The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1976 The Love Nest

Chapter 1976 The Love Nest
When the leader, Lin Chaoran and others found out about this situation, they were also very shocked.Although they had expected that the situation would be very enthusiastic, they still did not expect that the heads of state of the world would be so active.

With so many applications, it is of course impossible to get approval at once.In order to be the first to board the Genesis, various countries have even launched open and secret contests and competitions.And in order to please China, countries spare no effort...

Just when the leader and the others were worrying about the overwhelming number of application letters and not knowing which applications to approve first, Li Xiaogang returned to Huaxia from the island country with Mikiko.

Li Xiaogang's heart skipped a beat when he came to the love nest of himself and four women, an exquisite villa.Doing the math, he actually rarely comes here, most of the time he spends his time outside, busy with such and such things.Only occasionally, he would come here.

But no matter when he comes, his beloved woman is waiting for him here.Although Li Xiaogang didn't say anything, in his heart, he valued this small villa very much.Because this is his other home.

"Eh? I seem to remember that I've been here before." Just as Li Xiaogang's thoughts were flooding, Mikiko beside him suddenly frowned and said something quietly.

Yukio Yamamoto's decision is really wise.By Li Xiaogang's side, Mikiko's condition is getting better every day.She has only lived here for a few days, and it is really rare that she can remember it.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Go in, your good sister is waiting for you inside."

Not knowing whether it was because of Li Xiaogang's words, or because of the rare sense of familiarity in her heart, Mikiko pushed open the door of the villa excitedly.The small and exquisite villa is decorated very warmly.The smell wafting in the air was so familiar and intoxicating to Li Xiaogang.

The villa is spotless and clean, which shows how hard Hu Rong and the others are taking care of their common home.

"Which sister is back, giggling..." Accompanied by a burst of clear and sweet laughter, Chang Xuefei came out of another room bouncing around.

Seeing that it was actually Li Xiaogang standing there, Chang Xuefei's face blushed suddenly, and her expression seemed a little cramped and uneasy.A pair of charming eyes secretly looked at Li Xiaogang from time to time, but did not dare to meet his gaze.

The reason why Chang Xuefei felt cramped and uneasy was because she was worried that Li Xiaogang would not want to see her here.From the first time they met, the relationship between the two was a little tense, and because of Mikiko's suicide, Chang Xuefei turned cold eyes on Li Xiaogang and reprimanded him loudly. I clearly remember Li Xiaogang's livid face at that time.Chang Xuefei also thought about leaving, but she couldn't do it.I don't know when, she had already given her heart to Li Xiaogang completely. How could it be so easy for her to give up at this time?
"'re back." Chang Xuefei lowered her head and asked in a low voice.

Just when she was extremely disturbed and didn't know how Li Xiaogang would react, a gust of fragrant wind swept by, Chang Xuefei only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and there was an extra figure in front of her.Chang Xuefei looked up subconsciously, and when she saw Tokimi Noriko, Chang Xuefei was stunned, her mouth opened wide, and she couldn't close it for a while.

"Beauty... Mikiko! You..." The shock mixed with joy made Chang Xuefei unable to speak.

"You know my name, so let me tell you that I must have known you before! Who are you, what is your name, and who is mine?" Having found a little familiar feeling again, Mikiko was both excited and eager asked.

After hearing Mikiko's barrage of questions, Chang Xuefei was stunned, and asked in astonishment, "Meikiko, you don't remember me? I'm your best friend, Chang Xuefei! "

"Chang Xuefei...Chang Xuefei..." Mikiko kept repeating the name back and forth in her mouth, and at the same time frowned deeply thinking about it.

Chang Xuefei couldn't help looking at Li Xiaogang with Mikiko's expression, and asked eagerly, "She...what's wrong with her? Why doesn't she remember me?"

Li Xiaogang replied, "Although I have found a way to bring her back to life, I have to sacrifice her memory. But it doesn't matter, Mikiko's memory cells are very tenacious, and she has already remembered many things. I believe that it won't be long before she It will be back to normal."

After hearing Li Xiaogang's explanation, Chang Xuefei's heart sank.Looking at Mikiko who was still meditating hard, I felt very uncomfortable, and murmured, "Meikiko is the kindest and most innocent girl I have ever seen. I really don't understand why God would let me She was in so much pain."

"It's not so sweet, it's bittersweet! It's not necessarily a bad thing for her."

What Li Xiaogang said made Chang Xuefei's eyes light up, she looked at him in astonishment, and asked, "You mean, you are willing to accept Mikiko as your woman?"

Li Xiaogang didn't speak, but his silence was the answer in itself.What Mei Jizi harbors in her heart is a kind of great love, which is selfless, fearless, and boundless. Even if Li Xiaogang is a god, he has no right to live up to such a love.

Li Xiaogang's silence made Chang Xuefei feel sincerely happy for Mikiko.Looking at Mikiko, she murmured, "Meikiko, congratulations! Your hard work has finally paid off..." Chang Xuefei burst into tears before she finished speaking.

Chang Xuefei hurriedly opened her arms and hugged her, and kept comforting her, "It's okay, Mikiko. If you don't remember it, let's think about it slowly. One day, you will remember it!"

After Mikiko came back to life, not only her memory was affected, but also her personality became more pure and innocent.After Chang Xuefei comforted her a few words, Mikiko stopped her tears and became happy again.

"Sister, I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?" Mikiko smiled, her eyes immediately turned into crescent moons, not to mention how cute she was.

Chang Xuefei patted her head pityingly, and said, "Yes! I'll do it for you!" After speaking, she took Mikiko to the kitchen.Li Xiaogang turned his head and glanced at the sky outside the window. The sun was setting, so he took off his coat and went into the kitchen.

Chang Xuefei raised her head and saw Li Xiaogang following into the kitchen, and asked quite unexpectedly, "What are you doing here?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Could it be that you want to take a shower when you come to the kitchen?" While talking, Li Xiaogang opened the refrigerator.

After all, it is a house dominated by women, and the refrigerator is full of food.Li Xiaogang thought for a moment, then took out a few dishes from the refrigerator, picked and washed them.

When Chang Xuefei saw her, her eyes widened immediately, and she asked, "Do you know how to cook?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and replied, "I'm not talented, I know a thing or two!"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was very skillful in his actions, he killed the fish, scraped the scales, cleaned it, and cut it into sections. In a short while, he cleaned up a fish.Chang Xuefei was even more surprised and said, "Where do you know how to cook? You are clearly proficient! I never thought that a person like you can cook."

"A person like me? What kind of person am I?" Li Xiaogang asked Chang Xuefei with a smile.

"You are... a person who is unpredictable and can always surprise people. It's like... like a god!" This is the first time Chang Xuefei has expressed her love for Li Xiaogang in front of Li Xiaogang. his evaluation.Before she finished speaking, Chang Xuefei's pretty face blushed, and she quickly lowered her head to prevent Li Xiaogang from seeing her embarrassment.

Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "I didn't expect that our Miss Chang Xuefei Chang not only scolds people sharply, but also praises people, which is also unusual."

Upon hearing this, Chang Xuefei raised her eyes to look at Li Xiaogang, and said faintly, "You are blaming me, you shouldn't have yelled at you then, right?"

Li Xiaogang's face turned serious, and he said solemnly, "No, I don't blame you! No matter who it is, it will be the same as you under such circumstances. Since the matter has passed, then none of us should mention it again. okay?"

"Wow! I want to help too!" Mikiko shouted excitedly.

Li Xiaogang handed her a few tomatoes, and smiled tenderly in his eyes, "Is Mikiko helping too? That's great! Please wash and cut these tomatoes!"

"No problem! Look at mine!" Mikiko took the tomato from Li Xiaogang's hand with a smile, and cleaned it carefully.

Being interrupted by Mei Jizi, Chang Xuefei also calmed down, and acted as a helper for Li Xiaogang.

As the saying goes, you don’t know if you don’t see it, and you are shocked when you see it.Chang Xuefei was stunned by Li Xiaogang's proficient technique, and kept shouting.No matter what the ingredients are, they seem to have become obedient babies in Li Xiaogang's hands. No matter how Li Xiaogang kneads and squeezes them, he is obedient.What surprised Chang Xuefei even more was that the dishes made by Li Xiaogang were not only bright and attractive, but also tasted mouth-watering.With exquisite creativity and superb cooking skills, Chang Xuefei couldn't help but swear in her heart that it would be a great loss for the chef world if Li Xiaogang didn't become a cook in his life.

However, being able to accompany Li Xiaogang and cook together, that feeling is what moved Chang Xuefei the most.Like other girls, Chang Xuefei once asked herself, what is happiness?Chang Xuefei has also given countless answers, but until today, she has given the most intimate definition of happiness to her.

Long Ling'er and Hu Rong had been busy all day, and as soon as they entered the door, they could smell the tempting aroma of the food.

"Hehe...Xuefei, your cooking skills are getting better and better." In the entrance, Hu Rong was changing her shoes while praising Chang Xuefei's cooking skills.Long Ling'er was the same, twitching her nose desperately, and there were rumbling sounds from her stomach from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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