Chapter 1985
Seeing Zixiu flashing his rapier, Princess Jona's face immediately sank. Obviously, Zixiu was planning to kill Leon Horton.If it was just an ordinary sparring, with Zixiu's cultivation of the five elements, even with bare hands, he could defeat Leon Horton, so why use a sword? "Brother Horton, you have to think clearly." Princess Jona said anxiously and worriedly.

Leon Horton shook his head resolutely, without any hesitation, and shouted in a deep voice: "This battle concerns the honor of the entire Leon family, and I must not back down."

Seeing Leon Horton speak so resolutely, Jona couldn't persuade him anymore.Turning his eyes, he looked at Zixiu, and said in a deep voice: "Zixiu, you and Leon Horton are soldiers of the empire, the duel is over, no one can die!"

Zixiu chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Your Highness, I'm afraid I can't obey my orders. The two sides compete, the sword has no eyes, and there will be times when you can't control it. If you are afraid that Leon Holden will die by my sword Let him admit defeat now."

"Fuck you! Look at the sword!" Leon Horton roared, holding the sword in both hands, swung it round and slashed at Zixiu's head.

When the heavy blade of the two-handed epee cut across the air, there were bursts of chilling sharp noises, as if all ghosts were crying together.

"Hmph!" Facing Leon Horton's violent attack, Zixiu looked disdainful.The rapier in his hand was lightly raised against the trend, and the needle-like point of the sword pointed straight at the edge of Leon Horton's epee.It was as if a needle had pierced the paper, only to hear a chirp, and Zixiu's rapier pierced through the edge of the epee.At the same time, a huge force was released, and Leon Horton took a few steps back uncontrollably.

Seeing the small round hole on the blade, Leon Horton's expression was surprisingly ugly.And Princess Jona frowned.In the round just now, Zixiu obviously didn't use his full strength.But when Zixiu had reservations, Leon Horton's situation was already so bad. Once Zixiu broke out completely, Leon Horton might only have a dead end.

"Hmph...something that doesn't know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth!" Zixiu sneered, and slashed the rapier in the air from top to bottom, and a blue-gray sword energy rushed towards Leon Horton with a howl.

"Roar!!!" Leon Horton roared like a beast, soaring into the sky.Under his domineering strength, the two-handed epee swung suddenly.He went straight to the unremarkable sword energy.

"Crack!" The sword energy and the sword edge collided together, and he didn't think of the crisp collision sound that people had expected beforehand. Leon Horton suddenly felt his hands lighten, and his two-handed heavy sword unexpectedly folded into two. broken.The cut was as smooth as a mirror, obviously cut off by Zixiu's sword energy.

Leon Horton was dumbfounded. He never thought that a sword energy that Zixiu seemed to release at random could have such great power.Although his two-handed epee is not a magical weapon, it is by no means a worthless mediocrity.It is also after a lot of tempering and following him for more than ten years.

"Hmph! This is the end of overreaching!" Ques snorted coldly and sarcastically.

Leon Horton's face was livid, his eyes were wide open, and the hand holding half of the short sword was trembling.

Zixiu waved the rapier pretending to be chic, and said with a sneer: "Leon Horton, you are no match for me at all. For the sake of Her Royal Highness, I can spare your life! But, you have to Pay the price for your disrespect to me. Kneel down and kowtow to me three times, and I will treat this matter as over!"

"What did you say? I'm a warrior of the Leon family!" Leon Horton roared, if the anger in his heart could be turned into flames, Zixiu might have been turned into ashes long ago.

"Hehe... what about the Leon family? People in the Leon family also have only one life! Do you kneel or not? Kneel quickly, if you don't kneel, we will come again!" Zixiu said It sounds nice, to spare Leon Horton's life, in fact, he wants to humiliate Leon Horton more thoroughly.

"Zixiu, can't you just stop here for my sake?" Princess Jona asked coldly.

"Your Highness! This is a duel between men. What's more, it was Leon Horton who first proposed it. It can't be stopped in the middle of the process, right? In that case, if it gets out, Leon Horton will I can't hold my head up for the rest of my life. Am I right? A warrior of the great Leon family, hahaha..."

"I haven't lost yet! What are you proud of?" Leon Horton suddenly raised the short sword in his hand and pointed it at Zixiu again.

Zixiu couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Why, are you going to continue fighting with me with this broken sword? I really want to ask you, are you crazy or stupid?"

"Stop talking nonsense, this duel will never end!" Leon Horton seemed to have gone crazy.He rushed out desperately, the broken sword in his hand kept whistling sharply, like a beast struggling for the last time.

"Shua!" Zixiu's figure suddenly disappeared.Leon Horton charged too hard and tried to brake, but it was impossible.He staggered forward a dozen steps, almost falling to the ground.Leon Horton tried his best to stop just now, but before he could catch his breath, a burning pain came from his back.

Leon Horton howled in pain, stumbled forward, looked back, and saw Zixiu's cold smiling face, and the rapier that was dripping with blood.

Next, Leon Holden is literally being abused.Zixiu's figure flickered, and the agility of a five-star warrior was definitely beyond the reach of a three-star warrior.Leon Horton could only watch helplessly as Zixiu disappeared into the air again and again, but every time Zixiu reappeared, there would be an extra wound on his body.

The hateful Zixiu seemed to be deliberately torturing Leon Horton. The rapier in his hand absolutely refused to stab Leon Horton's vitals, but only greeted him at insignificant places.Not long after, Leon Horton turned into a blood man, his appearance was very miserable.

"Kill me! Kill me if you have the guts!" Leon Holden waved the broken sword in vain, chopping the air non-stop. In front of Zixiu, he even organized an effective attack.

"Enough, enough! Brother Horton, you are not his opponent, just admit defeat!" Seeing this, Princess Jona shouted desperately, her heart was about to break.

"Yeah, Leon Horton, why are you doing this? You are so weak, even I can't bear it. Admit defeat! Although you will be a man with your head down in the future, and you will be ridiculed and insulted by thousands of people, but in the end You can save a life, can't you? Hahaha..." Zixiu swung his rapier lightly while speaking, leaving a slanted blood groove on Leon Horton's body again.

Zixiu's words made Princess Qiaona grit her teeth, the hatred in her heart erupted like a volcano.

"I didn't lose, I didn't lose!" Stimulated by Zixiu's words, Leon Horton refused to admit defeat even more, and his appearance became even more crazy.In his heart at this moment, dignity and glory overwhelmed everything, and as for life, he had long since thrown it out of the blue.

Zixiu's eyes narrowed. Up to now, he was almost out of anger, and he was ready to end Leon Horton's life.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Leon Horton was unable to stand stably and was about to fall due to excessive force, the rapier in Zixiu's hand immediately stabbed out and went straight to Leon Horton's throat.

Seeing that Zixiu's rapier was about to easily take Leon Horton's life, a roar suddenly exploded on the ground.At the same time, a table spun and smashed towards Zixiu.

Zixiu was taken aback and had to temporarily let Leon Horton go. He turned around and slashed the table into pieces with his sword. Baotian, dare to sneak attack on this general?"

"General bullshit, shit!" With a loud curse, Shaqima strode in.

Since the arrival of Princess Qiaona, various guarantees have been made to the villagers of Shaqima.Not only were the soldiers of the Bixius Empire not allowed to hurt them, but they were also allowed to return to their homes to rest after a day's work, and they were allowed to move freely in the village.Therefore, Shaqima will appear here at this moment.

When Zixiu saw that the person who ruined his plan turned out to be Sha Qima, fierce anger rose on his face.Staring at Sha Qima, he gritted his teeth and said, "You foreign pariah, I think you have had enough!" After finishing speaking, Zixiu swung the rapier sharply in his hand, and a terrifying sword aura immediately whizzed and swept towards him. Shaqima.

The sword energy released from the thin sword was extremely ferocious.An unprecedented warning sign suddenly emerged from his heart, which shocked him wildly.Never thought that Zixiu, who seemed somewhat gentle, would have such terrifying power.The sword energy was about to come to his body, and Shaqima didn't even know how to resist it.

Seeing that he was about to be chopped into two pieces by Zixiu's sword energy, a purple light slashed in the oblique piercing.Hearing a sharp clang, Zixiu's sword energy was broken and disappeared without a trace.

Zixiu immediately turned his attention to Nafei and Nahui, because on the spot, there was no one other than Nafei and Nahui who could break his deadly sword.Sure enough, Nafie was slowly inserting a purple secret gold long sword she was carrying into its sheath.

Nafei and Zixiu are also five-star fighters, and they are not afraid of him.Seeing Zixiu cast his angry eyes on him, Nafei sneered and stared back without hesitation.

Zixiu wanted to intimidate Nafei with his aura, but obviously he couldn't.Zixiu snorted heavily, and shouted: "Nafei, you women shouldn't intervene in a duel between men, right?"

Nafei sneered and said, "Zixiu, I beg you to figure it out. The person who is going to duel with you is Leon Horton, not this alien man. And Her Royal Highness has made it clear that no one is allowed to hurt aliens without authorization. I am just trying to Just follow the orders of Her Majesty the Princess."

Zixiu was left speechless by Nafei's words, so he could only grit his teeth, glared at Shaqima bitterly, and locked his eyes on Leon Horton covered in blood again, and said gloomyly: "Lai Ang Horton, you are really promising. To rely on a humble man of a foreign race to save you is really a glory for your Leon family!"

(End of this chapter)

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