The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2012 Joint Committee

Chapter 2012 Joint Committee
From this point of view, they were still plotted against by Via.

"I think the top priority is to divide the troops into two groups. Leon Holden went to find Qiao Na, and Li Xiaogang and I went to intercept Shen Qihong and the others. Let's see if we can stop them in time!" Staley said decisively.

"Okay!" Several people reached an agreement and immediately split up.

At the same time, Via was sitting in a super luxurious laboratory with her legs crossed, not knowing what she was thinking.I saw that his face was gloomy, as if he would explode at any moment.

"Emperor Wei, Via, I have something to report." A man in a white coat who looked like a scientist said tremblingly.

"Say." Via spat out a word coldly.

"According to the detectors we left at the battle site just now, that earthling named Li Xiaogang and Starley have already started to act!" The white coat raised his head and replied.

"Where did they go?" Via continued to ask, playing with the tall wine glass in her hand.

"They moved too fast, they didn't detect..." the white coat replied in a low voice.

"What? Didn't detect it? Give me a convincing reason!" Via said angrily.

"This detection system has been operated by Dr. Mo, I, I am not yet proficient in operating it." The white coat answered honestly.

"Crack!" Via threw the goblet on the ground fiercely, making a loud noise in the empty laboratory.

"Don't mention this woman to me, it's because she ruined my good deeds, it's really not a pity to die!" Via roared, thinking of losing a capable leader, his heart felt as distressed as if he had lost money.

The white coat was trembling with fear from Via, for fear that Via would use him as a blowing bucket if she was unhappy.

"Help me get in touch with Bensa, in three or 10 minutes, I'm going to hold a committee meeting of the federation immediately!" Via said loudly.

The white coat seemed to have received an amnesty, and just had an excuse to slip away.

"What's wrong? Who made you so angry?" At this moment, a person walked in.This person is none other than Via's wife, Daisy, Benkensa's daughter. She is tall and burly, in stark contrast to Via.

"Why are you here? Don't you know that no one is allowed to enter my laboratory without authorization?" Facing his wife, Via said coldly without the slightest warmth.

"Why do you treat me like this? Am I "anyone" in your mouth? I am your wife!" Daisy said angrily.His fat face was full of dissatisfaction and anger that had been accumulated for a long time.

Facing Daisy's unattractive face, Via really couldn't be gentle, so she could only remain indifferent and said: "Don't think that your father is the president of the Star Federation, I will bow down to you."

"Ouch." Daisy let out a strange cry, and said, "I think you know that your old lover, that bitch Qiao Na, is back. Otherwise, how could you make a 180° turn in your attitude? When I saw you In order to marry me, you have worked so hard!"

Via was really complaining in her heart, this Daisy was ugly, she couldn't get married at first, and she just spent a lot of money to catch the bait, but now she was described as "exhaustively painstaking", she really wanted to die There is.

However, it is better not to offend this stupid woman before Benkensa passes on the position to himself.

Via made up her mind, forced a smile, and said, "Honey, you really wronged me. I was going to kill Princess Qiaona and her gang just now! How can it be said that I will never forget her old love."

"Really?" Daisy immediately burst into a smile, her face really changed faster than turning the pages of a book, then she looked around and asked, "Where are you? Let me slap you twice first!"

"It's so stupid, how did Benksa give birth to such a freak." Via cursed secretly in her heart, and then said with a sad face: "I didn't catch it! That's why I got angry. And, and, if it wasn't for me in advance Thoughtful, I got myself a robot stand-in, maybe I'm already dead, and you're going to be a widow too!"

"You almost lost your life. Who on this planet Najib can take the life of my husband Daisy? See if I don't tear him apart!" Daisy roared angrily.

"It's a person from Earth. There's also Starley, that fateful guy!" Via replied.

"Earth people? Did you make a mistake! Didn't you send Qi Meng to destroy them last time? Why? It didn't work?" Daisy asked hastily.

"Don't mention it, not only Uncle Zimon, but also Dr. Mo died!" Via pretended to be depressed, it seems that he didn't tell Daisy a word about the truth.

Daisy obviously didn't know that she was being cheated all over the place, and at this moment she was already furious at being incited.

"I'm going to tell Dad quickly to arrest these earthlings and see if they dare to be arrogant on the territory of our planet Najib. I want to destroy them all like the planet Suda, and they will evolve more than a hundred times. !” Daisy scolded and jumped.

It was exactly what Via wanted. Seeing that he had achieved his goal, he hit the rails while it was still hot: "I was going to tell Dad, but I was afraid that Dad wouldn't want to send a strong army to help me attack them, so I was going to have a meeting to study it. Discuss with other members."

"Let's discuss something. There are only ten committee members in total. My brother Ola, you, and you, including Dad, are already four people. Now that Dr. Mo is dead, Emperor Dion and Princess Jona have been removed. We I already have the right to decide." Daisy said, completely unaware that she was stepping into the trap set by Via step by step.

Via's heart was about to burst with joy, but her face was still full of sadness.

"Why, you're still not happy when I say that, don't worry?" Daisy asked strangely seeing that Via wasn't looking happy.

"I'm worried about Ola. He has never advocated fighting, and he is always on guard against me taking your father's place. I'm afraid he will vote against this time." Via said pitifully.

"So you're worried about Ola, haha, there's no need for that." Daisy breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and said, "My brother has been a coward since he was a child, and my father is also hesitating whether to let the president This is a major issue related to the future development of Planet Najib, don't worry, Ola will leave it to me and Dad to handle it!"

Hearing what Daisy said, Via felt more sympathy for Ben Bensa, and it seemed that it would be more appropriate for him to take his place, and her confidence in her heart increased.

"Report! President Benksa has been notified, but he needs to talk to you first!" The white coat ran over and said.

Via had expected that Benbensa would look for him, and ordered: "Agree to connect!"

The white coat handed the microphone to Via.

"Hello, Dad." Via greeted.

"Hello, why did you convene the committee in such a hurry without my consent?" Ben Bensa's voice seemed a little unhappy.

"Father, listen to my explanation. I have just passed the line of life and death. A very powerful earthling has already attacked our planet Najib, and they are also fighting with Emperor Dion's daughter, Princess Jona, and Starley and the others are mixed together," Via quickly explained.

"So that's the case." Benkensa seemed to believe Via's words, thought for a while, and asked again: "How is the situation now? Can it be controlled?"

"Just now I sent the most powerful UFO team, but it failed miserably. Moreover, I didn't see Princess Jona. I guess they have another team." Via exaggerated.

"So that's the case." Benkensa realized the seriousness of the situation.Via's flying saucer team is one of the most powerful teams on the planet Najib, and it was so easily wiped out. It seems that these earthlings are really menacing, and they should not be underestimated.

"Father, our time is running out, let's have a meeting!" Daisy interjected from the side.

"Well, good. In 10 minutes, all the committee members will gather in the conference hall of the Federation Information Center Building." Benkensa finished speaking and hung up.

"Daisy, let's go." Via hugged Daisy's thick shoulders, and Daisy happily left with Via.

Levin City, Federation Information Center Building, Chamber.

"Is there anything unexpected?" A man with a fat head and big ears who looked like an official asked beside him.

"It is said that Princess Qiaona, the daughter of the original Bixius Empire, is back!" A gentleman-like man next to the fat man replied.

"What did I say earlier? At the beginning, Emperor Dion managed the Bixiu Si Empire well, and he gave us so much investment in the Federation every year. I don't understand why you supported Via's rebellion in the first place!" Another long The man with the mustache snorted coldly.

"We didn't support Via's rebellion. Little committee members like us still listen to the chairman? Besides, what can we do if they kill first and then play?" the fat man said angrily.Obviously disagree with Mustache.

"I think you should stop arguing. Today's meeting is obviously just a formality. My family already has four votes, and the three of us are just a display." The gentleman-like man said meaningfully.

"Well, you're right. We, no matter what they say later, we have to agree. Anyway, it doesn't matter who is the master of the Bixiu Si Empire, as long as they invest a lot in us." The fat man agreed.

The gentleman nodded.

Mustache sneered, but didn't speak.Obviously there is no objection.

At this time, the door of the meeting room opened, and Ben Bensa walked in with Ola, Daisy, and Via.

"Haha, the three of you are really positive, you have arrived at the venue so early." Benkensa sat down on the host seat, and then motioned for the three of Via to sit down.

"That's it, that's it." The president personally asked us to have a meeting, how could we not arrive early, why should the president wait for us?

The fat man smirked.

(End of this chapter)

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