The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1994 Base Preparations

Chapter 1994 Base Preparations
"Don't underestimate him, he is my father's chief warship helmsman, and he is best at commanding star warships." Princess Jona said with a coquettish smile.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the chance to get in touch with Princess Jona." Leon Horton said "hehe".

The two smiled at each other.

"We're going to Najib in three days. It's not too late. I'll take you to our battle base first." Li Xiaogang turned and said to Princess Qiaona.

Princess Jona nodded.

"Shaqima, Amethyst will be guarded by heavy troops."

After all, Li Xiaogang bid farewell to Shaqima and Shanrou, and took Princess Qiaona, Leon Horton, Nahui and Nafei to subdue Qi's remnant soldiers in one fell swoop, and left Shennongjia after making arrangements.

A purple light flashed, and five figures appeared on the Taklamakan base, naturally they were Li Xiaogang, Princess Qiaona and the others.Princess Qiaona and the others were naturally very surprised by Li Xiaogang's "flying" superpower.It’s no wonder that Najib’s planet has advanced technology, and the phenomenon of “superpower” and “supernatural” can only appear in robots and scientific research results. Of course, it is surprising to find that humans have superpowers.

As soon as they arrived at the base, they saw Hu Dinghai, Shen Qihong, and Sun Gan waiting there.

"General Hu, long time no see!" Li Xiaogang patted Hu Dinghai on the shoulder first, then nodded to others.

Hu Dinghai first paid a military salute, and glanced at the four of them, Princess Qiaona. Seeing that these people had armored upper bodies, pointed ears, and a strong alien atmosphere, he knew that Li Xiaogang had more to say.

Sure enough, after exchanging pleasantries for a while, Li Xiaogang began to introduce: "This is Princess Qiaona from the Bixius Empire on the Najib planet, and these are her followers, Leon Horton, Nahui and Nafei. Princess Qiaona will bring us Here comes important information that we may soon be fighting an interstellar war."

"Really? I've been waiting for this moment for a long time! My army will be rusted if it doesn't go to the battlefield!" Hu Dinghai opened his mouth wide and laughed.

"You are such a militant, how many people want world peace, you are good! I look forward to war every day." Shen Qihong also smiled, and then changed the subject: "My scientific research results are finally going to be tested by real swords and guns. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

Li Xiaogang smiled, pointed at the two and shook his head: "You two really should have been born decades earlier, otherwise the War of Resistance Against Japan would last for 8 years, and the small island country would have been beaten back to its hometown by you."

"However, since Xiao Gang came here in person, you must have something important to say." Hu Dinghai said seriously.

Li Xiaogang briefly explained how Planet Najib was preparing to attack the earth.

"What kind of thing is this Via, who has taken the courage of the ambitious leopard and attacked Shennongjia!" Sun Gan said angrily.

Hu Dinghai pondered for a while, and said to Li Xiaogang: "You can tell me what to do next!"

"Although our weapons and equipment are already at the most advanced level on Earth, Planet Najib is ahead of us by an unknown number of years. Moreover, their planet has achieved global network integration. There must be a lot of ghost ideas. Therefore, Princess Jona and Leon Horton will be stationed here first, tell you about the actual situation of Planet Najib, and then come up with an attack plan." Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice.

"Yes. I think so too. It's best to arrange for Leon Horton to fight with his entourage. I can first retrieve the interstellar warship left to me by my father, and then attack in one fell swoop. The chances of winning will be greater." Princess Jona vowed Said.

"Okay!" Hu Dinghai didn't expect Princess Qiaona to be a girl with such a fighting strategy, so he couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

"You start to make preparations. If there is any need for materials or military strength that needs me to solve, you must tell me in advance. I will solve it." Li Xiaogang patted Hu Dinghai.

"Yes!" Hu Dinghai and Sun Gan replied in unison.After finishing speaking, he led Princess Jona and the others to leave.

"Hey, Shen University scientist, why don't you speak?" Li Xiaogang asked curiously seeing that Shen Qihong had been silent.

"As far as I know, we don't lack supplies and troops at present. Although we have a lot of space fighters, we only lack talents with planetary combat experience. Planet Najib has dominated the universe for many years, and must have a lot of experience in this area, so we just need to overcome Only by doing this can we win.”

Shen Qihong expressed his concerns.

"You are right in thinking. Leave this to me!" Li Xiaogang said with a "haha" smile and confidence.

"Then I have no other worries. I'm going to the laboratory to prepare space energy food and space suits." Seeing this, Shen Qihong smiled and left.

After a while, Li Xiaogang's figure appeared in Zhongnanhai.

Zhuxi stretched her slightly fat body, and closed her eyes with great enjoyment, appearing very relaxed.

"Old Lin, where did you get the fragrant tea, take a sip, you are really happy like a fairy." Zhuxi opened his eyes, as if he was still immersed in the mellow fragrance of the green tea.

"Haha, do you really want to know?" Lin Chaoran smiled strangely, pretending to be mysterious and said, "I asked for this from the space agency."

"What? The space agency sells tea instead?" Zhu Xi almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

"No, no." Lin Chaoran was deeply speechless about Zhu Xi's thinking ability, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he could only say helplessly: "If Aerospace sells tea, we can only drink northwest wind! This is the last time A few astronauts went to space to do research, brought some tea seeds, and planted them on alien planets!"

"It seems that the two old people are really happy and happy!" A figure flashed, of course it was Li Xiaogang.

"Oh, we're getting old, don't fly around so easily!" Zhu Xi patted his chest, pretending to be frightened.

"Yes, yes." Lin Chaoran echoed in a low voice.

"Haha, Zhuxi has never seen any scenes before. I'm just a petty trick. How dare I scare you!" Li Xiaogang laughed.

"It's a long story." Zhuxi took another sip of tea, as if he still had more to say, and said slowly: "Since the last asteroid incident ended, my heart has relaxed. The last time I saw M countrymen worshiping The envious eyes are really helpful, haha. I just had some free time today, why don't I find Chaoran to have a sip of tea!"

"Who said the asteroid matter is over, I'm here today for this matter!"

Li Xiaogang's words immediately made Zhuxi and Lin Chaoran lose their vitality, Zhuxi walked in front of Li Xiaogang quickly, and asked word by word: "What did you say? Small universe, ah, no, the asteroid hit the earth earlier? "The look in the eyes of the M countryman turned from envy to anger, and Zhuxi felt chills in his heart.

Lin Chaoran followed suit step by step, his eyes widened, waiting for Li Xiaogang's next words.

"That's not true." Li Xiaogang was secretly pleased when he saw the terrified expressions of the pair of living treasures.

"Oh." After hearing this, the two quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's more serious than this." Li Xiaogang said slowly.

"Oh my god, can't you say a sentence together? I think you are relying on the fact that we two old men like you, so it is mysterious!" Lin Chaoran exclaimed angrily.

Li Xiaogang felt that the tossing was almost over, so he stopped his smile and told Zhuxi and Lin Chaoran what happened.

"So, the appearance of the asteroid is caused by Najib's planet, not by accident?" After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Chaoran felt that it seemed like a fantasy. After decades of research by the space agency, no aliens were found. , Now the aliens even took the initiative to find them, and they wanted to swallow the earth.

Zhu Xi also had the same question, but Lin Chaoran snatched the words, so he sat down on the luxurious sofa and asked another question: "What about the asteroid, regardless of what happened to the planet Najib?"

"Still follow our previous plan. I will arrange my subordinates to carry out the treasure digging operation as soon as possible, and then destroy it." Li Xiaogang frowned and wondered if Zhuxi was too confused and kept thinking about the matter in front of him.

"Then what should we do next?" Lin Chaoran snatched Zhuxi's words again, and Zhuxi had no choice but to stare helplessly.

"The next step is what I ask you to do." Li Xiaogang thought to himself and finally got to the point.

"I have gone to Taklamakan to tell my men to prepare for the battle, but they still need some help," Li Xiaogang said.

"Not to mention anything else, there are a lot of people." Zhu Xi patted his chest and swore.

"What kind of person?" Lin Chaoran added.

"Anyone with planetary combat experience, and a country with advanced aviation technology, let's produce this person together." Li Xiaogang waited for the reaction of the two people to blow the pot.

Sure enough, Zhuxi couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said, "You know, after the asteroid incident, I have reassured all countries, and now I'm going to ask them again, I don't know what trouble will happen. "

At this juncture, Zhuxi even considered the issue of face, which annoyed Li Xiaogang. He turned his back and said coldly: "Planet Najib is eyeing it like a tiger. Maybe a UFO will destroy the earth if it comes down." , since you said so, then I don't care about this matter."

After all, it looks like he is about to leave.

"Don't, don't." Lin Chaoran quickly grabbed Li Xiaogang and came over to smooth things over: "Sure enough, he is a young man who is impulsive. The main reason for the master is to be more comprehensive. You understand, as for the problem, we have to sit down and solve it together. Well! How can I go away?"

Zhuxi saw that Li Xiaogang was really serious, and thought it was the same reason.If the leader of the Naxi planet is out of his mind and really destroys the planet, he can't afford to be the sinner of the earth, so he smiled "haha", changed his tone, walked up to Li Xiaogang, and said, "How can you leave? If you don't care It's gone, Lao Lin and I are gone."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang's face softened, Zhuxi went on to say: "Isn't it just the VIPs from countries like M, Germany, and island countries? As long as Li Xiaogang tells you what kind of person you want, leave it to me, and I promise to complete the task!"

After all, he slapped his chest loudly.

Li Xiaogang didn't mean to be angry at first, he just took advantage of Zhuxi and Lin Chaoran's weakness, deliberately pretended to leave, and seeing that his goal was achieved, he stopped sullenly and said, "Have you seen "Star Wars"? "

(End of this chapter)

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