The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1978 Alien Race Invasion!

Chapter 1978 Alien Race Invasion!

Li Xiaogang chuckled, squatted down, and personally wiped off the tears on Chang Xuefei's face with the snow-white handkerchief.His movements were very light and gentle, and with his eyes full of love, not to mention Chang Xuefei, even Long Ling'er and Hu Rong couldn't help being stunned, feeling warm in their hearts...

"" Chang Xuefei was so excited that she couldn't speak, even her delicate body was trembling.

Li Xiaogang said slowly: "Don't cry in the future. Such a beautiful lady, her face is blurred when she is crying, she is about to become a clown on the stage."

"Where is it?" Chang Xuefei blushed, quickly snatched the handkerchief from Li Xiaogang's hand, turned her back, and wiped it by herself.

"Husband, do you decide to accept sister Xuefei?" Long Ling'er smiled sweetly and leaned over, holding Li Xiaogang's arm, and said coquettishly.

Li Xiaogang stared at her and Hu Rong helplessly, and said dumbfoundedly: "I really don't understand, how can you have such wives in this world. Crying and shouting to find a wife for my husband, I really lost to you." gone."

"Hehe...Xuefei, why don't you come over to see your husband soon?" Hu Rong pushed Chang Xuefei towards Li Xiaogang.Seeing that Chang Xuefei was staggered by Hu Rong, as if she was about to fall, Li Xiaogang hurried forward a few steps, opened his arms, and hugged Chang Xuefei.

It was the first time for Chang Xuefei to be embraced by Li Xiaogang like this. She felt a strong masculinity rushing towards her nostrils. Immediately, her heart jumped wildly, her face blushed, and she couldn't even breathe They all hurried up.

"I'm sorry." Li Xiaogang leaned into Chang Xuefei's ear and whispered three words.

Chang Xuefei seemed to have melted, and fell limply into Li Xiaogang's arms.The happiness she had been looking forward to for a long time finally arrived quietly at this time. Although it came a bit late, it still made her so intoxicated.

Seeing Chang Xuefei and Li Xiaogang embracing each other affectionately, Mikiko blinked her big eyes a few times, and at the same time, a pure smile spread from the corner of her mouth, making her more like an angel up.

"Okay, okay, if you don't eat, the food will be cold!" After confirming his relationship with Chang Xuefei, Li Xiaogang felt relieved for a while.Said to the four girls with a smile.

"Oh yeah! I can finally eat, I'm almost starving to death!" Mei Jizi cheered, holding Chang Xuefei with one hand and Li Xiaogang with the other, and sat at the dinner table.

"Huh? Why haven't Shuang'er and Gao Yuanyuan come back yet?" Li Xiaogang asked with a frown seeing that there were two people missing.

While holding the vegetables, Long Ling'er gave Li Xiaogang a blank look, and said with some dissatisfaction: "You are such a bad husband, you don't even know what your wife is doing."

Seeing Li Xiaogang's distressed expression, Hu Rongjiao laughed a few times, and replied: "Shuang'er has been very busy these days in order to pick up his clansmen from the deep mountains as soon as possible, and has not come back for dinner for a few days. As for Gao Yuanyuan , she is staying at home with her parents, and it will be a while before she comes back."

Li Xiaogang just remembered this, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "It seems that my husband is really not very good. By the way, Ling'er, Rong'er, you should go back to spend more time with your parents when you have time. Parents We are getting older, and we hope that those of us who are children can often visit them."

Long Ling'er nodded and said, "I see! I'm planning to go back to see my father in a few days. I heard from Uncle Xiang that my father's health is not very good recently, so I'm a little worried."

"What, something is wrong with Uncle Long's health?" Hearing that Long Sihai's health was not good, Li Xiaogang was also quite nervous.Long Ling'er's mother passed away relatively early, and it can be said that Long Ling'er was raised by Long Sihai. The relationship between the father and daughter is not so good.If Long Sihai really had any troubles, it would be a heavy blow to Long Ling'er.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's worried face, Long Linger's heart warmed up.Although Li Xiaogang was running around all day, busy feet never touching the ground, but in his heart, after all, he still missed them.

Long Ling'er smiled and said, "It's okay! After all, my father is old, so it's inevitable that he will suffer from various problems."

Li Xiaogang thought for a while, took out a fist-sized amethyst from Nuwa's god ring, handed it to Long Linger and said: "Linger, give this to your father, it will help his body. "

Long Ling'er quickly took it, and nodded gratefully at Li Xiaogang.

"Rong'er, what about you, when will you go home and have a look?" Li Xiaogang looked at Hu Rong again.

Hu Rong curled her lips, and said quietly: "My dad said, if I am alone, I don't want to go back. If I go back, I will take you with me. My dad is talking about you every day. People who don't know, think that You are his son."

"Really? Uncle Hu often thinks of me?" Li Xiaogang's heart warms when he thinks of Hu Rundong.Back then, when he just returned to Xingfu Village, thanks to Hu Rundong for providing him with saplings.For Hu Rundong, Li Xiaogang has always been grateful.

"Yes! You are a busy person, when will you spare some time and accompany me home to have a look. Because of you, I haven't been home for a long time." Hu Rong gave Li Xiaogang a white look and asked.

Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said, "Rong'er, give me a little more time. After I finish this last thing, I will definitely accompany you home and have a good drink with Uncle Hu."

Hu Rong said: "Well, you have to keep your word. Now Longhao Group is preparing to acquire several large automobile companies in Europe. I have a lot of things on my hands and I can't get away from it for the time being. When you finish your things , I guess I will have time, when the time comes, I will go back together."

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "After I finish this matter, I should be free. At that time, I will not only go to see Uncle Hu, but also to see Linger's father, Gao Yuanyuan's father , of course, I have to go home to see my own parents. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them, I really miss them.”

Having a happy meal with Long Linger, Hu Rong, Chang Xuefei, and Mei Jizi, Li Xiaogang didn't stay too long, and came to the densely populated Shennongjia in a flash.

As soon as he came to Shennongjia, Li Xiaogang felt a strong sense of intimacy in his heart, as if this was his home.From this vast Shennongjia, Li Xiaogang has gained too much.Wine Heart Grass, Mihehua, Bingdilian, etc., were all given to him by Shennongjia.And it is precisely by relying on these that he can come to where he is today step by step, and have such a huge achievement today.

When he came to Shennongjia this time, Li Xiaogang came for the last fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen after listening to Qingsong's words.This is also what Li Xiaogang told Hu Rong and the others, the last thing he wants to do.

Finding the last fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen and merging with it, his path of cultivating the gods will be complete. From then on, he will stand proudly between the heaven and the earth and truly become the patron saint of this world.

As for the turmoil in the world of immortals and gods, he didn't think much about it.At least he won't think about it until the turmoil in the world of immortals and gods doesn't harm the safety of the human world. He just wants to spend more time with his woman and his relatives.In this world, Li Xiaogang owes nothing to anyone except his wife and relatives.

When he came to Shennongjia, Li Xiaogang was not in a hurry to go to the cave rich in amethyst, but decided to go to Shaqima first, and take a look at his clansmen by the way.

Thinking of that simple and honest young man and his simple family members, Li Xiaogang smiled from the heart.This isolated nation has multiplied from generation to generation in the depths of Shennongjia without any pollution from the outside world.They are pure and kind, just like the green mountains and green waters, simple and enthusiastic, which moved Li Xiaogang who is used to the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

At the beginning, Nuwa Yuanshen Fragment was originally a sacred object of their clan. When they learned that Li Xiaogang was its owner, they immediately offered it with both hands.If you were someone from outside Shennongjia, you would never even think about it.

Thinking of these, Li Xiaogang couldn't help speeding up his pace, only wishing to see Sha Qima soon...

However, Li Xiaogang didn't know that the entire Di tribe village where Sha Qima lived was completely different from the last time he visited.A mysterious and evil force has taken control of this place, and the people in Shaqima Village are suffering greatly.

One day, a group of people wrapped in black iron armor, as strong as a cow and as tall as an iron tower, descended from the sky.Invaded Shaqima's village.Although Shaqima and the villagers put up the most tenacious resistance, these people were really too strong, and the entire village was eventually captured by them.

The elderly, women and children, as well as most of the young and middle-aged men in the village, were arrested by the Heijia people. Only a few people rushed out under the leadership of Shaqima, and temporarily kept their freedom.

These captured villagers became the hard work of these Heijia people. The only job every day was to dig out amethyst from the black hole of death and hand it over to the Heijia people.

The house where Shaqima used to live was now heavily guarded, and a group of men in black armor with heavy swords kept patrolling back and forth.In the house, several men in black armor were discussing something around a man in purple iron armor and a blood-red cloak.

When these people faced the villagers, their iron armor was wrapped up to their teeth, and their huge helmets covered their entire faces, looking both mysterious and terrifying.

At this time in the house, they took off their helmets and finally showed their true colors.You will be surprised to find that these people are extremely stout in terms of body size, but their faces are actually beautiful.Especially the man in the purple armour, with a handsome face, golden hair reaching to his waist, star-like eyes, piercing, at first glance, he looks like the ancient Greek gods depicted in cartoons.The other black-armoured men were also the same, handsome and extraordinary, even the most inferior ones could be called handsome men on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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