The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2049 Via is Kidnapped

Chapter 2049 Via is Kidnapped
At this time, Via suddenly looked towards Li Xiaogang, and said to Neville, "Are these two servants you brought? Let them raise their faces and show me!" It turns out that it has a dialogue function, and their every move here is under Via's surveillance.

Neville then pretended to say to Li Xiaogang and the two of them: "Both of you, lift your faces up and turn around to show the president."

The carefully modified two people were not afraid of such a toss, so they swaggered around in front of the screen.Of course Via didn't see any flaws, so she said, "Come in!" The door opened in response.

Daisy's heart beat wildly, her eyes were filled with hatred immediately, Li Xiaogang touched her lightly, to signal her not to act impulsively, Daisy Meng swallowed a breath, suppressed her hatred, and nodded to Li Xiaogang again, Reassure him that he will not act rashly.

Via was obviously ready, waiting for someone to come and help her.At this time, Li Xiaogang felt that the time was ripe, so he stopped delaying, and took Via down in a second under teleportation.

Apart from Neville and Daisy, who had been expected for a long time, Xiao Ke and Peng Li who stood aside were stunned by Li Xiaogang's actions. In terms of scientific research, Li Xiaogang's speed is definitely a supernatural ability, and it is definitely a superpower in science. heterogeneous.

Kevia didn't have time to think about science like the two of them. Before he could scream, Li Xiaogang slammed him to the ground. Neville also took out the rope that he had prepared long ago. Cooperating with Li Xiaogang, he quickly Via was tied up.

"Shock, Peng Li, you two idiots don't come here to help me!" Via finally came to her senses and shouted.

But Xiao Ke and Peng Li looked at each other without any reaction, maybe it was fear, maybe it was the hope from the bottom of their hearts that Via would be tied up like this forever, and then the two of them would be completely freed.

Seeing her subordinates treating her like this, Via felt that she was even more angry than a sneak attack, and scolded at the top of her voice: "You two idiots, you guys who eat inside and outside, why don't you hurry up and save me, let's see how I deal with you in the future !" Then, he stared at Neville again with his blood-red eyes, and said, "Old butler, you dare to collude with outsiders to frame me, you really ate your ambition."

Seeing that Via was tied up, Nawei was no longer afraid, straightened up, pointed at Via and said, "For your own rights, you sacrificed so many innocent lives on Planet Najib, it's pitiful, my son is still alive!" Life and death are uncertain! Do you think you should die or not!"

"You, how do you know!" Via asked in surprise.This news has always been kept as a top secret. Could it be that this old man eavesdropped on their meeting?
"Look who I am." Daisy suddenly spoke, taking off the disguised mask and revealing her real face.

"You are Daisy! Then who is this man?" Via asked in surprise, and then gestured to Li Xiaogang with her eyes.

Li Xiaogang also picked up the outfit as if he cooperated, and looked at Via with a half-smile.Seeing Li Xiaogang, Via undoubtedly screamed in her heart, thinking, new debts, old debts, now I have settled it!
"Anyway, I'm going to take this opportunity today to avenge my child and family!" Neville roared.

"Don't be angry, it's not my responsibility, it's all theirs! They're all behind me to trick me into doing this!" Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Via pointed to Xiao Ke and Peng Li and said.

"Both of them can't run away, hmph, but when death is imminent, you should take care of yourself first!" Li Xiaogang sneered, let this cunning guy run on his hands once, this time no matter what Happened again.

"What exactly do you want to do to me?" Via asked viciously, looking fierce and about to go crazy.

"Death is the best place for you! A historical sinner like you, what are you doing alive?" Daisy walked up to Via, stared into his eyes, and said word by word.

"How much better are you than me? How glorious are you that you colluded with people from alien planets to deal with your husband?" Via sneered.

But Daisy was not angry, instead she sneered and said, "As a husband, you force your wife to seek help from outsiders. You are incompetent, you shameless bastard, today is your death day!"

"Good wife, let's live a good life again, I will treat you well, let's go to a place where no one knows, spend the rest of the time well, and have another child!" Via said emotionally.

"Child? Are you worthy too? Beast!" Daisy spat hard.

Via knew that she had killed two members of Daisy's family. It seemed that she really hated herself to the core, so she simply gave up begging her, and said to Neville, "Old butler, I will take care of you well..."

Before Via finished speaking, Li Xiaogang interrupted him impatiently, and said: "A spineless person like you wants to be the king? I think it's better to let the bastard joke! Tell you, even if you beg Thousands of people promised to let you go, but it's useless if I, Li Xiaogang, don't agree!"

"What exactly do you want?" Via knew that she had reached the end of the road, her face turned gray, and she obviously lost the momentum she had just now.

"Where is the solution to this poisonous gas?" Li Xiaogang said bluntly.

"Where do they have any solution? If they have one, they wouldn't want to give up on Planet Najib, and hide here as a coward!" Daisy pointed out.

"In this case, you really have no value in existence!" Li Xiaogang said, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

"Shock, Peng Li, you two come here and say, we have a solution! We just studied it!" Via shouted quickly, afraid that Li Xiaogang would get angry and end up with himself.

Xiao Ke and Peng Li remained motionless, as if they didn't hear Via's words.

"Do you think that if you don't speak, he will let you go? Huh, you created the Sleeping Beauty system, don't think that if you don't speak, you can get away with it!" Via said again.

"You guys created the Sleeping Beauty system?" Li Xiaogang turned his face away and asked Xiao Ke.

Xiao Ke nodded, and said honestly: "It is true that we made it, but it was an accident that Sleeping Beauty got out of control, and we couldn't predict it. Therefore, there is currently no solution for those who have been harmed by it!"

"I know the solution, as long as you untie me, I can tell you!" Via said suddenly.

"You have?" Now it was Xiao Ke's turn to be surprised. In terms of financial resources, Via is indeed invincible. If it is about scientific research, Via is completely ignorant.

Kovia acted very genuinely, as if he really knew. "Okay. I'll untie you. If you dare to play tricks, think about the consequences yourself!" Li Xiaogang said, signaling to Neville.

Neville came over and untied Via according to Li Xiaogang's wishes.Via rubbed the place that was strangled by the rope, then sat down on the boss chair, and pressed the handle of the chair as if inadvertently.

Suddenly, clouds of blue gas emerged from those tiny pinholes in the wall.Then Via's people sank down, as if they had been eaten into the ground, and suddenly disappeared.It turned out that his boss chair was actually equipped with a mechanism. The secret of the mechanism is that as long as the armrest is pressed, it will sink into the passage below.And the laser needle holes on the wall will release toxins or micro-kill weapons.However, after a while, everyone in the house was safe and sound.

"If you want to play this little trick, you underestimate me too much. I have already suppressed these laser pinholes with energy. These so-called organs have long been blocked by me. Within a minute, this Via himself still wants to Run up obediently." Li Xiaogang laughed.

Sure enough, only a few "plops" from the ground, and then a bang, the place where Via fell just now opened up again, and the one who got out of it again, of course, was Via with a disheveled face.

"This, it was a mistake just now! I accidentally touched the button, so..." Via looked miserable, and she still didn't forget to make up a lie to deceive everyone.Daisy wished she could hit her head to death, thinking that she had married such a worthless man.

Li Xiaogang didn't say a word, he knew that his trip was in vain, not only was he angry from the bottom of his heart, as if he didn't hear Via's explanation at all, he slapped him on the head, and he actually solved this arrogant Najib like this The new "President" of the planet.

The people around were dumbfounded.The happiest thing is Xiao Ke and Peng Li. It seems that the two have really got rid of the demon of Via.

"The two of you have also done a lot of bad things for Via. If you want to get out, it may be a bit difficult!" Li Xiaogang squinted at Xiao Ke and Peng Li. They saw Li Xiaogang's methods, and their hearts trembled for a while.Especially Peng Li, tremblingly begged for mercy: "Please spare our lives! We will definitely do our best for you!"

Li Xiaogang glared at him and said, "Whoever tells you to be bulls and horses, I will punish you to stay in this underground laboratory for the rest of your life, and give me a good study of products that benefit mankind!"

The two looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes, not knowing what kind of medicine Li Xiaogang bought in the gourd.

"By the way, let me tell you by the way, that thing, the beauty system, was destroyed by me!" Li Xiaogang said lightly.

"What? Destroyed?" Xiao Ke screamed, his voice changed. It was his whole life's painstaking effort, but it was solved by Li Xiaogang just ruining it. It seems that meeting Li Xiaogang was really his nemesis.

"Such a destructive strange system is not allowed to be studied in the future. If I find out again, your fate will be worse than Via!" Li Xiaogang said viciously.

The two looked at Via's death and felt a little shuddering. Although there was a thousand reluctance in their hearts, they both nodded in agreement.Although Via was solved, Li Xiaogang was still a little disappointed because he couldn't find a way to save Shen Qihong and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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