The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2001 Dr. Mo's Soul

Chapter 2001 Dr. Mo's Soul

In the dark night, the silence is palpitating.A giant egg-shaped building with bright lights all over, looks more eye-catching and weird in this calm night.

"It's already the third day, why haven't the people on Earth you mentioned moved?" A low and indifferent man's voice sounded suddenly.

"These earthlings are low-level people themselves, and what they say may not necessarily be credible." Another voice was flattering and flattering.

There was a "snap", a slap in the face.

"Bastard! Since what they said is not credible, then what you brought here is like farting?" The deep voice was still deep, but with a hint of anger.

The person who was beaten was none other than Qi Meng, and the other tall but thin and frighteningly stern man was of course Via.

"That person named Li Xiaogang is indeed very powerful... I just bring back his exact words, specifically, what he thinks, I don't know." Qi Meng covered his face, it seems that this slap really hit him. It's not light.

"Don't think that you can be stupid just because you are my real uncle!" Via shouted.

"At that time, my life was almost gone, so I really couldn't think about it that much." Qi Meng said aggrievedly.

"You don't think so much, but you can still give our battle map to that person named Li Xiaogang?" Via snorted coldly.

"Great Emperor, Great Emperor, I really didn't hide it on purpose, but my life was really hanging by a thread at that time, because I was afraid that I would not come back alive to report to you!" Qi Meng fell to his knees with a plop, and Via actually knew that he had done such a big job. A loss-making business, this is not his life!
Unexpectedly, Via burst out laughing, got up and helped Qi Meng up, and said, "Thanks to your true performance, that Li Xiaogang believed it!"

"What?" Qi Meng stood up in a daze, not realizing what Via meant.

"When I let you go down, I implanted a microchip in your body, and your every move is in our hands! All the props on you are fake, including the battle map." Via triumphantly road.

"What? You implanted a microchip in my body? When?" Qi Meng couldn't help being shocked.Unknowingly, he became an "information receiver"?
"Do you still remember that before you left, I gave you a glass of energy water just developed by Dr. Mo?" Via smiled maliciously.

"So, you tampered with that energy water..." Qi Meng was stunned for a while, and it seemed that it was not an exaggeration to describe his experience as "unpredictable".

"You should feel lucky to be able to try Dr. Mo's products." Wei Wei said with a slanted mouth.

"The dissolvable microchip that Dr. Mo has been developing has been put into use, and even tried it for me?" Qi Meng cried out in horror, his voice full of disbelief.To be exact, he didn't believe that Via would leave such a ruthless backhand for him.

The so-called soluble chip exists in a liquid state. After reaching the stomach, it quickly flows into the blood and fills all blood vessels in the body.Once implanted with this kind of chip, the whole person becomes a "receiver", not only his every move is monitored, the most frightening thing is that this person's thinking is completely controlled, and the illness is completely controlled by others .

"So, my life is no longer mine." A sense of despair began to rise in Qi Meng's eyes, and then filled with hatred.

"Via, I'm your uncle, no matter what, how can you use me as an experimental product?" Qi Meng went all out, since his life was almost gone, he didn't care about his right and wrong.

"You are my uncle?" Via's smile deepened, and he approached Qimeng step by step. Suddenly, he became fierce and shouted: "It is because you are my uncle that my mother died early. Because you are my uncle, I became what I am now!"

"It seems that you still hate me for what happened back then, but if it weren't for my wise decision, you are not the son of Bixiu Si capital tycoon now, maybe you would still be begging for food! Not to mention becoming the emperor of the Bixiu Si Empire , the new ruler of Planet Najib?" Qi Meng finally understood that he had fed a white-eyed wolf back then.

"Hmph, so despite my mother's pregnancy, you still pushed him to some fiery crocodile like Emperor Bixiusi, and let me recognize someone else as my father!" Via clenched her fists, her teeth "clucking".

"Hmph, your mother is my own sister, I won't just watch him elope with a homeless man, you should thank me, I didn't knock you off at that time!" Qi Meng also went all out, Wei Wei has always been cruel and ruthless. Leave room, I am dead this time.

"It's because your medicine isn't powerful enough that I've grown into what I am today!" Via shouted hysterically, shaking her thin body that was about to collapse at any moment.

"In that case, I have nothing to say." Qi Meng closed his eyes.

Via smiled "quack" and didn't respond.

Qi Meng had already made the determination to die, but he didn't die all of a sudden. Instead, he began to have the idea of ​​survival. He opened his eyes suddenly, and said tentatively: "I know you can kill me with just a move of your finger now." Why don't you do it?"

"Because I know you're waiting for me to change my mind!" Via put a finger between her lips and said "shh".

"What do you want to do, what do you want to do?" Seeing Via's unusual behavior, Qi Meng felt horrified.

"I told you not to talk. Don't disturb Dr. Mo's research." Via pretended to be calm.

"Dr. Mo, what is he researching?" Qi Meng felt that he was about to collapse, and suddenly started to run wildly, shouting: "Dr. I didn't have you in my time!"

"Qimeng, you are running around like this, you are not a gentleman at all." A gentle man's voice suddenly came from all directions.

"Damn it, I don't care about gentlemanly demeanor, quickly remove your shit chip." Qi Meng shouted into the air.

"Oh, that's not okay, you are my first experimental subject, I can't let you go easily, I haven't collected some information about your physical signs yet!" Another charming female voice sounded.

"If you come out, I think a shemale like you can only be looked down upon by others for the rest of his life. He can call you Dr. Mo and look down on you. You are a bad bastard who is not worthy! Hahaha, bad bastard!" Qi Meng Laughed wildly.

"Hey, Via, it seems that my experimental subject is not very obedient. Should I lock him up and study it? But, he is your uncle!" The charming female voice paused for a moment, and replaced it with What is more charming is the voice of a woman.

Via raised her eyelids feebly, as if her thin body had exhausted too much energy, she said weakly, "You can figure it out, I'm going to rest." After saying that, the figure disappeared by the door.

"Then leave it to me!"

With a coquettish laugh, both sides of the side door opened, and a graceful figure, with uneven curves, slowly appeared.

I saw that this woman was wearing a silver-white tights, and her whole body was tightly wrapped. Like many people from Planet Najib, she had pointed ears, snow-white skin, and a pair of slanted eyes with a seductive gleam. There is mystery in the expression of Xiao Feixiao, and the golden curly hair hangs down, which can be called a woman among women, which makes people very fascinated.

Seeing Dr. Mo appearing, Qi Meng stared at his blood-red eyes, wishing to go up and tear her to pieces immediately.

"I'm not used to men looking at me like this." Dr. Mo regained his manly voice, stretched out his slender hand, and in the snow-white palm lay a small remote control-like thing.

"What is this?" Qi Meng swallowed hard.

"This is something that will kill you!" Dr. Mo withdrew his palm.

Hearing that the remote control of his own life is in the hands of Dr. Mo, Qi Meng is really very afraid.

"When Qi Meng gained power, I asked myself to be kind to you. If Via hated me, I would have nothing to say. But why did you, Moles, punish me so much?" Qi Meng gradually lost his aura just now.

"I'm Via's subordinate, so I'll do whatever he asks me to do." Moles replied quite logically.

"It seems that I, Qi Meng, is really going to abdicate. You are really more ruthless than me. I admit that I have lost." Qi Meng was desperate.

"You should thank me. If I hadn't told Via that you still have research value, you wouldn't be alive at all. You would have been dead the moment you came back." Moles played with the remote control in his hand as if nothing had happened. Qi Meng was very worried.

"Early death and early liberation, why should I thank you." Qi Meng didn't appreciate it.

"You should have died a long time ago. Do you think that others don't know about the bad things you did behind Via's back? How many beauties on Planet Suda have you played to death? I'm afraid they have more hair than me!"

Qi Meng didn't speak a word, and those days were the days when he could do whatever he wanted.He didn't feel remorse at the moment, but began to miss the scenery at that time, and his desire to survive became stronger.

"Actually, I still have selfish motives in looking for you!" At this time, Moles said something that gave Qi Meng hope.It seemed that he had grasped the straw of life-saving again.

"What selfishness? As long as I can get my life back, I'm willing to do anything." Qi Meng responded hastily, lest Moles suddenly change his mind.

"It's actually very simple, just exchange things with you." Moles blinked playfully.

"Everything is yours now, what else can I exchange with you?" Qi Meng began to feel puzzled, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Moles' gourd.

"This kind of thing is very important. As long as you can give it to me, I will help you to plead with Via. After all, you are his uncle. I believe he can still let you live." Moles made a condition .

"Tell me, what do you want after such a big detour?" Qi Meng said.

(End of this chapter)

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