The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2024 Bad Omen

Chapter 2024 Bad Omen

"Mia, you must follow us carefully with Latti, and don't get lost!" Newcastle warned after getting out of the car.

Mia said "Okay" and held Letti's hand tightly.

"Newcastle, don't you want to take me to Lele Street? What are you doing in the shopping center? It's not fun here!" Ratti circled around and said with a frown.

As soon as Newcastle's eyes were filled with a variety of high-end products, she didn't have the heart to care about Latti, so she casually said: "I'll go shopping for a while, and then I will go with you." Following Nina, she walked to the mall.

Mia hurriedly pulled Latti to follow closely.

"I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm going to Lele Street!" Latti muttered, with a reluctance on his face.But in this strange place, she had to follow obediently.

"Ma'am, why did you bring these two followers! They are annoying and can't help you!" Seeing that Newcastle was in a good mood, Nina asked in a low voice.

"Hmph, you don't understand." Newcastle looked very complacent, and continued, "I'm just in case, I know the master won't let us go to Levin City, but I'm going back to my hometown soon, If you don’t buy some high-end goods and go back, you won’t be laughed to death by those sisters!”

"But, what does this have to do with you bringing them out?" Nina still didn't understand.

"You are such a deadhead, you have been with me for so many years!" Newcastle rolled her eyes at her, and then explained, "Think about it, if the master knows about our going out, you can use them as a shield! "

"Ah, so that's the case, Ma'am, you are so tall!" Nina stretched out her thumb.

"Stop talking nonsense, we don't have much time to buy things, hurry up and buy them! Don't forget, buy expensive ones!" Newcastle said, pointing all the way in the mall.

But Mia and Latti behind her were not so happy.

Newcastle went to the fur counter for a while, bought supplements for a while, or went to the perfume shop, but Mia and Ratty were exhausted.

"Newcastle, I can't walk anymore! I want to eat! I'm going to Lele Street." When he walked to the rest area of ​​the shopping mall, Ratti refused to leave without saying anything, and simply sat on the chair so that he couldn't get up up.

"What's so interesting about Lele Street? Look here. Is there anything delicious? I'll buy you whatever you want!" Newcastle was spending money, and didn't want to take them to Lele Street at all.

"That's right, Miss Ratty, it's getting late, why don't you just hang out here, and then we can go back together!" Nina also chimed in.

"So you lied to me in the first place! Mia, let's go!" Latti was already tired and hungry, but when she knew that she had been cheated, she suddenly became angry.

"Latty, let's stay with Newcastle, what if we meet bad people!" Mia was anxious, and really regretted that she didn't insist on staying at home.

"I don't care! I'm going to Lele Street now!" Miss Ratty got angry, and she stood up and was about to go to the exit.

Mia quickly stepped forward to hold Latti, and said to Newcastle, "Why don't you send us to Lele Street, and then go find us when you leave?"

They made such a fuss, which has already attracted the attention of other people. Newcastle wanted to give Latti a slap, but under the eyes of everyone, she couldn't bully a child in public, so she could only say with a smile: "Okay , well, let the driver take you there, but you must leave on time in an hour!"

Ratti didn't appreciate it at all, made a face at Newcastle, and was about to pull Mia away.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the distance, and for some unknown reason, the flow of people in the shopping mall began to rush towards Newcastle, and some people were shouting: "It's terrible, there are monsters! There are monsters!"

"Oh, oh, don't squeeze! Oh, I squeezed out my limited-edition coat!" Newcastle and Nina were carrying a lot of things, and they were pushed around in the crowd, very embarrassed.

At first, Newcastle and the others thought it was a shopping mall event, trying to attract the attention of customers, but when they saw the panicked faces of people not far away, they felt something was wrong.

"Mia, Latty, come to the open space here, Nina, put your things down, and go over there to have a look." Newcastle said, remembering that Monterey told them not to come to Levin City no matter what, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and didn't know what happened.

Looking at the crowd, Nina was also very reluctant, but facing Newcastle's order, she had to put down the things in her hand and squeeze forward against the flow of people.

"Sir, what happened in front?" Nina saw a white man in a suit and leather shoes struggling in the crowd beside her, so she quickly seized the opportunity to ask.

"It's terrible! It's terrible, I didn't see it either, everyone said there was a monster coming, but I didn't see it either." After the white man finished speaking, he didn't know where he was pushed.

At this time, Monterey's face was ashen, and there was a row of strong men standing in front of him, trembling, waiting to be punished.

"Master, we didn't find Miss and Madam." The housekeeper Simon stepped forward and reported.

"Didn't I tell you that if you can't find it, don't come back to see me? How come you have the face to report!" Monterey slapped the table and said angrily.

The housekeeper was so frightened that he trembled, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"You can't even look at a few people, why do you still have the face to live?" Monterey continued to curse.

"I stopped, but my wife said..." Simon responded in a low voice.

"What did that woman say?" Monterey asked.I thought to myself, it's fine for Newcastle to go out by herself, but she even took Latti out, it really spoiled her!
"The lady said that the lady must pester her to Lele Street." Simon replied.

"What? Lele Street? They went to downtown Levin?" Monterey was startled, and then a burst of anger welled up in his heart. He had already told him not to go to Levin City, especially the city center. It turned out that what I said was farting.But now they don't see any of them, and Monterey can't help but worry because he doesn't care about being angry.

"Housekeeper, hurry up and take a few more people to look around Lele Street, as well as those shopping malls in the city center..." Monterey thought for a while and said, "Yes, those Fulian supermarkets that Newcastle often go to Commercial building!"

"Yes." The strong men replied in unison.

For some reason, Monterey was always inexplicably uneasy.

At the same time, Mia and the others in the Fuli'an Commercial Building are not doing well.The flow of people kept rushing forward, and they neither entered nor retreated in order to wait for Nina.

"Mia, I'm so scared!" Lettie cried.I began to regret being fooled by Newcastle.

Mia held on to Leti tightly to prevent the crowd from pushing them away.

"Don't be afraid, let's stand aside!" Mia calmed down instead, and shouted at Ratty and Newcastle.

Ten minutes passed, the flow of people began to decrease, and Nina finally appeared out of breath.

"What's going on? It hasn't shown up for so long!" Newcastle said angrily.

"Nina, what happened ahead?" Mia also asked.

Nina didn't care to catch her breath, and said in a panic: "It's terrible, many strange robots suddenly appeared on the street, they released a lot of poisonous gas, and many people were poisoned to death, let's leave quickly! Otherwise If they catch you, you will die!"

"Ah?" The three of them opened their mouths wide open when they heard the news.

"Let's get out of here quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late!" After Nina finished speaking, she left behind a few people who were still in a daze, and ran away in a hurry!
"Damn girl, we have been waiting for her for so long, how dare she just run away like this..." Newcastle said angrily.

Mia interrupted her, and quickly reminded: "Newcastle, let's leave quickly. If it's really like what Nina said, I'm afraid we won't be able to hide at that time!"

Newcastle nodded, and several people started to run in the opposite direction.

At this time, Levin City is already in a mess, and the original bustling and noisy can no longer be seen. The ground is full of dead bodies and monsters are rampant. It is already like a dead city, full of despair everywhere.

And the center of the mess is the United Center building, with black and yellow smoke rising from the ruins, with a pungent smell.This is exactly the source of the poisonous gas you mentioned, and some robots emerge from the ruins from time to time, and walk slowly towards the city center with their teeth and claws open.

Via also had a hard time beneath the United Center building.At the same time, Via has summoned Xiao Ke, Peng Li and others to secretly discuss countermeasures.

"Emperor Via, do you want to discuss this matter with Ben Bensa?" It was Peng Li in the black windbreaker who asked.

"You don't have a brain! This matter must not be leaked out! I have just taken charge of the joint committee, and I must not let anything fall into their hands!" Via said viciously.

"But, if they find out, wouldn't it be even worse!" Peng Li continued to ask.

"Hmph, I've already arranged for Bensa, Mas, Joss and those pleasure-seeking people to take a ten-day tour to Reina Island. I don't believe they will be willing to come back with a luxury cruise ship and a large number of beauties?" Ya said disdainfully.

"It's hard to say, don't forget that there is Ola! He has been staring at us, always trying to find fault!" Xiao Ke said, on this point, he agrees with Peng Li.

"Ola, isn't he transporting military supplies in other places? I don't think he will know for a while, you should think about how to control the situation in front of you!" Via shook her head and said, not at all Ola took it into consideration.

"Oh, this problem is really tricky. The Sleeping Beauty system was originally an experimental product, but now that bastard Li Xiaogang disturbed it, the system has gone out of control!" Peng Li said.

(End of this chapter)

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