The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1982 Death Black Hole

Chapter 1982 Death Black Hole
"Have you met Shanrou? Where is she? Is she okay?" Hearing Qiao Na mention Shanrou, Shaqima became emotional immediately and asked repeatedly.

Qiao Na was pondering how to tell Sha Qima about Shanrou's situation, but Leon Horton said first: "You almost killed my princess, but do you know that our princess saved your wife's life. "

"What's going on?" Shaqima became more anxious.

Leon Holden said: "Originally, Zixiu was planning to throw your wife covered in blood into the dense forest. You should know the consequences of doing so. In a few minutes, all kinds of people in this forest will be hungry. The wild beasts will follow the smell of blood. At that time, your wife will become the belly of these wild beasts..."

Before Leon Horton finished speaking, Shaqima fell into madness because of extreme anger, "Bastard! How could he do this? Does he still have humanity? Beast! I must kill him, kill!"

Jona gave Leon Horton a reproachful glance, because Leon Horton was angry that Sachima tried to harm Princess Jona.That's why I say this.Seeing Shaqima's painful and going crazy look now, I feel a little regretful in my heart.He hurriedly said: "Zixiu's plot has been stopped by Her Royal Highness, and your wife has not encountered any danger. She has now been taken to the black hole of death and is with your clansmen."

After hearing Leon Horton's words, Shaqima felt a little better.Looking at Princess Qiaona, he said, "Your Highness, although you are with them, I can tell that your heart is better than all of them! I beg you, let me see my wife, even if it is just a glance That's fine. I beg you!"

Qiao Na couldn't refuse Shaqima's request, so she nodded and said, "Okay! Anyway, we just happen to be going to the black hole of death, so you can go with us."

"Your Highness, there are Zixiu's people in the black hole of death. I'm afraid it's not good for them to see Shaqima?" Leon Horton reminded.

Princess Jona snorted coldly, and said majestically: "With this princess here, I don't believe they dare to mess around! Brother Horton, continue to lead the way."

Leon Holden thought about it and said no more.Taking Princess Qiaona to the black hole of death that is rich in amethyst.

This death black hole is really a very special place.From the outside, it looks very inconspicuous, but once you enter, you will find that the inside of the cave is very spacious and very deep.The cave walls and the dome are covered with thick purple crystals everywhere.The radiant purple light emitted from it fully illuminated the inside of the cave, which is undoubtedly the same as daytime.It gives people a beautiful feeling, as if they have come to another world.When Li Xiaogang discovered this place for the first time, he was also very surprised by the special structure here.

"Damn it! You're looking for death!" Princess Qiaona and the others arrived at the entrance of the cave just now, and saw a black-armored warrior beating a pale villager with a whip.

Upon seeing this scene, Shaqima's eyes immediately turned red.He roared angrily, "Stop!" Then the whole person rushed out.The black-armored warrior raised his whip high and was about to hit him hard when Shaqima rushed over and slammed into him.Although the black-armored warrior was born strong, he couldn't withstand such a forceful bump from Shaqima, and with an ouch, he fell on his back.

Shaqima hurriedly helped the old man lying on the ground up, and said with tears in her eyes: "Elder, elder! I am Shaqima, I am Shaqima!"

After Shaqima yelled several times, the old man slowly opened his eyes.After seeing clearly that it was Shaqima who was holding her, she immediately became excited.As soon as he grabbed Shaqima's hand, he kept muttering and asking: "Shaqima, are you rescue us all from here?"

When the elder asked, Shaqima's tears fell even more.Shame was written all over his face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Elder, I am incompetent and incapable. I can't save everyone, and I can't save you either. I..."

Shaqima was talking, when she suddenly felt a burning pain from her back, and her body fell to the ground involuntarily.Looking back, he saw five or six black-armored warriors surrounding him at some point. The black-armored warrior who was knocked to the ground by Shaqima earlier was furiously whipping him with a whip.

Shaqima's eyes were angry, and she raised her hand to grab the whip, and pulled the black armored warrior towards him immediately. Just as her right fist was about to take advantage of the situation, the other two black armored warriors raised their fists suddenly. Lifting the hilt of the sword, it hit him hard.The intense pain caused Shaqima to fall down involuntarily.

"You bedbug, you dare to hit me, I'll kill you!" Seeing Shaqima being pinned to the ground by four companions, the black-armored soldier cursed angrily and pulled out a fist from his waist. The sharp knife half a meter long was aimed at Shaqima's heart and was about to stab it.

"Bastard!" At this moment, Leon Horton rushed over, first kicked the sharp knife in his hand, and then kicked him in the face again, causing his face to open immediately. flowers.

"Who is it again? Which bastard is sneaking up on me again!" Under the severe pain, the black-armored soldier was furious, wiped his face, and roared repeatedly.

When he saw the sullen Leon Horton standing in front of him, his heart trembled violently, and he shivered several times subconsciously.Regardless of the severe pain on his face from time to time, he looked at Leon Holden with a flattering face, and said with a smile: "Squadron leader, why are you here?"

Leon Horton glared at him fiercely, and shouted in a deep voice: "Didn't you receive the princess' order?"

"This..." The black-armored soldier's face was even more ugly, he hesitated to answer.

Leon Horton turned his head to look at the four black-armored warriors who held Shaqima down, raised his eyebrows, and shouted angrily, "Don't you let me go?"

Those four black-armored warriors didn't dare to talk to Leon Holden, so they quickly let go.Shaqima angrily stood up from the ground, and helped the elder up as well.

"You have all received the princess's order to treat these villagers well and not to harm them. But you did something like this. Do you know what kind of punishment you will receive if you disobey the princess's order?" Leon Horton eyes The cold electricity flickered, which looked extremely scary.

The five black-armored warriors muttered, not knowing how to answer.Leon Horton wanted to scold them, but at this moment, Jona walked over.

The delicate face is frosty, and the expression is awe-inspiring.He glanced coldly at the five black-armored warriors, and said, "Nafei, tell them, what kind of punishment will they receive if they disobey my order?"

"Kill!" Nafi raised his hand and made a chopping gesture.

"Then what are you waiting for? Execution!"

"What? Wait a minute!" Princess Jona's words made Leon Horton's heart tremble, and he subconsciously wanted to stop it.However, Nafi's movements were like lightning.

I saw a purple shadow rushing past, turning around the five black-armored fighters, and then several bloody arrows shot out from the throats of the five black-armored fighters at the same time, with a look of astonishment on their faces. , slowly fell down.

Leon Horton's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Jona in disbelief.In his mind, Qiao Na was very kind, and she would never do such a murderous thing.However, at this moment, Qiao Na had a murderous look on her face, as if she had changed into a different person, and she didn't care about the death of the five black-armored soldiers at all.

The expressions of the other black-armored warriors around them all changed drastically, and there was obviously a trace of fear in the eyes of Princess Qiaona.

Shaqima didn't expect Princess Jona to do this either.Although he hated these black-armored warriors deeply, but seeing their dead and unclear expressions, he was also very sad.

"Your Highness, they are just... You don't need to kill them, do you?" Leon Horton obviously blamed him.

Qiao Na didn't change her face, and said in a deep voice: "Shouldn't you kill the princess if you violated the order of the princess? Besides, you have also seen their actions just now. They are cruel and rude, and there is no mercy at all! Bixiu Si Empire It's because of these vicious soldiers that they became what they are today!" Somehow, Princess Qiao Na's eye circles turned red as she remembered something sad.

Leon Horton couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and said in a nasty voice: "Your Highness, you..."

Princess Jona wiped away the tears without waiting for them to fall.Turning to look at Shaqima, said: "I said, to ensure the safety of your people, and never let people hurt them again. Now you believe what I said?"

Shaqima nodded quickly.

Princess Qiaona turned her head to look at the black-armored soldiers who were peeping here, and shouted loudly: "Listen to me! From now on, all the villagers are under my protection! Which of you If you dare to hurt them, this is your fate!" Princess Jona pointed at the five corpses on the ground.

Looking at Princess Jona at this time, Leon Horton was in a trance.He vaguely felt that the Princess Qiaona he saw at this moment was different from the one he was familiar with before.

"Shaqima, your wife is inside, let's go in together!" Princess Jona nodded to Shaqima and walked in first.

In the black hole of death, Shanrou was grouped with other female villagers, and was responsible for transporting the amethysts that the men had pried off from the cave wall to the outside of the cave in batches.Although this is a relatively labor-saving job, Shan Rou and the others still do it very hard.

Shaqima found the sweaty Shanrou from the crowd at a glance, and couldn't help feeling very sorry. "Shanrou!" shouted, Shaqima rushed to Shanrou's side quickly, and took a heavy amethyst in her hand.

When Shanrou first saw Shaqima, she still couldn't believe it, until Shaqima's strong arms hugged her tightly, felt the warmth of Shaqima, and smelled the familiar smell that made her fascinated , and realized that this is true.Almost instinctively, Shanrou hugged Shaqima tightly, buried her head in his arms, and burst into tears.

The other villagers were also very excited when they saw Shaqima. Shanrou's cry immediately caused other people to cry too.The atmosphere in the death black hole immediately became sad.

(End of this chapter)

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