The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2009 Leads to Starley

Chapter 2009 Leads to Starley

"It's so perfect! Starley, I really admire you!" Princess Jona turned around excitedly.

"Stali, you're awesome, haha!" Leon Horton also gave a thumbs up.

"Of course, if Via knew about it, I'm afraid her face would turn green! Haha." Starley also smiled comfortably.Today is really a happy day. He has been waiting for this moment for many days. Princess Qiaona can come back safely, which can be regarded as an explanation to Dad.

Just when everyone was overjoyed, Staley's face suddenly became serious.

Princess Jona was the first to notice that something was wrong with Starley, so she asked, "Brother Starley, is there anything unusual?"

"Zimeng is looking for me. I have to get there within three or ten minutes." Starley replied.

"What is he looking for you at this time?" Princess Qiaona pondered, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and said, "Is it because the people on Earth attacked them, and they are in danger! That's why they came here for help?"

"I don't think so! At that time, we suggested that the "Genesis" of the earthlings should stop in the Juxing Sea. According to their speed, even if they pass through the water, it is impossible to reach the information center of the Levin City Federation so quickly." Leon Horton calculated the time and said with certainty.

"You're just talking about the average speed, but it's not necessarily the case for Brother Xiaogang. I guess Brother Xiaogang found Qi Meng before us." Princess Qiaona said.

"No matter what, you stay here, I'll go over and have a look." Starley didn't listen to them discussing the earthlings at all, and decided decisively.

"No, we must go. One more person will give us more strength. Besides, if we are from Earth, I can also introduce you. All in all, we are ready, and it's time to compete with them!" Princess Jona insisted.

Just when the two were arguing evenly, Leon Horton said: "Princess Qiaona, you stay, and I will go with Starley."

"No...I..." Princess Jona still wanted to defend herself.

"It's decided!" Leon Holden said in an unquestionable voice.

Princess Jona was stunned. Leon Horton had never spoken to her in such a blunt tone.

Seeing Princess Jona's aggrieved face, Leon Holden regained his gentle tone, hugged her shoulders with both hands, and said emotionally: "Father has already left, you can't be in the slightest danger anymore, Starley can't do without you!" Leave you, I can't live without you, even more than the Xiusi Empire!"

When Princess Jona heard that Leon Horton also called her father, she suddenly felt a burst of warmth, and threw herself on Leon Horton's chest, choking up.

Starley's heart was also tumbling for a while, but the time had already decreased by the second, he had to interrupt the tenderness of the two, and said: "Leon Holden, let's set off quickly." Then, he ordered Princess Jona said: "You should also maintain appropriate vigilance. This battleship has excellent defense and concealment performance. As long as you don't start it, generally no one will find and enter it. After we leave, you must immediately activate the first-level defense system. Just in case!"

Princess Jona let go of Leon Horton, and nodded heavily before wiping away her tears.

"Also, I will send you an information wave at the right time, so that you can know our situation. Remember, if you want to find me, just press this white button." After finishing these words, Starley started the cabin door, and Leon Holden left in the spaceship.

"Father, you must keep brother Starley and Leon Horton safe." Princess Jona clasped her hands together and said silently in her heart.

At the same time, there were two people waiting anxiously.

The two are officially Qi Meng and Dr. Mo.

At this moment, Dr. Mo is more charming than ever. His long blond hair is braided into a long and smooth braid, hanging down loosely, covered with small yellow flowers, which looks pure and charming.

Qi Meng didn't have the heart to admire Dr. Mo's beauty. He held up the detector and said, "We'll be there in 10 minutes. It's time for him to come."

"What's the hurry? Isn't this coming?" It was the voice of Starley.

At this time, Qi Meng's detector suddenly rang sharply.

"Why can I only hear Starley's words, but not see anyone?" Dr. Mo asked puzzled.

"My detector has been connected to Starley's spaceship, so I can hear his words and know his whereabouts in advance." Zimon replied, pointing to a red one on the detector panel. Moving dots of light.

"So that's how it is. I can't see it, but you really have a way." Dr. Mo smiled coquettishly, and changed back to a neutral, magnetic and charming voice.

Sure enough, within a minute, a white spaceship appeared in the sky. The spaceship became bigger and bigger, and slowly landed in front of Qi Meng and Dr. Mo.

"What an idiot, it really was me who designed me, and Qi Meng actually brought Dr. Mo's enchantress here." Si Dali said angrily when he saw Dr. Mo's alluring and sexy figure at a glance.

"Dr. Mo? Is that the homosexual who chased you crazy? Isn't he a man?" Leon Horton asked in confusion, opening his eyes desperately, and only saw a man named Qi Meng poking there.

"God knows what he thinks, a good man won't do it!" Si Dali said helplessly.In any case, Dr. Mo also has a deep affection for him, and Sdali also sighed hopelessly about this, and let it go, who knows that he bumped into him again here.

"Starley, Qi Meng doesn't look dangerous, is it a fraud?" Leon Horton hesitated.

"Never mind him, we've already arrived here, so why not go find out what happened." Starley said.

"That's good." Leon Horton said, and the two got off the spaceship.

"You, why are you together?" Qi Meng didn't expect that Leon Horton was still alive and mixed with Starley, which made him a little at a loss.

Dr. Mo didn't pay much attention to Leon Horton, since the moment Starley appeared in her line of sight, he has been staring at him for a second.

"Why can't we be together? You are still with Dr. Mo! What kind of tricks are you trying to play?" Leon Horton became furious when he saw Qi Meng and thought of his attempt to harm himself and Princess Jona before. Come.

"That's right, Master Qi Meng, what are you doing? I thought you were going to die, so I hurried over and brought a helper. Who knew you were alive and well, what a disappointment!" Starley pretended to be disappointed.

Qi Meng is really angry and has nowhere to vent, and now he is not human at both ends.

"Okay, no matter what, we've settled the matter, so don't make such silly jokes in the future." Starley said as he prepared to pull Leon Horton away.

"Wait a minute." Dr. Mo said suddenly.

"What? Did Dr. Mo have something to say?" Stuart stopped.In fact, he already knew that this should be Dr. Mo's idea, but he was not going to point it out, after all, falling in love with a transgender person would hurt his manly self-esteem.

"Don't be so indifferent to me. You don't have any scheming about what other people think. The reason why I forced Qi Meng to come to you is to save you." Dr. Mo saw what was going on in Starley's mind and said sadly, there was nothing wrong with him. The previous crisp and strong look was lost.

"Save me?" Starley turned around, it seemed Dr. Mo's words aroused his interest.

"Do you know that Via is secretly chasing you everywhere!" Dr. Mo said.

"Of course I know, didn't I just steal his Lady of Heart? I want him to taste the loss!" Starley sneered.

"Even so, do you know how powerful Via is now? Do you know how cruel Via is? He can even kill his own uncle! Only I can help you now!" Dr. Mo saw Starley Not only did he have no intention of turning back, but he also showed more hatred in his eyes, and he couldn't help becoming anxious.

"I know better than anyone else what kind of person Via is. Otherwise, I wouldn't have stolen nothing but his favorite and most trusted Lady Red Heart?" Doctor's love.

Dr. Mo felt very helpless, lowered his beautiful eyes, sighed, and still did not give up persuading Starley: "Whether you believe it or not, I can only tell you that Via is not as powerful as you can imagine. Before you start killing you, stop!"

"Stali, did you really steal Via's Lady of Heart?" Leon Holden said in amazement.

Starley nodded.

"Not only that, but I also extracted the memory from Mrs. Red Heart's brainwaves and put it in my engine. It really serves multiple purposes, haha!" Starley whispered to Leon Horton.

Dr. Mo wanted to say something else, but Qi Meng suddenly stopped her and said, "I have found Starley for you, please help me take out that chip!"

"The chip has already been integrated into your blood, how can I get it?" Dr. Mo didn't persuade Starley to turn around, but he didn't know where to vent his anger.

"You! Are you kidding me?" Qi Meng was so angry that his eyes spit fire.

"I'm not playing tricks on you, I just said that I can let you live, not take out the chip for you." Dr. Mo said coldly.

"You bastard who is neither male nor female, how dare you play me? You put an indeterminate time bomb in my body and said you would let me live?" Qi Meng growled.

Qi Meng actually insulted himself in front of Starley, which really touched Dr. Mo's nerves.

Dr. Mo grabbed Qi Meng's neck at once, his eyes turned ferocious, and he shouted angrily: "You are already dying, and you dare to negotiate with me! Let you live, you can get out!"

After all, as soon as he let go, Qi Meng fell to the ground.

"I can't tell, this woman's body is soft and weak, but she has so much strength! It seems that she really showed her true colors!" Leon Horton was stunned and muttered in a low voice.

"Damn me, I'm going, I'm going." Qi Meng was frightened by Dr. Mo's sudden madness, and got up and was about to run.

Suddenly, the detector on the ground burst into a strong and continuous "didi" sound.

(End of this chapter)

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