Chapter 1984 Duel
Leon Horton smiled wryly, and said: "Your Highness, I understand how you feel, but it seems impossible. People on this planet are far less evolved than us, and they are really too weak. Even if they are willing to help us , I'm afraid it won't play much role. In my opinion, it's better not to let them suffer in vain."

Hearing what Leon Horton said, Princess Jona's heart also cooled down, she sighed lightly, and said quietly: "That's all I said. We have nothing to do with the Bixiu Empire. It’s irrelevant, if I insist on getting them involved, I won’t feel good if my wife and children are separated. As you said, let’s forget about it, let us solve the matter of the Xiusi Empire by ourselves.”

"That's what I said! I'm afraid that when the time comes, everything will be up to them." Nafei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interjected.

Princess Jona and Leon Horton were taken aback, and looked at her in amazement.

Nafi said: "Think about it, even though we tried our best to conceal it, we can believe that one day Via will find us hiding here. At that time, when the army arrives, even if the people on earth don't want to get involved, it will be impossible."

Princess Jona's complexion couldn't help but she said blankly: "Nafei, what do you mean to say that we have brought disaster to them when we came to this planet? If that's the case, what should we do? "

Seeing Princess Jona's anxious and sad expression, Nafei hurriedly said: "Your Highness, there is no need to be like this. Even if we don't come, Via will not let this planet go. You see, this planet is rich in so many What a high-quality energy crystal, what a huge resource? I really can't think of a greedy person like Via, why would he let it go."

Leon Horton nodded slowly, and said quietly: "Nafei is right. It seems that people on this planet are indeed going to suffer."

In the eyes of Jona, Leon Horton and others, the people on Earth are too weak, once the Via army kills them, they will only suffer.Qiao Na seemed to have seen such a day, blood flowed into rivers, corpses were strewn all over the field, and her heart was trembling.

"No! We absolutely can't just stand by and watch such a thing happen, we have to find a way to stop it!" Princess Jona shouted resolutely.

Leon Horton asked with a wry smile: "Stop it? How to stop it? Unless we can find a way to defeat the Via army, nothing will help."

"We... can we notify the people on Earth so they can prepare early?" Princess Jona asked anxiously.

Leon Holden said: "Your Highness, you just came to this planet and you don't know the situation on this planet. Although the people on this planet are weak, they are extremely aggressive. On such a small planet, there are so many There are more than 200 independent countries. They are full of mistrust and suspicion among each other. Besides, our identity is special. To the people on earth, we are aliens who cannot be trusted. They will not listen to it at all. Ours, on the contrary, will regard us as enemies. In that case, we will no longer have a foothold on this planet."

"Then...then what should I do?" Princess Jona was completely at a loss.

Leon Horton smiled wryly, and said, "What else can we do? We can only take one step at a time."

Princess Jona couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, her bright blue eyes were filled with deep worry.

Since the arrival of Princess Jona, Shaqima's people have finally ended their nightmare life.Those black-armored fighters didn't dare to beat and scold them, instead they became cautious and respectful.You know, if you are not careful, you will be killed.

There is no need to worry about life, and three meals a day are provided continuously, and the enthusiasm of the clansmen to collect amethyst is also much higher.The collection efficiency has been greatly improved compared to before.In less than a week, the amethyst collected by the clansman had already filled a transport spaceship of the Bixiuth Empire.

In Zixiu's view, this can be said to be overjoyed.

"Hehe... If we knew that people on Earth are so easy to be satisfied, we should have done this long ago." Zixiu said to Ques full of joy.

Ques nodded and said, "General, the transport spaceship is on standby and ready to leave at any time to return to the Bixiuth Empire."

"Then what are you waiting for? Order now!" Zixiu waved his hand and shouted.

"No! Without my order, the transport spaceship must not leave!" Princess Jona pushed the door and walked in, her pretty face frosted, and the icy river.

Zixiu frowned, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, the transport spaceship is already fully loaded. If you stay here, you may have long nights and dreams. And if the transport spaceship fails to return in time, the newly collected energy crystals will not be available." There's room for it."

Princess Jona snorted coldly, and said, "Such a big planet, there is no room for even a little energy crystal? Zixiu, are you fooling me?"

Zixiu coughed, with a displeased expression on his face.In the past few days since Princess Qiaona came here, she has often made things difficult for him, and made him feel unhappy in his heart.However, there was no response to the message he sent to General Via, which made him dare not mess with Princess Jona.I can only endure it again and again.

"Hehe... Her Royal Highness, our empire is in urgent need of these energy crystals. If we stay here for a day, the situation of the empire will worsen. Isn't Your Highness worried?" Zixiu said.

"Don't worry!" Qiao Na snapped her neck and replied cleanly.

Zixiu didn't expect Qiao Na to be so straightforward, she didn't draw her breath, her face turned red from holding back.After a while, I finally recovered, and said with a hey smile: "How could it be? Your Royal Highness is the first heir to the empire, and she will be the queen of the empire in the future. How could she not be worried about the current status of the empire? Her Royal Highness must be joking."

Princess Jona snorted resentfully, and said, "Zixiu, I'm not kidding you. Even if your energy crystals are transported back, they won't be used in the Empire Exhibition. It's better not to transport them back." .”

Zixiu gritted his teeth and asked, "Princess, what do you mean?"

Zixiu's pretty face stiffened, and he said word by word: "You should know what I mean! My father didn't see one of the energy crystals transported back to the empire from here. Can you tell me that you will transfer the energy crystals to the empire?" Where have all the crystals been shipped?"

Zixiu felt guilty for a while, and argued strongly: "I am only responsible for mining and transportation. As for who accepts it, I don't know. Besides, this place is so far away from the Xiusi Empire. Even if I want to manage it, I can't manage it." ah."

"Excuses! Who did you transport the energy crystals to? I know very well! Listen to me, from now on, you are only responsible for mining the energy crystals. As for the transportation of the energy crystals, I will be responsible for all the transportation! The spaceship, without my order, will not be allowed! Do you understand?" Princess Qiaona was so majestic and majestic under the rage, that Zixiu felt a lot of pressure.

"Your Highness, this... I'm afraid this is against the rules?" Zixiu said anxiously.

"General Zixiu, what are you talking about? Princess Qiaona is the future heir of the empire, and she has power in the empire second only to His Majesty the Emperor. Those of us who are subordinates have to obey orders. Since we are Princess Jona personally asked to do this, and that is the rule." Leon Horton walked in and said coldly.

Zixiu got angry when he heard this, and shouted in a deep voice: "Leon Horton, do you have a place to speak here? Shut up!"

Leon Horton was also furious when he heard this, and shouted: "Zixiu, it seems that no one in the empire dares to talk to a warrior from the Leon family in such a tone, right?"

"Hmph! Isn't the Leon family amazing? Don't the Leon family still produce waste? Have you forgotten how you were beaten violently by a weak alien a few days ago? You still have the nerve to mention it to me. The Leon family, I think you will lose all face of the Leon family!" Zixiu's words were extremely mean, not to mention Leon Horton, even Princess Jona frowned .Relying on Via's power, Zixiu became more and more arrogant.

"Zixiu, you are too much, I want to fight you!" Leon Horton roared as if losing his mind, his eyes were bloodshot and red.

"Brother Horton..." Jona's heart immediately rose, and she quickly and quietly tugged on Leon Horton's sleeve.Although Leon Horton has a three-star force, compared with Zixiu, a five-star fighter, he is two realms behind. If he really wants to fight, Leon Horton doesn't even have a [-]% chance of winning.

Upon hearing Leon Horton's roar, Zixiu's eyes lit up.He had long wanted to get rid of Leon Horton, but he had no excuses.It was rare that Leon Horton sent himself to die today, of course he would not miss the opportunity.Looking at Leon Horton with cold eyes, he said quietly: "Leon Horton, do you really want to fight with me?"

Leon Horton was completely dazzled by anger at this time, and he didn't even think about his behavior, it was like committing suicide.Without further ado, he pulled out the epee from his waist, pointed at Zixiu from a distance, and shouted loudly: "Zixiu, draw your sword!"

"Hey...General, since Leon Holden insists, you might as well teach him a few tricks." Ques said to Zixiu with a wicked smile on his face.

Zixiu nodded, and pulled out his portable sword from his waist.Zixiu's saber is very long and narrow, the tip of the sword is like the tip of a needle, flashing cold light from time to time.It looks extremely light and weak, at least compared to Leon Horton's two-handed epee, it really can't stand on the table, it's like a toy.

But no one dared to underestimate Zixiu's thin sword.Because it looks light, but it is surprisingly heavy, even heavier than Leon Horton's two-handed epee.Zixiu's epee is made of a metal unique to the Bixiu Si Empire.This kind of metal is extremely dense, and under the same volume, its weight is more than a hundred times that of iron.

Weapons made of this special metal, no matter how small they are, will be heavier than weapons made of ordinary materials.In addition, this special metal has a very sharp blade, and the long sword forged is naturally very sharp.Such a strange metal is also very rare in the Bixius Empire, and the price is very high.Like the thin sword in Zixiu's hand, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

(End of this chapter)

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