The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1999 Miaoxinmen

Chapter 1999 Miaoxinmen

"I hate this kind of person who puts a sneer behind his back the most. You stand up and speak out." Li Xiaogang came back to his senses, and there was no one in the dark, not only said angrily.

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing for a top wizard to let people see his true face?" The old man smiled, but still didn't show up.

"Since you are here for me, why are you sneaking around like this? If you don't come out again, I'm going to get serious." According to Li Xiaogang's character, he should have done it long ago, but after going through so many things, After all, he is no longer a young man, and it is really not a smart move to do something without knowing the truth.

Amidst a wave of unrestrained laughter, under a burst of yellow light shaking violently, an old man with a white beard appeared in front of Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang sneered for a while, and shouted: "Stop playing dirty tricks, show your real body quickly."

When the old man with the white beard heard the words, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and after a while, he returned to normal, and said with a smile: "It seems that I have won the reward from Miaoxinmen!"

"What Miaoxinmen? If you talk so negatively and positively again, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Li Xiaogang raised his palm, ready to make a serious move on him.

"Don't, don't, don't!" The old man begged for mercy.

As expected, Li Xiaogang withdrew his hand.However, when the old man's face was relaxing, Li Xiaogang suddenly hit his dantian with an unexpected palm air. The old man screamed and seemed to pass out.

Li Xiaogang's eyes flashed green immediately, and he saw a faint, almost transparent white shadow floating from the old man. It was only a blink of an eye. As if encountering a lot of resistance, he fell back to the ground again, but the old man's body turned into a small bug the moment Bai Ying left his body.

Bai Ying fell back to the ground, but his figure became vigorous, completely youthful.

When the white shadow turned around, he turned into a handsome boy with a strange expression.

"This is your real face. It seems that I am a little better looking than I imagined." Li Xiaogang smiled lightly.

"Hmph!" After this ordeal, the young man completely lost the complacent and proud look he had before, and instead became a bit more embarrassed.

"Tell me! What kind of tricks are you playing here? Otherwise, I'll beat you until your mother won't recognize you!" Li Xiaogang said, crossing his chest.

"If you really kill me, you will never even try to find that last piece of Yuanshen!" The young man's eyes flickered with poison, and he said a cruel sentence.

Li Xiaogang was really surprised and angry.

Finding the fragments of Nuwa's Yuanshen has almost become Li Xiaogang's top secret, and it's all for this kid to know, but he actually made such a blatant threat to himself, he really ate his ambition!
Seeing that Li Xiaogang's expression was not right, and seeing Li Xiaogang's figure still in place, the bewitching boy rushed to his face with a powerful energy. Before he could react, a sharp pain came from the bottom of his heart, and then instantly, the pain pierced through his internal organs and his whole body.

"I, you stop, stop, stop, you will never want to know, that secret..." The strange boy rolled on the ground in pain, and shouted knowingly.

"I, Li Xiaogang, have never been threatened by anyone in my life. Even if I don't want the seventh piece, I won't let you take advantage of it. You can die here with your secret." Go ahead, Li Xiaogang is ready leave.

"I said, I said! You, don't go!" Sure enough, the strange boy couldn't resist, and began to beg for mercy.

"Another master who takes hard things but not soft ones, there are more and more sluts in this society." Li Xiaogang shook his head, thinking.

"Tell me. I'll listen." Li Xiaogang knelt down and looked at the charming young man's handsome face with admiration. He saw his bean-sized beads of sweat dripping down, which made the young man's expression ecstatic. A touch of coquettishness.

"I, I'm in so much pain, you relieve it first, relieve my pain..." the strange boy said intermittently, his voice also weakened.

"Oh, look at my memory!" Li Xiaogang patted his head, pretending to forget, while slowly relieving the strange boy's pain.

The strange boy was relieved of his pain, he scolded Li Xiaogang tens of thousands of times in his heart, but he could only express his thanks in his mouth.

"Let's talk. I don't have time to spend with you!" Li Xiaogang looked at the sky and thought to himself, if the planet Najib is not destroyed, the people on earth will not be able to live in peace. The things here should end as soon as possible.

"I was careless. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I am no longer your opponent." The strange boy sighed maturely, as if he knew Li Xiaogang's existence a long time ago.

"Don't just lament over there, tell me in chronological order!" Li Xiaogang said impatiently, his heart was tickled by him, but he couldn't hear the point.

"My name is Lenny, and I'm a wizard. There are many ways to classify wizards, but no matter how they are classified, I am the top wizard. Usually, the top wizards don't bother to share the same world with humans, because humans It's so stupid." When Lenny said this, seeing Li Xiaogang's face became gloomy, he quickly changed the subject: "You should know that all wizards have supernatural powers, and the top wizards not only have supernatural powers, but also when they reach the top level , can even lead to the fairy world, and detect many secrets of the fairy world. Many top wizards use all means to become immortals and obtain immortality through stealing information."

"Are you so well-informed that you know of my existence?" Li Xiaogang finally understood that the so-called top wizard is one whose psychic ability reaches the sky.

"Yes, of course I only found out by accident. In fact, once I was surveying information to the Miaoxin Gate in the fairy world, I accidentally heard a little fairy at Miaoxin Gate mention that the fragments of Nuwa's Yuanshen fell into the world. Later, I After searching around for a long time, I found out about your existence by the way." Lenny replied.

"It seems that you know a lot of secrets. What kind of door is this Miaoxin Gate?" Li Xiaogang had only heard of this and that door in the entertainment industry, but he never thought that he would be involved in this Miaoxin Gate that he didn't even know about. Door.

"Oh, you are Nuwa's direct disciple, and you don't know about Miaoxinmen." Lenny sighed in surprise.

"Isn't it strange not to know?" Li Xiaogang's expression became gloomy again.

Lenny smiled ingratiatingly, and quickly said: "It's not strange, it's not strange! This Miaoxin Gate was built by Nuwa herself. According to legend, it was built according to Nuwa's illegitimate daughter Miaoxin. After passing the Miaoxin Gate to her, it disappeared without a trace."

It seems that there are also a lot of lace news in the fairy world. Nuwa's illegitimate daughter has come out. This is really the most explosive news in history. Once this incident comes out, it will cause a sensation in the entertainment, literary and even archaeological circles up.

Li Xiaogang shook his head and smiled, noncommittal, waiting for Lenny to continue.

"After Nuwa left the fairyland, Miaoxin never saw her again. But recently, the fairyland was in turmoil and something went wrong, and she urgently asked Nuwa for help, but she only knew that Nuwa dropped the fragments of her primordial spirit into the world , without any other clues, so a wanted order was issued in all walks of life in Tiandu. If you can find Nuwa's Yuanshen fragments, you can directly enter the fairyland. This temptation is too great for us! So I went all the way Tracked down to Planet Najib."

"You mean to say that the fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen is on the planet Naji?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"From the information I have obtained so far, not only the fragments of Nuwa's soul are on the planet Najib, but even Nuwa herself has been there." Lenny replied honestly.

Li Xiaogang smiled strangely, he really had nowhere to look, and it took no effort to get it.

"The strange thing is that although I detected the existence of this soul fragment, I really didn't have a clue when I actually started looking for it." Lenny said dejectedly.

"I see, you didn't find this soul fragment, so you stole Nuwa's memory, "by the way" knew my existence? And "by the way" also knew my secret?" Li Xiaogang smiled faintly, making Lenny shudder. .

"No! No!" Lenny waved his hands again and again, and said, "I just thought that since you absorbed Nuwa's energy, you should be handed over to the Miaoxinmen. I have no other intentions."

"In order to find me, it's not easy for you to mess around with the planet Najib!" Li Xiaogang sneered, thinking of Princess Qiaona, he sacrificed her for nothing.

"Only by myself, how can I defeat those people from the Najib Planetary Federation?" Lenny smiled wryly, and said, "Although the Miao Xin Sect is a famous sect in the fairy world, how can their tricks be called open and aboveboard? They What they fancy is the powerful information power of our top wizards, so they also offered conditions that are the most attractive to top wizards, so that we can work for them. Ever since we knew that the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen were left on the planet Naji, our top wizards Almost all the wizards mobilized and fought against Planet Najib. They said that we arrived here and worked hard, and in the end I was the only one left alive." Lenny said angrily.

"One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer. What is there to complain about?" Li Xiaogang sneered.

"Don't talk about me, I think you can't protect yourself!" Lenny responded angrily.

"How do you say that?" Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows.

"As far as I know, the planet Najib has decided to destroy the earth in the next few days." Lenny said.

"I already knew this, don't bother you to tell me." Li Xiaogang said with a cold snort.When he thought that these top wizards were like paparazzi, he was not in the mood to talk to Lenny.

"But you don't know, as soon as Qi Meng came back, Via was on guard, ready to entertain you?" Lenny said, and then smiled charmingly, waiting to see Li Xiaogang's reaction.

"Didn't I tell Qi Meng that I would submit to them? Didn't Via believe it?" Li Xiaogang asked in surprise.

"Hmph, what people use is not human brains, but machines and smart devices, and science! After analyzing your conversation information and facial expressions, the report shows that 80.00% of what you said is a lie!" Lenny disdainfully Said.

When Li Xiaogang heard a wizard talk about science with him, he felt a little ridiculous.

"It's better this way! It saves me from having to go around with them again! If you want to fight, just have a good fight!" Li Xiaogang said through gritted teeth, then stared at Lenny, and said decisively: "This planet Suda, you can't stay anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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