The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2006 Too many wives, hard to serve

Chapter 2006 Too many wives, hard to serve

"Okay, old Shen, your brain is very useful!" Li Xiaogang was happy when he heard it. This is a good idea, safe and practical.

"Then let's do this. You call Li Wenqing now, and I'll call Gao Yuanyuan and the others over." Hu Rong said cheerfully.

Just as Hu Rong left, Shen Qihong pressed the small green button on the watch, followed by a "di".Li Wenqing's voice came over, and after that, the avatar also appeared on the dial, and then was projected on the big screen of Commander Qiang.

"Shen Qihong, what did you ask me to do?" Li Wenqing asked while sitting in front of the screen.

"Where have you been?" Shen Qihong said.

"It's just behind your battleship. There are still a few that have already reached the top of Najib's planet. They are already surrounded, and a detection network has been set up."

Li Wenqing replied.

"Well, very good." Shen Qihong nodded, and then said: "I'm contacting you this time to send you a task."

"You are the commander-in-chief, isn't it a very natural thing for you to send me tasks?" Li Wenqing even played a rare trick.

"Hehe, I'm going to send you an elite troop, these are all Li Xiaogang's treasures!" Shen Qihong deliberately kept it a secret.

"Well, my manpower is a bit tight. The main reason is that I don't have fully capable people, but I can still handle it. Of course it's good to be able to send it over! I will definitely be able to complete this task! After all, when will it be delivered?" Li Wenqing His voice was full of joy.

Shen Qihong blinked at Li Xiaogang, and then said to the green button: "Director Li, you are really lucky, Comrade Li Xiaogang is going to hand over all his wives to you!"

"What, what?" Li Wenqing shouted in surprise, and then there was a burst of "crackling", like the sound of a cup falling to the ground.

Shen Qihong covered his mouth with all his might, otherwise he would laugh out loud. He pretended to be calm and continued shouting, "Old Li, don't get too excited! Xiaogang's wives will be handed over to you! Commander Li!"

"This, this can't be allowed, this can't be allowed, even if you give it to me, I dare not use it!" Li Wenqing was still immersed in infinite excitement, and he couldn't restrain himself when he thought of spending time with Li Xiaogang's wives After all, I was never surrounded by so many beauties since I was a child, let alone a person who has never married a wife.

"I told you to use it, you use it!" Li Xiaogang's voice sounded suddenly!This Li Wenqing is good in everything else, but he is used to staying in state-owned enterprises and is submissive.

Li Wenqing didn't expect Li Xiaogang to be there, and she complained repeatedly in her heart, but said involuntarily, "I dare not use it, I dare not use it."

"If you don't dare to use it again, I will immediately fire a purple light cannon to blow up your spaceship!" Li Xiaogang was really pushed by Li Wenqing, a gentleman.

"Then, that's fine." Li Wenqing on the screen looked tortured.

Sun Gan has been concentrating on controlling the direction. Seeing them like this, he couldn't help yelling: "Li Wenqing, you nerd, you have so many beauties to dispatch to me. If it was me, I wouldn't be so happy. Look at your The face looks like it was raped."

"I..." Li Wenqing choked on Sun Gansheng, completely speechless.

"I said, Director Li, you are really overthinking. Li Xiaogang's wives did not cause you trouble in the past, but helped you. They are not ordinary women, and they may really be of great help. Besides, you don't want to Did you assign them to different spaceships? You didn't let you get along day and night!" Shen Qihong saw that the joke was more or less the same, so he immediately accepted it.

"Well, well, you're right, you're right, I will definitely arrange their tasks well. Put them in the right positions, and let everyone do their best." Li Wenqing said with a straight look, suddenly enlightened. look.

While several people were talking, Hu Rong led Gao Yuanyuan, Song Shuang and Long Linger over.

"Hey, where are Mikiko and Xuefei?" Li Xiaogang looked back, but saw no one.

"I was going to tell you that when I went to find Mei Jizi just now, I found that she was ill, so I left sister Xuefei to take care of her." Hu Rong said.

"Sick? What's going on, is it serious?" Li Xiaogang asked hastily.

"It's just a headache and a fever. It should be because she's not acclimatized to the environment. She was used to being pampered when she was a child. Maybe it's too much for her body to run around for days." Gao Yuanyuan replied.

"That's good, I'll go and see her in person later." Li Xiaogang's expression softened a little, thinking, Mikiko would not even want her home for herself, and if she made some mistakes, she would never be able to pay her back in this life in love
"This is Li Wenqing? Are we going to follow him?" Long Ling'er pointed with a slender hand, and pouted her mouth towards the screen.

"Ling'er, don't be so rude. This is Chief Li, from now on you will call him Commander Li." Li Xiaogang said.

"Oh." Long Ling'er immediately became respectful, and said sweetly to the big screen: "Director Li, Commander Li is good!"

Li Wenqing didn't expect Long Linger to be so lively and cute, so she couldn't help being amused, and said kindly: "Hello, hello, it doesn't need to be so complicated, just call me Li Wenqing."

Li Xiaogang introduced to Li Wenqing, "This is Gao Yuanyuan, Song Shuang, this is Hu Rong, and that one just now is Long Ling'er!"

"Well, I met them when I was in Taklamakan." Li Wenqing smiled heartily. Although he didn't have any daughters himself, when he saw these girls, his father's love was born in his heart.

Shen Qihong looked down at his watch, and said to Li Xiaogang: "I think the time is almost up, we can send them there first, and it will be too late when we get to Planet Najib!"

Li Xiaogang nodded, then walked between Gao Yuanyuan and the others, and said softly: "You must take good care of yourselves, if you are not used to it, you can come back at any time! Don't hold back!" Then he shaved Hu Rong's nose again, and said: “特别是你啊,最爱逞强,如果被我发现了,一定狠狠揍你一顿!”

"Why are you just talking about me? It's not my idea. They all want to go out to play. I'm stupid and can't hold back that's why I told you that." Hu Rong was upset and said with her mouth pouted.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault! I don't mean to blame you! Aren't I worried about you?" Li Xiaogang quickly coaxed her with good words.

Only then did Hu Rong turn his anger into joy.

"Husband, you have to be careful, we are still waiting for you to return triumphantly and take us on a space tour!" Gao Yuanyuan said reluctantly, with deep love and worry overflowing in his eyes.

"Don't worry, your husband is very strong, what is a Najib planet!" Li Xiaogang gave himself a thumbs up and made a superman pose.

At this time, Shen Qihong was ready, and said to Li Xiaogang and the others: "The star fighter is ready, you sit on it, and we will send you to Li Wenqing immediately."

At this time, Shen Qihong was ready, and said to Li Xiaogang and the others: "The Star Wars is ready, you sit

Go up, we will send you to Li Wenqing immediately.

At this time, one came over and said to Hu Rong and the others: "Ladies, let me take you there."

Hu Rong said good, then turned to Li Xiaogang and said, "Don't worry, your wives are also very strong!" After that, she took Gao Yuanyuan and the others out of the command cabin.

Li Xiaogang watched them leave, then shook his head amusedly, thinking, women's thoughts are really hard to figure out, they are the ones who want to go out to play, they are the ones who are reluctant, they are the ones who are competitive, and they are the ones who are the best to coax .He suddenly thought of Mikiko again, and asked Shen Qihong, "How long will it take us to reach the stop on Planet Najib?"

"There are still 10 minutes." Huang Zeyou replied on behalf of Shen Qihong.

"Well, I'll go over to see Mikiko first, you stay here and I'll be over in 10 minutes." Li Xiaogang said, and strode away.

Shen Qihong said: "It seems that there are too many wives, and it is also a huge project. Not only the physical strength is exhausted quickly, but also the IQ must be high, otherwise it is really impossible! It seems that only Li Xiaogang can bear it!"

Sun Gan didn't take it seriously: "Who said it? It's not common to have one at home now, and they still have a third, fourth, and fifth outside. I think as long as you have energy, it's okay to have more!"

"You kid is just trying to make fun of your mouth, raise and raise, you think you're raising fish!" Huang Zeyou nodded Sun Gan's head fiercely.

Sun Gan grinned and stopped talking.

In just a short while, Li Xiaogang has arrived at Mikiko's room.

I saw Meijizi lying on the bed, her face was flushed, her big eyes looked clearer, and Chang Xuefei was sitting opposite Meijizi with her back to the door, talking with her.

"Hey, husband, you're here." First of all, Mikiko found Li Xiaogang and struggled to sit up.

Li Xiaogang hurried over, supported Mikiko's weak shoulders, and made her sit reclined.

"Honey, why did you come here? Sister Mikiko has been talking about you for a long time." Chang Xuefei said coquettishly.

"Are you still talking about me? Don't you just talk about your husband, saying that you are afraid that he will be too busy and disturb him or something like that." Mei Jizi covered her mouth with a smile.

"I think you should talk less, you don't tell me when you are sick, and you don't regard me as your husband anymore?" Li Xiaogang pretended to be angry.

Mei Jizi thought that Li Xiaogang was really angry, opened a pair of big black eyes, and said innocently: "No, I'm afraid of delaying your big work, besides, I'm not seriously ill, just a little cold I have a cold, to put it bluntly, I’m still too idle.”

Speaking of this, Mikiko seemed to think of something again, and hesitated to speak.

"You want to ask Hu Rong if they have already left?" Li Xiaogang guessed what Mikiko was thinking.

Mikiko nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry about this, take care of your health now, and send you there to be with them when you recover." Li Xiaogang pinched Mikiko's little cheek.

(End of this chapter)

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