Chapter 1993
? "What?" Except for Li Xiaogang, everyone else was very puzzled by Princess Qiaona's actions, and then turned their attention to Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang smiled and motioned Princess Jona to continue.

"Shennongjia is a sacred place in China. Via enslaving the people of Shennongjia to exploit resources in disregard of the feelings of the people on earth is indeed an unrighteous act. On this point, my father firmly opposes Via's doing this. , that’s why he had a huge disagreement with Via and was poisoned by him.” Princess Jona said angrily.

Seeing that everyone continued to listen to her, Princess Jona took a deep breath and continued, "So, I want to join forces with you people on Earth to defeat Via."

Li Xiaogang seemed to expect that Princess Qiaona would say this, and said with a smile: "Princess Qiaona has a straightforward personality, and I am willing to teach you this friend."

Leon Holden disagreed with Princess Jona's opinion, and hurriedly said: "Joanna, after all, the earth is a powerful force in the universe. Isn't it equivalent to traitors if we join forces with them to attack our own country? I know, maybe it will arouse their condemnation."

The planet where the Bixius Empire is located is called Planet Najib. It turns out that like Earth, the planet Najib has also established a federation.The Najib Planet Federation is not just a display. On the contrary, it is very powerful and has its own powerful army, which is stronger than any country on the Najib planet.

"I also thought of this, but my father risked his life to tell me that Via actually married the president of the Najib Federation. A way out." Thinking of her father's tragic death, Princess Qiaona cried.

"Hey!" Shaqima couldn't help interrupting them, and said, "You don't agree to cooperate with us, and we don't want to step into your muddy water! It's revenge, and it's from the Federation! You don't have any It's useless to bring you with you."

When Princess Qiaona heard this, instead of being angry, she said something that surprised Li Xiaogang and the others: "Without me, no matter how powerful you are, you would never be able to enter Planet Najib, let alone meet Via!"

Li Xiaogang was really concentrating on studying the map of Bixiu Si Empire's national conditions. Hearing what Princess Jona said, he was also very curious and asked: "It's interesting, so why don't you tell me to take a look."

According to Li Xiaogang's observation of Princess Jona, he knows that she is a kind-hearted girl. Although she has not found any special skills, at least she is not a bad-hearted person, so he also has a three-point favor in his heart. He believes that since Princess Jona In this way, it must not be groundless, there must be some reason.

Princess Jona blinked her eyes so cutely, smiled slyly, and said, "Then you must first promise me that you will attack the Bixius Empire, and you will take me with you no matter what."

"No problem." Li Xiaogang was amused by Princess Qiaona's cute appearance, and simply replied.

"The most fundamental reason why Planet Najib is more developed than Earth is that it has a superpower. According to research by scientists, any creature that lives on our planet is more tenacious than the creatures on other planets, and our Planet Najib Any creature on the planet has network contacts, and the entire Najib planet is a huge natural network, and the degree of resource sharing is very developed." Princess Jona stroked her hair and began to say the key points: "So, once someone steps into Najib's new The ball will immediately be recognized by the entire huge network system. In the language of your earthlings, it will be blocked outside the firewall. The reason why the Najib Planetary Federation is above all countries is because it occupies the entire network center Nerves, which control the information resources of various countries."

"It seems that Princess Qiaona hasn't really seen our Brother Gang's ability!" Shaqima said disapprovingly.

"I know Brother Gang is very powerful, but there were people more powerful than him who failed to enter the planet Najib." Princess Jona smiled lightly.

"Better than Brother Gang? I'm afraid this person hasn't been born yet." Shaqima thought that Princess Qiaona was joking, and laughed loudly.

"I'm not joking. You people on earth believe in Nuwa, and there are no outsiders here. Let me ask Brother Gang, you have a certain relationship with this person." Princess Qiaona restrained her smile.

"Go on." Li Xiaogang turned cold and said to Princess Qiaona.

"The information in the Najib Information Center shows that the energy wave of Nvwa from the fairy world was found to appear, but it was only for a moment. Characters, for you people on earth, they should be very powerful characters. Brother Gang, your energy wave is very similar to this Nuwa." Qiao Na said slowly.

"How do you know? Can you tell me in detail." Hearing what Qiao Na said, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but get excited. Since Nu Wa has been to the planet Najib, it means that he is looking for the seventh piece of Nu Wa Yuanshen. The fragments have yet another clue.

Hearing this, Princess Jona blushed, glanced at Leon Holden, bit her teeth and said, "Our Bixiuth Empire is the largest country on the planet Najib, and the son of the president of the Najib Planet Federation happens to be me. , is a friend I played with since I was a child..."

"Don't embarrass yourself, let me tell you." Seeing that Princess Qiaona hesitated, Leon Horton continued for her: "The president of the Najib Planetary Federation is called Ben Bensa, and he has a son and a daughter. Her name is Ola, and her daughter’s name is Daisy. Jona, Ola, Daisy, and Via are all childhood friends, and Ola likes Jona very much, and Benksa has already made a strong alliance with the Bixius Empire. Qiao Na is treated as a prospective daughter-in-law, and Qiao Na, as the successor of Bixiu Si Empire, also often participates in the affairs of the Federation and often appears in the information center, so it is not difficult to explain that she knows these confidential events."

Leon Horton made things clear in one breath.

"Is what he said true?" Li Xiaogang pointed to Leon Horton.

Princess Jona nodded.

"In this case, Via usurped the throne, why didn't you ask Ben Bensa for help?" Li Xiaogang discovered another doubtful point.

This matter was related to finding the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen, so he had to treat it with caution.

"Via is cunning and ruthless. He gained my father's trust little by little, held a lot of power, and fabricated the lie about my father's collusion with alien planets at critical moments. On the one hand, he bribed most of the members of the Federation. After winning Daisy's heart, I first disqualified my father from being a member of the Federation, and then used despicable means to suppress my father's influence, and then you all know." Princess Jona sighed and said.

Shanrou didn't expect Princess Qiaona to be so pampered and have such a miserable life experience, so she said comfortingly: "Isn't there still Aura? You can ask him for help."

"Don't mention him." Princess Qiaona raised her helpless eyes and said helplessly: "From childhood to adulthood, I have always regarded him as an elder brother. I didn't expect him to have a secret love for me. Later, I met Leon Huo. Don, he turned from love to hate, and helped Via to suppress my father, I, I hate him!"

"How long have you been in the information center of the Najib Planet Federation? Think again, have you missed any key points?" Li Xiaogang asked after a moment of silence.

Princess Jona calmed down, thought for a while, and said, "I didn't stay in the information center for a long time. Later, when my father had an accident, they found a reason and expelled me. But there is one more thing I don't know Do you know." Princess Jona paused, and then said: "Before we decided to attack the earth, we had already destroyed a planet, which is the planet Suda."

Li Xiaogang's heart moved, and he said in surprise: "Your destruction of the Suda planet is also related to the earth?"

"That's right. Planet Suda is just an asteroid, and there are relatively few creatures on it. The reason why it is destroyed is mainly to change their orbits and involve your gravity." Princess Qiaona solved the doubts in Li Xiaogang's heart.

"But the asteroid is rich in mineral deposits. Didn't you just throw away the sesame seeds and watermelon?" Li Xiaogang felt more and more that the people on Najib's planet really had a problem with their thinking.

"Planet Najib is ahead of the Earth by many times. You think that the planet Suda is rich in mineral resources, but it is worthless to us." Princess Qiaona spoke directly, and then said something that shocked Li Xiaogang deeply, " Moreover, we have connected the United Nations on your earth, country M, island countries, and Zhongnanhai, including your China, to the Najib Planet Information Center, so your every move is under our surveillance."

The earthlings present gasped.

"So, the only way I can win is by joining forces with you?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"Yes. Only I can take you through the dense surveillance network and into the heartland of Najib. Najib's scientific research level is beyond your imagination." Jona replied.

"Brother Gang, it seems that Planet Najib is really amazing. If we can capture it, maybe we can speed up the development of the earth by tens of thousands of years." Shaqima said eagerly.

Li Xiaogang patted Sha Qima on the shoulder and said, "You're right, this matter still needs to be carefully planned. I also need to go to my base to arrange it so that I can take it down in one fell swoop."

"Then, what about our cooperation?" Princess Jona asked late.

"Haha, in fact, I have long wanted to unite with Princess Qiaona, otherwise I would not do everything possible to protect you, but this must be said from Princess Qiaona herself, otherwise, it is not that we bully more with less Is it?" Li Xiaogang laughed.

Princess Qiao Na couldn't help adding a few points to Li Xiaogang's character in her heart, secretly affirming that her vision was correct.

"Then I'll tell you the truth with Brother Gang. My father once forged a high-end star warship for me in case of unexpected situations, and equipped it with powerful armaments. He is best at interstellar warfare, allowing me to escape at a critical moment." So, with this battleship, our odds of winning are much greater." Princess Jona said confidently.

"From now on, we are friends on the front line." Li Xiaogang nodded.

"Naji and Nafie also obey Brother Gang's command!" Najib and Nafie said at the same time.

"I, I also obey Brother Gang's command." Leon Horton scratched his ears and said.

"What can you do?" Shaqima joked.

(End of this chapter)

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