The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1977 Accepting Chang Xuefei

Chapter 1977 Accepting Chang Xuefei

"Hee hee... The two elder sisters praised the wrong person this time! The one who cooks is not sister Xuefei." As soon as Hu Rong finished speaking, Mikiko happily jumped out of the kitchen.

The two looked up and saw that it was Mikiko, they were all taken aback. Hu Rong pointed at Mikiko in astonishment, and said blankly, " already..."

They had personally learned about Mikiko's death from Chang Xuefei, and because of Meikiko's death, the two of them had been really sad for a while.At this time, they suddenly saw Mikiko appearing alive and kicking in front of them, so they were not surprised.

"Hi sisters, my name is Meijizi, please take care of me!" Meijizi bowed deeply to Hu Rong and Long Linger, and said in a sweet voice.

"Mei Jizi, don't you remember us? I'm Hu Rong, she's Linger!" Hu Rong'e raised her eyebrows.

"Her memory was affected a little when she was revived, but it is recovering now, don't worry!" Li Xiaogang came out of the kitchen with two dishes in hand.

Seeing Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong and Long Linger were overjoyed at the same time, they didn't even care about changing their shoes, and rushed towards Li Xiaogang with bare feet.Li Xiaogang hurriedly lifted up the plate full of dishes, and said with a smile, "You two girls, this is the result of me and Xuefei, Mikiko's hard work all afternoon, it can't just be ruined by you!"

"You guy, you didn't tell us in advance when you came back, it's too much!" Hu Rong's hand was on Li Xiaogang's waist and abdomen, making troubles so hard that Li Xiaogang's handsome face was twisted into twists.

"Two sisters, I don't allow you to bully Brother Xiaogang!" Hu Rong and Long Linger were having fun, when Mikiko suddenly stepped in and tightly protected Li Xiaogang with her body.

Seeing Mikiko trying to protect Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong and Long Ling'er couldn't help but look at each other, and asked Li Xiaogang in surprise, "She didn't lose her memory, how could..."

Speaking of this, Li Xiaogang looked at Mikiko with pity, and slowly told the scene of Mikiko's resurrection.

After hearing this, Hu Rong murmured, "That is to say, after Mikiko was resurrected, she should have lost all her memories, but she only remembered your name?"

Li Xiaogang nodded slowly.

Long Ling'er said in shock, "What kind of belief should this be so that Mikiko can still remember your name after experiencing rebirth."

"I think this kind of belief is love! Husband, until now, are you still refusing to accept Mikiko?" Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang with a moved face.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "If I, Li Xiaogang, are so ignorant of good and bad, and fail such a great love, can I still be considered a human being? It's just that it's really unfair to you if I do this."

"Hehe... Husband, do you feel sorry for us now?" Hu Rong and Long Ling'er looked at each other, and asked Li Xiaogang with a smile.

Li Xiaogang didn't hide the slightest bit, and nodded heavily, "Yes, I'm really ashamed! You are all so outstanding, why should I have both of you?"

Hu Rong waved her hands and said with a smile, "If you really feel that you owe us something, then we will give you a chance to make up for it. We hope you can promise us one thing."

"Whatever, as long as I can do it, I will do it!" Li Xiaogang said without thinking about it.

"This is what you said, don't go back on your word!" Hu Rong glanced at Chang Xuefei with a smile, and said, "Actually, this matter is not difficult for you at all, that is to accept sister Xuefei and let her become our One of them!"

Xue Fei's face turned bright red, she hurriedly buried her head, her heart was pounding, she pricked up her ears, nervously waiting for Li Xiaogang's answer.

"This..." Li Xiaogang frowned.Chang Xuefei is no better than Mikiko, Mikiko really shocked Li Xiaogang with her love.You know, Mikiko's resurrection is like drinking Mengpo soup to reincarnate.The memory should have been wiped clean, but out of love, Mikiko still firmly remembers everything about Li Xiaogang.

Mikiko's love for Li Xiaogang is so sincere and great that Li Xiaogang feels guilty towards her.

Yes, it was precisely because of this guilt that Li Xiao just gave up the promise he made to Long Linger and the others, and decided to accept Mikiko.But what about Chang Xuefei?But Li Xiaogang couldn't find a reason to rely on and convince himself like he accepted Mikiko.

Li Xiaogang hesitated, unable to make up his mind.Long Ling'er was anxious, and couldn't help shouting in a tender voice, "Honey, I really didn't expect that your heart would be so hard! Why, do you want sister Xuefei to die like Meijizi before you accept it?" her?"

Long Ling'er's tone was fierce, Chang Xuefei buried her head even lower, and there was a faint sobbing sound coming from her throat.Hu Rong hurried to her side, hugged her shoulders, and comforted her gently.

Long Ling'er's words touched Li Xiaogang a lot.Looking back at Meijizi, I saw Meijizi's big innocent eyes staring at him, with hidden anger, as if she was also blaming Li Xiaogang for making Chang Xuefei cry.

Isn't Chang Xuefei excellent?Obviously not!Chang Xuefei is not only beautiful, but also very smart and capable.She has become a very good scientist at a young age. Such a woman is the goddess in the hearts of many men.

It would be nonsense to say that Li Xiaogang couldn't feel Chang Xuefei's love for him.

Not only can Li Xiaogang feel it, but he also knows that Chang Xuefei's love for him is only a lot more than Mikiko's love for him.But why did he just refuse to accept her?Is it just because he doesn't want to feel sorry for Long Ling'er, Gao Yuanyuan and the others?Li Xiaogang questioned himself, and suddenly realized that this reason, or an excuse, was simply ridiculous.

If he was really so single-minded and dedicated, then there would not be four women around him now, but Gao Yuanyuan should be the only one.

Li Xiaogang and Gao Yuanyuan first fell in love, and he once swore to Gao Yuanyuan that he would never let her down in this life.But in the end, not only did he fail, but he failed four times.When Li Xiaogang put this lame reason aside, he found that the reason why he really refused to accept Chang Xuefei was because of Chang Xuefei's contempt for him when he and Chang Xuefei first met.

As a descendant of a farmer, Li Xiaogang always thought that he was always proud of it, instead of being ashamed of it like other people in the society.Therefore, whenever he sees others bullying or laughing at farmers, he can't help but step forward, scold the other party severely, and teach him a lesson.He always attributed his behavior to justice and mission, but when he got deeper into it, he discovered that his behavior was actually derived from a deeper inferiority complex.

It turned out that he didn't really care that much about his identity as a farmer, but he hid it so deeply that even he was deceived.It was also because of this that he cared so much about the harm caused by Chang Xuefei's contempt for him inadvertently at the beginning, and thus he held a grudge against Chang Xuefei and rejected him from the bottom of his heart.

With the improvement of Li Xiaogang's cultivation base and realm, he was finally able to push through the clouds and mist, and truly recognized this point.He couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. He never thought that under the halo of appearance, he was such a hypocritical person.

If it wasn't for Mikiko's suicide and Long Linger's loud scolding, maybe he would still be immersed in this false appearance and continue to deceive himself.

After figuring out the link, Li Xiaogang suddenly had a kind of understanding.In the past, he didn't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because he was in this mountain.But now, he really escaped and stayed out of the matter, so everything that he didn't see clearly before suddenly became clear, and everything became clear.

That feeling excited Li Xiaogang, let his soul jump out, and his whole body was filled with incomparable relaxation and joy.I just felt that the sky and the earth suddenly became smaller and clearer.The state of mind and cultivation echoed each other, making Li Xiaogang faintly feel that he, a demigod, is only one step away from the true god.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang did not speak for a long time, Chang Xuefei's heart became more and more cold and desperate.Li Xiaogang finally refused to accept her, which made her heartbroken.Originally, she was just sobbing softly, but now she threw herself into Hu Rong's arms and burst into tears.

"Honey, I really didn't expect that your heart is so hard!" Chang Xuefei's crying made Long Ling'er really have a lot of opinions on Li Xiaogang.She gave him a hard look, then turned to comfort Chang Xuefei.

Long Ling'er and Hu Rong comforted her with kind words, but Chang Xuefei cried more and more fiercely.There is no way for the two women to do anything, and their expressions are very helpless.

Just when the two of them didn't know what to do, a snow-white handkerchief was handed over in the air, and at the same time Li Xiaogang's gentle voice rang out, "Don't cry, just wipe it off."

Li Xiaogang's move made Long Ling'er and Hu Rong happy for no reason at the same time.He hurriedly pushed Chang Xuefei who was still sad.Chang Xuefei raised her head hesitantly, and when she saw Li Xiaogang, her delicate heart twitched suddenly as if she had been electrocuted.The gaze Li Xiaogang looked at her was so gentle, not only that, Chang Xuefei even saw traces of love in such gentle gaze.

This kind of gaze was exactly what Chang Xuefei yearned for day and night, but couldn't be expected day and night.She couldn't help being stunned, she couldn't believe it, it could be true.

Chang Xuefei, who was stunned, forgot to reach out to pick up the handkerchief Li Xiaogang handed over, and just stared at Li Xiaogang blankly, motionless, as if in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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