The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1979 Bixius Empire

Chapter 1979 Bixius Empire

The reason why it is said to be placed on the earth here is because these people covered in purple and black armor, although handsome, are definitely not earthlings.Especially their pair of pointed ears, which are completely different from humans, look like elves in legends.

The man in purple armor had a stern face and a haughty demeanor, exuding an aura of a strong man all over his body.The men in black armor beside him were all anxious and full of unease.

"Why is the progress so slow? At this speed, in another 100 years, it is impossible to collect all the amethysts from the death black hole! Do you know how much our planet needs the energy provided by these amethysts?" Although man A's voice was not loud, the power contained in it made all the men in black armor shudder.Several men in black armor looked at each other, and one who seemed to be the oldest stepped forward, clenched a fist with one hand, put it on his chest, slightly bent his body, and said in an extremely respectful tone: "General Zixiu, isn't it?" We are lazy, but in the past few days, we have been constantly harassed by the people on earth, so that we can't concentrate all our energy on collecting amethyst, which makes the progress too slow."

"You said it was Shaqima and those escaped villagers?" Zixiu frowned and asked in a deep voice.

The man in black armor nodded quickly and replied, "Exactly!"

"It's unreasonable!" It's good that the man in black armor didn't answer, Zixiu was furious at this answer, and slammed his fist hard on the table in front of him.The table made of logs as thick as the mouth of the bowl was shattered into pieces with a bang under his fist.

Seeing Zixiu getting angry, the men in black armor all showed timidity, and hurriedly took a few steps back.

Zixiu stared at them, and said angrily: "It's just a few earthlings, can't you all handle it? What's the use of the empire raising you soldiers?"

Zixiu's indiscriminate censure made the men in black armor feel fearful, but at the same time felt aggrieved.The man in black armor who spoke before gritted his teeth, walked up and said: "General Zixiu, that village chief named Sha Qima, obviously absorbed the energy of amethyst, his force is extremely high, including me , are not his opponents."

"What? Even you are not his opponent?" Zixiu showed surprise.

If you look carefully, the Heijia passed down by this Heijia man is different from the Heijia passed down by other people.There was only one nebula-shaped pattern on the black armor of the others, but there were two on his black armor.This means that he is the squadron leader in the Bixius Empire's army, while the others are just squad leaders.As for the black armor worn by ordinary soldiers of the Bixiu Si Empire, there is not even a nebula.

The reason why Zixiu was moved was not only because the man in black armor was the squadron leader and his force was higher than others, but also because the squadron leader was not simple.Among all the squadron leaders of the Bixiuth Empire, he is also the best.Because he came from a powerful family in the Bixius Empire - the Leon family.

The Bixius Empire does not exist on the earth, but comes from the depths of the universe tens of thousands of light-years away from the earth.This empire, after millions of years, is very powerful.The civilization it possesses is simply not comparable to that of the earth civilization.However, this ancient cosmic civilization has recently fallen into great trouble.All because of the exhaustion of resources and the lack of energy on the planet they are on, it has reached the point where it is difficult to move forward.

In order to find enough energy to maintain the empire, the emperor of the Bixius Empire sent countless small teams to search for energy sources in the vast universe.These black-armored warriors led by Zixiu are one of them.

Zixiu was lucky, on the earth, in the depths of Shennongjia, they discovered these amethysts hidden in the black hole of death.The energy contained in amethyst is pure and powerful, which is the top energy they desire.For the Xiusi Empire, this is the future and survival, and of course they cannot let it go.However, manpower is needed to mine amethyst, and Zixiu dare not easily disturb the countries on the earth. It just so happens that Shaqima’s village is isolated from the world. In Zixiu’s eyes, it immediately becomes a source of labor, so this is right. Shaqima's village attacks.

The Leon family mentioned earlier is one of the most powerful nobles in the Bixius Empire.This extraordinary squadron leader, Leon Horton, is a member of the Leon family.Although it is only a collateral line, it will still gain people's respect in the Bixius Empire.

90.00% of the reason why the Leon family was able to gain such honor in the Bixiuth Empire is because the Leon family has top fighters who account for nearly half of the entire Bixius Empire.And the martial arts of the Leon family have always been highly respected by the people of the Bixius Empire.With such powerful martial arts, the fighters from the Leon family are naturally the best.

Leon Horton did not embarrass the Leon family. Although he is only 30 years old this year, he has already reached three stars in terms of force.Although it is still far behind the number one powerhouse in the Xiusi Empire - Nine Star Martial Saint Leon Pod.But compared to the other two-star squadron leaders in the army, he was much better.

It was also because of this that Zixiu was so surprised when he heard that Shaqima's force was stronger than Leon Horton, who was a three-star warrior.

Leon Horton said with a solemn expression: "General Zixiu, this Shaqima is definitely not an ordinary earthling. If we can't catch him for a day, our progress will not be able to improve."

Zixiu pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Isn't Shaqima's wife in our hands?"

Leon Horton frowned, nodded and said, "Not bad."

"Then it's easy to handle! Use his woman as bait to lure him out, and then let this general personally deal with him!" Zixiu's face turned cold, and his voice was low and cold.

"This..." Leon Holden showed a trace of hesitation on his face, looking a bit embarrassed.

Zixiu asked in a deep voice, "Why, do you have any questions?"

Leon Holden thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "General, using a woman as bait, isn't it too despicable? It really insults the dignity of our imperial people..."

"Shut up! What time is this, you are still so pedantic! Let me ask you, is the survival and future of our empire important, or the dignity of your empire people?"

Zixiu's repeated angry reprimands made Leon Horton shut up, but it could be seen that Leon Horton was not convinced in his heart, and his face was faintly blue.

Zixiu saw that he was dissatisfied, but he ignored it. He waved his hand and said domineeringly: "If you can deal with the earthlings, I won't make such a move. But you can't deal with it." He, then you have to listen to me! Come and bring that woman!"

A man in black armor left at the sound, and after a while, he brought Shaqima's wife Shan Rou in.Although she was imprisoned, there was not much fear on Shanrou's face.When Li Xiaogang saw this woman for the first time, he praised her for her intelligence and bravery.The ruthless time did not change her much.

As soon as Shanrou came in, she held her head high, staring at Zixiu and Leon Horton with eyes full of resentment and fearlessness.Facing the woman's fearless gaze, Leon Horton's expression couldn't help but change, and he looked somewhat ashamed.

In fact, from the very beginning, Leon Horton did not agree to attack the village where Shaqima was located.He always believed that their trip to the universe was to find the energy that would allow the Bixius Empire to survive, not to invade.But Zixiu didn't take it seriously and insisted on attacking the village. As a soldier, Leon Horton could only obey.

"You foreign scoundrels, let me and my people go quickly, otherwise, Shaqima will definitely make you pay a heavy price!" Shan Rou shouted loudly.

With a flash of purple light, Zixiu floated in front of Shanrou like a ghost.With Leon Horton's cultivation as a three-star warrior, he couldn't see his movements clearly.I was shocked in my heart, the martial power of a five-star warrior was indeed not something that a three-star warrior could compete with.

Before Shanrou finished speaking, Zixiu's hand held Shanrou's mouth.It could be seen that Shanrou was in pain, but she kept gritting her teeth and persisted, glaring at Zixiu fiercely, and refused to even groan.

"Are all the women on your earth so stubborn?" Zixiu let go of Shanrou and asked with a sneer.

Shan Rou spat forcefully, and shouted: "The scoundrels of the foreign race, you will be punished by the gods!"

"Hahaha... How ridiculous! You people on earth are really ignorant, and you still believe that there are gods in this world. Let me tell you, the gods you are talking about are actually people with a higher civilization than you people on earth. People with a higher level of evolution. Just like us, the Xiusi Empire, for you people on earth, is a god that makes you awe!" Zixiu said with a wild laugh.

"No! What you said is wrong! You are not gods, you are demons!" Shanrou roared hoarsely.

"No matter what we are, you have to be at our mercy! Now, your husband is fighting against us and causing us a lot of trouble. I want you to persuade him to surrender obediently. Maybe I will spare him One life!"

"Impossible! Shaqima is the bravest person in the world! He will keep fighting for the sake of his people and will never surrender. Just give up!"

"Okay! I want to see, who is his wife and his clansmen on the one hand, who will he choose? Come to someone, take her out, smear her with blood, and tie her up deep in the dense forest. I hope that the beasts on your earth will also know how to pity and cherish jade, otherwise, you will be miserable! Hahaha..." Zixiu's incomparably sinister laughter made Leon Horton's brows tightly wrinkle, and his eyes were even more serious. Is filled with deep disgust!

(End of this chapter)

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