Chapter 2057
"Come here!" Seeing that Fu Rong was dead, Old Fairy Feng waved and called a servant to come in. "Go and call Yuniang over, just say that I have something to look for her!"

"Yes." The servant replied bluntly, and then ran out.

After a while, Yuniang walked in gracefully. Seeing Furong's body, Yuniang didn't feel surprised at all. Instead, she scolded: "This bitch is not obedient at all, it should have been resolved long ago!" He said that it is impossible for anyone who opposes my Yuniang to end well.

Feng Laoxian said: "I just told you to beware of her, but I didn't ask you to follow her! You should know a lot of things you shouldn't know by following her!"

Of course Yu Niang refused to admit it, but said cunningly: "I, Yu Niang, have been in this Miao Xin Sect for so many years, how can I not know the truth of sweeping the door?"

Old Immortal Feng nodded, and said, "Is the banquet all going well? This time, I will be the deacon, so you can't make any trouble for me!"

Yu Niang smiled coquettishly, and said: "Although I am not a well-behaved immortal cultivator, after all, I have stayed in Jihong Mountain for most of my life, and I am also a member of Miaoxin Sect. I don't know how many times this sect master meeting has been held. Don't you all come back satisfied and happy, how can there be any reason for it not going well?"

"But this time it's different, I still have to give you a task?" Feng Laoxian lowered his voice, pretending to be mysterious.

"Old Immortal Feng, please tell me, as long as my Yuniang can do it, I will do my best!" Yuniang patted her still plump breasts.

"Keep these sect masters for another ten days!" Feng Laoxian said.

"Many, stay for ten more days?" Yu Niang didn't expect that Old Fairy Feng meant this, thought for a while, and then asked: "Just announce that the banquet will be extended for another ten days?"

"To tell you the truth, this is the sect master's intention, you should hurry up and do it." Feng Laoxian said.

"The head of the sect has left the customs?" Yuniang asked in surprise.

"It's not for you or me to ask when the sect master will leave the customs. You should do what I entrusted to you!" Feng Laoxian did not answer, but instructed.

Seeing that Old Immortal Feng didn't want to tell herself, Yu Niang didn't continue to ask you, and said: "Last time I selected another thirty beauties, all of whom are excellent in sex and first-class in figure, and this time they will come in handy." , let alone keep those sect masters for ten days, even a month is no problem!"

Old Immortal Feng smiled and said: "Yu Niang still has a way. Those sect masters have been suffering from immortality for a long time, and they can take this opportunity to relax. They must be extremely depressed. This move of yours is exactly what you want!"

"Since Old Immortal Feng thinks it's good, Yuniang will go down and talk about it!" Seeing Old Immortal Feng boasting about herself, Yuniang felt joy in her heart.

"There is one more thing to tell you." Feng Laoxian stopped Yuniang, and said, "If someone asks, you can say that this is the head of the sect who has rewarded the deputy head of the sect for their hard work over the past few years, and you don't know about the rest. ,Understand?"

Of course Yu Niang kept saying yes.

As soon as Feng Laoxian was happy, he gave Yuniang a pill. This pill is called Changsheng Pill. Ordinary people who take one pill every ten years can live another 100 years. This is the fifth time that Yuniang has taken the medicine , so her current lifespan is nearly 500 years.

Yu Niang was overjoyed, took the pill, and led someone to clean up Fu Rong's body, and left happily.

After completing these matters, Old Immortal Feng walked into the side door, came directly to the side of the big cauldron, then made a deep bow towards the big cauldron, and said respectfully: "Master, the matter you explained I have finished, please continue to order."

"It's all the fault of Master Yunju. In the first battle, I was injured too deeply, and there were some mistakes in the healing process. It was delayed ten days before I could leave the customs. I must not let the deputy sect masters know about this matter. Otherwise, someone among them might stir up trouble and take advantage of others' danger." There was no one around, but a hoarse middle-aged man's voice came from the cauldron.

"Master, don't worry, I am the closed disciple you brought up, I will keep this matter secret." Feng Laoxian said respectfully.In just a few decades, Feng Laoxian has changed from an unknown immortal cultivator to the deacon of Miaoxin Sect, of course because he is the closed disciple of the sect master.

"Have you found the primer for the medicine I asked you to find for me? Without the primer for the medicine, my healing for so many years would have been in vain." The middle-aged man asked again, his tone very anxious.

"The sect asked me to look for the dragon king grass, but I didn't find it, but I found something to replace it!" Feng Laoxian said.

"What can replace Dragon King Grass?" The middle-aged man obviously didn't believe it.

"In the lower realm, there is a place called Demon Flame Sea. There is a kind of magical mud on the seabed, which has a very magical drug-absorbing effect. I have been investigating for many years, and it must be no worse than Dragon King Grass!" Feng Laoxian said with certainty.

"I know Dragon King Grass has been extinct for a hundred years, so it's really difficult for you to find it again, but as you said, just give it a try." The middle-aged man said, and then asked: "I still need to collect more than a thousand strong men's grass. Yuanshen, are you done too?"

"Of course it's done. In order not to scare the snake away, I have laid out the layout. Now more than a thousand people are concentrated on Trina Island, the planet of Najib, and I have sent officials on the island to help me manage it. I am going to go together tomorrow. Gather these primordial spirits for the sect master to enjoy!" Feng Laoxian promised.

However, Li Xiaogang is also thinking about several things. The first thing to bear the brunt is to solve the poisonous gas crisis on the Najib planet, and then take Mia to leave the Najib planet, a place of right and wrong, quickly find the way to the fairy world, and then Think about the long-term plan again, thinking about how to dig out Mia's energy, and then complete the energy exchange.At this time, Li Wenqing brought Gao Yuanyuan and Song Shuang to Juxing Village and found them.

Several people rushed to the place according to the satellite positioning in advance, of course they found Li Xiaogang's location very accurately. From the lonely space, seeing familiar people, of course it was just a chat.

"Husband, are you okay? I was so worried that I didn't contact you at that time. Are you okay?" Gao Yuanyuan changed her usual dignifiedness, and when she saw Li Xiaogang, she rushed into his arms and said coquettishly.It's no wonder that things haven't been going well since coming to the planet Najib, not to mention losing contact for a while, so she has been feeling restless in her heart, and now she sees Li Xiaogang standing so well Here, of course, I had mixed feelings.

Of course, Song Shuang, Long Ling'er and Hu Rong also gathered around, expressing emotion.Li Wenqing was left out in the cold. Although he was full of doubts, he had no choice but to linger on the side and hold back.

Li Xiaogang smiled, hugged all his wives in his arms, and asked, "What's wrong with you guys? Don't you usually have the most confidence in your husbands? Why have you all changed?"

Long Ling'er is the most emotional in this, she wiped away her tears secretly, and said with a smile in her tears: "It's not that we don't believe you, it's just that this planet Najib is full of conditions, and it's indeed different from the earth. Followed behind Li Wenqing, and they all became monks halfway, so I was not sure. That's why I was hanging on my heart, and now seeing that you are all here well, my heart is also on the ground!"

Speaking of this, Li Xiaogang suddenly thought of Li Wenqing, so he interrupted and asked, "Where is Li Wenqing?"

Li Wenqing was not tall, and was not conspicuous at all behind the tall beauties. In a hurry, he raised a hand high and responded loudly: "I am here!"

Song Shuang's beauties quickly moved away, and Li Xiaogang saw Li Wenqing.As Li Xiaogang expected, Li Wenqing asked when they met: "Where is Shen Qihong? I haven't contacted him for a long time! Did you send him some special missions? I found some precious resources in space. Prepare to study the use with him!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "Shen Qihong and the others encountered biochemical poisonous gas when they were carrying out their mission. Not only Shen Qihong, but also Huang Zeyou, Sun Gan, and Hu Dinghai were poisoned. I am trying to save them." Li Xiaogang said concisely He described the situation to Li Wenqing.

Li Wenqing hurriedly asked anxiously, "How bad are they hurt?"

"Xiao Gang has been infusing some qi to maintain their vital signs, and spends the rest of the time in the vacuum laboratory of the Genesis. Now it is just maintaining." Chang Xuefei stood aside and replied, it has always been She's taking care, so she's more aware of the situation.

"We have found a place called Magic Flame Sea. There is a kind of medicinal mud on the bottom of the sea. As long as the medicinal mud is successfully developed, I'm sure we can save Shen Qihong's life." Stari took it and added.

"Who is this?" Li Wenqing asked, pointing at Starley.

Only then did Li Xiaogang remember that Starley was "Cheng Yaojin" who killed him halfway. Li Wenqing and the others had never met Starley before, so he introduced him: "This is Princess Qiaona's brother, the number one scientist on Planet Najib, Mo Yan The medicinal mud on the seabed is one of Starley's scientific research projects."

But Starley smiled modestly and said, "What number one scientist? I'm a local. My father keeps saying that I'm not doing my job properly!"

However, Li Wenqing couldn't help but look at Starley with admiration. A prince in a country doesn't want to inherit the throne but has a soft spot for scientific research. He must have a great interest in scientific careers, or he has certain expertise.

"Is the medicinal mud you're talking about so miraculous? This medicinal mud can solve problems that even Li Xiaogang can't solve?" Li Wenqing asked.

"Whether it's successful or not, you'll know when you go and have a look!" Li Xiaogang said.

"You want to send me to do this?" Li Wenqing asked.

"Just now Monterey brought the news that he wants me to go there because there is something important to do, so Li Wenqing, I will send you to help Starley go to Magic Flame Island first, and I will follow there later." Li Xiaogang said.

(End of this chapter)

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