The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1983 Bixius Imperial Coup

Chapter 1983 Bixius Imperial Coup

The black-armored soldier in charge of the work subconsciously wanted to stop them, but suddenly saw Princess Qiao Na glaring at them with extremely cold eyes, each of them hurriedly stood at attention, not daring to take a step forward.

After crying and being excited, Shanrou's expression changed, and she said anxiously: "Shaqima, why did you come here? Could it be... Could it be that you were also caught by them? What can I do, are you Our only hope, if even you, then all of us..."

Seeing the anxiety on Shanrou's face, Shaqima hurriedly hugged her again, and comforted her in a low voice: "Shanrou, it's not what you imagined. The princess of these alien races is here. She is very kind. It is her." Bring us back together."

"Ah? It's Princess Qiaona?" Shanrou turned her head to look at Qiaona who was standing far away, her eyes were full of gratitude.

"Yes! It was arranged by Her Majesty the Princess. Her Majesty the Princess also assured me that he will guarantee the safety of our tribe and will not let these black-armored warriors harm our tribe. From now on, everyone, don't have to be afraid."

Shanrou and other villagers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news.

When Shaqima and Shanrou were reunited, Princess Qiaona began to look at the space full of purple crystals in front of her.Those crystals that constantly emit purple light are beautiful and mysterious.In today's Bixius Empire, the value of these amethysts is so great that it has reached the point of insanity.

This is the future of the entire Bixiusi Empire. She still clearly remembers that when her father, the emperor of the Bixiusi Empire, learned that so many top-level energies were gathered on this distant planet The kind of ecstasy and excitement that flowed out when looking at the crystal.

"Brother Horton, where did you transport these amethysts after you collected them?" Princess Jona suddenly opened her mouth and asked.

Leon Horton was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Of course it was shipped back to the Bixius Empire. Our empire needs these now, and we dare not stop for a moment."

"It was shipped back to the empire, are you sure?" Princess Jona's crescent eyebrows frowned.

Leon Holden said without thinking, "Of course! Why, princess, do you have doubts about this?"

Princess Jona shook her head slowly, and said, "My royal father, I have never seen any energy crystal like this before."

"What? How is this possible? In the past few days, we have shipped amethyst to the Bixius Empire three times. How could His Majesty the Emperor not have seen it?" Leon Holden couldn't believe it, his face was full of surprise and puzzlement .

Princess Jona smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Horton, do you think I'm lying to you? What I said is absolutely true!"

Leon Horton's expression turned serious, he looked at Princess Jona, and said very seriously: "Your Highness the Princess didn't lie to me, but I didn't lie to you, Your Highness either. So, could it be that Zixiu is playing tricks in the dark?"

"Hmph! Brother Holden, do you think Zixiu has the guts to do this?"

Princess Jona's words shocked Leon Horton's body, and he asked in amazement, "Your Highness, what do you mean by saying that?"

"Brother Holden, I have no choice but to tell you the truth now. Why do you think I came here? In fact, I escaped from Bixiu Si Empire with great difficulty."

"Escape? Your Royal Highness, you are a dignified princess of the Bixiu Si Empire, and you are deeply favored by His Majesty the Emperor. Who has such a great ability to force you to escape from the empire?" Leon Holden was shocked, and said: The face is unbelievable.

A dark cloud of anger surged on Princess Jona's face, she gritted her teeth, and replied word by word: "It's Via! He brazenly staged a coup d'etat by relying on the military power he held in his hands. Even my father, I am also imprisoned by him now. If it were not for the desperate persuasion of your father and some other imperial nobles, Via might have killed my father. Thanks to the desperate protection of the two sisters, Nafei and Nahui, I was able to Escape here alive."

Hearing what Princess Jona said, Leon Horton was completely stunned.He never dreamed that such a huge change would happen in Bixius Empire.

"General Via, how could... how could he do this? This is an attempt to usurp the throne, this is treason, and he will be sentenced to death! Your Royal Highness, could it be that my father and the rest of the Leon family failed to stop him? ?” Leon Horton asked in shock and anger.

Princess Jona said bitterly: "Via holds the military power in her hands, and there are thousands of troops under her command! Although the Leon family is rich and powerful, there is no way to compete with Via after all. In order to protect their own people, the Leon family It is also understandable that the patriarch chose to compromise with Via."

"No! The Leon family has always been loyal to the royal family! This is cowardice, this is betrayal!" Anger burned in Leon Holden's heart, making his eyes red and his fists clenched tightly.

Seeing Leon Horton's instinctive performance, Princess Jona breathed a sigh of relief.If Leon Holden also chooses to betray her, then she really doesn't know what to do.Now with Leon Horton's support, although Leon Horton is only a three-star warrior and can't help much, he still brings a lot of spiritual comfort to Princess Qiaona.

"Your Highness, don't worry! Although I, Leon Holden, am also a member of the Leon family, I will definitely not be as cowardly as them. In order to survive, I will not distinguish right from wrong. I swear to God, as long as I have one breath, I will I will swear to the death to defend the honor of the royal family, and to protect the safety of Her Highness the Princess!"

Hearing Leon Horton's impassioned oath, Princess Jona was moved to tears.I didn't know what to say to Leon Holden for a while, but I just held his big hand tightly and didn't let go.

Seeing Jona at this time, Leon Holden felt very distressed.I just hate myself for not being able to help her at this time.

"Your Highness, you are the first heir to the throne of the Bixius Empire. Viata will not let you go. What are your plans?" Leon Horton asked worriedly.

Princess Jona said bitterly: "I'm just a weak woman, what can I do? I just hope that Via won't find out that I've come to this remote planet, otherwise, I really have nowhere to go." I can escape."

Leon Horton nodded slowly, and said: "Although Via succeeded, I think it was only temporary. In the Bixius Empire, there are still many people who love and support the royal family. In addition, Via is a force To usurp power is bound to be unpopular. It won't be long before he will be defeated by righteous people."

"Brother Holden, don't comfort me. Although there are many people in Bixiu Si Empire to support my father, their strength is too weak after all, and they are even more unstoppable compared to Via's well-equipped rebels." It’s the same. It’s not easy to defeat Via? This will require an extremely long and difficult process, and I’m mentally prepared.”

"Princess Qiaona, no matter what, your existence is like a banner and a spiritual leader for those who rebel against Via. No matter what, you must live well."

With Leon Horton's careful comfort, Qiao Na's mood improved.Seeing the dense amethysts around him in a blink of an eye, he said, "Brother Horton, the energy crystals here are too important to our empire. We must not let Via plunder them again. We must find a way to store these energy crystals and find them. This opportunity will be handed over to the righteous people who are fighting against Via. Let them use these energy crystals to restore the rule of the royal family in the Bixius Empire."

Hearing Princess Jona's words, Leon Horton couldn't help laughing and asked: "It turns out that Her Royal Highness came here not only because it was far away from the imperial planet and Via was beyond reach, but also because of the energy crystal here. here."

Princess Jona smiled slightly and said, "These energy crystals are really important. Without them, we have no hope of restoring our country."

Leon Horton nodded, and said with a frown: "But Your Royal Highness, I think that Zixiu is probably from Via. Otherwise, how could the amethyst we shipped back not be delivered to His Majesty the Emperor?" But fell into Via's clutches? If we want to control the amethyst here, we must first pass Zixiu's level."

"Brother Holden, isn't this your squadron? We can use force to arrest Zixiu, and in that case, he won't dare to mess around."

Holden smiled wryly, and said: "Although I am the squadron leader in name, these soldiers only obey Zixiu's orders. If there is no Zixiu Ken, I would like to mobilize them. It is not ordinary difficult."

"This... how could it be like this?" Princess Jona didn't expect this, and she looked astonished.

Leon Horton looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Your Highness, you know that I only like to practice, and I have no interest in other things. So..."

Jona and Leon Horton have known each other for not a day or two, and they understand what he is like.After hearing his words, he could only shake his head helplessly.It seems that it is much more difficult than she expected to recover the Bixiu Si Empire.

"His Royal Highness!" Shaqima and Shanrou walked over together.

Looking at this pair of enviable lovers, Princess Jona temporarily put aside her troubles.Said: "It's hard for you to reunite, you must have a lot to say. I can make the decision and let you go."

Princess Qiao Na's kindness moved Sha Qima and Shan Rou again.Shaqima shook her voice and said: "Your Highness, I am very grateful for your kindness to me and my people. Originally, I planned to lead my people and fight to the death with you. But now, I have changed my mind. As long as your princess Your Highness is here, and we are willing to cooperate with you. What you want is the amethyst here, and we can help you collect it. But you have to provide food and daily necessities for our people, and promise not to hurt them, and respect them."

Princess Jona and Leon Horton looked at each other and said with a smile, "Of course!"

Seeing Shaqima and Shanrou walk out of the black hole of death lovingly and sweetly, Princess Qiaona's heart suddenly moved, and she turned to Leon Holden and asked: "Brother Holden, do you think we can get help from this planet?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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