The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1981 Gathering Energy Crystals

Chapter 1981 Gathering Energy Crystals
"Is it true that, as you said, in the empire, General Via has already taken action, and he may have broken with the royal family, so Princess Jona fled here?"

"This subordinate is just guessing! We are very far away from the empire. It is difficult for us to know what happened in the empire. However, General Zixiu, judging from the current situation, if General Via wants to gain the power of the Bixiusi Empire, It's a no-brainer. It's time for you to think about your future, too."

"Yes! You are right! I will send a message to General Via and ask what is going on? If things are really as you analyzed, hahaha... then we will be developed ! Ques, if I do meritorious service, I will never treat you badly. Do you understand what I mean?"

The man in black armor hurriedly leaned over and said, "Of course my subordinates understand! Ques is willing to follow General Zixiu all his life!"

"Okay! Sure enough, he is a smart man! This place is far away from us than the Xiusi Empire. It takes at least seven Earth days for the information to go back and forth. During these seven days, you must take good care of the princess. If you let If she runs away, all our previous efforts will be wasted!" Zi Xiu frowned and ordered.

"Yes! This subordinate knows what to do! However, General Zixiu and the two warriors beside the princess are all five-star warriors, and there is also a three-star Leon Horton. With us, I'm afraid we can't do anything to them. You give When General Via wrote the letter, I asked him to send a powerful expert to help us."

After thinking about it, Zixiu agreed with Ques's proposal, nodded and said, "I understand! Hehe... I never thought that girl Qiao Na would come to her door by herself!"

While Zixiu was conspiring with Ques, Leon Horton was leading Jona towards the black hole of death.Qiao Na was intoxicated by the charming scenery of Shennongjia.The unrestrained development of science and technology has turned the Bixiusi Empire into a barren land. Bixiusi people can only dream of the beautiful scenery in front of her eyes.

"Brother Horton, this planet is so beautiful, it's like a dreamland!" Princess Jona smiled like a child, her face and eyes were full of joy.

Seeing Princess Jona's intoxicated look, Leon Horton laughed.Recalling the time when he first set foot on this planet, his performance was no different from Jona's.

The endless vegetation, the wild flowers blooming everywhere, and all kinds of birds and animals living happily in the forest, all of these made him extremely novel.Sighing lightly, he murmured, "The Bixiu Si Empire was like this millions of years ago. I really hope that the people here can cherish everything in front of them, and don't wait until our time and regret it in vain."

Jona shook her head, Shanrou's gentle and kind face appeared in her mind, and she said confidently: "No. I have confidence in the people on this planet. But Brother Horton, we plunder other people's planets like this Is there something wrong with the energy crystal?"

Leon Horton smiled wryly, and said, "Your Highness, I understand your feelings, but you must know that without these energy crystals, our Bixiu Empire may soon perish."

Qiao Na seemed very contradictory, and said, "But I always feel that we are no different from invaders..."

"Haha... Your Highness doesn't have to be like this. These energy crystals don't belong to this planet in the first place."

"Oh? Brother Holden, what do you mean?"

"This is also a question that I have always wanted to figure out. Before coming to this planet, we have done a comprehensive understanding of this planet. We found that, based on the composition of this planet, it will not form such an extremely high-level energy Crystals. I've always wanted to find out where they came from."

"Brother Horton, do you mean that these energy crystals do not belong to this planet, but come here from other planets or spaces just like us?"

Leon Horton nodded and said, "Exactly! So, if these energy crystals continue to stay on this planet, it may not be a good thing for the people on this planet."

"Be careful, Your Royal Highness!" As soon as Leon Horton finished speaking, a guard behind Jona suddenly exclaimed and threw Jona to the ground.A sharp bow and arrow, almost sticking to Qiao Na's back, pierced deeply into the trunk of a giant tree.

Leon Horton couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. If it wasn't for the guard's quick reaction, this arrow might have pierced Princess Jona.After the horror, Leon Horton was furious, and he pulled out his two-handed epee from his waist, swung it round, and a blue-gray air wave flew out, sweeping straight towards the direction of the bow and arrow, almost A big tree as thick as the mouth of a bowl was snapped in half, and several thick bushes were also uprooted by the sword energy.With a burst of exclamation, several Di villagers were exposed.

"It's you again! It's unreasonable!" Leon Holden glared, and charged forward with his sword in hand. Those Di villagers were just ordinary people, and they were no match for Leon Holden. , and was knocked to the ground by him.

Leon Horton was about to teach them a good lesson, when a roar suddenly sounded, Shaqima, like an agile leopard, leaped out from the vicinity extremely swiftly, and punched Leon Horton fiercely with his fist.

Leon Horton had fought against Shaqima several times, and he knew how powerful Shaqima was. Seeing Shaqima's fierce fists, he dared not neglect her, and hurriedly swung his sword to meet her.There was a crisp clang, and Shaqima's fist had already hit Leon Horton's sword firmly.Qiangba's strength pushed Leon Horton back more than a dozen steps before he stopped.

Not seeing each other for several years, Shaqima's body became stronger and her appearance became more handsome.I don't know if it's the special effect of amethyst that makes Shaqima have such a refined temperament even though she is an aborigine.

It can only be seen that Shaqima is extremely angry now, and the eyes looking at Leon Holden are also full of hatred.Seeing his old rival Shaqima, Leon Horton frowned.He shouted in a deep voice: "It's you again? You are so brave, you dare to sneak attack even our princess, you don't want to live!"

Shaqima turned her head to look at Qiao Na, with a hint of doubt in her eyes, and asked, "Is she your princess?"

Leon Holden nodded and said, "Exactly!"

When Shaqima heard this, a gleam of joy flashed across her face, and she said, "That's just right! I caught your princess, and I'm not afraid that you won't let my people back!" Before the words fell, Shaqima moved.

With a kick of both feet, the whole person leaped several heights and directly crossed the distance between him and Qiao Na, and grabbed Qiao Na by the head like a goshawk fighting a rabbit.

Seeing Shaqima's actions, Leon Horton was startled, but not panicked.The two five-star guards that accompanied Princess Qiaona were not easy to mess with.

Sure enough, while Shaqima's body was in the air, the two guards moved.One hugged Princess Qiaona and retreated backwards, while the other waved the sword in his hand, bringing waves of swords, and headed towards Shaqima.

Shaqima thought that these two guards were at best comparable to Leon Horton, but only then did he realize that he was naive.Before the sword wave reached her body, Shaqima felt a death-like coldness from it.Before she had time to think about it, Shaqima hurriedly raised her strength to the extreme, gave up on Princess Jona, and instead faced the guard's sword first.

Shaqima knocked back Leon Horton with one punch, but failed to knock back the guard with one punch.On the contrary, Shaqima herself was shocked by the powerful force of the guard's sword and took a few steps back.There were bursts of severe pain in the fist, causing Shaqima's face to change drastically.

"Hmph! You really don't know how to live or die, you dare to hurt our princess, take your life!" The guard shouted angrily, tapped his toes on the ground lightly, and then rose into the air gracefully.After all, he is a five-star warrior, and his force is by no means comparable to that of Leon Horton.I saw that the guard was like a raging purple flame, and before Shaqima could recover, he was entangled tightly by her.

The Bixiusi Empire advocates martial power, and dare not say that everyone practices martial arts, but the vast majority of people practice martial arts.As the energy crystals of the Bixiusi Empire gradually dried up, the Bixiusi people favored cold weapons that did not require energy crystals like swords.His attainments in swordsmanship are naturally extraordinary.

Although Shaqima absorbed a lot of energy from the amethyst, thus making his body very strong and agile, but after all, he has never learned any formal martial arts, and relying solely on brute force, it is naturally impossible to compete with this five-star The armed guards competed.

As a result, one can imagine that before Shaqima saw the opponent's sword style clearly, she already had three wounds on her body.Seeing that it continued like this, Shaqima was severely scratched by the opponent, and those villagers who were knocked to the ground by Leon Horton immediately stood up again and attacked without fear of death.

The guard was annoyed by being entangled, and was about to make a killing move, when Princess Qiaona yelled and stopped him.

The guard swept out with a sword, and Shaqima and the villagers dodged one after another, while he took the opportunity to return to Princess Qiaona.Seeing Shaqima covered in wolves, Leon Horton smiled and said, "Shaqima, thanks to the kindness of our princess, otherwise you would have died here today, do you know?"

Shaqima spat fiercely, and roared full of anger: "Even if I die, I will die with you cruel and unkind aliens!"

Shaqima's words made Leon Horton's heart sink.Since they came to this land, they have indeed done many things to the Shaqima people.

Leon Holden also felt very guilty. He wanted to ridicule Shaqima a few more words, but he couldn't say a word.

"My friend, I know that we have caused you and your people a lot of harm, and I am sorry for that!" Princess Qiaona ignored the obstruction of the two guards and came straight to Shaqima, looking at his face. Eyes, said in a very sincere tone.

Qiao Na is a very kind princess, her eyes are very clear, looking at her, Sha Qima couldn't release the anger in her heart, she just snorted bitterly and turned her head away.

Seeing that Shaqima's body was still bleeding, Qiao Na personally asked a guard for a bead the size of a dragon's eye that glowed red.Holding this bead, Qiao Na said: "This bead will help you stop bleeding and heal your wounds, take it!"

Shaqima glared at her, but didn't go to pick up the bead.He went to the bushes by himself, and after poking around for a while, he found a strange little flower, crushed it and rubbed it on his wound.After a while, the wound stopped bleeding.

Princess Qiaona's eyes widened in surprise, and she said in admiration: "I never thought that a small flower could have such great abilities, which is simply unimaginable in our Bixiu Si Empire.

Shaqima snorted coldly, pointed at the two purple-armoured guards beside Princess Qiaona, and said, "They are very powerful, and I am not their opponent. Since you have caught me, whatever you want, just come Now! My people and I will never submit to you!"

The prestige of Sha Qima, the village head, is obviously not high. Although their lives are in danger at this time, those few villagers still bravely stood by Sha Qima's side, advancing and retreating with him.

"Why should I kill you? It's because we are sorry for you! If our clansmen were also insulted like this, I would do the same thing as you." Princess Qiaona is beautiful, but her smile is even more beautiful .

Shaqima finally realized that the princess in front of her was different from those black-armored people he had seen before.

"Since you are a princess, you must have a high status among them. Can you order them to release my people. We will welcome you with our enthusiasm."

"This...I'm afraid I can't do this. We need your people." Qiao Na thought for a while, and finally rejected Shaqima in embarrassment.

When Shaqima's eyes were neutral, there was deep disappointment, which made Qiao Na feel very uncomfortable.

"However, I can promise you that from now on, we will treat your people kindly. We will never hurt them again, I can assure you!" Jona said hastily.

Shaqima shook her head and said, "Compared with freedom, anything is cheap. If you can't give our people freedom, then I can only regard you as an enemy."

"Stinky boy! Don't be ignorant! Don't worry, after the energy crystals are collected, we will naturally release your people."

Leon Holden roared roughly: "Hmph! How ridiculous! The number of amethysts in the black hole of death is so huge! It is impossible to collect them all in a few hundred years. Could it be possible for you to let my clansmen, descendants and grandchildren be killed? Are you enslaved?" Shaqima said angrily.

What Shaqima said was true, Leon Horton didn't know what to say, and looked at Qiao Na helplessly.

Qiao Na couldn't think of any solution for a moment, her crescent eyebrows were furrowed, and she fell into silence.

Seeing this, Shaqima sneered, and said: "It seems that the battle between us will not stop for a while. Hey, princess, right? Either you kill me now, or I will definitely think about it." Do everything possible to catch you and exchange you for my people!"

"What arrogance! You don't even ask yourself first if you have the ability! If you want to catch our princess, you have to pass the two of us first!" The purple armored guard who injured Sha Qima shook his hand. Jian Feng shouted with disdain.

"Tigers also doze off sometimes, I don't believe that you can keep looking at your princess!" Shaqima curled her lips.

"In that case, I'll kill you now!" Shaqima's words obviously angered the guard, and with a cold reprimand, the sword glowed again.

"Nafei! Stop!" Princess Qiaona shouted and grabbed Nafei.

"Princess! This guy wants to harm you. It's a disaster. I can't keep him!" Nafi said eagerly.

Princess Qiao Na yelled prestige, and said in a deep voice, "It's no wonder he is, I won't allow you to act recklessly!"

Seeing that Qiao Nagong took the initiative to get angry, Nafei felt guilty, and then withdrew the long sword.

Seeing that Princess Qiaona was able to protect herself like this, Shaqima felt conflicted.On one side are the villagers who are eager for freedom, and on the other side is the sincere and kind Princess Qiaona. Shaqima doesn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"You...what's your name?" Princess Jona asked softly.

"Oh, princess, his name is Shaqima! He is the husband of the woman we saw earlier, and the leader of these alien races." Seeing that Shaqima did not answer, Leon Horton replied.

"Ah, it's you! I've met your wife. Your wife is a very beautiful and kind woman. You are very happy." Qiao Na said to Sha Qima sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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