The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2005 Two Ships In One

Chapter 2005 Two Ships In One
"Well, when I go back to Earth, I can use your formula to make a big deal!" Hu Rong's calculations started again.

"Yes, the ingredients are actually very simple and can be collected on your earth." Princess Jona said with a smile.

As usual, the night in Taklimakan was cold and dry, and the barren desert was lifeless, as if there was no life here.

Suddenly, with a "pop", a bright light shining in the starry sky burst out of the sky, and disappeared into the night sky in an instant. The "Genesis" has taken off and is heading towards the planet Najib at a constant speed. There are hundreds of spaceships scattered around it.

"Xiao Gang, I didn't expect you to trust me so much and let me be the commander in chief." Shen Qihong said with emotion.

"In the past few days, you have been with Leon Horton, and you almost know everything about Planet Najib. Besides, this is everyone's opinion, including Li Wenqing." Li Xiaogang replied.

Without waiting for Shen Qihong to say anything, Li Xiaogang arranged again: "Hurry up and tell them all to come to the meeting room for a meeting. There is still an hour to go to the outside of the planet Najib. Everyone has to clarify the mission again, except for the owner of the cockpit. The driver Huang Zeyou, the co-pilot Sun Gan, and everyone else come over."

"Yes." Shen Qihong in a white coat immediately made a substandard military salute.

"Old Shen, I think you are more suitable to be a scientist. Let Hu Dinghai teach you the military salute." Li Xiaogang joked.

Shen Qihong, however, was still serious, pressed the red button on the top of the watch, and said: "Notify all the VIP rest cabins, and gather in the conference room of the headquarters within 5 minutes!"

The red light of the watch flashed, and a response was made within two seconds: "The notification is in place, the notification is in place!"

After a while, everyone arrived at the venue one after another.

When Li Xiaogang saw that everyone had arrived, he said: "We will start to reach the planet Naji in one hour. Before reaching the planet Naji, the first task is to send Leon Horton and Princess Jona to "Joana" Go up."

Leon Horton nodded and said, "Huang Zeyou and Sun Gan are not here, but I have already told them the operation essentials and precautions. I believe there will be no errors."

Li Xiaogang gave a "hmm" for a while, unfolded a map, and said while pointing: "If we look at the battle situation map Qi Meng gave me, our tactic is to first capture the information center of the Najib Planetary Federation, and then Then we will eliminate those stronger than the Xiusi Empire one by one, and then attack the smaller ones slowly. Do you have any opinions?"

"I think we still have to keep a hand. After all, Via and Qimeng are very cunning characters. If we really concentrate too much firepower to attack the information center, it's okay if they don't play tricks. If they play tricks, then we will It may be limited to being passive," said Princess Jona.

"You are right in thinking, but at present we can only follow this strategy, but we still need a reserve army. Let's adapt to the situation." Li Xiaogang decided.

"Well, I have already deployed everything. Hu Dinghai is the commander-in-chief. He leads the main force to attack the information center. Li Wenqing is mainly responsible for the overall control of the spacecraft. He can convey the detected information to Hu Dinghai in time, and then the rest of us scattered They are all intelligently controlled, and once dispatched, they can be released at any time," Shen Qihong said.

"The arrangement is very careful, so I won't act together with you. After arriving at the planet Najib, I still have something to look for." Li Xiaogang is still thinking about the seventh piece of Nuwa Yuanshen fragment, and always feels that the planet Najib There will be clues that he can find!

Everyone knows that Li Xiaogang is powerful and must have his own plans, and they all agree.

"Also, once you arrive at the information center of the Najib Federation, you must copy all the materials in it to me." Li Xiaogang finally ordered.

"Okay, I must pay attention to preserving the integrity of the information base." Shen Qihong replied.

Then, everyone checked the details, and after confirming that they were correct, they all took their places.

In the command cabin, you can see the shining starry sky and flying meteors from the screen, which is very beautiful.But Huang Zeyou and Sun Gan were not interested in appreciating it at all. They stared at the screen by themselves. Sun Gan also held the arrow keys motionlessly. Li Xiaogang, Shen Qihong, Liu Xuehai and others also stood quietly aside, as if waiting for a critical moment.I saw Leon Horton and Princess Jona, already in space combat gear, standing at the exit of the battleship, ready to leave the cabin at any time.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." The sound of an automatic countdown came from inside the battleship.Then, a huge ring-shaped object appeared in front of it, emitting a shining blue light all over. Those who didn't know it thought it was a huge planet.

"It can be seen with the naked eye from such a distance. In fact, it is estimated to be several times larger than the "Genesis"." Shen Qihong secretly marveled at the superb technology of the people on Planet Najib.


Afterwards, the hatch of "Genesis" has merged with the hatch of "Jonna", so when the hatch is opened, there is another door with the portrait of "War Eagle" painted on it. The crystal cipher board has hundreds of incomprehensible ancient characters densely written on it.

"Jonna, enter the password quickly, you only have 20 seconds!" Leon Horton shouted.

Princess Qiaona closed her eyes slightly, thought for a while, and then quickly moved on the crystal panel. After a while, the cabin door opened. Unexpectedly, there was a secret door made of transparent material inside, and one could faintly see the inside. equipment and decoration.

"What is this?" Leon Horton asked in surprise.

"This is the emergency rescue door. It was designed by my father, in case I opened it under duress. It can save my life. I won't tell you about the wonder." Qiao Na blinked strangely.

"Hurry up, the air pressure outside is too high, and the hatch may not last long." Sun Gan stared at the barometer and shouted.

It was too late and then quickly, Princess Qiaona pressed her hand in the center of the secret door, muttering something, and the secret door disappeared.

"Brother Xiaogang, we have passed. I will park at the Imperial Mausoleum of the Bixius Empire. I will see the situation then, and I will wish you a helping hand!" Princess Jona confessed, and before Li Xiaogang could respond, she pulled Leon Huo Dayton entered the "Jonna".

The moment they entered, the hatches on both sides quickly closed.

The entire process just now took only 30 seconds.

"Yeah, we succeeded!" Huang Zeyou and Sun Gan exclaimed excitedly, not forgetting to give each other a high five.

"Huang Zeyou, how far is it from Planet Najib?" Shen Qihong asked.

"One hour." Sun Gan replied concisely.

"It's so long! It seems that Qiao Na's father has thought carefully enough. It's not easy to build such a huge Star Warsship, and it can still stay here for so many years without leaking!" Liu Xuehai sighed "tsk tsk".

"I thought we were great on Earth, but I didn't expect that coming to Planet Najib would be like a countryman entering a city. It's really an eye-opener, but if I have a chance, I want to take a look inside the "Jonna". "Shen Qihong also said that these two are science idiots, and they always want to find out when they see things they haven't seen.

Li Xiaogang also nodded.It seems that this Najib planet is really inevitable, and it should be very good to be a scientific research base in the future.

"I think you will be stationed here in the future. The scientific research environment and resources here should be much superior to those on Earth." Li Xiaogang said.

"I think it will work, I will definitely fight this battle with more vigor!" Shen Qihong clenched his fists.

"If you want to blame it, blame that bastard Via, who dares to covet our Shennongjia, a bastard with a bad stomach, we want him to return his capital with interest!" Li Xiaogang said with a sneer.

"Husband!" At this moment, a delicate voice appeared, and Hu Rong stood behind them.

"Rong'er, why don't you take a good rest? This is the headquarters, you can't come here casually." Li Xiaogang asked softly.

"I'm almost bored to death. I used to be busy with work. I've never been so idle in a row. I'm really bored to death!" Hu Rong said with her mouth pouted.

"That's right, there are too few entertainment items here. I don't have time to accompany you either." Li Xiaogang scratched his head.

"Let's see it this way, after arriving on Planet Najib, you will let us go out to play!" Hu Rong thought of a ghostly idea.

"That can't be done. I don't know what Planet Najib is like. My wives are more beautiful than the other. I don't feel relieved to let you out." Li Xiaogang quickly vetoed Hu Rong's idea.

"Then we will stay until the end of your war. If you fight for a year, don't we have to wait for a year, and then we will all grow green hair!" Hu Rong was not happy when she heard that.It's no wonder that she has been the president for so long and is used to a busy life. When she is free like this, she is probably the most difficult to accept.

"I think this task can be handed over to Li Wenqing." Shen Qihong interjected.

"Old Shen, when will you take care of my housework!" Li Xiaogang wanted Hu Rong to be honest, but Shen Qihong came up to meddle again.

Sure enough, Hu Rong was happy when she heard it, clapped her hands and said, "It's better to be old Shen, I can't wait to kiss you! Haha."

Shen Qihong pretended to smile shyly, and said into Li Xiaogang's ear: "You are still young, you don't know how uncomfortable it is for your wife to be around, but after a while you will know, they can nagging dead people one by one!"

Li Xiaogang listened, and sure enough, he didn't veto any more, he affirmed Shen Qihong's words, and motioned for him to continue.

"I think so. Li Wenqing's main task is to survey and report. Although there are special liaison officers in each spaceship, they are all M countrymen after all, and they are not very reliable. If you are too boring, You can go and help, on the one hand, it relieves your boredom, and on the other hand, it is also a great help to your husband. Another advantage is that you can watch whatever you want to see in space!" Shen Qihong said.

(End of this chapter)

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