The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1991 Fighting!

Chapter 1991 Fighting!

Li Xiaogang's hand drew a series of mysterious trajectories in the air. It seemed that the speed was very slow. However, with Qi Meng's seven-star martial artist's cultivation base, he couldn't see the slightest flaw in it. He only felt that every inch of his body was covered. , Even the slightest escape route was blocked.

At the same time, from Li Xiaogang's palm, Qi Meng felt a burst of death-like icy breath, this breath pervasive, penetrated into his body along the pores of his body, carrying fear, spreading all over the body. every corner of his body.

Qi Meng had never felt this way before. Facing death, he was helpless, as if he could only sit and wait for death.This feeling made Qi Meng very aggrieved and helpless.

The force that had been circulating in his body seemed to be frozen at this moment. Li Xiaogang's palm was about to swing towards him, but the force in his body still did not respond at all.Not only that, even if Qi Meng wanted to mobilize them, they were still indifferent. It seemed that in an instant, the connection between him and the force in his body was simply cut off.

"Crack!" Li Xiaogang's palm slapped Qi Meng's face accurately, a strong force pushed Qi Meng's body, causing him to fly upside down.

Qi Meng's body slammed into the wall heavily, and then bounced back, hitting the floor hard.Opening his mouth slightly, a few broken teeth mixed with blood gushed out immediately, and five very clear finger prints emerged from half of his cheeks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qi Meng almost fainted from the pain, his brain had lost the ability to think, and it was blank at this moment.

Princess Qiaona, Nafie, Nafie and Leon Horton all opened their mouths in shock, their eyes filled with disbelief and disbelief at the same time, two strong emotions worked together in their hearts , I'm afraid that it will be difficult for them to recover for a while.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang slapped Qi Meng away like a ball, Sha Qima was often relieved. Li Xiaogang was Li Xiaogang after all, and he was not deceived by Qi Meng's flattery and villainous words. .

"Huh! What are you, dare to point fingers in front of me?" Li Xiaogang put his hands behind his back, with a majestic and angry expression on his face, the roar in his throat was like nine heavens thunder, and Qi Meng's eyes were blinded by the explosion, and his heart trembled wildly .

At this moment, Qi Meng only wished to die immediately.He is a majestic seven-star warrior, a figure who stomps his feet in Bixius Empire and shakes the ground. No matter where he goes, he gets people's admiration and compliments. How has he ever suffered such humiliation?Being slapped in the face, even General Via would not dare to treat him like this.

In addition to feeling humiliation, Qi Meng felt more fear.The palm swung by Li Xiaogang just now seems to contain all the mysterious meanings of the whole world. The mysterious trajectory when it crosses the void is so mysterious and unpredictable. Even thinking about it at this moment, Qi Meng's heart is full of Scared.

Fortunately, with this slap, Li Xiaogang only intended to teach him a lesson, if he wanted to take his life, then he would probably have turned into a corpse at this time.

After a while, Qi Meng slowly stood up from the ground, his face ashen.Covering his swollen and ugly cheek, he looked at Li Xiaogang, his lips were trembling, but he couldn't say a word.

Qi Meng really wanted to be a hero, even if he had to face death, at least he could restore some dignity for himself.But facing Li Xiaogang, all his thoughts are in vain, he has lost control over his body, although his head is still functioning and thinking.

"What I hate the most in my life is being treated as a fool by others. That slap just now is a lesson for you. If you dare to shout in front of me again, I will kill you!" It pierced straight into his heart, making his body tremble and tremble continuously.

Putting Qi Meng aside, Li Xiaogang cast his eyes on Princess Qiao Na, his eyes were no longer as sharp as before.Not to mention anything else, to a lady, as a man of grace, he should be more or less gentle.

"Where are you from?" Li Xiaogang asked slowly.Seeing that Li Xiaogang taught Qi Meng a lesson by waving his hands, Qiao Na felt even more awe of Li Xiaogang. When Li Xiaogang asked, she dared not be slighted, and hurriedly replied honestly: "We are all from Bixiu. Thinking Empire." "Better Xiusi Empire?" Li Xiaogang frowned lightly, because the last fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen had not successfully merged with him, and with his current cultivation level, his consciousness still cannot be separated from the earth, let alone Speaking of soaring through the universe, he really doesn't know much about other planets in the universe.

Seeing doubts on Li Xiaogang's face, Princess Qiaona picked and told Li Xiaogang about some things in the Bixiu Si Empire.After hearing this, Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and said lightly, "I heard you say that, you are a very interesting place than the Xiusi Empire."

Upon hearing this, Princess Jona hurriedly said, "Then if you are interested, come back to Bixius Empire with us. I will be your guide and keep you happy. Shaqima and Shanrou Go too!" Seeing the excitement on Princess Jona's face.

Li Xiaogang stared at her for a few moments, then smiled, shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kind invitation, but I don't think I have much time to visit your Bixiu Si Empire." Li Xiaogang's words made Princess Qiao Na's eyes There, a hint of disappointment flashed involuntarily, and the two sisters, Nafei and Nahui, also sighed softly.

"Senior, why don't you go and have a look with us? Bixiu Si Empire is really fun, you will love it, I promise!" Qiao Na said again without giving up.

Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said, "Okay, don't think I don't know what you're up to. It's fake to ask me to visit your Bixiu Si Empire, but it's true that you want me to help you solve your troubles!" Li Xiaogang One sentence broke Princess Qiaona's mind, and a blush involuntarily appeared on Princess Qiaona's handsome face.

What Li Xiaogang said was correct, Qiao Na really wanted to use Li Xiaogang's power to restore the rule of the royal family in the Bixius Empire.It can't be blamed for Jona's being too impatient, the situation is really worse than that of the Xiusi Empire.

General Via now controls the ruling power of the entire Bixius Empire. Although there are still people who are resisting, compared with the army in Zhang Weiya's hands, the strength of those rebels is too weak.

Qiao Na was already on the verge of despair, and just wanted to find a place to hide and spend her life safely without being discovered by General Via, but fate brought her here, and made her even more Meeting the powerful Li Xiaogang here, her heart began to be full of hope again.

She has even determined that in this universe, only Li Xiaogang can defeat General Via and rescue her father.Driven by hope, Princess Qiaona couldn't wait to invite Li Xiaogang to visit the Bixius Empire.

Once Li Xiaogang arrives in the Bixiusi Empire, she doesn't need to say anything. When Li Xiaogang sees the terror of General Via in the Bixiusi Empire, he will naturally take action. Gather together, worry about not being able to defeat Via.

Qiao Na believed that Li Xiaogang had such power, she had no doubts about it, she knew it when she saw Qi Meng standing there trembling.

"You shouldn't refuse, unless you're so stupid." A weak voice sounded, and Li Xiaogang looked back, and it was Leon Horton who was leaning against the wall.He was seriously injured, and the wounds all over his body were still bleeding non-stop. If the bleeding continued like this, I'm afraid he was not far from death.

Everyone still has lingering fears about the dire consequences of Nafei and Nahui's confrontation with Li Xiaogang just now.Leon Holden said such a thing at this time, which is tantamount to courting death.

Sisters Nafinahui and Princess Qiaona all broke into a cold sweat for him, kept sneaking glances at Li Xiaogang, for fear that Li Xiaogang would be unwilling and kill Leon Horton with his hands.

But what surprised them was that Li Xiaogang's expression was as calm as usual at this time, and there was no sign of anger at all, and there was no murderous look in his eyes.

The reason why they were surprised was because they didn't know Li Xiaogang well. Li Xiaogang was a kind-hearted person who was always kind to others.The reason why he treated the Nafi sisters like that just now was just to test their loyalty.

Looking at Leon Horton, Li Xiaogang chuckled and asked in a normal tone, "What did you say?"

"I said, you can't ignore the affairs of the Bixius Empire." Leon Horton stared at Li Xiaogang's eyes and said every word. "Brother Holden, are you crazy? Don't say any more!" Princess Jona yelled anxiously, fearing that Leon Holden's words would lead to death.

From Princess Jona's gaze, Leon Holden felt a deep sense of concern, and his heart warmed up, making him even more determined to continue speaking.With a wry smile, she said to Princess Qiaona: "Princess, I am about to die, so please let me do one last thing for you before I die."

"Brother Horton, you..." Princess Jona was so moved that she almost burst into tears, not knowing what to say, she turned around and lowered her head, sobbing.

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "Oh, I understand! It turns out that you dare to talk to me like this because you are about to die and feel indifferent, right?"

Leon Horton didn't hide it, nodded heavily, and said in a vibrating voice: "That's right! I believe that a person like you who has reached the sky must not bother to kill a person who is about to die like me, right?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said with a smile, "No way! However, I'm very interested in letting you live or die. From then on, you will live in deep pain every day."

"Uh..." Leon Horton certainly didn't expect Li Xiaogang to do such a trick, and his complexion changed.

Li Xiaogang laughed loudly, and said: "Don't worry, I won't do that, it's just a little joke with you. Now you go on and say, I don't care about your Bixiu Si Empire, why? Are you stupid enough?"

Leon Horton wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, feeling dumbfounded, Li Xiaogang is really a very difficult person to mess with.

"Via now knows that Princess Qiaona is on this planet, and Princess Qiaona is a serious problem that he must get rid of. As long as Princess Qiaona is not dead, his emperor's position will not be safe for a day. For Get rid of Princess Jona, Via will definitely do whatever it takes, and maybe at that time, the army will directly overwhelm the country and destroy this planet, you say, it doesn't matter to you?"

"Destroy this planet?" Li Xiaogang frowned, with a sharp look in his eyes.

Since he received Nuwa's divine power, he has regarded himself as the protector of this planet and this land.If someone wanted to destroy this planet, of course he would not agree.

"That's right! Ivia's character, he will definitely do this. Sir, please, for the sake of the people on this planet, kill Via!" Leon Horton's words made Princess Jona His eyes lit up, and he hurriedly followed his meaning.

"No!" Just as Li Xiaogang was hesitating, Qi Meng suddenly yelled loudly.

Li Xiaogang glanced at him sharply, and Qi Meng couldn't help shivering, but he still insisted: "My lord, you must not listen to their nonsense. General Via is not the kind of person who likes to kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as you hand over Princess Jona to me and let me take it back to General Via, then not only will General Via not overwhelm the country with an army, but he will also regard you as a good friend. At that time, the two parties will conclude an alliance, and you will be able to There will be peace for generations to come."

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said to Jona and Leon Holden: "What he said seems to be more tempting. If I agree with you, then I will go to war with Via, but if I follow his wishes, I will As long as you are handed over to her, peace can be exchanged for generations to come. Comparing the two, no matter how you look at it, his method is the most convenient, what do you think?"

"No! He is lying to you! Via is a villain. He is greedy and never satisfied. Your planet is full of energy. For Via, it is a big treasure. How can you let it go? At the beginning, he may pretend to be an alliance with you, but after he stabilizes his rule in the Bixius Empire, he will definitely launch a brazen attack on your planet driven by greed What kind of covenant, to him, is nothing more than a scrap of paper!" Princess Qiaona said repeatedly with sweat dripping from her brow.

"Well, what you said seems to make sense." Li Xiaogang made a hesitant look.

"My lord, don't listen to her nonsense! General Via is a hero, he is definitely not that kind of person. Besides, with me here, I will definitely persuade General Via to form an alliance with you for generations!" Qi Meng said hastily. "So, you are quite important to that General Via?" Li Xiaogang glanced at Qi Meng, smiled slightly, and asked faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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