The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1980 Conspiracy!

Chapter 1980 Conspiracy!

"Zixiu, why is your laughter always so ugly?" From outside the house, a cold and haughty voice suddenly came.The voice made Zixiu's complexion change, and Leon Horton's was the same. Hearing this voice, his face was suddenly filled with uncontrollable joy.

The two looked towards the door together, only to see a fiery red figure walking in slowly, and beside this fiery red figure, there were two Bixiu Si Empire soldiers wearing the same purple armor as Zixiu.It's just that the two soldiers seemed to be injured, and the purple armor on their bodies was also damaged in many places.

"Princess Qiaona, why did you come here?" Zixiu looked at the suffocatingly beautiful face in front of him, his breathing was a little short, and his eyes were full of disbelief and surprise.

"X3 Exploration Squadron Captain Leon Horton pays homage to Her Royal Highness!" Leon Horton knelt on one knee with a very respectful expression.

Qiao Na's attitude towards Leon Horton is obviously much better than that of Zi Xiu.When he saw Leon Horton, a smile appeared on his face, and he helped Leon Horton up from the ground himself.He said in his mouth: "Brother Holden, please get up quickly."

Leon Horton said with a flattered expression: "Your Highness the Princess can call your subordinate Horton, and the word "big brother" is ashamed of my subordinates!"

Leon Holden, as a member of the Leon family, is a nobleman of the Bixius Empire.Therefore, she gets along with Princess Jona a lot, and Princess Jona is an informal person, so she calls Leon Horton the eldest brother.It's just that Leon Horton dared not admit it. Although he was a member of the Leon family, he was only a side branch. His status was only comparable to other ordinary nobles in the Bixius Empire, and he was far from the royal family.

Leon Horton is only a three-star warrior, while Zixiu is a five-star warrior.And Zixiu's identity is also superior to Leon Horton's.Seeing that Princess Qiao Na was not pretending to talk to him, but she was very enthusiastic towards Leon Horton, Zixiu's eyes immediately became gloomy.When looking at Leon Horton, he was even more murderous.

At this time, Leon Horton was still immersed in the surprise of Princess Jona's sudden arrival, and he didn't notice Zixiu's gaze at all.Turning her head, she saw that the two guards beside Qiao Na were both wounded. She couldn't help being surprised and asked, "Your Highness, are your two guards injured?"

Princess Qiaona frowned, glanced at Zixiu, and then said: "It's okay. On the way here, we encountered pirates and had a fierce battle with them. Nafei and Nahui did this to protect me. Injured?"

"What? Met a pirate? Why are the pirates so arrogant that they dare to hurt even the princess of the Bixiu Si Empire?" Zixiu shouted loudly with a look of righteous indignation.Qiao Na glared at him and ignored him.But Leon Holden asked in amazement: "What kind of pirates have such great abilities? Nafei and Nahui are both five-star fighters with amazing force. I'm afraid ordinary pirates can't even get close to them. Not to mention hurting them."

Facing Leon Horton's suspicious eyes, Qiao Na seemed to be a little flickering.He coughed and said, "Let's talk about this later."

Seeing that Princess Jona hesitated to speak, as if she had something to hide, Leon Horton didn't ask any further.

Princess Qiaona let out a long breath, and in a blink of an eye saw Shanrou with a sad face, so she asked, "Zixiu, what's going on?"

Zixiu snorted and said casually: "This woman's husband has repeatedly opposed us, which has greatly hindered our efficiency in mining energy crystals. Therefore, I am going to use her as bait to lure her husband out and catch him. "

"I heard you outside that you are going to smear her with blood and throw it into the jungle, right?" Princess Qiao Na's voice was a little cold.

Zixiu said: "That's right! Only in this way can his husband's heart ache, and he will obediently come out to die."

"It's really despicable and shameless!" Princess Jona's face changed immediately when she heard this, and she scolded coldly.

Zixiu couldn't help but froze for a moment, then frowned, and said: "Your Highness, we don't need to be polite to these low-level civilizations. They are useless, but they occupy such abundant energy in the universe. A civilization as great as the Xiusi Empire is facing life and death due to exhaustion of energy sources. This is really unfair. If I didn’t have only one squadron of fighters in my hands, I really wish I could kill all the lower creatures on this planet. Kill more, and completely take this planet with abundant energy as your own."

"Inferior creatures? Humph! The Bixius people millions of years ago may not have evolved as well as them! They are only in an early stage of evolution, so they are not as good as us. You call them lower creatures , as everyone knows, our ancestors were the same as them. You let her go immediately, and you are not allowed to hurt her again!" Princess Qiao Na pointed at her gentleness, her handsome face was full of majesty, and Zixiu did not allow Zixiu to resist at all.

"Princess, you are the dignified princess of the Bixiu Si Empire, with a noble status, why do you care about the life and death of such a foreign pariah? Besides..."

"Bastard! What I care about is the dignity of our Bixiusi Empire! For millions of years, our Bixiusi people have established a country with benevolence and advocated peace. When did we bully a weak civilization? Do you know that you do this, You are embarrassing our Bixiusi Empire! As the princess of the Bixiusi Empire, of course I want to stop you! Brother Horton, let her go immediately!"

Leon Horton originally disapproved of Zixiu's plan, and he stepped forward to untie the rope that bound Shanrou without any delay as soon as he heard the princess's order.This move aroused Zixiu's fury, but in front of Qiao Na, Zixiu didn't dare to make a mistake, so he could only stare at Leon Horton fiercely, and temporarily suppressed his anger in his heart.

Shanrou originally thought that she would die today, but she didn't expect such a turnaround. She couldn't help but look at Qiao Na with gratitude.Qiao Na came to her and said, "Okay, you are safe now, go home."

"No!" Shanrou rejected Qiao Na, and said pleadingly: "Please, let my people go."

"Your people?" Jona looked at Leon Horton, and Leon Horton quickly explained: "General Zixiu arrested them all to collect energy spars for our empire."

Fearing that Qiao Na would be kind again and release Shan Rou's people, Zixiu hurriedly said: "Your Highness, if these people are released, no one will collect energy spars for us. But our empire , is urgently needing these energy crystals, what kind of consequences will it cause at that time, please think twice, Your Royal Highness, don't lose the big because of small things!"

Jona was in trouble, as Zixiu said, if she were to be released, it would have a huge impact on the entire Bixiu Empire.After much deliberation, Qiao Na said to Shanrou with guilt: "I'm sorry, we can't let your clansmen go yet. But don't worry, we will let your clansmen go home when the energy crystals are collected. "After finishing speaking, he looked at Zixiu again, and said in a commanding tone: "Zixiu, I order you, from now on, treat those outsiders who serve our Bixiusi Empire kindly, and don't hurt them again!"

"Yes!" Zixiu frowned, and answered casually.

"Girl, that's all I can do for you, please forgive me." Looking at Shan Rou's sad expression, Qiao Na looked helpless.

Shan Rou closed her eyes, two lines of clear tears slowly oozed down her smooth cheeks.He murmured: "My people are still suffering, how can I leave alone? Please, bring me to my people, I want to be with them."

Qiao Na was shocked by Shanrou's words.Recalling the warmth and coldness that happened to her, and looking at Shanrou's love and righteousness, she suddenly discovered that the technology of the Xiusi Empire may be far more advanced than the technology of this planet, but it is more advanced than the Xiusi Empire. The relationship between people in the empire, but...

Jona raised her eyebrows, looked at Zixiu, and said in a deep voice, "Zixiu, bring her back to her people. Remember what I said, if you dare to do anything to harm her and her people, I will I will never forgive you!"

As a princess, Qiao Na's status is by no means comparable to that of Zixiu. Although there are thousands of unwillingness in her heart, she can only nod and obey.He gave Shanrou a hard look, waved his hands and ordered someone to send Shanrou back to the black hole of death.He was locked up with the villagers of the Di nationality.

Jona said: "Brother Holden. I know that you have found a lot of precious top-quality energy crystals on this planet. I want to see them."

"Going right now?"

Qiao Na nodded heavily, and said, "Yes! Let's go now!"

"Okay, please follow me!" Leon Holden walked out with Jona without asking Zixiu for instructions.Even Leon Horton didn't treat Zixiu as a dish, and Princess Jona even refused to look at him.Seeing Leon Horton and Jona leaving side by side, Zixiu's face immediately showed a gloomy look, "Stinky girl, you are really deceiving!"

"General Zixiu." A man in black armor came to Zixiu.

Zixiu glared at him, and shouted in a deep voice: "Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say! Didn't you see that the general is annoying?"

The man in black armor hurriedly said: "General Zixiu, we are tens of thousands of light-years away from this planet than the Xiusi Empire. How could the princess come here suddenly with only two guards? The empire is notoriously naughty and willful, but traveling through the universe alone and coming to a place tens of thousands of light-years away, isn't it incredible?"

Zixiu's expression was taken aback by the words of the man in black armor, and he asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

The man in black armor said in a deep voice: "In my opinion, there must be something strange about it. Moreover, the two guards that the princess was carrying with her were both seriously injured. Although the princess explained that she encountered pirates on the road, but I thought it wasn't that simple."

"You mean, there was some turmoil in the Bixiu Si Empire, and the princess escaped?" Zixiu asked anxiously, his eyes lit up.

"General Zixiu, you are also aware of the situation of the empire. The royal family is declining day by day. Although they have the support of the Leon family, they are lingering, but with the continuous expansion of the power of General Via, the royal family is really on the verge of collapse. Leon Although the family is powerful, compared with General Via, who holds the imperial army in his hands, it is undoubtedly an egg against a stone. In consideration of the interests of their own family, the Leon family will give up supporting the royal family sooner or later. After all, the relationship between the Leon family and the royal family is not Too close. Also, didn’t you realize that the energy crystals we collect here are supposed to be handed over to the royal family, but they were all intercepted by the army of General Via.”

(End of this chapter)

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