The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1992 Get the Secret

Chapter 1992 Get the Secret
?Hearing the meaning behind Li Xiaogang's words, Qi Meng said without hesitation: "Naturally, I am the number one warrior in the Bixius Empire and the uncle of Emperor Via!"

Egg!Will you die if you don't brag? Leon Horton said hurriedly regardless of his serious injuries and was afraid that Li Xiaogang would believe Qi Meng's words.

Li Xiaogang gave Leon Holden a hard look, and said coldly: "Boy, you are almost dead from serious injuries, and you don't care whether others are bragging, shut up now!"

Hearing this, Qi Meng immediately smiled and said: "It seems that this elder brother is a sensible person. Since ancient times, the strong have joined forces, and those who know the current affairs are outstanding. What's more, you are young and promising, just like my little nephew Navia. Dragon and phoenix among people, there will not be one in millions of years..."

"Let's not talk about flattery, I think it's better to get down to business." Li Xiaogang interrupted Qi Meng impatiently, and continued: "Since you are Via's real uncle, it is of course a choice, but I, Li Xiaogang, have always done No loss business, I mean if I help Via take Earth, what good is it?"

"I've gained a lot this time. Not only did I capture Princess Qiaona and annihilate the rest of the party in one fell swoop, but I was able to attract a large force to serve the empire. It's really profitable." Qi Meng was very happy, but deliberately pretended Seriously said: "According to the meaning of our Bixius Empire Via the Great, there are no living things left on the earth."

As soon as he finished speaking, seeing Li Xiaogang's face became more and more gloomy, Qi Meng quickly changed his mind and said: "Of course, we still actively recruit outstanding talents. As for what you want, just ask, and I can give you what I have."

Listening to their words, Princess Qiaona thought that she was only thinking of the people on earth, and that they were worse than the other, ignoring her own feelings, and carve up her father's kingdom, so she felt sad from her heart, and said angrily: "Shut up! If you want to occupy Zhan Xiusi Empire, you are all whimsical, do you think we will just sit and wait? Let me tell you..."

"Shut up!" Li Xiaogang yelled, a cold light flashed, and his eyes fixed on Princess Qiaona coldly.

As soon as Princess Qiaona caught Li Xiaogang's gaze, a gust of cold air hit her, and she involuntarily backed away a few steps, her big beautiful eyes filled with horror.

Naturally, Qi Meng also felt Li Xiaogang's powerful aura, and was greatly intimidated, so he simply kept his mouth shut.

"I want a detailed topographic map of the Bixiu Si Empire, the situation of the troops stationed, and of course a map of the distribution of resources. I thought of telling you about anything else I need." Li Xiaogang said casually.

Qi Meng's heart sank suddenly, and then he realized that he had taken the initiative to get tricked, and stammered, "This, this is super secret...I...I don't know much about it."

Li Xiaogang sneered: "As the uncle of Via and the number one warrior of the Bixius Empire, you must be a veteran. If you don't even know these things, then I will depose you. Si Empire made a contribution!"

Before the words were finished, a purple light flashed, and Li Xiaogang grabbed Qi Meng's throat instantly. Qi Meng rolled his eyes, and he was about to be strangled in the invisible in a blink of an eye.

Just when Qi Meng was about to report to the eighth generation of his ancestors, Li Xiaogang let go of his hand suddenly. Qi Meng felt his eyes light up, and he collapsed on the ground like a pile of mud. kowtow.

"Li Daxia, no, Li Dashen, I'll give it, can't I give it?" Qi Meng shouted hastily.

Li Xiaogang smiled again, and said gently: "Yes, that's right, I originally wanted to join forces with you, why not cooperate so much, I just don't like others to beat around the bush with me!"

Li Xiaogang's hot and cold not only completely confused Qi Meng, but also Princess Qiao Na and Leon Horton.

Qi Meng lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said with determination: "God, since you spared my life, you must want me to send news to Via. Since God wants to join forces with the Bixius Empire to carve up the earth, then I also want to show a little sincerity, even if I give you the map of the Bixiu Si Empire's national conditions, it's not a big deal!"

Li Xiaogang nodded: "It seems that you are not stupid. You go back and tell Via that without me, Li Xiaogang, even the two Bixius Empires would not be able to conquer the earth, but I don't want to be your enemy. To show my sincerity, In three days, I will visit Bixius Empire in person!"

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Qi Meng thought to himself, not only did he save his life, but he also lost a stumbling block, and he also found a great rescuer. Pass it on to Emperor Via."

"Then you hurry back and leave this place to me. I will definitely let the natives of Shennongjia speed up the construction period and strive to give the first generous gift to Emperor Via!" Li Xiaogang waved his hands in unison.

"Then, Princess Qiaona and the others..." Qi whispered maliciously.

Li Xiaogang smiled strangely and said, "I think you should leave them alone for the time being. If you take them back and anger their remnants, wouldn't it affect the plan?"

"Then let them stay on Earth?" Qi Meng asked hesitantly.

"You still don't trust me? I can crush you to death with one thumb, can't you still look down on these rookies?" Li Xiaogang's face became gloomy.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Am I afraid of causing trouble for you, Great God? These little devils are very cunning, I'm afraid they will cause some trouble." Qi Meng hurriedly apologized.

"Don't be wordy, quickly bring over the map of the Bixiusi Empire's national conditions!" Li Xiaogang shouted coldly.

Qi Meng didn't dare to neglect at all, and quickly offered a roll of blueprints with both hands.

Li Xiaogang unfolded a satisfied smile, and then said darkly: "I believe you don't dare to play any tricks, I will go to Bixiusi Empire in person in three days, if there is any inaccuracy in the drawing If you do, I will kill you immediately!"

Qi Meng turned pale with fright, thinking that Li Xiaogang was going to use his "claw" skill again, he quickly covered his neck, and said loudly: "This is the latest battle map given to me by the Ministry of National Conditions before I came to Earth. The distribution of resources, military strongholds, and even the residents’ migration plan of the Bixiuth Empire must be up to date, and if the Great God finds any discrepancy, it must be because Via made temporary adjustments, and it has nothing to do with me.”

"The resident migration plan? Where do you want to relocate the citizens?" Princess Jona was anxious when she heard this.

Qi Meng said with a smirk: "It's okay to tell you, the Bixius Empire has established contact with alien planets, not only to build the Bixius Empire into a military research base, but also, hehe..."

"And what?" Princess Jona hurriedly asked with an ominous feeling in her heart.

"And it's not something you should know, hehe, who made you look down on Emperor Via, but you were with Leon Horton, a worthless boy!" Qi gave Leon Horton a fierce look. .

"Do you think I don't exist? What are you talking about? Go back to your planet!" Li Xiaogang said lazily.

If Qi Meng met with amnesty, he saluted and then ran away.

Seeing Qi Meng leave, Leon Horton took a step forward, and while protecting Princess Jona tightly, he said, "Nana, don't be afraid, no matter what, we will die together."

When Li Xiaogang heard this, he became very angry and cursed, "You are so stupid, I won't stop you if you want to die."

After all, Princess Qiao Na came from a noble family, so she heard Li Xiaogang's voice, and asked cautiously: "The Great God means that you won't kill us?"

"Hmph, even though you invaded the earth more than the Xiusi Empire, I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. After all, you saved my friend. Although you are a little stupid, it is not worth my doing." Li Xiaogang said, He glanced at Leon Holden.

Leon Horton wanted to be brave in front of his beloved, but he was humiliated even if the hero failed to save the beauty, his face turned red like a pig's liver in an instant.

Princess Qiaona ignored Li Xiaogang's cynicism, she frowned slightly and thought for a moment, then she suddenly said joyfully, "Master, it turns out that you kept stopping us from talking because you wanted to save us!"

"Nonsense! Otherwise, with my strength, it would be easier to kill you, why bother talking to you here for a long time." Li Xiaogang didn't mean to be sympathetic at all, and there was no distinction between male and female aliens in his eyes.

"Eh..." Leon Horton came back to his senses, and asked inexplicably, "Then why did you join forces with Qi Meng? Wouldn't killing him just avenge your compatriots?"

"This is Brother Gang's brilliance." Shaqima said with a chuckle, "We Chinese people like to say that we know ourselves and the enemy, and we will win every battle. We must first find out the Bixiusi Empire, and at the same time let Qimeng go back, so as to reduce Via's power. Be vigilant, the initiative will be in our hands when the time comes!"

Princess Jona and Leon Horton suddenly realized.

"About the situation of the Bixius Empire, you can just ask our princess directly, why bother to go out of your way with Qi Meng?" Nafei, Princess Jona's assistant, asked.

Shan Rou shook her head again and again, jokingly said: "You Bixiu Si Empire should just be renamed Bi Who Stupid Empire, you think, since Via wants to be ambitious to dominate, the first person he has to guard against is Princess Jona, if you don't Changing the strategy, doesn’t he mean giving power to others? So only Qi Meng can get the first-hand information on the battle situation!”

Li Xiaogang nodded approvingly, turned around and jokingly said to Shaqima: "Shaqima, it seems that Shanrou is really good at both talent and appearance, how did you train her?"

Shaqima laughed, hugged Shanrou's slender waist, and said: "We are together day and night, so we can learn a little bit from me."

Shanrou groaned, and couldn't help punching her fist against Shaqima's solid chest.

Seeing their love and affection, Li Xiaogang was secretly happy for them, and became gentle to Princess Qiaona and the others, and said: "You saved Shaqima and Shanrou, and I saved your lives. We are settled. As long as you don't do anything to damage our companions, I agree with you to stay in Shennongjia for a while."

Princess Jona bit Hong as if she had made up her mind, and said, "I don't agree."

(End of this chapter)

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