Chapter 2050
"Daisy, you and Neville stay here and take care of everything here. I'll check again in a few days." Li Xiaogang said, and then threatened Xiao Ke and Peng Li: "I'm looking You two are also considered researchers, and may be useful in the future, if you don’t behave well, let’s see how I deal with you when I come back! Daisy, send someone to watch them carefully!”

There was another important reason why Li Xiaogang left in a hurry.When I left, I made an appointment with Monterey to meet the mysterious person. I don't know what's going on now.However, after Via's incident, he was worried about the situation of Shen Qihong and the others, so he decided to take some time to see how they were doing, and also to see if Hu Rong and the others had reached the planet Najib.The key point is that the mysterious red fruit that appeared at the beginning, I don't know if Chang Xuefei has found out the origin of this fairy fruit.Traces of the fairy world frequently appear on the planet Naji, and the magic flame sea mentioned by the bald old man in Trina Valley, is this series of things inextricably linked? Li Xiaogang feels as if he has been drawn into a more and more In the big abyss, deep in it, the more you struggle, the more things you pull out.

With so many thoughts in mind, Li Xiaogang walked faster and faster, and rushed to the place where the Juxing Lake "Genesis" was moored ahead of time, but from a long distance, he saw a lot of people coming here suddenly, coming and going, people The appearance is calm and serene, and it seems to be a scene of prosperity.Li Xiaogang was a little puzzled, although this is not a poisonous gas disaster area, but the population is very sparse, which is why they chose to park here.

Out of curiosity, Li Xiaogang stopped and walked into the crowd, just as an old lady passed by, Li Xiaogang grabbed her and asked, "Old lady, did you live here before?"

The old lady didn't recognize her birth at all, she seemed to be used to such questions, and she answered fluently: "We were collectively relocated from Levin City! Thanks to Luo Xiaoxian for saving us!"

Li Xiaogang suspected that something was wrong with his ears. They came from Levin City. So they have escaped the catastrophe of poison gas?Does this also mean that Shen Qihong and the others are saved?Li Xiaogang restrained his inner excitement, and asked again: "Isn't Levin City already infested with poisonous gas? How did you come out alive!"

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, the old lady looked bewildered and asked, "Levin City was poisoned by poisonous gas? When did this happen?"

Now it was Li Xiaogang's turn to be confused, he touched his head, and asked tentatively: "Then you should know how you got here, right?"

The old lady smiled and said, "Luo Xiaoxian asked us to come here! Everything is good here, much better than Levin City! We just want to live here with peace of mind!"

Li Xiaogang just felt that his head was in a daze, and the more he talked, the more confused he became. It seems that this Luo Xiaoxian is a key person!
"Ma'am, can you tell me where Luo Xiaoxian is?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"Luo Xiaoxian is in the village ahead, and the young man who lives on the tallest tree is him!" The old lady pointed forward and said enthusiastically.

"Oh, thank you!" Li Xiaogang said.Then he looked far away in the direction the old lady pointed just now, and it seemed that there was indeed a tall tree there, but he didn't know if there were people living on it.

At this moment, Li Xiaogang suddenly heard a woman calling him.Turning around, looking along the sound, it turned out to be the beautiful wife Chang Xuefei whom I had been thinking about all the time.She recognized Li Xiaogang from a long distance away, and thought that she had been in love too much and misjudged the person, but when she got closer, she still recognized her husband clearly.Li Xiaogang looked at his wife up and down, and saw that she was dressed like a local, her long hair was scattered down, and she was wearing a hand-woven straw hat, exuding a strong exotic style.

"Xue Fei, you are getting more and more beautiful." Li Xiaogang praised sincerely.Chang Xuefei originally had big eyes, fair skin, and a tall stature, but she may have been running outside a lot recently, so she got a little tanned, her frailty was a little rough, and she was a little more charming.

Chang Xuefei blushed, and said: "It means you praise me, other people may not necessarily see it that way."

Li Xiaogang laughed, and responded: "You are my wife, don't care what others think of him, who he is, if you dare say my wife is not good, I will make him look good. Hmph!"

Chang Xuefei was also amused by Li Xiaogang's actions, and said angrily: "You have been away for a few days, why have you become so out of shape, I remember you were very serious before!"

Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Am I serious before? I don't think so! Now I'm going to criticize you. It's obviously because you haven't had much contact with me all this time, so you think I'm serious and unfamiliar!"

In fact, it's not like that, Chang Xuefei and Li Xiaogang turned from friends directly into lovers, almost never going through the stage of dating, and since they got married, they also get together less and leave more, so they have this feeling.

However, now is not the time to talk about the love between children, Li Xiaogang changed the subject and asked: "Everyone here is talking about a person named Luo Xiaoxian, do you know the origin?"

"He! He is the one who gave me the fairy fruit!" Chang Xuefei replied.

"Didn't you exchange this fairy fruit with a local old man? But I heard that this Luo Xiaoxian is obviously a young man!" Li Xiaogang said in surprise.Aren't they talking about the same person?

Chang Xuefei pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "At first, I also thought he was an old man, but when I looked for him again, he was already waiting for me there, and he even told me that he did this on purpose to deceive others. Dressed up as an old man to confuse us!" At this moment, a child appeared from the side, calling Chang Xuefei her sister.

"Musa, you're running around again. After a while, your mother will look for you everywhere again! Be good, don't hurry back." Chang Xuefei's face was filled with tenderness when she saw the child.

The boy named Mu Sha didn't intend to leave at all, instead he hugged Chang Xuefei's leg tightly.Chang Xuefei smiled at Li Xiaogang embarrassedly, and said: "This child is very recognizable, since he moved here, he doesn't even know his parents."

"Did they also move here from Levin City?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"Yeah, how did you know! About a few days ago, Luo Xiaoxian brought them here suddenly. I was a little surprised at first! But Luo Xiaoxian said that there was a disaster in Levin City, and these people were brought here by him. It was rescued." Chang Xuefei continued.

"Musha, Musha... where are you!" Suddenly, from a distance came the anxious shouts of alternate male and female students.However, when Mu Sha heard this voice, he even ruthlessly arched Xue Fei's body, as if he wanted to hide tightly.

"His parents came to look for him again." Chang Xuefei explained helplessly.

The shouts got closer and closer, two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared in Li Xiaogang's sight. Seeing that Mu Sha was hiding beside Chang Xuefei again,

The middle-aged woman pulled him away from Chang Xuefei, and reprimanded him: "Little rascal, I told you not to run around, why did you come here again! Why are you so disobedient!"

Chang Xuefei hurried over to persuade him: "Children are inevitably naughty, sister, you must never force him to call you mother again."

"Is it wrong for the child I raised to call me mom? I think you're too lenient!" The middle-aged woman raised her eyebrows and looked even more fierce.

"I'm not your child, I want to be with sister Chang Xuefei." Mu Sha suddenly broke free from the woman's embrace, and ran towards Chang Xuefei again.At this time, his father couldn't stand it and grabbed Mu Sha's clothes, then hugged him, and coaxed him, "My dear Mu Sha, you call Dad, Mom, and Dad and Mom will buy you something to eat together." go!"

But Mu Sha was still crying, with his mouth protruding, and said: "You are not my parents, I will not go with you, sister Xuefei, please help me!"

Chang Xuefei's heart was already soft. Seeing Mu Sha crying like mountains and seas, she quickly knelt down and wiped away his tears, then said to the woman: "Why don't you let Mu Sha stay with me for a while, when the time comes I'll send him there again!"

But these words undoubtedly added fuel to the flames, igniting the flames of the middle-aged woman at once. She put her hands on her hips and said loudly: "You woman, you have taught our child badly, and you still want to occupy him! If you have the ability to do it yourself Give birth to one! Don’t think that giving other people’s children a few pieces of candy and a few snacks will make them call you sister!”

The last sentence was obviously jealous of Chang Xuefei's youth and beauty.With a speechless expression on her face, Xue Fei exchanged a glance with Li Xiaogang, clearly wanting Li Xiaogang to stand up for her.However, Li Xiaogang concluded in his heart that Mu Sha was not the child of these two people. The child was not at all like the couple, and the child's eyes were full of fear. It was not at all like the relationship between parents and children.

"It's not suitable to take a child home like this, otherwise it will be bad if something happens to the child when he gets excited." Li Xiaogang persuaded with a soft voice.

"Who are you?" The woman stared at this strong man without fear.

"I'm his man." Li Xiaogang pointed to Chang Xuefei.

The woman curled her mouth and said, "The girl is about to come in before the girl is born. I thought I was afraid of you! Let me tell you, if you are greedy for other people's children, give birth to yourself quickly, don't waste your energy here."

Not only did Li Xiaogang sympathize with her husband, but it seemed that he had to suffer a lot after marrying such a pungent wife!However, Li Xiaogang can't talk to her here, as the saying goes, only women and villains are difficult to raise, especially a naughty woman is even more difficult to deal with.Li Xiaogang groaned secretly in his heart, and persuaded him kindly: "We are also doing it for your own good, no matter what, the child was born by you, no one can put the child back into the furnace, let's regenerate it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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