The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2048 New Najib Planet

Chapter 2048 New Najib Planet

"Of course, it's impossible to blame everything on you. That Earth talent is the biggest culprit! At that time, everyone should speak with one voice and blame Li Xiaogang for everything! Do you know?" Via Then he said, completely pushing away his responsibility.

Of course, Xiao Ke and Peng Li were full of bitterness, but whoever let them be the boss had to knock out their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

"You two express your opinion?" Via said.

The two looked at each other for a long time, held back for a long time, Peng Li gritted his teeth, and said: "Everything will be done according to the president's order!"

"Xiao Ke, what about you? I haven't heard a word since you came here. Do you have thoughts in your heart?" Via asked with a frown.

Xiao Ke shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "This incident was originally caused by me, and I would like to explain it to everyone!"

Via nodded in satisfaction. Just as she was about to continue making arrangements, the access control system sounded suddenly. Via looked at the monitoring screen, and it turned out that Neville came with two servants.

"I haven't called you here yet, why are you here?" Via said unhappily.

"I picked a suitable servant, and I want the president to see if the talisman meets the requirements!" Neville said honestly.

"Let me decide this kind of trivial matter? Just bring it in later!" Via said impatiently, turned off the monitoring screen, and then said to Xiao Ke: "Neville, this old fellow, the older he gets, the more It's tedious, let me decide everything! It's really annoying!"

In fact, his reaction was exactly as Neville expected. He deliberately took Li Xiaogang and Daisy in disguise to find Via after Xiao Ke and Peng Li went in. If Via let them in, they would simply Just capture him alive, if Via asked them to wait, they could just take the opportunity to go deep into the experimental area to check the situation.

"Neville, you and Daisy are waiting here, I'll take a look around." Li Xiaogang said.

"You can't run around, there are surveillance cameras everywhere, it would be terrible if Via accidentally found out!" Neville said worriedly.

"Haha, old housekeeper, you don't have to worry about this, no matter how intelligent the surveillance system is, it will fail if it sees me!" Li Xiaogang laughed softly.

"This...well, I think you should go early and come back early. The banquet will start in half an hour, and Via will definitely invite me in!" Neville urged.

"knew".After Li Xiaogang said these three words, he disappeared.At his speed, no matter how much he can monitor, he can only see a vague shadow at most.

Neville was so frightened by Li Xiaogang's hand that he didn't close his mouth. He came over for a while before realizing it, and said to Daisy: "Is this person really human? He seems to be different from ordinary people!"

Daisy said solemnly, "There is a mysterious power in Li Xiaogang, it's not you and me, nor is it a great power that Via can contend with!"

Although Neville didn't understand, but seeing Daisy's serious look, he knew that Li Xiaogang's power was absolutely unfathomable, so he had better be careful not to offend this character.

According to Daisy's description, with Li Xiaogang's super strong memory, he has long been familiar with the terrain and distribution here, so, after speeding along the way, he arrived at the Sleeping Beauty System Laboratory In front of the door, he was very curious about what this huge system for producing poisonous gas looked like, and even he couldn't do anything about it.However, the access control of this laboratory is obviously processed by intelligent password.Li Xiaogang studied this door for a while, and suddenly thought of a good helper.

"Lenny, Lenny, come out!" Li Xiaogang thought of the top wizard Lenny who was tied on his waistband.

"What did you call me out for?" Lenny yawned, as if he had just been woken up from a dream.Because he is attached to Li Xiaogang, his energy and skills are also improving, and he seems to be more diligent.

"This access control system seems to be identified based on smell. Help me collect the most smells left around here, and then gather them together to crack the code!" Li Xiaogang said.

"This couldn't be easier for me!" Lenny said confidently, and turned into a wisp of blue ghost floating around.After a while, Lenny appeared in front of Li Xiaogang in human form again.The difference is that there are two blue bottles in his hand, and there are two clusters dancing in the bottles, like flames ready to move.

"There is no other person's breath around here, only these two kinds, it seems to be two men, especially this bottle, the smell is the strongest!" Lenny said while handing the blue bottle to Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Lenny, I see that your energy waves are also good, and you can do things faster!"

Lenny smiled embarrassedly and said, "My progress depends on you. If you hadn't lent me energy to practice, I wouldn't have made such fast progress. If this continues, I will be better than other people." I don’t know how many years I’ve practiced quickly!”

Li Xiaogang smiled and didn't respond, he just said: "You go back quickly, I have to hurry up and do not delay."

Lenny was also a cheerful person, he answered "yes" and disappeared.Li Xiaogang finally chose the blue bottle with the most smell, opened the cork, and faced the combination lock. After a while, a system voice came out from inside, saying: "Welcome, Xiao Ke, please come in!" Then, the door opened up.

Li Xiaogang was overjoyed, put away the vial, and walked in quietly.The door slammed shut again.After stealing the bright lights, Li Xiaogang found that this place was many times larger than ordinary laboratories, and the visitors were all kinds of computers, and the systems used were systems that Li Xiaogang had never seen or heard of. This place turned out to be an unmanned laboratory. All programming is proceeding in an orderly manner, as if someone is operating it.

"Hey, this place is really advanced." Li Xiaogang can't wait to move this laboratory back to the earth. If the office can be fully automated, people will have more free time, and the quality of life will not be greatly improved?

Just as he was thinking like this, the screen beside him suddenly went black, and a line of words appeared on it, which read: "Sleeping Beauty is about to enter a dormant state, please send an order!"

Before Li Xiaogang could react, the computer next to the black screen actually responded to the command he sent, and a reply was typed on the automatic screen: "The sleep preparations have been completed, please implement, please implement."

All the surrounding computer screens started up one after another as if they had received an order.Li Xiaogang suddenly realized that Via was going to put the system into hibernation. It seemed that Daisy was right, and they were really going to make a mistake.

"Simply destroy this system, let's get rid of it!" Li Xiaogang gritted his teeth when he thought of this harmful machine.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang closed his eyes, found the system host, and fiddled for a while.Maybe it was wrong, maybe it was because Sleeping Beauty's pressure device had just been replaced, so at the most vulnerable time, Li Xiaogang took advantage of this critical period again, and Sleeping Beauty's system collapsed like this, and of course the production of poisonous gas stopped.

Li Xiaogang smiled in satisfaction, and suddenly received news from Neville that the operation was about to start, so he hurried back the same way, and when he arrived, he saw Neville standing nervously at the door.

"Mr. Li, you're finally here! Via let us in just now!" Neville whispered, his voice trembling nervously.

"That's right, let's go in!" Li Xiaogang said casually.

"Don't you plan to go in and do it first?" Neville asked.

"Hmph, once that kid comes into my field of vision, he won't be able to escape from my grasp." Li Xiaogang said.

"You have to be sure! If I mess up, my fate will be lost." Neville said.He is the most nervous here.

"Don't worry! If you don't go in quickly, I think you're going to be screwed!" Li Xiaogang urged.

Neville gave a soft "Yes", pushed open the automatic door as if he had made up his mind, and brought the disguised Daisy and Li Xiaogang into the conference room.

Along the way, Via and Daisy were obviously a little flustered, but Li Xiaogang was calm and calm. He had nothing to do, so he looked around and saw that there was no decoration on the walls of the meeting room, and the walls were white. Not full of holes the size of a pinhole.

Li Xiaogang pointed to the wall at Neville, and Neville replied in a low voice, "These are organs, you can't touch them casually."

Li Xiaogang let out an "oh", and gently stretched out his hand, but a cloud of purple mist emerged from the palm of his hand. This cloud became bigger and bigger and spread out. After a while, it penetrated into the wall and disappeared.

"This is?" Neville asked.

"Haha, don't worry about this, just move on!" Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously.

Neville shrugged his shoulders, expressing his incomprehension, but after such an interruption, Neville's tension eased a lot.

"Here we are." Neville stopped suddenly.

"It's here? There's no one around here, and there's no exit. How come it's here!" Li Xiaogang wondered.

Daisy replied: "This is the subtlety of the design of the conference room. There are invisible devices here. Only eyes with special materials can see the exit and the layout here!" He took out the white framed eyes and handed one of them to Li Xiaogang.

It seems that Via spent a lot of effort to hide it, but Li Xiaogang also secretly admired that the scientific research technology of Planet Najib is indeed widely used.Li Xiaogang put on his glasses while thinking, and his vision instantly became clear. Where they were standing, there was indeed a door leading to somewhere in front of them.Beside the door, there is also a huge screen, and on the screen is the figure of Via sitting upright. Beside him, there are two people, one tall and one short, who are talking about something. Needless to say, they must be Xiao Ke and Peng Li. .

(End of this chapter)

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