The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2011 The Second Rush

Chapter 2011 The First Rush

Wei Wei ignored Dr. Mo's question, and said to Li Xiaogang: "I think with Mr. Li Xiaogang's ability, he will not make enemies with me for these two people. As long as you hand these two people over to me, I can give you everything you want." Wanted. Including Nuwa's information."

Li Xiaogang was secretly shocked in his heart, but on the surface he was calm, and said calmly: "You have a lot of bargaining chips, and I want it too, but I, Li Xiaogang, am not a person who sells friends for profit. These two people are my friends. I take care of their affairs!"

Via shook her head with a smile, and said in a mocking tone: "I heard that people on Earth are talented people who know the current affairs. It seems that people on Earth are really stupid!"

"Really? But do you know that I could kill you for countless moments just now?" Li Xiaogang sneered.I thought it was time to take action and teach this lifeless alien madman a lesson.

"Then don't hesitate, let's do it!" Faced with such a powerful energy wave emanating from Li Xiaogang's body, Via even dared to accept it.

"But I have a lot of questions and I need you to tell me, otherwise I will feel very uncomfortable." Li Xiaogang said with his head tilted.

"You can ask a question that I want to answer, it is my gift to the earth." Via looked very graceful.

"Since you look down on the earth so much, why did you go to Shennongjia?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"I'm looking for you, and get rid of someone I hate by the way." Via replied happily, the person he hated was of course the dead Qi Meng.

"Since I have answered you, you can make moves." Via remained motionless, thinking that she was waiting to be hit.

"I don't hit anyone who won't fight back." Li Xiaogang frowned.

"You have so many principles." Via suppressed his smile, wrapped his hands around his chest, and a powerful air flow rushed from behind him, like Li Xiaogang galloping towards him in an overwhelming momentum.

"Get up!" Li Xiaogang uttered a word clearly.A purple fire dragon flew out, instantly evaporating the air current completely.

"It's so strange, where did Via come from? It's kind of weird." Dr. Mo muttered in a low voice.

In fact, she is not the only one who has doubts in his heart. Li Xiaogang even felt that there was something familiar in Via's airflow, but he couldn't explain why. However, Via's luck was not very mature, so he was quickly given by Li Xiaogang Killed.

After Via's attack was blocked, she took three steps back.And the flying saucer team seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they completed the instant transformation one by one, turning into tower-shaped giants, with circular cannon barrels growing out of their abdomens, as if they would launch an attack at any time.

"Fat!" Via raised her hands above her head, then swung forward violently, shouting ferociously.

The circular gun barrel emits a laser cannon that is more than ten times higher than that of a nuclear weapon.

Apparently, this time Via spent all his money and came prepared. These new items are even more powerful than any existing weapons on the planet Najib.Moreover, these deformed flying saucers leaned together very tacitly, concentrating their energy and attacking in Li Xiaogang's direction.

"Scatter!" Li Xiaogang shouted.Then, like a torpedo, it flew into the ocean of these laser cannons, preparing to disperse these UFO people one by one.

After all, Li Xiaogang absorbed the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen, and he already has an immortal body.No matter how powerful these laser cannons are, they are not as powerful as Li Xiaogang's Nuwa Yuanshen possessed,
At this time, Dr. Mo was desperately protecting Starley, as if he was afraid of any harm to him.

"You little girl, can you stop protecting me like a hen protecting its chicks? This makes me, makes me very upset." Sida Li sniffled.

"You finally admitted that I am a woman. It seems that my efforts were not in vain." Dr. Mo said with a smile while avoiding the attack.

"I'm still in the mood to laugh at this moment, get out of the way quickly, it's safer for the two of you to run separately!" Starley's voice was almost roaring.

Right here, the flying saucer man has been beaten to pieces by Li Xiaogang, and only the flying saucer man carrying Via is still aggressively attacking.This flying saucer man is more than twice as tall as the others, with a pair of thick arms waving his teeth and claws, and dropping cannonballs, large and small, from time to time.

Dr. Mo was about to listen to Starley's words and disperse and dodge. At this time, a bomb was thrown from the arm of the UFO man and flew straight towards Starley. Dr. Mo exerted his greatest strength. , Pushing Starley far away, the moment Starley was pushed out, the bomb exploded.

Dr. Mo was hit by the bomb, and now he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead.

Stari was stunned, as if he had walked through the gate of hell.Li Xiaogang was busy cleaning up the remaining remnants, but he didn't expect to pay attention here. These flying saucer teams are really too powerful, as tough as Transformers. When he came back to his senses, Dr. Mo and Starley There has been an accident.

"What a bastard! If you have the ability to come at me, what's the point of blowing up a woman?" Li Xiaogang was furious, and a thick purple light was sent directly to Via, and Via couldn't avoid it, screaming "ah" With a bang, it was blown into pieces!

"This is too incredible." Seeing that Via was wiped out like this, Starley couldn't believe his eyes.

"What's unbelievable, my purple magic light is so powerful that I don't even know how powerful it is, let alone a mere Via." Li Xiaogang withdrew his attack and said.

Although Via was wiped out in this way, several people were not happy at all.

"Go and see how Dr. Mo is doing?" Leon Horton reminded a few people.

Starley hurriedly turned around to look for Dr. Mo, but only saw a scorched area on the ground, not even the residue.It seemed that she was so focused on saving Starley that she didn't even have time to take the most basic precautions.

Thinking of this, the blood in Starley's whole body was about to freeze. Thinking of Dr. Mo giving up his bright future and even his life in the end, he felt that he was almost drowned by self-blame.

"Si Dali, don't be too sad. After all, Xiao Mo sacrificed for love. She must be happy before she left." Leon Horton said Anwei, in fact, he was deeply shocked by Dr. Mo's actions.

"I'm so unworthy! At least she knows what true love is, and I just avoid, ridicule, and even dismiss it. I'm damned, damned!" Staley hammered his head desperately, squatting down, feeling the pain Extremely.

"Don't cry! What's the matter with you acting like a girl?" Li Xiaogang frowned. After all, he was secretly depressed after someone died.He has not been in contact with Dr. Mo for a long time, but when he thinks that there are "mistresses" and "mistresses" everywhere on the earth, they can sell their love and body for money, but it is really rare to meet such a strong woman on the planet Najib.If Dr. Mo hadn't been blown to pieces, Li Xiaogang still had a way to save her, but now, even gods can't save her.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I just blame myself." Starley said.He always thought that he loved Princess Qiaona, but now, he realized that Dr. Mo's true love for him was to give without reservation.

"Self-blame doesn't matter, I don't behave better when I'm alive." Li Xiaogang said, he didn't know that Dr. Mo was really a man.

It was difficult for Sida Li to explain, so he had to accept Li Xiaogang's accusation silently.

"Besides, Via is already dead, which is regarded as revenge for Xiao Mo. If Jona knows, she must be very happy." Leon Horton said.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that Via will not die so easily." Starley said suddenly.

"What? You don't believe me?" Li Xiaogang glanced at him.

"No. Your energy wave is very powerful, and I believe it is enough to kill Via, but I wonder if it was Via who died just now." Staley really had more eyes.

"That's right, the scene was so chaotic just now, no one can be sure if he has dropped his bag." When Si Dali asked, Li Xiaogang also became uncertain.

When Leon Horton heard this, he turned his head desperately to recall the situation just now.

"By the way!" Leon Holden suddenly realized, slapped his head, and said, "I did see two Weirs just now, and I thought I was dazzled by so many powerful attacks, what do you say? , I do feel that something is wrong, and I feel more and more that they have dropped people!"

"You idiot, why didn't you yell and remind me!" Li Xiaogang slapped him down, and Leon Horton hurriedly dodged.

"I was also stunned at the time, and besides, it was only for a moment, I, I..." Leon Horton didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, I don't blame you anymore. Anyway, it doesn't matter if the bombing is real or fake. We won today's game. Wei Wei suffered a lot, so he won't act rashly again." Li Xiaogang Said. "The next time I meet again, I will definitely catch this skinny ghost myself and make sure to kill him."

After all, Li Xiaogang looked around and saw that Jona was nowhere to be seen, so he asked a few words. After knowing that Princess Jona was safe, he prepared to discuss with Starley about joining Shen Qihong and the others to attack the Levin City Federation. matter.

"Not good!" Li Xiaogang suddenly yelled.

Starley and Leon Horton immediately cast questioning glances.

"Via killed Qi Meng so easily, does this mean that the battle map that Qi Meng gave us is also fake?" Li Xiaogang asked himself and said, "It must be fake. Then Shen Qihong and the others are heading towards Levin City. The Federation stronghold is attacking!"

"Levin City is indeed the stronghold of the federation, but as far as I know, the federation has been messed up by Via, and now no one knows where the federation is, where the information center is, and Zimon will know ? I don’t believe it either!” Sida Li’s words further confirmed Li Xiaogang’s guess.

(End of this chapter)

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