Chapter 1995
Zhuxi didn't expect Li Xiaogang to utter such a sentence, and stammered, "What, what?"

Lin Chaoran also couldn't figure it out, and looked puzzled.

"'Star Wars' is a movie!" Li Xiaogang patted his head and blamed himself for being stupid. These two old guys are born in the 60s, and besides, they go abroad every day, or have meetings, or have fun. How can they have time to watch Laomei’s filming? films.

"I haven't seen it." Sure enough, the two shook their heads in unison.

"Then let me just say it, "Star Wars" is a film made by Laomei a few years ago, and it tells the story of interstellar battles. In fact, Laomei did not make it up. They have already studied the aliens. It exists, and secretly trained a team of elite interstellar soldiers, specially for interstellar warfare." Li Xiaogang said.

"You mean to ask me to ask them for this army?" Zhu Xi frowned.

"Yes. Of course it's not just country M. As far as I know, Germany and island countries have similar studies, but some are large-scale and some are small-scale." Li Xiaogang continued.

Zhuxi's face was burning hot. Other countries have started to study it, but he was so far behind. Not only did he not study it, he hadn't even heard of it.Lin Chaoran's face was not very good-looking either.

"Call Li Wenqing here." Zhuxi muffled.

"Yes." The guard answered crisply, and went to call Li Wenqing.

"Zhuxi, are you looking for Li Wenqing?" Lin Chaoran asked cautiously seeing that Zhuxi's expression was not very good.

"Why are you looking for him? You're looking for him to scold!" Zhu Xi said in a deep voice, "The space agency has a budget of billions of dollars a year, yet they won't research an alien for me."

Lin Chaoran's face darkened instantly, and he was in charge of the space agency.

"It's good to ask Director Li to come, he just needs his help." Li Xiaogang ignored the bad feelings of the two of them, thought for a while, and said.

At this time, Li Wenqing just arrived.

"Director Li really produces rockets, so he arrived so soon." Li Xiaogang thought of Li Wenqing and waved his hand as a greeting.

Ever since the Taklimakan party saw Li Xiaogang's military strength, Li Wenqing had always looked up to him, and came over to shake hands enthusiastically, and said in a pleasant way, "The last trip really opened my eyes and I learned a lot."

Then he saluted Lin Chaoran and Zhu Xi respectively.

Zhuxi originally wanted to take advantage of Li Wenqing to get angry, but as soon as he saw him coming, he had a heated fight with Li Xiaogang, thinking that the main purpose of fighting immediately was to boost morale, so he swallowed his anger and said to Li Wenqing: The first time I called you here is because you have a combat mission assigned to you, and the space agency can’t just bury its head in piles of paper and do nothing.”

Li Wenqing heard Zhuxi's criticism, nodded vigorously, and said, "Just give orders, just give orders."

"Our country's manned spaceflight technology is at the forefront of the world." Li Xiaogang paused, and continued: "This technology needs to be promoted in a short period of time, and all manned spaceships must be dispatched."

"That is, that is, after so many years of research, our manned spaceflight technology is still very developed." Lin Chaoran finally caught the opportunity and took a breath.

Zhu Xi's face looked better now, and he asked, "All dispatched?"

"Yes, although there are only a few ships announced to the public, I think there should be more than these few ships based on the city and wisdom of Zhuxi, Lao Lin, and Director Li."

"The catastrophe is imminent. There is no need to keep it secret. Li Wenqing, please report to Li Xiaogang the current situation of our manned spaceship."

Li Wenqing nodded and said to Li Xiaogang: "At present, our manned spaceflight technology is very mature. There are currently 50 manned spaceships and 500 people who have the skills to operate manned spaceships."

Hey, China really deserves to be a country of etiquette. It is really giving face to the people of country M and the island country. If this number is announced to the world, the countrymen of M and the small island country will only be thrown into the trash can.Li Xiaogang said in his heart.

"But..." Li Wenqing hesitated.

"But what?" Lin Chaoran hurriedly asked, fearing that something might go wrong and make Zhuxi unhappy.

"When it comes to combat, spaceships don't have combat capabilities." Li Wenqing is after all engaged in scientific research, and he is more artistic, so he said it honestly.

"This is no problem, it can be completely modified. Shen Qihong can even build star warships. It should be no problem to modify some aerospace ships." Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, dispelling Li Wenqing's concerns.

Zhu Xi also breathed a sigh of relief, besides, taking advantage of the space war, he can finally reveal his family background and show off in front of the world.

"Master, then it depends on your ability, how to deceive the planetary forces from other countries." Li Xiaogang saw what Master was thinking, and said smoothly.

"This is easy. I don't have any other skills, but I still have a little eloquence." Master Xi laughed.Lin Chaoran then gave a thumbs up.

"I still have other things to explain and prepare. I'll go first." Li Xiaogang looked at the sky and said to the three of them.

"Okay." Just as Zhu Xi uttered a word, Li Xiaogang disappeared.Li Wenqing sighed again and shook her head for a while, as if she couldn't figure out how such a person beyond the scope of scientific research existed.

"Master Xi, without further ado, I will hurry to notify the representatives of EU countries, country M, and island countries to hold a meeting!" Lin Chaoran said.

"This meeting is about the life and death of the earth. We must ask the top leaders of all countries to participate, and those who need to make a decision on the spot, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Zhu Xiwei closed his eyes and resumed his leadership demeanor.

"It's still Zhuxi's thoughtfulness." Lin Chaoran echoed, and left with Li Wenqing and the two of them.

Half an hour later, preparations were completed for the special reception in the high-level auditorium of the Great Hall of the People. After a while, President McKinley of Country M, Prime Minister Yukio Yamamoto of the island country, and the heads of European Union countries arrived one after another, and the conference room was immediately filled with tension.

"Master Xi, all the heads of countries have attended the meeting." The secretary came to report.

"Okay, let them know, I'll be there right away." Zhu Xi waved his hand.

"Old Mai, do you know why Huaxia asked us to come this time." Yukio Yamamoto secretly whispered to McKinley through the simultaneous interpretation headset.

"I guess it's because the asteroid matter wasn't settled last time, and they came to wipe our ass." McKinley snorted, and a sentence came out of his nostrils.Since Hong Tao and the others helped him ascend to the presidency, McKinley has always been afraid and hated China, so he only complained.

"I think so. I guess they can't handle it with their strength alone. They also said to let us rest assured. I didn't believe it at the time!" Yukio Yamamoto and McKinley felt the same way. Since Mikiko married Li Xiaogang, He has always lived as Huaxia's in-laws, and he is also critical of Huaxia.

"Stop biting your ears, the two of you, Huaxia Master has arrived." UN Secretary-General Pan Jin stretched out his head abruptly.At present, China has become high above all countries in the world, and it is showing the momentum of leading the world. It is no wonder that Pan Jin defends China so much.

McKinley and Yukio Yamamoto glared at Pan Jin at the same time, and stopped talking.

Seeing some country leaders whispering, Zhu Xi circled the venue with his eyes, and frightened the discipline of the venue with the momentum of the host.Then, under the guidance of the secretary, he sat down in the chief position.

"All the leaders of the country have a lot of work to do every day. I am so anxious to call you here today. Of course, it is not just to connect with each other." Zhu Xi cleared his throat to ensure the standard of Mandarin, and the simultaneous translation is accurate. "The purpose of today is only one, and that is to unite everyone. Let's protect the earth together!"

Sure enough, this sentence was like a blockbuster, which caused a lot of noise. After all, it was the world's highest-level summit meeting. Within two seconds, the venue returned to silence.

"According to reliable sources, the planet Najib, which is hundreds of millions of light years away, will destroy the earth within two days." Zhu Xi said concisely, deliberately advancing the time to highlight the urgency of the event.

"How reliable is your reliable information?" McKinley spoke.

"Princess Qiaona of the Bixius Empire on Najib's planet is currently in China." Master Xi replied calmly.

"Then why didn't she come to the meeting?" McKinley continued.

"She and Mr. Li are planning a war together, so it's inconvenient to come here." Zhu Xi smiled lightly.

Everyone tacitly said that Mr. Li is naturally Li Xiaogang.Sure enough, when Li Xiaogang was mentioned, McKinley's arrogance immediately weakened, and Yukio Yamamoto and Pan Jin also swallowed the formulas they had thought up.

After McKinley and Yukio Yamamoto were dealt with, Juxi continued to deal with other small countries with ease.

"Planet Najib is ahead of the earth by how many years, this battle is a fight to the death, so..." Zhuxi paused, and took a deep look at McKinley, Yukio Yamamoto, and Iran and Iraq in Central Asia. Side, said meaningfully: "So, everyone, don't hide it, you have to show your true skills."

"You don't want to go around, what are you looking for us for?" McKinley simply went straight to the point.If the earth is destroyed, it will be McKinley who will suffer the most. The position of the president has not yet been warmed up, and the earth will be destroyed. He is more anxious than anyone else.

"Happy!" Zhu Xi pretended to be excited and slammed the table, stood up, picked up the leader's style, and said loudly: "We only need you to provide interstellar warfare armaments and manned spaceships."

"As much as you can, express your opinion today." After finishing speaking, Zhuxi sat down and added another sentence.

The atmosphere immediately became tense again.

"Old Mai, would you like to express your opinion first?" the master Xichong McKinley said.It seems that the influence of country M is quite large. McKinley did not express his opinion, and even Yukio Yamamoto lowered his head.

After all, this is the top secret of the state. McKinley thought for a while, and thought, this is a moment when life is hanging by a thread, and it is about the survival of the earth. Besides, this is a good time to show your strength. : "As early as 2000, we began to study the interstellar combat plan, and developed some interstellar weapons and combat armaments. So far, we have developed a total of five small interstellar warships, one hundred manned space shuttles, spacewalks and combat personnel. A total of 600 people. This time they can all be used.”

As soon as McKinley spoke, everyone was shocked, and even Zhu Xi secretly scolded his mother several times after hearing it.

Then, Yukio Yamamoto, Germany, South Korea, and Turkey also got to the bottom of it. These countries maintain close ties with country M. Sure enough, as Li Xiaogang said, they all have some interstellar combat capabilities and resources.

After listening, Zhuxi scolded her mother several times again in his heart.

However, since everyone got the bottom line and the meeting was still a success, Zhuxi asked everyone to go back to prepare, and simply adjourned the meeting, thinking that he would go back to Li Xiaogang to discuss the next battle plan.

(End of this chapter)

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