The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2000 Top Secret Information

Chapter 2000 Top Secret Information
Lenny thought that Li Xiaogang was going to kill him, and immediately showed a look of death.

"Don't be nervous! There isn't a single ghost on Suda Planet, and it's difficult for you to open a wizard's shop. Don't you just wait for the northwest wind?" Li Xiaogang mocked.

Lenny really couldn't be helped by Li Xiaogang. He is a character worshiped by wizards, at least he is an ancestor-level figure. Regardless of his youth, if you count by age, he can be regarded as a thousand-year-old brew.But seeing that he couldn't beat Li Xiaogang, he had no choice but to admit defeat and listen to his arrangements.

"Okay, I'll listen to you how you arrange it." Lenny drooped his handsome head and muttered.

"According to your ability, you can only play tricks on our earth. Maybe you can open a branch? The paparazzi are gone." Li Xiaogang laughed "haha".

"What team? Dog team?" Lenny didn't understand.

"When was the last time you stayed on Earth?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"Actually, before I heard the reward order from Miaoxinmen, I had been wandering in the Three Realms. Because we wizards have always been inferior to others, except for gods and ghosts, we hardly deal with humans and the fairy world directly." Lenny revealed.

"Why?" Li Xiaogang asked strangely.It seems that there are quite a lot of secrets in the wizarding world. When Lenny is brought back, he must dig it out.

"This goes back many years. Since witchcraft is not orthodox, our ancestors set an unwritten rule that wizards are not allowed to participate in the world and fairy world, otherwise they will be punished by everyone." Lenny He replied, "If there were no such unwritten rules, relying on the strength of our wizards, the world would have been messed up long ago, and wizards would not be living under the fence of others, bearing the infamy of cheating money and people, and facing extinction."

The more Lenny talked, the more angry he became, even a little angrily.

"Haha, didn't you tell me earlier, didn't you top wizards disdain to be with humans under the same blue sky? So you were forced to do nothing!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

"Don't laugh at me. Today I fell into your hands, and I admit it." Lenny looked at Li Xiaogang with a self-defeating look, and said, "After all, you are Nuwa's disciple, at least half of you. Immortal, follow you, no matter what, it won't be too miserable."

"You are very good at changing the direction of the wind! But I, Li Xiaogang, am not a person who kills everything. As long as you are honest and loyal to me, I can still consider giving you a bright road!" Li Xiaogang is very satisfied with Lenny's submission, at least It shows that Lenny is not a fool who knows how to live and die!

"Don't worry, now that our top wizards are dying and fleeing, I can only temporarily die and regain my strength. To be honest, I originally wanted to capture you alive and go to the Miaoxin Gate to try my luck. , it’s even more impossible.” Lenny looked very sincere, his eyes filled with the determination not to follow Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang is not so stupid, although there is no flaw in Lanny's words, and everything he said is reasonable, but based on his family's words alone, no one can be sure whether the truth is true or not.

"Okay, I'll take you away first. I can tell you in advance that if you dare to do anything bad, I will kill you in a second!" Li Xiaogang said coldly.

Lenny immediately felt a strong chill surrounding him, he seemed to think that Li Xiaogang's real strength might be higher than he expected, so he didn't dare to play tricks, he just nodded and said yes.

"It stands to reason that all wizards have the super power of possession. From now on, you should be attached to my jade pendant in case I call you out at any time." Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said, pulling out his chest jade pendant.

"No problem!" Lenny flew into the jade pendant in Li Xiaogang's hand without hesitation, and disappeared.

Li Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction, said it was too late, then soon, he saw his arms rounded, a ball of purple light suddenly rose, and the two of them flew away from the Suda planet.

After a while, they arrived in front of Qingsong Cave Mansion.

Long before arriving, Li Xiaogang told Shen Qihong to launch a purple light cannon to destroy the Suda planet through a remote phone call, and then came to Qingsong non-stop.Since the matter involved the fairy world, not to mention that Qingsong was attacked by unknown forces before, just to be on the safe side, it is better to communicate with Qingsong first, and it is likely to find more useful information.

"Xiao Gang, what wind brought you here!" Qingsong was playing with his wife Zhu'er, when he saw Li Xiaogang striding towards him from afar.

"Why, has my sister-in-law recovered her memory?" Li Xiaogang asked in surprise when he saw the two people's affectionate smiles.

"Not yet, but she seems to have fallen in love with me again." Qingsong said happily.

"Congratulations!" Li Xiaogang clasped his fists.

"I still have to thank you, Xiaogang!" Qingsong clasped her fists together.

"Why are you being polite to me!" Li Xiaogang waved his hand.Then he glanced around and asked, "Did those stinky old men trouble you again?"

"Since you helped me out last time, they never dared to trouble me again, but they just wanted to win me over. Seeing that I have decided to leave, I don't think they will come to me again!"

"To be honest, I'm here today and I have something to ask." Li Xiaogang said seriously.

"I've been out of the Immortal Realm for a long time, so I might not be able to help you much. If I knew it, I would know everything!" Qingsong vowed.

"It's fine with your words!" Li Xiaogang patted Qingsong's thick shoulder, and continued: "I just want to ask about the Miaoxinmen."

"Miaoxin Gate?" Qingsong lost his voice.

"Not bad!" Li Xiaogang nodded, expressing his affirmation.

"Miaoxinmen is the number one sect in the fairy world, the sect created by Nuwa, did it also suffer this time? It seems that the fairy world is really in a lot of trouble this time." Qingsong said sadly, although he quit the mortal world for the sake of women, But after all, I am also a fairy, and I still can't accept it emotionally.

"I don't know the specific situation. However, since everyone has not seen the facts, everything I say now is just speculation." Li Xiaogang saw Qingsong's thoughts and said comfortingly.

Qingsong nodded and continued: "Miao Xin Sect has dominated the first sect in the fairy world for many years, and gradually caused dissatisfaction among many fellow sects. Although they fought openly and secretly, the position of Miao Xin Sect became more and more stable, and many sects simply gave up their hearts. Besides, the influence of Miaoxinmen has penetrated into various schools, and there are even rumors that Miaoxinmen will soon unify the fairy world!"

"This is a funny thing!" Li Xiaogang laughed, it seemed that the Miao Xin Sect was much stronger than he imagined, so he asked: "Who is the head of this Miao Xin Sect?"

"I'm ashamed to say that I've never seen what the head of the Miaoxin Sect looks like, and I don't even know if she's a man or a woman! What's her last name!"

"I heard that this sect leader is called Miao Xin, and she is Nuwa's illegitimate daughter!" Li Xiaogang said jokingly, laughing at Qingsong's lack of information.

"Xiao Gang, why have you become such a gossip!" Qingsong laughed "haha", as if she had heard this saying a long time ago.

"You know?" Li Xiaogang became more and more confused, but he scolded Lenny hundreds of times in his heart.

"It's because the life experience of the head of Miaoxin Sect is too mysterious, which makes everyone more afraid of Miaoxin Sect." Qingsong explained.

"So that's how it is!" Li Xiaogang felt more and more that the Miaoxinmen was hiding a mystery, "Such a big gang, is there no clue at all?" Li Xiaogang didn't believe it.

"It's not that there are no clues, but that none of the people who knew about Miaoxinmen came back alive." Qingsong spread her hands helplessly, expressing her helplessness.

"In this case, then I'm leaving." Li Xiaogang thought to himself that the trip was not in vain, after all, he saw an old friend.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was about to leave, Qingsong hesitated for a moment, stopped him, and said, "Actually, there is one more thing, I don't know if I should tell you."

"Huh?" Li Xiaogang turned around.

"I have a fellow who was once a member of Miaoxinmen." Qingsong's short words made Li Xiaogang very pleasantly surprised.

"Then hurry up and recommend it to me!" Li Xiaogang said.

"I can only tell you the way to find him." Qingsong said, "I promised to keep this secret for him, but since you saved my wife, I can only tell you the way to find him. If you are willing to see you, it depends on your fate."

Then, Qing Song moved his lips and told Li Xiaogang the secret.

After finishing speaking, Qingsong let out a long sigh and said: "Xiao Gang, to tell you the truth, I plan to travel around the world for Zhu'er, and it's hard to say when I will see you next time."

Li Xiaogang knew that Qingsong had already wanted to retire. After all, he had experienced the pain of losing his wife once. Now his greatest wish is to make his wife happy every day, and he should not bother him about these things. Think about the years. Intercourse is somewhat sad, but he still smiled and said: "In this world, as long as I, Li Xiaogang, want to find someone, no one can get away. Brother Qingsong, take your sister-in-law to play for a while, and wait until I finish my work." The chores are also going to be attributed to the mountains and forests, to enjoy the blessings of being equal, and I will come to see you again when the time comes."

The last sentence is really what Li Xiaogang said in his heart. Although he can help many people achieve things that they would never be able to achieve in their lifetime, it is even more difficult when it is really their turn.

This may be fate, since the moment I accepted Nuwa's energy, I was given the mission of saving the common people.Li Xiaogang secretly sighed in his heart.

"Xiao Gang, let's say goodbye now. I believe that fate will make us meet again." Qingsong's eyes flickered, and it could be seen that he really wanted to cut off the fate and spend the rest of his life with his wife.

"Okay! It's really embarrassing for us two big men to chirp me and me here." Li Xiaogang's heart moved, and the touch he hadn't seen for a long time made him feel a little uncomfortable. Li Xiaogang coughed twice and said: "I'm leaving now, don't Forget, one day I will bring my many wives to visit you and sister-in-law, haha!"

Say it, turned around abruptly, and disappeared.

Qingsong's heart moved, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he smiled relievedly, took Zhu'er's hand, and looked at her innocent face like a child affectionately, as if he had the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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