The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2041 Go to the Holy Land

Chapter 2041 Go to the Holy Land
Daisy was not angry about this man's words, she went up to him, hugged him lightly, and said, "Long time no see, but you have matured a lot, it seems that the king is not easy to be!"

It turned out that this person was King Joy of Mecca.Li Xiaogang looked him up and down, he was indeed very young, but there was a hint of sadness on his face, which didn't match his vigorous attire.

Daisy was not as meticulous as Li Xiaogang, she was still immersed in the joy of getting together with her childhood friends, she pulled Joey to Monterey, and introduced, "This is Uncle Monterey, do you remember?"

Monterey was also quietly looking at Joey, feeling that time was passing by in his heart, and in a blink of an eye, the child had succeeded to the throne.

Qiao Iran smiled and said: "It's Uncle Monterey! Of course I remember, he is the first general of Planet Najib! When I was young, you taught me a lot to be a man. Hey, I blamed me for crying too much back then." gone."

In one sentence, Monterey was elated. It seems that his glory has not been forgotten by the younger generation, so he also responded: "Don't dare to be, dare not be, I am old, and the world should be handed over to you to rule."

However, Monterey saw that Li Xiaogang and Mia had been hanging aside for a long time, and was afraid that Li Xiaogang would be unhappy, so he immediately said to Joey: "This is Li Xiaogang, a warrior from the earth, who is here to help us survive the disaster!"

Joey squinted his eyes, seeing Li Xiaogang's unattractive appearance, and with the little girl Mia beside him, he didn't have any aura at all.However, since it was Monterey's grand introduction, he also greeted him politely.

Then, Monterey said: "I heard that your father Cantel went to Trina Valley to recuperate. I just haven't seen him for a long time, and I also want to take my friends to enjoy Trina Valley." The hot spring bath!"

Unexpectedly, when Trina Valley was mentioned, Joey's face darkened, and he said worriedly: "Recently, we heard that the Bixius Empire has been occupied by poisonous gas cholera, and this poisonous gas is still blowing to us. The country spread, and many people flocked to Cuina Valley to worship and pray, and Cuina Valley was already crowded with people!" At this point, he turned to Daisy and said, "You are the princess of the Bixius Empire now, Now Bixiu Si Empire is in chaos, why did you come to us alone, and Via? Is he okay?"

This is really a matter of which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted. Daisy's stomach is full of flavors, and she doesn't know how to answer it.But after all, Joey is only the king of a country. How can he know what happened to the Federation recently? Moreover, he wholeheartedly believes that the poisonous gas in the Bixius Empire was purely accidental, and he is full of sympathy for the Bixius Empire dominated by Via!

"Don't mention that Via guy, he's a complete bastard!" Daisy said angrily.

Joey turned his questioning eyes to Monterey again.

"Mas, it's up to you to talk about the whole thing." Monterey didn't know how to speak.

Ma Si was on the sidelines, unable to speak, and his heart was almost anxious.But when he thought about his disgrace, if others found out that he was a member of the federation, he would lose the face of the federation. Just as he was about to slowly withdraw from the crowd, he happened to be called by Monterey, so he had no choice but to start again. walked out.

"This, this is Uncle Masi? How did you get into this?" Joey asked in surprise.

The last time Mas saw Joey, he was still a child, and now he was so tall and burly, but he was so wretched, he had to smile awkwardly, eased the atmosphere, and told what happened Joey.

"What are you talking about, it's all Via's fault? And now he has usurped power and become the president of the Federation?" Joey was stunned. Via's becoming the king of the Bixius Empire was already a conspiracy. Thinking that he still covets the president of the Federation, this guy's ambitions are too great.

"Yes, and this cholera is also caused by Via. The cholera is heading south. You should quickly think of a way to get the people to retreat to the south." Monterey reminded.

Joey nodded and said, "Part of the people in the north have been violated! I'm also trying to find a way! Sigh, I don't dare to announce it to the public, for fear of causing riots. It will be difficult to control by then!"

"It's not good, it's not good, there was a stampede in Trina Valley, and hundreds of people were killed and injured so far!" Suddenly, someone came to report.

Joey was shocked. His Mecca country only had a population of a few hundred thousand people, and it was considered a major event that a hundred people died at one time.This news came at an inopportune time, it added fuel to the fire!
"Hurry up and explain what happened clearly." Joey ordered with a heavy face.

The soldier who sent the message was relieved after running for a long time, and then hurriedly reported the incident to everyone.

It turned out that someone found auspiciousness in the hot spring in Trina Valley. For some reason, people who have soaked in this hot spring recently seemed to have taken a panacea. Either their bodies became stronger, and there were not a few sick people who returned to health. Anyway, It was rumored to be miraculous, and because of the poisonous gas cholera in the north, there were already many pilgrims seeking peace, so there were even more people.So, this stampede happened.And it is getting worse and worse, and it is becoming difficult to maintain.

"Hurry up and send the police! Go and maintain order! Let me clear the flow of people!" Joey said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"The police can't do it either. The policemen we sent over also took a hot spring with them!" The soldier also wiped his sweat.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Joey didn't know what to say, but kept cursing.

"And, they also said, also said..." The soldier stopped, as if he had something to say.

"Say it," Joey ordered.

"They say that even the old king gave up his throne and came to Trina Valley..." the soldier replied timidly.

Joey's face turned green instantly.It seems that the newly succeeded little king is indeed too unlucky. First he encountered cholera, and now there are stampedes and large-scale riots across the country. Misfortunes never come singly.

"You trash, I, I will deal with it myself!" Joey couldn't hold back, rolled up his cuffs regardless of his image, and said with a fist.

Li Xiaogang felt amused secretly, and said quietly to Mia: "It seems that it is not easy to be a king, but it is still free for ordinary people, and no one will say anything if you want to go to the hot spring."

Mia stared, and replied: "No one told you to take a hot spring, if you are not afraid of being trampled to death, go there!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Don't talk about it, it seems that we still have to see this magical Cuina Valley!"

Now it was Mia's turn to be surprised.

"No way, I was just joking, you really want to go there, so many people go to this hot spring, the bath water is probably not clean yet!" Mia curled her lips.

"Haven't you ever thought about what's suspicious about this Trina Valley?" Li Xiaogang asked back.

Mia shrugged and said: "So far, there is nothing suspicious except for the large number of people."

But Li Xiaogang looked mysterious, and said: "Your mother once told me through the memory stone, let me try to find the way to the fairyland, and then go to a place called "Xuanbing Illusion", complete the energy conversion, and merge the two into one. Remember this?"

Mia nodded, thought for a while, and suddenly said happily: "Could it be that Trina Valley is related to the fairy world?"

Li Xiaogang raised his fingers, gave a "hush", and said quietly: "I don't know if it matters, but since Nuwa can come to the planet Najib from the fairy world, there must be an exit. The road to the fairy world must not let go of any clues! Since this Trina Valley is a pilgrimage site for the planet Naji, I think it is worth exploring."

Mia nodded excitedly.Although she was born on the planet Najib, she has always been treated as an alien here. When she knew that she belonged to the fairy world, she had already regarded that place as her hometown. Now that she has a clue to go home, the happiest thing is of course That's her.

While the two were whispering, Monterey, Daisy, and Mars were also helping Joey with ideas.

"Joy, I think this is just a small commotion, and you don't need to go there yourself. Besides, we must focus on the overall situation now, and we must find ways to move everyone to the south away from cholera." Daisy said.

Masi also said: "We are bumpy along the way, you should settle us down, and then come to a long-term plan. This stampede only killed dozens of people, and you are so panicked? I think you are too heavy to be a king." Stop being angry!"

Joey was already irritable, and being scolded by Mas in such a public way, the flames almost burned to the top of his head. However, Mas is a senior and a member of the Federation after all, even if he is kicked out by Via. He is his own superior!He couldn't make a sound either, so he continued to keep a gloomy face and didn't speak.

"Mass, how can you talk like that? Although Joey is a junior, he is also the king of a country, how can you talk like that!" Monterey said.

Just when they were talking to each other, Li Xiaogang suddenly said loudly: "Send me two soldiers to lead the way, and I will set off to Trina Valley to help you put down the chaos!"

"Are you going? Are you going to Trina Valley to quell the chaos?" Joey looked disbelieving. This strange earthling threatened to quell the chaos. It's too hard to fathom the motive.

Not to mention Joey, even Monterey was almost confused.Didn't Li Xiaogang keep saying that he was going to crusade against Via?Why do you want to take the initiative to take care of the affairs of Mecca again!He is too broad.

"Hey, just now I heard that so many people rushed to the hot spring, even if they were trampled to death, they were willing to run. I am from this earth, so of course I want to see it!" Li Xiaogang laughed, and took out the Well thought out speech.

Although this excuse is a bit far-fetched, everyone can't find a loophole.

(End of this chapter)

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