determined and wanted to continue the pursuit, two more Yanhuang Fighters jumped out from the side, and in a blink of an eye, the previous Yanhuang Fighter formed a battle formation, and the battlefield situation changed again.

The three Yanhuang fighters are like three ferocious birds, formed into a shape of a zigzag, turning their heads towards the battle robot and launching a three-dimensional attack.The cooperation of the Yanhuang fighter planes was exquisite and ingenious, and immediately suppressed the arrogance of the battle robot.

In the whole exercise, there were so many wonderful and breathless scenes like this.Just watching everyone sweat profusely is more enjoyable than watching a fierce battle movie.

(End of this chapter)

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