The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2008 Uses of the White Magic Grass

Chapter 2008 Uses of the White Magic Grass

"So, you haven't seen my father's body from the beginning to the end?" A question arose in Princess Qiaona's heart.

"I had the same question as you, but after I came to the "Jonna", I rarely had contact with the outside world. During the period, I also went back in makeup and caught one of Via's men. The news I got was also Said that Dad has been killed." Starley replied.

"Jonna, please accept the reality. We still need to hurry up and plan what we will do in the future." Starley then said.

"Even so, I don't have any confidence in defeating Via." Princess Jona frowned and said.

"Why don't you go to the Union to fight Benkensa? He had a good relationship with your father before!" Leon Horton said.

Princess Jona gave him a blank look, and continued, "You are stupid, the reason why he had a good relationship with my father before was not because my father was still in office? Besides, he still wants me to marry his son O What about La? Now, it is even more impossible! After all, Via is currently the son-in-law of Benbensa, the president of the federation. Going back to find that bastard Ben Bensa, wouldn’t you be looking for your own death?”

As soon as she mentions Ola, she thinks of what she and Ola did before. Although she acted unconsciously at that time, as long as she imagines their intimacy, and Ola's fat face with a greedy smile, Qiao Na will feel sick!
"It is true, but at present we have no army, only fighter planes and weapons. Besides, there are no trustworthy people on the planet Najib. At present, there is only this planetary warship for refuge. We can only protect ourselves, but we cannot take the initiative to attack. Ah." Leon Horton's failure to help annoyed Jona, but the implementation situation was indeed not optimistic.

"Let's go to Li Xiaogang and the others. They have a lot of troops. They have helped them as well as ourselves. Let's go to them!" Princess Qiaona met Si Dali by chance, only thinking about avenging her father, and almost killed Li Xiaogang and his group. Partners are forgotten.

"Who is Li Xiaogang?" Starley asked.

"It's from Earth!" Princess Jona replied.

"You actually got involved with low-level species like earthlings? And brought them to the planet Naji?" Starley looked at Princess Jona with an incredible look, as if he was looking at a fallen and hopeless person .

"They are not what you imagined. If you meet Li Xiaogang, you will definitely like him. He is the most powerful human being on Earth I have ever seen." Princess Qiaona was afraid that Starley's thinking was wrong, and hurriedly argued.

Starley turned his puzzled gaze to Leon Horton, who unexpectedly nodded desperately.

Starley still doesn't believe it, just like people on earth don't believe what a pig can do, even if this pig is the most powerful pig.

"You haven't been in contact with people on Earth, but we Najib people feel too good about themselves." Princess Jona didn't give up, and still wanted to continue to change Starley's "mentally retarded" view of people on Earth.

"Forget it, don't argue about this issue, even if I believe you, but the planet Najib is the most powerful and intelligent world in space at present, this is absolutely." It can be heard that Starley is very proud of himself Proud to be Najib.

"Uh, okay." Princess Jona was also helpless, and looked at Leon Horton, and stopped talking.

"Why didn't you talk?" Seeing that the two of them were silent, Starley asked in puzzlement.

Princess Jona sighed and said, "I have nothing to say. At present, uniting with these earthlings is the only way I can do it. I was hit like this again by you! I am only Some have no confidence at all.”

"Haha, that's why I was worried about this. Let me tell you, I've already thought of a way to defeat Via!" Starley laughed and patted his chest, as if he had a plan in mind.

"Ah, really? That's great!" Princess Jona clapped her hands and jumped up. Starley is the most intelligent person on the planet Najib. As long as he says there is a way, it must be true.

"You know I'm all about doing experiments. By chance, when I was collecting ultrasound, I happened to overhear Via and Zimon's plot to rebel, so I immediately told Dad about it, but at that time, they The power of the king has already expanded enormously, and even if Dad dispatches troops, he can't control them anymore. In desperation, he had to ask me to find a way, but you know that I have never been interested in the throne, and I have never participated in political affairs. Finally, I had to think of a way ’” Starisus said.

"What way?" Princess Jona asked.

In fact, even if Princess Qiaona wanted to break her head, she would never have imagined that Starley wanted to create a powerful engine in a short period of time. The power of this engine is not that it is so aggressive, but that it can integrate all the forces that attack oneself , and convert this power into twice the attack power.

"In other words, if someone punches you once, you can use this engine to punch someone else twice." Starley said with a smirk, fearing that Jona and Leon Horton would not understand the mystery, he further explained Said: "The principle of this engine is that its material is the best gangster diamond, which can resist the vitality of all weapons, and through my skillful hands, it forms a huge network magnetic field. What's more frightening is that he has a super With an intelligent and super-information-rich brain, as long as it is an attack sent by everything that exists on the planet Najib, he can easily program and break it in an instant!"

"Okay you! You are really smart!" Princess Jona said joyfully. With this engine, she can go into battle lightly. It's like one enemy against a hundred.

"This engine has such a large amount of information storage and has such a strong identification ability, where did you get this information base?" Leon Holden asked a very critical question.

"Of course it's the federation's information center library. The amount of information there is the circulation point for all information on Planet Najib." Starley said triumphantly.

"No way!" Princess Qiaona said in amazement, no matter how smart and powerful Starley was, it would still be inconceivable for him to directly break into the federation to steal information.

"It is said that since the secret collusion between Via and Benxa, the Federation has been heavily guarding the information center and setting up many checkpoints. How did you do it!" Leon Holden couldn't help asking, this is simply It's unimaginable.

"I won't tease you!" Starley held back a smug smile, but said something that made the two of them even more confused: "I stole the information for me through Qi Meng!"

Now Princess Qiaona and Princess Qiaona simply stopped interjecting. There are too many twists and turns in the middle, and I am afraid they can only wait quietly for Starley to decipher.

"Although Qi Meng and Via are in the same group. But I know that Via has been looking for a chance to get rid of Zi Meng, so I told Qi Meng about this and made some deals along the way." Staley paused, After taking a sip of the energy water, he continued: "Qimeng didn't believe that Via would do anything against him, but after my analysis, he was indeed a little shaken. Besides, I made a deal with him, He also had to agree."

"What? Are you making a deal with him?" Princess Jona and Leon Horton were taken aback and asked in unison.

"Don't make a fuss. Back then, in order to make a fortune, Qi Meng forced his younger sister, Via's mother, to marry a dignitary, and Via's mother was pregnant at the time, and Qi Meng forced her to have an abortion. Ya Mingda survived, but ended up with a deformed figure. After all, Qi Meng was afraid that Via would know this history, so he was still uneasy. I just took advantage of his psychology and promised that I could save him once. As long as he Help me steal all the information from the information center!" Starley explained.

"Zimeng is a famous old fox, will he believe your words?" Princess Jona didn't quite believe it.

"Believe it or not, I don't know, but he understands a truth. Stealing information is just a piece of cake for him, and it is right to leave a way for himself! So this deal is a good deal, but he is really cunning, And let him and I swear at the "swear wall", as long as he eats a white magic herb, I will appear." Starley sighed.

"You went to the "Sworn Wall"? Isn't that the same as giving your life to him? As long as he looks for you, you still have to show up obediently." Princess Qiao Na's heart that had just fallen to the ground hung up again.

"Don't worry, this is a chance to survive after all. Qi Meng won't be so stupid as to waste it for others! What's more, I, Starley, has a big life, don't I still have a super engine?" Starley waved his hand, Let Princess Jona rest assured.

Princess Jona nodded, but the worry in her eyes did not completely disappear. After all, leaving a handle in the hands of others is always a hidden danger.

"By the way, speaking of your engine, I'm curious about its terminal equipment and where is the controller?" Leon Holden asked curiously.

"Here!" Leon Horton opened his palm, and several chips the size of fingernails were lying there quietly.

"Ah? That's it? It's too delicate!" Princess Qiaona stretched out her hand and gently picked up a piece.

"Hehe, just stick them behind the ears lightly." Leon Horton pretended to stick them on himself, and handed a chip to Leon Horton at the same time.

Princess Jona and Leon Horton stuck the chip behind their ears as Starley did.

"In just this second, I became the most powerful person on the planet Najib?" Princess Jona felt incredible.

"Haha, it's not that simple. These are just terminals. In fact, there is also a general controller. I set it on your "Jonna". As long as the "Jonna" is safe, we are the most powerful People with lethality and preventive power!" Staley made the final answer.Let's talk, pointing to the left side, a rectangular black box.

(End of this chapter)

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