The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2004 Shining Water

Chapter 2004 Shining Water

"Yes. Red represents attack, yellow represents defense, and blue represents escape. They are all very intelligent operating systems with strong sensing capabilities. As long as this operating system is activated, its host will be connected to the human brain , very convenient, once an attack is launched, the error rate is almost zero." Li Wenqing replied.

"This system is very good and can help us contain a lot of troops."

At some point, Xiao Gang suddenly appeared behind them.

"Brother Xiaogang!" Huang Zeyou and Sun Gan shouted in unison.

"I see that you are having a great time discussing, and I really can't bear to disturb you, but your discussion is so exciting, I can't help but add a sentence." Li Xiaogang laughed.

"Did you also hear the part about steamed buns?" Liu Xuehai asked in embarrassment.

"Dr. Liu, why are you so embarrassed? I have already tasted your steamed buns. They taste like red wine, and they are delicious." Li Xiaogang laughed and took out a crimson candy-shaped thing.

"What? This is the steamed bun you developed?"

Everyone's eyeballs almost fell off.

"Do you think it's really as big as a steamed bun? If we carry a bag of steamed buns into outer space alone, wouldn't that be a laughing stock?" Shen Qihong said disapprovingly, and secretly cursed, "Uneducated!"

"Eating just one piece of this kind of candy is enough energy for three days. A soldier carrying a bag, that is, one hundred pills, is enough to survive in outer space for three hundred days, that is, one year." Liu Xuehai added .

"To fight for three hundred days? You have no confidence in our fighting power! We have almost grasped the general situation of Planet Najib, just go straight to Huanglong, I think three hours is enough, Xiaogang, what do you say? Go!" Hu Dinghai said disdainfully.

But Xiaogang didn't take his words.

Shen Qihong saw something strange and asked, "What? Is there anything wrong?"

"I always feel that the information we have is unreliable. Planet Najib is so powerful, how could its battle map be drawn blatantly and handed over to us easily?" Xiaogang thought.

"There is something strange, but Qi Meng has been back for so long, although we have not passed the agreed three days, they have not moved, does it mean that they have not suspected it? Otherwise, Qi Meng should not bring people over Find fault?" Shen Qihong speculated.

"What you said is also reasonable. Although there is no flaw at present, according to my intuition, I always feel that something is not right. Everyone should be careful." Xiaogang said solemnly.

"Brother Xiaogang, what's going on? Since the planet Najib appeared, you have become timid. In the past, you dared to do, dare to think, and dare to be." Sun Gan said with a frown.

"You're right. I'm really cautious this time. Although I don't have any opponents on earth, and I don't even have any opponents in the next few thousand years, but Najib's planet is in outer space, and This time we bet on the people of the whole earth, including our parents, wives, and children. I have to be cautious. If it was for me personally, I would have rushed to the planet Najib and tore up their shitty federation It’s a mess, but what if they keep a hand and throw a weapon of super-mass destruction at us?” Li Xiaogang was very emotional, and finished these words in one breath.

"Xiao Gang, you are indeed mature." Shen Qihong smiled meaningfully, and patted Xiao Gang on the shoulder.

"So, we have to outsmart, and it's best to keep all the advanced technologies on Najib's planet for my own use. Wouldn't this be a better ending?" Li Xiaogang continued.

"Well said, Brother Xiaogang!" Sun Gan couldn't help clapping his hands, obviously moved by Li Xiaogang's "speech".

Speaking of family members, Li Xiaogang seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "Are Gao Yuanyuan and Song Shuang here?"

Shen Qihong said "Oh", but gloated: "I forgot to tell you, Gao Yuanyuan and the others came over yesterday, including Chang Xuefei and Mikiko, but after they heard about the situation, they all agreed to go to the planet Najib with you Go. Now you won't be lonely along the way."

Li Xiaogang pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine, they must be worried here waiting for us. Why not come with us, maybe we can help."

Sun Gan's eyes immediately showed envy.Huang Zeyou was different, a trace of sadness flashed quietly.

The careful Li Xiaogang saw this. He knew that Huang Zeyou must have thought of his wife Qin Qin. After all, this was a vicious battle. Although it could not be said to be a parting of life and death, it could be regarded as more or less auspicious.

"Huang Zeyou, take Qin Qin with you. Isn't everyone talking about humanity now? We are all brothers, and we should be more humane. With family around, this battle must be more solid!" Li Xiaogang said.

"It's really possible!" Huang Zeyou was overjoyed, it was a beauty in his heart.

"Also, bring all the family members you want." Li Xiaogang pointed to Hu Dinghai and others.

"It's hard for us to have a leisure time, let's forget it!" These people are not like Huang Zeyou who is newly married, and they are not interested in bringing a wife.

"By the way, where is Princess Qiaona?" Li Xiaogang looked around, but only saw Leon Horton who was smiling and not speaking.

"Is she refining medicine with Nafei and Nahui?" Leon Horton replied.

"Refining medicine? What kind of medicine are you refining? Is anyone sick?" Li Xiaogang was puzzled. Besides, he also had superpowers to cure diseases and save lives, so they didn't need to do anything extra.

"You don't know that there is a vacuum diaphragm layer outside the planet Najib, and the oxygen content inside is very high, so people on the planet Najib live a long and healthy life. There is also a protective layer between the diaphragm layer and the inner space. It is to protect outsiders from entering rashly. The radiation of this protective layer is very high, almost a thousand times that of high-purity ultraviolet rays." Leon Horton explained.

"So, can you refine the medicine and drink it for us?" Shen Qihong asked, he had never heard of this kind of saying, so he was more afraid of the planet Najib, and of course he also had a little more interest.Liu Xuehai listened attentively, obviously he also had the same constitution.

"I didn't drink it, but put it on my clothes." Leon Horton corrected.

"Just paint it on? Isn't this similar to our radiation protection suit?" Liu Xuehai asked.

"In principle, it is similar to your anti-radiation clothing. But the layer of radiation protection you have is very powerful." Leon Horton nodded and continued: "To give an inappropriate example, whether it is infrared, It is still ultraviolet rays. Once human beings are exposed to more than a certain standard, the skin will be burned at most, but once someone tries to enter the planet Najib without taking any effective protective measures, even if he is wearing a space suit, he will die in a second. Within the bell, it turned into white smoke and disappeared."

"Brother Xiaogang, do you want to paint too?" Sun Gan asked a very two hundred and five question, but everyone wanted to know very much.

"Brother Xiao Gang is close to a god in my eyes, and I can't deduce it with common sense." Leon Horton bought it off.

"But this protective medicine is also very good for skin care." A beautiful voice appeared, followed by a group of women's coquettish laughter.Everyone's eyes brightened, the front is really a beautiful scenery.

I saw Princess Qiaona surrounded in the middle, with a plump and graceful figure, pointed ears, and snow-white skin, elf-like, very eye-catching, and next to her were Gao Yuanyuan and Song Shuang, one pure and sweet, the other coquettish Moving, followed by the petite and lovely Long Ling'er, the glamorous Hu Rong, the shy and ruddy Chang Xuefei, and the exotic Mikiko.

It is said that one mountain cannot contain two tigers. In the past few years, the chances of Li Xiaogang and his wives appearing abroad are very small. Who knows that they appear at the same time, each has its own merits, and it really feasts the eyes of everyone.

Seeing that everyone was dumbfounded, these beauties laughed even more unscrupulously.

"Okay, sisters, don't laugh anymore, big things matter." Gao Yuanyuan reminded.

Princess Qiaona also hurriedly withdrew her attention, and saw that she was holding a silver long-necked bottle tightly in her right hand, and walked towards Li Xiaogang, saying, "This is the sparkling water we just prepared." Then she blinked playfully. eyes, jokingly said: "Brother Xiaogang, you are so blessed, even I envy you!"

"What are you envious of?" Leon Holden hurriedly pulled Princess Qiaona over lovingly, for fear that she would imitate the bad.

Li Xiaogang shook his head and smiled, looking at the bottle in his hand.

"What is the formula of this medicine?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"I have already written the formula in Dr. Shen's computer, and I have also programmed the production program. Once it is ready for use, it can be mass-produced immediately." Princess Jona replied.

Li Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction, and asked again: "Once the shining water is applied to the clothes, how long can it last?"

"Ten days!" Princess Jona replied.

"So, people on the planet Najib use this thing?" Sun Gan still associated the sparkling water with sunscreen, and thought it was unbelievable to think of applying this thing every time he went out.

"The people on Najib's planet are the same as the people on Earth. They live and work in peace and contentment. Only the high-level people occasionally go to outer space. Therefore, only our royal family knows the formula and use of the sparkling water." Princess Jona answered patiently.

"Sister Qiaona, what did you mean when you said that this thing is good for the skin?" Mikiko asked with her big clear eyes.

"The secret is that it contains a plush nylon ingredient, which can effectively promote skin blood circulation, and the pores will also open to absorb the rich nutrients of plush nylon. But the skin of our planet Najib does not need it, your earth People probably need a little more." Princess Jona laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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