The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2058 Li Wenqing Appears

Chapter 2058 Li Wenqing Appears

However, in order to avoid accidents, he still concealed the matter of the mysterious person. After all, this matter is related to the fairy world. Considering that Li Xiaogang has never disclosed the mysterious person.Although Monterey was the matchmaker, he also thought that the mysterious man was just a little mysterious. As for the source, he didn't know at all.

"Since I can save Shen Qihong and the others, I can't deny it!" Li Wenqing said swearingly, thinking of the friendship between them, although he didn't see what Shen Qihong was doing now, but thinking of their lives hanging by a thread, he felt anxious for a while. .

"No problem, there is my scientific research base in Demon Flame Sea, everything is very convenient!" said Starley.

Li Xiaogang had other concerns. What the bald minister said was not groundless, but he couldn't say it directly, so he solemnly ordered: "Although the magic flame sea is your scientific research base, the world is unpredictable. It has been eliminated, but the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, and his minions are scattered all over the place, you still have to beware of accidents. It is better to go there first to make preparations and survey the terrain.

Several people felt that what Li Xiaogang said made sense, so they all nodded.

"Then how many of us?" Gao Yuanyuan asked.

"That's right, we also have to share the burden for my husband." Song Shuang also said coquettishly.

Li Wenqing waved her hands again and again and said, "These aunts are better than the other, so don't assign them to me again!"

Li Xiaogang laughed "haha" and said, "I know my wives, of course one is better than the other."

Hu Rong pouted and said, "Didn't we help a lot? How can you say that about us?"

Li Wenqing said with a smile: "It's a lot of psychological pressure to take you, you are all brother Gang's darlings, whoever hurts a hair, I can't afford to hurt it!"

"You old slicker, after staying with us for a long time, you have become glib!" Hu Rong pinched her waist and pretended to be angry.

However, Li Xiaogang followed Li Wenqing's wishes, and said that he had to worry more about sending his wives out, so he said: "You guys stay here, take inventory of the supplies on the Genesis, and settle the matter of the planet Najib." , we will return to Earth at any time, Li Wenqing and Starley will act together, so it is decided!"

After arranging for Li Wenqing and Sida Li and doing some aftermath, Li Xiaogang went straight to Monterey Manor to meet Mia.Monterey Manor is still the same as usual, but it is deserted and less popular.From afar, I saw Mia and Monterey standing there, as if they were talking about something. Seeing Li Xiaogang's arrival, both of them seemed extremely excited.

"Li Xiaogang, I heard that Planet Najib will be saved soon, is that right?" Monterey asked when they met.Planet Najib is the foundation of their generation's hard work. He is more eager than anyone else to see the recovery of Planet Najib as soon as possible. He hopes that Planet Najib can return to normal as soon as possible. This is also his hope as a member of the older generation of Planet Najib.

"Yes, I have already sent Starley to handle this matter, but at present, your task is to help me find the mysterious person as soon as possible." Li Xiaogang nodded and said, but his mind was not here, so he just Long story short.

"Great, as long as you can help me restore the prosperity of Planet Najib, I will do my best to help you." Monterey said happily, thinking that since someone like Li Xiaogang made such a statement, there must be something wrong. sure.

"Just now the mysterious person sent a message, asking me to take Mia to meet him!" Monterey said again.

Li Xiaogang's eyes lit up, and he asked again: "Where did they say they would meet up? How about we go there now?"

Monterey looked very embarrassed, and said: "But the mysterious man asked me to take Mia to the clock tower, and then let me leave alone, so Rumia stayed there to join him." Buildings have a history of hundreds of years.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "You just go, and I will leave the rest to me." To Li Xiaogang, ensuring a person's personal safety is extremely simple.

Monterey shook his head and said, "This mysterious man hasn't shown up until now, and there are no other clues left, let alone whether it's good or bad. I can't leave Mia there alone."

"Grandpa, don't worry. Brother Xiaogang has great energy. I believe in him! Besides, since this mysterious man left me in Monterey Manor, he must have the value of my existence. Since he left me at that time, he will not leave me now." How about it, don't worry, just let me go." Mia said.

Li Xiaogang looked at Mia with eyes full of approval. Although this girl is young, she is very knowledgeable and courageous. She really deserves to be a descendant of Nuwa.

Monterey looked at Mia with hesitant eyes, and then at Li Xiaogang. Now the two of them agree, and he has no other choice. It seems that this is the only way.

Mia walked up to Monterey and said affectionately: "Grandpa, no matter what, I will always treat you as my real grandfather, and I will always remember your kindness!"

Monterey's eye sockets became hot, and he recalled that Mia had grown up step by step in front of his eyes from childhood to adulthood. He also said emotionally: "Mia, you are a good boy. It is my blessing that grandpa has a granddaughter like you." Said He said, tears flowed down unconsciously, he wiped them hastily again, and said with a smile: "Oh, look at me, I am really old and useless, I cry for every little thing, it is really useless !” Monterey was deeply in love just now, and didn’t notice that Li Xiaogang was still standing aside, but now that he came back to his senses, he felt that he was such a dignified General of the Warring States Period, and he pretended to complain and said: “Mia, look at you Little ghost, why is it like a farewell to life and death, you have to go and come back, cooperate with Li Xiaogang, and don't think about it!"

Mia and Li Xiaogang knew very well that the mysterious person might be from the fairy world. No matter what, this was the only clue to go to the fairyland. Leaving the planet Najib and returning to the fairyland is their biggest goal now, but it is hard to say clearly , Mia said ambiguously: "No matter what, Grandpa Monterey, you have to take good care of yourself, I am not from the planet Najib, I have my own home, but no matter where I am, I will be fine, please Don't worry, you and Sister Latti and Newcastle will live happily together."

Monterey is not a fool either. Although he is not sure where Mia came from, she comes from an extraordinary background, and she will not stay by his side forever. Seeing that Mia did not intend to tell the truth, and it is not convenient for him to ask, he decided to Sighing, he forced a smile and said, "Grandpa understands everything, I only hope that we will meet again one day."

Mia nodded and hugged Monterey tightly. Although her heart was surging, she did not shed a single tear. Going home was her long-cherished wish, and she had waited too long for a moment.

Li Xiaogang looked at the sky and said: "It's getting late, let's set off quickly. If we wait too long, I'm afraid the mysterious person will become suspicious, and then he will be too passive!" The mysterious person is strong or weak, No one knows, after all, it is the power from the fairy world, Li Xiaogang thinks it is more appropriate to be more cautious.

Monterey nodded and said: "I have asked Xiao Ke to drive my fighter plane over, and then Mia and I will drive directly to the clock tower."

Li Xiaogang took a look, and there was indeed a black and blue fighter plane parked majesticly not far away, with a very extraordinary bearing, and said: "Well, as for me, I will naturally follow you quietly. When the time comes, you will send Mia to the clock tower and leave." , and leave the rest to me.”

After several people made an agreement, Monterey drove Mia towards the clock tower in a fighter plane, and Li Xiaogang also smiled faintly, turning into a thin purple light and following behind, not lagging behind at all.

After arriving at the location, since the bell tower was relatively small, there was no suitable parking place, so Monterey put down a ladder and asked Mia to follow the ladder to the bell tower by herself.Of course, before leaving, Monterey gave another warning.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I'll be fine! You must take care." Mia said simply, and followed the ladder to the top of the bell tower.

Seeing Mia's disappearing figure, Monterey just wished silently in his heart. In order not to delay the important event, he also gritted his teeth and left Mia alone on the bell tower, then turned around and drove the fighter plane out of sight. outside.But the purple smoke that followed behind quietly stayed behind.

After arriving at the bell tower, Mia found that there was no one there. When she looked around, an old voice suddenly sounded from the empty bell tower, saying, "Miaoxin, I kept you waiting."

Mia turned her head and looked forward following the sound, only to see a person wearing a huge black cloak, she couldn't see what it looked like at all.

"Who are you, why do you call me Miao Xin?" Mia asked with a frown.For some reason, there was no fear in my heart.

"Haha, what is a person's name? Is there a reason? You are called Miaoxin, so I call you Miaoxin." The old voice teased, but the words he said were not at all like the thinking of an eighty-year-old man, but more like It's like a child bickering.

"My name is Mia, but you call me Miaoxin, shouldn't I ask why? Besides, who are you?" Mia tilted her head and said with a smile, feeling that this mysterious person was not as complicated as imagined.

But the mysterious man in the black cloak didn't answer Mia's question, but walked towards Mia straight and quickly. Mia didn't expect him to take action so quickly, her heart jumped wildly, and said, "Come here!" What are you doing? You haven't answered my question yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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