Chapter 2042

"Mr. Li, for your safety, I don't think you should go there. You should experience the other features of our Mecca country!" Joey said politely.Of course he didn't want an unknown person to roam around in his own country.

Li Xiaogang gave a "hey" and didn't answer, but smiled similarly at Mia beside him. Suddenly, his figure blurred, but he had already grabbed the little soldier who was close to Joey's tip-off.

"You, what do you want to do?" Joey was stunned by Li Xiaogang's hand. It was his action just now. If he wanted to kill himself, it would be an instant thing!
"Hmph, I'll borrow it from you." Li Xiaogang sneered, and then took Mia and the soldier to teleport thousands of miles away.

Everyone only felt that their eyes were blurred, and the three figures had disappeared.

Joey had never seen this before, he was completely shocked by Li Xiaogang's almost fairy behavior, and he didn't care about the image of the king, his mouth was so big that he didn't close it for a long time.After a long while, he finally choked out a sentence: "Is this Li Xiaogang a god or a man? How can he run faster than an airplane! I understand the structure of an airplane, but what exactly is this Li Xiaogang?"

"I don't know what his structure is. Anyway, this planet Najib will not be peaceful in a short time!" Monterey smiled wryly.

"Oh, who cares! King Joey, we old people have been tired for so long, you should quickly arrange a place for us, have a good meal, and then get a good sleep. What is the important matter of the country, wait for us to recover It's not too late to discuss it now! Oh, my stomach has been screaming for a long time!" Ma Si yelled, clutching his stomach.

Daisy and Monterey also felt the same way. How could these federation members value a small country like Mecca, let alone care about how many people died? The reason why they came here was at best to take a break .

Therefore, Daisy followed Masi's words and pretended to whisper to Joey: "Monterey and Uncle Masi are both members of the federation after all, no matter what, you have to treat them well this time! You just Take office and take good care of them, it will be good for you in the future!"

When Daisy said this, Joey of course acted quickly. After making a few phone calls, he arranged all the food, accommodation and transportation, and called a few followers to leave here with Monterey and his party.

Besides, on Li Xiaogang's side, with the guidance of the soldiers leading the way, their journey to Cuina Valley went very smoothly.

"Dude, please lead the way. What's your name? How long will it take to get to Cuina Valley?" Li Xiaogang was bored on the road, so he made fun of the little soldier.

The little soldier was carried up high in the air by Li Xiaogang, his face was pale with fright, his soul was almost gone, he was too trembling to speak.

Miya was softer than Li Xiaogang, and couldn't bear to see the little soldier look so pitiful, so she said softly to the little soldier, "Don't be afraid, we just ask you to help guide the way, and when we reach the destination, we will let you go!"

Hearing what Mia said, the little soldier's mind became a little more stable, but he still looked very scared.

"Don't be afraid, tell me what's your name? How long is it from here to Trina Valley? If we get there earlier, we can let you go earlier!" Mia said again.

The little soldier's complexion improved a few degrees. He glanced down and said, "My name is Suotu, and this place is more than 1000 kilometers away from Cuina Valley!"

"You said there are still more than 1000 kilometers? I have been flying for more than an hour!" Li Xiaogang sighed.

"Trina Valley is the southernmost area of ​​the Meka Kingdom. It is backed by the Ula Mountains. It is a land of mountains and rivers. Because it is far away from excessive, the beautiful environment is better preserved. Moreover, the air here is pure, as if it is blessed by the gods. Many wealthy people have bought property here and settled here. However, they can only build houses two hundred kilometers away from Cuina Valley, and only nobles and royal families can settle within [-] kilometers. However, Cuina Valley The climate is rather strange, and you can live here for at most five months a year, and the rest of the time, the place is full of wind and sand, and the river is dry, making it uninhabitable." Suotu replied fluently, and his attitude became enthusiastic.After all, he was the king's bodyguard. Seeing that Li Xiaogang and Mia had no intention of harming him, he calmed down.

"Oh! No wonder even the king went to Cuina Valley after he retired. It seems that this place has a very good beginning, but the climate is really strange! I guess there is no such strange phenomenon even in the desert!" Li Xiaogang thought to himself. .

"However, the climate has been like this for thousands of years, and we have also felt its temper. But we have become accustomed to it. Since it is a holy place, there must be something that ordinary people cannot understand!" Suotu said in an old-fashioned way.

"It seems that you are very familiar with this place!" Mia said, thinking that this little soldier is quite cute.

"I don't dare to say anything else, but this Cuina Valley, before King Joey succeeded to the throne, I used to accompany the old king to live here for a period of time every year. Therefore, as long as it is about Cuina Valley, Suo Tu will not I know!" Suotu thought that Mia was praising him, since there was nothing to do on the road, so he became interested, so he explained the situation in Cuina Valley in detail.

Under Suotu's guidance, they arrived at Trina Valley smoothly.Of course, Li Xiaogang also followed the agreement and released Suo Tu back.

At this time, it was Dongfang Pale Belly, and the early morning was cold, and Yue Yaer walked away from this desolate place, the world was still dark, but Li Xiaogang and Mia looked down, only to see a group of dark people below, gently Wriggling, the number is astonishing.After looking around for a while, he found an empty place and stopped.

"Brother Xiao Gang, have you noticed any difference between these people?" Mia asked suddenly after observing carefully for a long time.

"I see that these people have different clothes, men, women, young and old. Don't they just come from the same place?" Li Xiaogang replied.

"That's right, as far as I can see, not only are they not from the same place, they even come from different countries!" Mia said with certainty.

However, Li Xiaogang didn't see this point, after all, he didn't understand the planet Najib to this extent. Besides, there are yellow, black, and white races on the earth after all, so the planet Najib may not be the same. .

Mia seemed to have seen what Li Xiaogang was thinking, and continued to explain: "I believe Brother Xiaogang knows that the planet Najib is bounded by the Ula Mountains, with prosperous urban areas to the north and farming areas to the south. People's primitive The degree is greater than that in the north, and they live relatively sparsely, so their clothing is relatively rough. Generally, they only wear cloth products produced by their own homes. , so the polarization is serious."

"You can see it from the clothes? Don't you have other characteristics?" Li Xiaogang asked doubtfully, feeling that judging from the clothes alone is a bit far-fetched.

Sure enough, Mia went on to say: "Of course not. Most of them are migrants in the south. Due to the harsh climate and geographical environment in the south, they will move every once in a while, and most of them live in the open air, so their skin He is darker, and he always carries a lot of luggage on his body!"

Li Xiaogang observed according to what Mia said, and he found that there were many people who were dressed in simple and unsophisticated clothes, dragging their families and carrying a lot of luggage.

"There are very few countries in the south. Generally speaking, there are several ethnic groups living in groups. Because they are relatively backward and covered by the Ural Mountains in the middle, our federation has almost given up on these scattered ethnic groups in the south. It’s just a symbolic throw of some daily necessities to them this time. However, it’s really strange that they came to Trina Valley in large numbers this time.” Mia said, after all, she grew up under the parents of General Monterey, a member of the Federation , she knows more or less about these things.Therefore, it is logical to say.

"It's easy, let's find someone to ask if it's okay!" Li Xiaogang said.Mia nodded, but said: "We can't go on like this, they will be hostile, so let's pretend to be the officials of Cuina Valley."

"Pretending to be the minister of Cuina Valley?" Li Xiaogang was taken aback.

Mia said coquettishly: "You, you are really dull. Didn't you listen carefully to what Suotu said? The staff here is called Sichen, who is responsible for arranging food, lodging and transportation for pilgrims. Pay a symbolic fee to the chief minister, that is, the chief who manages the ministers. Only by pretending to be ministers can we legitimately inquire about it, how stupid!"

Li Xiaogang was scolded for being stupid for the first time, but when he saw Mia's delicate and rosy face, how could he get angry, besides, he always got what he wanted, so how could he think of such a laborious role as a minister, For Li Xiaogang, it was a bit of a struggle to add pediatrics.

"How to act?" Li Xiaogang said with great interest, life is too boring recently, it is good to play with Mia.

"Hey, it doesn't look serious to see you like this. I went by myself and won't take you with me." Mia pursed her mouth, pretending to be angry.

"I'm not serious! Isn't it just to play with you? I promise to play with you in a serious way!" Li Xiaogang raised his right hand and said seriously.

Mia stomped her feet angrily, and said, "Still being serious, I'm doing business, not playing, so I don't care about you!"

"Okay, I promise you, everything is at your command! I swear!" Li Xiaogang said seriously, holding back his laughter desperately.

Only then did Mia feel at ease, but she said something that broke Li Xiaogang: "I'm only in charge of coming up with ideas, and it's your turn to think about the rest!"

Li Xiaogang really can't laugh or cry. In his opinion, Mia's idea is similar to that of a child player. According to his personality, he directly arrests a person, whether it is torture or coercion. a result?But for some reason, he just couldn't refuse Mia. This little girl seemed to be connected with him by blood, and he even regarded Mia as his own sister.

However, time is running out now, Shen Qihong and the others are still lying there uncertain of life or death, and they are still waiting for their energy to become stronger to save them!He can't waste any more time!
(End of this chapter)

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