The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2025 Sleeping Beauty Defense System

Chapter 2025 Sleeping Beauty Defense System

"I know the system is out of control. You don't need to remind me, but how should I solve it now?" Via asked impatiently.

"It can't be solved for the time being!" Peng Li replied boldly.

"Can't solve it? I'll give you six days to shut down the Sleeping Beauty system before those old ghosts in Benksa come back!" Via said angrily.

At this time, Xiao Ke stood up and said: "Via, it's not impossible to destroy this Sleeping Beauty, but it does take a long time. The main thing is to wake up Sleeping Beauty's defense system. As long as her defense system is activated, it will slowly Back to normal."

"How long did you say?" Via asked with a frown. Hearing that it could be resolved, his tone softened a bit.

"At least ten days." Xiao Ke replied.

"Ten days won't work, those old ghosts are back, even if you wake up Sleeping Beauty's defense system, it won't help!" Via shook her head, resolutely denying Xiao Ke's idea.

"Ten days is the minimum time limit. If you don't agree, there's nothing I can do." Xiao Ke spread his hands helplessly.

Via knew that once Xiao Ke said there was no other way, it was probably true that there was no other way. After thinking for a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "It seems that I have to go out and stabilize those old ghosts myself."

"Emperor Via, you want to go to Reina Island in person? Isn't there no leader in the laboratory?" Xiao Ke asked in surprise.

Via nodded heavily, and said, "That's all. If I don't go out and make up some lies to delay them, these old and cunning people won't believe it!"

"Emperor Via, you really can't go!" Xiao Ke objected.

"Oh? Then tell me why?" Via asked strangely.

"Emperor Via, you may not know how dangerous the Sleeping Beauty system will be if it loses control this time!" Peng Lideshock replied.

"Isn't it just as expected, but all the systems are paralyzed and can't be operated again?" Via said puzzled.

"Yes, this is what will happen if Sleeping Beauty is misoperated or cracked. But that Li Xiaogang guy used a lot of energy sources to destroy the building, which has already hurt Sleeping Beauty's source system, that is to say, The Sleeping Beauty was not damaged, but mutated under Li Xiaogang's huge energy impact!" Peng Li continued.

"Mutation? Has it become stronger, or has it become another system?" Via asked.

"Whether it becomes more powerful or another system, one thing is certain, once Sleeping Beauty mutates, it is likely to become a killing machine, because according to the original setting, Sleeping Beauty is particularly aggressive, and the main force It's about biochemical weapons, after the mutation, it's equivalent to having a new mind, and she will control the things she wants to control as she pleases, and I guess it will cause a devastating blow to Levin City." Peng Li said, looking at Xiao Ke glance.

Xiao Ke nodded, and then Peng Li said: "If I'm not wrong, the first step of the mutated Sleeping Beauty should be to release a large amount of bacterial poisonous gas. However, it would be fine if only one city of Levin was sacrificed, but no one can." It is impossible to predict how powerful the mutated Sleeping Beauty will be, and how wide the scope of influence will be, after all, we have invested almost all of the scientific research power of Planet Najib on her."

"So, only we are safe here?" Via asked back.

"It can only be said that our place is a safe zone for the time being. Although the Sleeping Beauty system has mutated, the controller area will have automatic defense devices, and we are just in the center of the controller. If the controller mutates, the entire planet Najib will be destroyed." We will face a catastrophe!" Xiao Ke said very seriously.

This was obviously not expected by Via.As early as ten years ago, Via already had the intention of rebellion, but he planned it out, and spent ten years building such an underground palace-like experiment under the building of the Federation by transferring the property under the name of Dion. Besides, no one would have imagined that he would establish his own base downstairs in the Najib Planetary Information Center Building, a scientific research center with all the top technologies in the world, and train three right-hand men, Dr. Mo, Xiao Ke, and Peng Li. With today's "Sleeping Beauty".Unexpectedly, a small earthling would confine his ten years of hard work to a difficult situation.

Thinking of Li Xiaogang, Via's teeth were so angry that they almost gnawed off!

He sneered, his face was ashen, and he said angrily: "Now that I have reached this point, I will simply tear myself apart with those old ghosts, and I don't care what they do. Now I have only one purpose, which is to let that earthling die!"

Seeing Via's fury, Xiao Ke and Peng Li looked at each other, neither of them dared to say anything.

After a while, he regained his composure and asked, "How many stages does the Sleeping Beauty system mutate?"

"Four." Xiao Ke replied.He is the lead engineer for the Sleeping Beauty system.He couldn't be more familiar with this information. Seeing that Via didn't speak, he continued: "The first is poisonous gas, the second is bacteria, the third is genes, and the fourth..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, and then continued: "The fourth is mutation. As for what kind of mutation, I don't know."

After saying this, Xiao Ke's face was pale.After all, as the creator of this system, today's situation is also inseparable from him.

"Tell me more specifically, what is the difference between these four stages?" Via continued to ask.After all, from the beginning to the end, he was only an investor, pouring money into a project continuously, and in order to avoid Dion's suspicion, he rarely showed up, so he didn't know the specific situation of Sleeping Beauty.

Seeing that Xiao Ke's face was not looking well, Peng Li replied for him: "The first stage, the poison gas stage, people who are attacked will only suffer from burns and vomiting, and those who are seriously injured will die. The second bacterial stage, compared with poison gas stage, the infection speed will be much greater than that of the second stage, and the affected area will also be doubled. If a person encounters poisonous gas within 1 minute, he will react, and if he is infected by bacteria, he will react within a second. The above-mentioned symptoms will appear within ten seconds, and the whole body will definitely be infected within ten seconds, festering and dying. The third stage is the gene, that is to say, once the mutant gene of Sleeping Beauty is infiltrated into the cells, it will cause genetic recombination, and a certain part of the body Earth-shaking and terrifying changes will take place in this part, although it will not cause pain or casualties, but it is highly hereditary, a person infected with the mutant gene of Sleeping Beauty, his next generation will be exactly the same as him."

"You mean that once the third stage is reached, the people on Planet Najib will be wiped out?" Via asked in surprise.

"That's right." Peng Li replied honestly.

Via frowned, he really didn't dare to think about the terrible consequences that would happen if he reached the fourth stage.

"And the fourth stage will be the mutation stage. Once attacked by Sleeping Beauty's mutant electric waves, this person can only become a kind of monster that no one knows. Maybe they will kill each other, maybe they will no longer be human, Planet Najib may not be Planet Najib again." Xiao Ke said a very harsh fact in a deep voice.

"Fart your farts! This situation is caused by you two idiots!" Via shouted loudly.Evidently he, too, was overwhelmed by the dire consequences.

"I told you a long time ago that Sleeping Beauty is only in the experimental stage and cannot be put into use." Peng Li defended in a low voice!

"Get out of here! Let's all die together!" Via was furious, and there was no room for anyone to argue.What's more, I was shooting myself in the foot with a stone, and I was feeling extremely depressed.

Xiao Ke didn't pay attention to Via's violent temper, but took a step forward and said solemnly: "Emperor Via, now is not the time to complain, nor is it the time to distinguish right from wrong. Now that the planet Najib is facing extinction, we must Find a way to take measures!"

Seeing this, Peng Li also ran over and said, "Yeah, after all, we are only in the first stage, and only a few people have died. Besides, the first stage lasts a long time, and each stage has a dormant period of one month." Right now, we still have plenty of time.”

Via thought to herself, since the incident has already happened, it is useless to blame anyone, so she calmed down and said in a deep voice, "How fast is Sleeping Beauty spreading?"

Xiao Ke looked at his watch and said, "According to this speed, we may have already reached Huoda City."

"Hoda City?" Via smirked, and suddenly realized: "It's Monterey Manor!"

Xiao Ke and Peng Li nodded respectively.

"Hmph, the collapse of Sleeping Beauty's system may be a good thing, let them all see how good I am, and see who dares to fight against me in the future!" Via said viciously, waving his slender arms, which is really worrying At any moment, the arm will be broken.

The Monterey estate is in turmoil.

"What, you said that Levin City has been attacked by unknown forces, and you can't get in?" Monterey said in shock. His first reaction was that those people on Earth were doing something wrong. People on Earth are so powerful. At this moment, in his heart The shock was far greater than the panic.

"Yes, it looks like it's poisonous gas. Looking at the momentum, it seems to be spreading to the outskirts of our city of Hoda!" Simon the housekeeper said tremblingly, his face full of fear.

"Have they found Mrs. and Miss?" Monterey didn't care about any earthlings or alien attacks at the moment, and what he was most worried about now was whether his loved ones were still safe.

"I found the driver..." Simon muttered.

"Where is the driver, find him!" Monterey said hastily.

"The driver has already been invaded by poisonous gas, and there is only one breath left, and there are many out-of-control monsters coming out, and the bodyguards are busy running for their lives. Where can I find Miss and the others..." Simon said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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